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1. If the indeterminate error in weighing on a laboratory balance is 0.003 g, what size

sample should you take to keep the relative error to 1.0%?
ANSWER: 0.30 g of sample

1 part in weight
total parts in weight
0.0030 g

100 X g of Sample

1.0% Relative error

X 0.30 of sample

2. A device used for measuring mass is called balance.

3. A device used to measure density is called hydrometer.
4. The ration of the density of the test liquid to the density of a reference liquid is called
specific gravity.
5. The SI unit of temperature is Kelvin.
6. Classify the following changes in properties
1. water melts at 0C
2. iron rusts
3. maple syrup is
4. paper burns
5. magnesium dissolves
6. in a boiled egg
7. glass heated
8. yellow sulfur


7. The ratio of the constant variability to the actual measurement is called


relative error.

How many grams are there in 1 oz?

ANSWER: 28.4 g
Unit Conversions: No. 21 oz gram


The average man requires 8400 kJ of energy per day. How many pounds of
carbohydrates at 16.74 kJ/g must be consumed to obtain that energy?
ANSWER: 1.11 lb/day
Unit Conversion: No. 23 lb kg

10. Thermometer glass has a heat capacity of 0.84 J/g C. how much heat in joules would be
required to raise the temperature of a 100-g thermometer 100 C?
ANSWER: 8.4 kJ

11. The mass that enters into a chemical reaction remains the unchanged as a result of the
reaction. In precise form: mass is neither created nor destroyed. This is known as the law
of conversation of mass.
12. The elements that a compound is composed of are present in fixed and precise
proportion by mass. This is known as the law of constant composition.
13. When the same elements can form two different compounds, the ratio of masses of one
of the elements in the two compounds is a small whole number relative to a given mass
of the other element. This is known as the law of multiple proportions.
14. The mass of an atom is the sum of protons and neutrons.
15. Calculate the mass to the nearest atomic-mass unit of an atom which contains 9 protons
and 10 neutrons.
ANSWER: 19 amu
16. The number of photons in the nucleus is called atomic number.
17. The measure of the resistance of an object to a changed in its state of motion is called
18. Refers to the agreement of a particular value with the true value.
ANSWER: accuracy
19. Refers to the degree of agreement among several measurements of the same quantity.
ANSWER: precision
20. A property of matter that is often used by chemist as an identification tag for a
ANSWER: density
21. Protons and neutrons can be broken down further into elementary particles called
22. The principle of the constant composition of compounds, originally called Prousts Law
is now known as the law of definite proportion.
23. The mass of an alpha particle is how many times more than that of the electron?
ANSWER: 7300 times
24. Atoms with the same number of protons but different number of neutrons are called
25. The forces that hold atoms together are called chemical bond.
26. An atom or group of atoms that has a net positive or negative charge is called an ion.
27. A positive ion is called cation.
28. A negative ion is called anion.
29. The force of attraction between oppositely charged ions is called ionic bonding.
30. The horizontal arrangement of elements of increasing atomic number in a periodic table
is called period.

31. The vertical arrangement of elements in the periodic table is called group.
32. Element 22 is called titanium.
33. A symbolic representation to emphasize the valence shell of an atom is called electron
dot diagram.
34. In electron dot diagram nucleus and the inner shell electrons are represented by the
elements symbol, and dots around it represents the valence electrons.
35. Describe the spatial orientation of an s orbital.
ANSWER: spherically symmetric
36. For which elements do the number of electrons in their outer or valence shell correspond
to their group number?
ANSWER: representative or main group
37. What is the maximum number of electrons that can fit into a p orbital?
ANSWER: 6 electrons
38. Atoms or ions which have the same electronic configuration.
ANSWER: isoelectronic
39. Which group of the periodic table is known as the alkali metals?
*39. Which group of the periodic table is known as the halogens?
40. Which group of the periodic table is known as the alkaline earths?
41. Which group of the periodic table is known as the noble gases?
42. What is the Lewis structure of carbon monoxide?
43. What kind of chemical bond will form in binary compounds where the electronegativity
difference between atoms is greater than 2.0?
ANSWER: Ionic Bond
44. What kind of chemical bond will form in binary compounds where the electronegativity
difference between atoms is less than 1.5?
ANSWER: Covalent Bond
45. What is the difference between vitamin B1 obtained from yeast, and vitamin B1 obtained
by synthesis?
ANSWER: No difference
46. Which of the following designation means that the amount of solute is expressed in
physical mass units, i.e., grams, and the amount of solution (not solvent) is expressed in
volume units, i.e., milliliters?
A. v/v
B. w/w
C. w/v *
D. v/w

47. Calculate the number of moles in 0.85 g of sucrose, C12H22O11?

ANSWER: 2.5 x 10-3 mol
48. The percent composition of glucose is the following: carbon, 40%; hydrogen, 6.714%;
oxygen, 53.29%. Determine the correct molecular formula of glucose. The molecular
mass of glucose is 180.
49. By chemical analysis, an oxide of copper was found to be 88.81% Cu and 11.19% O.
Determine its empirical formula.
50. The empirical formula of glycerin is C3H8O3. Determine the percent concentration of
ANSWER: 39.13%
51. In oxidation-reduction or redox reactions, the component supplying the electrons is called
the reducing agent or the reductant.
52. In oxidation-reduction or redox reactions, the component receiving the electrons is called
the oxidizing agent or oxidant.
53. A covalent bond formed by the combination of collinear p orbitals is also called a sigma
54. The tendency of atoms to attract electrons into their valence shells to form anions is
described by the concept of electron affinity.
55. The tendency of an atom to attract electrons shared in a covalent bond is called
56. A covalent bond between atoms of identical electronegativity is called nonpolar.
57. A formula which describes only the numbers of each element in the molecule is called
molecular formula.
58. The formula that describes how atoms are joined together is called the structural
59. The pairs of electrons not shared in the covalent bond are called nonbonded electrons
or lone pairs.
60. The newly formed covalent bond created from a lone pair contributed by the central atom
is known as a coordinate covalent bond.
61. VSEPR stands for Valence-shell electron-pair repulsion.
62. The most stable elements are the noble gases.
63. What is chemical bond?
ANSWER: A chemical bond is a force which holds a group of atoms (at least two)
together so as to form an electrically neutral aggregate.
64. What is octet rule?
ANSWER: The octet rule states that elements achieve maximum stability when
their outer (valence) shell contains eight (an octet) of electrons.

*64. Compounds which contain only carbon and hydrogen are called hydrocarbons
65. An organic compound containing an OH Group is called an alcohol.
66. The number 6.02205x1023 is called the Avogadros Number (in honor of Amadeo
67. Types of Reactions:
o Combination reaction when two components react to form one new
o Decomposition reaction when a reactant decomposes to its component parts
o Displacement reaction when one of the reactants displaces one of the
components of another reactant.
68. The components resulting from the reactions are called products.
69. The property of liquid which describes their resistance to flow is called viscosity.
70. The anions and cations which are unaffected by the reaction in solution are called
spectator ions.
71. A reaction in which heat is produced is called exothermic.
72. A reaction in which heat is absorbed is called endothermic.
73. If the number of gas molecule is doubled in a certain volume of gas the pressure
A. is decreased to half
C. is doubled *
B. is increased to four times
D. remains unchanged
74. The numerical value for standard pressure of any gas
A. 76 mm Hg
C. 760 cm Hg
B. 760 mm Hg *
D. 7.6 cm Hg
75. Any process extracting the metal in a fused state is called
A. Calcination
C. Roasting
B. Smelting *
D. Froth flotation process
76. The condition under which the stress is constant or uniform is known as simple stress.
77. Stress caused by forces acting along or parallel to the area resisting the forces is known
as shearing stress.
78. Shearing stress is also known as tangential stress.
79. Stress caused by forces perpendicular to the areas on which they act is called normal
80. What type of stress is produced whenever the applied load cause one section of a body
to tend to slide past its adjacent section?
A. normal stress
C. sliding stress
B. shearing stress *
D. bearing stress
81. The actual stress that the material has when under load is called working stress.

82. The maximum safe stress a material may carry is called allowable stress.
83. The highest ordinate on the stress-strain curve is called ultimate stress or ultimate
84. The stress beyond which the material will not return to its original shape when unloaded
is called elastic limit.
85. The point on the stress-strain diagram at which there is an appreciable elongation or
yielding of the material without any corresponding increase of load is called yield point.
86. The moment produced by two equal and opposite and collinear forces is known as a
87. It describes the length elasticity of the material.
ANSWER: Youngs Modulus or tensile modulus
88. It describes the volume elasticity of the material.
ANSWER: Bulk Modulus
89. The reciprocal of bulk modulus is
ANSWER: compressibility
90. It describes the shape elasticity of the material
ANSWER: shear modulus
91. The fractional deformation resulting from a stress.
ANSWER: strain
92. A closed system is also known as control mass.
93. A closed system wherein even energy is not allowed to cross the boundary is called an
isolated system.
94. An open system is also known as control volume.
95. The boundary of a control volume system is called a control surface.
96. Mass per unit volume is density.
97. The ratio of the density of a substance to the density of some standard substance at a
specified temperature is called specific gravity or relative density.
98. The reciprocal of density (i.e. volume per unit mass) is called specific volume.
99. Properties that are independent of the size of the system, such as temperature, pressure,
and density are called intensive properties.

Properties that are dependent on the size or extent of the system such as mass,
volume, and total energy are called extensive properties.


Extensive properties per unit mass are specific properties.


A system is in thermal equilibrium if the temperature is the same throughout the

entire system.


A system is in mechanical equilibrium if there no charge in pressure at any

point of the system with time.


A system is in phase equilibrium when the mass of each phase reaches an

equilibrium level and stays there.


A system is in chemical equilibrium if its chemical composition does not change

with time (i.e. no chemical reactions occur).


Any change that a system undergoes from equilibrium state to another is called a


A series of states through which a system passes during a process is called the
path of the process.


When a process proceeds in such a manner that the system remains

infinitesimally close to an equilibrium state at all times, it is called a quasi-static
or quasi-equilibrium process.


A process during which,


The temperature T remains constant is called ISOTHERMAL

The pressure P remains constant is called ISOBARIC
The specific volume V remains constant is called ISOMETRIC,

A process during which a fluid flows through a control volume steadily is called
steady-flow process.

111.The term energy was coined by Thomas Young in 1807.


The energy that a system possesses as a result of its motion relative to some
reference frame is called kinetic energy.


The energy that a system possesses as a result of its elevation in a gravitational

field is called potential energy.


The first thermodynamics textbook was written by William Rankine in 1859.


Some Physical insight to Internal Energy:

translational kinetic energy energy associated with velocity
rotational kinetic energy energy associated with rotation
vibrational kinetic energy energy associated with vibrations
spin energy energy associated with spinning motion
latent energy energy associated with phase of a system
chemical energy internal energy associated with atomic bonds in a
nuclear energy energy associated with the strong bonds within the
nucleus of the atom


The zeroth law of thermodynamics states that if two bodies are in thermal
equilibrium with a third body, they are also in thermal equilibrium with each other.


Pressure below atmospheric pressure is called vacuum pressures.


The pressure applied to a confined fluid increases the pressure throughout by the
same amount. This is known as Pascals Principle.


A device used to measure small and moderate pressure differences is called



Atmospheric pressure is measured by a device called barometer.


The pressure relative to absolute vacuum is called absolute pressure.


The difference between the absolute pressure and the local atmospheric
pressure is called the gage pressure.


A liquid that is about to vaporize is called a saturated liquid.


A vapor that is about to condense is called saturated vapor.


A vapor that is not about to condense is called superheated vapor.


At a given pressure, the temperature at which pure substance changes phase is

called saturation temperature.


At a given temperature, the pressure at which a pure substance changes phase

is called saturation pressure.


The amount of energy absorbed during melting and is equivalent to the amount
of energy released during freezing is called latent heat of fusion.
For Water:


L = 80 cal/gm or 333.7 kJ/kg

The amount of energy absorbed during vaporization and is equivalent to the

amount of energy released during condensation is called latent heat of
For Water:

L = 540 cal/gm or 2257.1 kJ/kg


A process during which there is no heat transfer is called adiabatic process.


A process during which the entropy remains constant is called an isentropic



The transfer of energy from the more energetic particles of a substance to the
adjacent less energetic ones as a result of interaction between particles is called


The transfer of energy between a solid surface and the adjacent fluid that is in
motion and it involves the combined effects of conduction and fluid motion is
called convection.


The transfer of energy due to the emission of electromagnetic waves (or

photons) is called radiation.


The area under the process curve on a P-V diagram represents the boundary


During actual expansion and compression process of gases, pressure and

volume are often related by PVn=C, where n and C are constants. A process of
this kind is called polytropic process.


The idealized surface that emits radiation at a maximum rate is called a



In what form can energy cross the boundaries of a closed system?

ANSWER: heat


A device that increases the velocity of a fluid at the expense of pressure is called


A device that increases the pressure of a fluid by slowing it down is called



Throttling valves are devices that cause large pressure drops in the fluid.


A throttling valve is sometimes called an isenthalpic device.


Heat exchangers are devices where two moving fluid streams exchange heat
without mixing.


The area under the process curve on a T-S diagram represents heat transfer.


An isentropic process on a T-s diagram is easily recognized as a vertical line



The h-s diagram is also called a Mollier diagram.


A pure substance at absolute zero temperature is in perfect order, and its entropy
is zero. This is known as the third law of thermodynamics.

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