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Andrew Bradshaw III

UWRT 1103
Prof. Raymond
23 July 2015
Week Four: Daily Writings #13
I vividly remember the first time a non-preacher speaker actually spoke to me. I
purposely omit preachers because they have a weekly job to speak to peoples lives. This
particular speaker I mention was a 25 year old consultant of Fortune 500 companies and had an
air about him that was very arrogant and immediately I tuned him out. He soon caught my
attention because, of course, he was public speaker and his story was unbelievable. After the
presentation, he looked to the group and asked,
Any questions?
And no one raised their hand. So I decided to just for the fun of it and he looked at me
and smiled. He asked my name and my high school and then handed me a twenty dollar bill. I
soon asked him another question and he handed me another twenty dollar bill. At this point I
was on a roll and by the time I walked out the auditorium with sixty dollars in my pocket. Moral
of the story; engage multi-millionaires until they decide to invest in you.

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