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eae EPEC aa Meat DL are LUE Ge Let Ler EEE LUE TE tal Ine MU Ce cg Uc DUES EU EU UU RCO ULC EL UM aah el GOR TUL Te See Sic aE Ging Ranh Oe a Pee ison cee Le SE Me gir ns eT el eee} POEUN rece CUM ae TUL LenS AE IEP Wee a Maes Ua eI Bie leita) toed C. (Bhopal’Gorakhpur) Group ‘O° Exam., 14° §,$.¢. Combined Graduate Level (Tier-!) Exam, 14 jence Buresu Security Assistant (Executive) Exam., 14 Delhi Postman/Mailguard Exam.. 14 s(ndo-Tibetan Border Police Force Tradest 4° BPS Bank Clerk Common Written Exam. 14, State Bank of India GU PKAR'S STATE BANK OFFICERS PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION Main Exam. Other Useful Books PROBATIONARY / Cade 2358 ro PROBATIONARY ‘OFFICERS. Proliieary Examination == om “3 ie Gade 1880 TE. Code 2382 E515 Code 465 Ik Gadde 1385 Enid se Weesi (BH prcsum «fie ath 2505166 Hyaiad OETSSTON « Pvt 2673540 « Melhate 2SEG ISH « Unckrow 4909000 tl Quene Biesans Mh manic PRACTICE 5 MARKETING patie Knowle 7 esa ieee) ee Pd sp Burrans 7 ae 7 COMPUTER pie ' eh se Cou TN ERS. Gade t71G WW Code TENSE waL Cove 18e 770 i UPKAR 2711 A, Smadachl Bina Nagar, Agra-282 C02, Ph, : 4053395, 2RS0068, 2591101) Fan | (5&2) 4053350 Subscription Rates Success Mirror One Copy 2 aot One Year By Ordinary Post z S1h Two Years By Ordinary Post ¢ S90! By Registered Post ¢ 540) | By Registered Post 7 1080v- | © Posse eond your moenbiratip | fee by Mansy Order ot Bank | Dia only. Ghieques wif rot | accepted H fre your ecorass cay aloo | infec the manth (frm which | anRR to wich Moth ee wile | youre elaredry labs Our Gate | fore: ' @ Cidcustornars should invariably | vw their ustorser namie, | Money Grdfer ot Bank Dratterdy | in the name af ‘Pratlyogita » Dorpan’ willbe exceed, | ‘Order Form | want to beaeme a yearlyiiwe | ‘yaarly regular custerar. Please | ‘Sano my Copy Of the magazine an | ‘he talowing acres: ; Herne, Aeidvess, Pin Code lam snnding Money Grdexank Dial tor Fi wo PRATIYOGITA DARPAN 201A, Suadaehi Bima Magar, AGRA Phone: a0S503 aSvO0Es, 2581101 Fk 5 (RE) ADK, CTBT f Inspiring Quotations “There are na secrets to suenees. W is the result of preparation, hard or Heating ror aha.” Few mings wear cut; most mst out “Shunghh of minds exeeciee, not reat” “String for suconss wincut hard wore is lise trying c harvast whore you havent! planted” “Success the sum of small efieds, repented chy in and day cu” A lol of us would tke to mave maurdalns, tut fom af ws are mulling to bractice on ert Hills” “The joumay ots thousand miles starts wih a singh slap" S's not thet rm oe siren its just het | stay with prablems longer” “The Deal way 10 finish an unpieawant task i to gut started * “Don't wait, The times will newer be jut right” “You may nawar know whal rasulis come cf your aclion, bul you do sot there wll be cert.” “Guscess seams fe be connacled vein Acton, SuccRastul pana kaa fending. They makes mishekins, ut Beyy et qui” “Frocrastnatian isthe: thint of timo" “The Fheat peirtul thing ta experience i Rel delet bu regrat” “Tough times newer last, but tough peumle do" “Doub whan youll, Bul aver doubt yoursest™ “Forget past mislakes. Forget talures, Forget everything exasat what you're going to-do now ancl do Ik” "You're never a lezee il you quit trying” “Newer give in. Hewar: Never. Mever. Never.” Make the most of yoursall, tex th ix al thre ig for you” “Hla canred become What we meEd fa be by remaining what we are” “Live as if you mere tn die tomorrow. Leam as # you were fe tve forever” “Wyou love what you do, you will mever work anther day in your Ee “Laam someming new every day trvier The sun, You will never got cid it youds™ “two did all the things: we ware capable ct doing, we would itera 2s ound cureoivas.” With il ove ran do iything, “Barrel Silas.” “Yau carmict plough a ial by turning it guar in your rid, * “Wathing great was ever achieved without endiusiem." “Kramaingyis mot enaugh| wa mus? apy Witing is he erwaughh we mut i “ihn your dass are strong enough you wil appear to posskss super= human powers bp achieve “Te takes half your lis betore you riscounr te x & do-t-yoursal projet” “Do et look Tor apcrowal exceot for the conecisueness of doing your best" The vl to succes Impex, Bu ts rare imparts tne HA prepare." “Yau can always became bation” “Dar'trun from a challenge. Instead run toward il bersuze the only arsy to escape fear is te trample i beneath your tect “Aa long a you're going lo be thinking emywny, think big.” “you want to achieve excellence, you ean get tare today: As of tis sevand, quil dor lassrthanrssioallent work.” “Opmoriunity is misued by roel pecrile becauwe il ie dresied ia overall and toaks tka wat” 4 Success ror ¢ June 3018 ‘Wot uot fiero] meno her aie ‘= REGISTERED Oe 21-4, Sands Blea Hage Ign ED sm EDITOREAL OFFICE 7 tae ark Goto ‘Opp. Yan Chee me At Bye pass, RAS, TSIVIOT, PINON, 28 a (0562) 4031870, aS E BRANCH OFFICES ‘esti $46, fesae Rod Daryigan| Rew Gel_110 Ie Tal Gta) FOR5 1684, 700518 ata 28, Chowdhary Lane ‘bye Baga, rar Mita Saline Ute Ro. idlata=708 60 “a: Jean) ENG MS OOSSSE515 Nydershot 1-3-178 A, Camples (Worn Samrat xm Eer at ferme 0d Te: Yoe0) aS Ma ssa tears ates Pienetaai Chow, adanrbean Patss-300 903 Bi tein aera MS suIaTTE tues 4-33, Bland Sqr angst Taal Sad Laon ‘esata, Lachrow—270 OS Tal: 6623) 4103008 MA Sosrastai tis 1 its ered prt fe Magna ay a rigendaced, eed in asthe re oe pera ary Io 3p resre,ecboalh Mesto, Proceing, heardre ot atereat, ‘bed tat pete ot Bs ante Wee eer a as Reet aa fa enaiee acomay of de iui ebitad nina eden ethan cher eye fete accel exec ty (ory crore rma detent care te ad a uaned vo the aba: seompstht Oy 3 oh atineendl ood eceray sarged owege. Rl 8 eager iy oer any gb felaeimg Bie rafetial Cassese ime zener reenter rms acca Ne ants a 2 rote ne adeecuarnnt bed agutee, 6 To Our Readers Bb Piet Ing vi Tint en Editorial + rier Mine onoremed ten tage! 9 Current General | SeRape New Grow Pe of Sauat nowledge + MAGA s Messenger Sasemah Ents Ki dee i HMeroury Wasser Braet 16 Economic and 7 anand Catena Hae Pepal nc Business Capsule P Sport-Sporter © Moody's Reriaed Indie Cutook ta Fondo f 9 tidak Famakps Tate (retina mats * Lok Sabha Penses GST Sonstttonal Ansa teal eda ot 30th love in Gloal Netwethe = Resgsireee incie20 15 23 National Affairs * Relay Wise Spantsn raed Pes 2015 Jens Trot Tose: rer er eta Riley: | Cina Hockey tin ‘Wanats Mitral Drariganrelp 2015 (oven 8 ‘+ Medoy Charms WSC Weel Mash Py Ine y Marry es Mie Oa * Lin Die aed Inq Us Batre * indion Novy Launches New Stasth Ani Chamornaa, 2015 cacy Veakincctra I in . worth Remembering Pests. een dems Pouce tah Mec Bi Stoves Manu Absit * Fron Mecisine Scheme Niamaya: avis eeeeieenrt Ceamenuscatines Artic * Union Goverment Hellas Halon Just = a 38) A Bric? Analysts of Net Neutral apcamenints Conerians BLIACY inthe Present Comiext . nee eta tS —Perssaulity Develapamcnt Sonesta 99) Mental Cua Bliss 27 International Affairs Contemporary lterctinal aii ‘Sino-Pak Relation © XT Finping’s Visit Israel “One Again Netanyahu ‘The United States of Amenica and Menecucs | NossDiving Relations 21 Exphaymenn Opportunities Solved Papers_ Railway Recruitment Cell (Bhopal) Group ‘D’ Exam. 2014 a Railway Recruitment Cell (Gorakhpur) Group ‘D'Exam. 2014 43 SSC Combined Graduate Level (Tre Exam, 2044 55 jones Bureau Security Azsistant (Executive) Exam. 2004 PT Delhi Pastman’Mall Guard Exam. 2014 79 Inda-Tibetan Border Police Force Tradesman Exam. 2014 aS BPS Barik Clerk Corniiior Written Exarnlisation, 2074 Reasoning a8 English Language 3 Numerical Ability ar General Knowledge 101 Computer Knowledge 404 Femtheaming Air Fores (Group “¥") Examination Sobved Maciel Paper sa? Forthcoming State Bank of India Probationary Officers Pre. Examination Solved Mode! Paper 10 Dear Readers, Tt gives us immense pleasure and salisfaction while preseming to you the June issue of your extcened auugarine "Success Mirror.” This isuc has been made extremely useful for forthcoming | yanious competitive examinations and also for useful reading. Although, tbe contents of this magazine have alwayx been exam-oriented, yet more efforts hax been made to make important sectionx of this issue more useful and qiuch worthy. Ax always iL happens, question papers {rom Yarsolls compelifive examinations are fully solved with explanations and proper hints, wherever inceded We keep in touch with our readers to know and mect their requirements, their suggestions tor improvement and changes to be brought in presentation and contents of Various competitive exansinae tions “Success Mirror’ provides you the best guidance and reading material. [t wea ake the best use of iin any competiive examination for an aleclule succens. Wilh best wishes for your gloriems success and bright future years Mab uple you to ada Jain itor) 7 ) Sharan Rovest Gnas Pretininary Ev Ahoy 33 Shark 27, Bianca (hatey 333, Chai Pre-Pulyevin To, 2015 Ate 33) saginh Pre-DiB, Enrancee Exim, 2015 hay 28) etal Revel tat tna Cae Balla Vp i feeeuse VE cay 29-307 ads Civil Bake Preliminary Ex eley Mathys Prades Disrict Marin CHficer Ean thes 31) Matha Prades Pars Me af hey 317 Lola Pradesh Subordinate Services Selestion (totey 301 State i of Ueda Probatnary Cicer: Pe ne) Chhatizxgark PSC Stay Services Preliminary Exam. 2013 ‘ave 7) Tevwadie Phaiabaya Vaky day Ettanc Exar ination (Ft Css 1X) Eng coming live Exams slessim Test (TNTST) a Pro-Nlursing Selecsion Test (PNET, 2015) Madhya Pradesh PSX°. Stote Emginoering Services (Pye.) Exum 201d Lietaraleand B Ra. Entrance Exiam,.2018 (Hemust) Nandan Bahugen University, Sima feartewaty Bihar Sts Power (Hiking) Ca. Lid. Meter Ressler xaun (une 14 15) Ohuhine Closing Dave ¢ 22 Mu Forth gp Competi ub-Ingpactoe ind Assistint Sub-Inepster in CSP Exam httinaih Pre. Bd. Han, 203 UGC-NETPMEF xin, dune 3015) Mathys Pradesh Bri UPS. Centr Arined Police Foret (Ast (Maly 121 MP. PS. Slut: Forest Services Fuali..2114 pang. 2 3) BSNL. Mangement Trainees Telecom Opentions'Telecam [ ‘Chobine Closing: Date ¢ [4 Jone, 2015) SS° Combined Graimie Level Exarn. 2005 fTiect 4Ombine Chong Date : 28 May 205) (Am enc Bun. 0S Oubine Chast D f EI8E, FTBE, SSE, NLS ut 8 ‘ 218 (Huly 137 224 Magy 20LS iflewaan in yo) Suseess Mirror © June 3003 1 ig sald that you see the world invough the seesctacies eu ea. He a tact that everyone has his own ewe of Oe and the world becaeise De As Dorr iit certain Inada characteristics which work as hig spectacles, dosoring io the students of peychelady, the polit of view of 3 person fe the recall of actors of the environment and circumstances. In which he fe Down and Beeught uo. A these things go ie mabe his or her character, which promas a perEOn io Dethawe ie es cartashy mare A thee socinly. Every word avd action of the parse is the epilection of bis per sonaly which ie made wo oF hie inborn lendercies arid Me vanes, Mle exppct others (9 behave with Ue An a manner ge we Try iB behgve wth thom, Whatever we hear oF read about the people in generat is ot -generady i tune wily our expects toms and hopes. Thus, we get info a iica¥ stuarion created by our inner set and outer world) The reat as that we ny our bes! io get out of this lenenviatts situadion. For tis we tae advioe of genior persons and bewke cand af limes also we pray te God to foto us, We come scrone a gros of itch persons as ioe! saittied with their oeumaianoes. One such person sid why thy fe exach ments! peace, go with the stream of bie and our mental oanings wil ehow the way through becouse chat is my destiny. My disconionimant and officutt situa tions seem fp be my destiny and they give me the necessary inspiration to face tte and its aitficulies. Thay emohaitcay sey that even mertat conditions keep me Stew from lear and diffidence. fam futly iewolrad ir my present Me and at tre same the ‘eed Aa of energy. Lr ibis coment they ‘Nea 10 quot Baniamin Oisraet in sunort at what thay foo! “Hie are not creatures of citcumsiamces, bur we are creators of circumstances.” Be that ae may, oor viewpoir fs of happiness and abundance then wo shal Sop Ihe sae gverymare in Me anc eweryiting wil be wralacome io us. As Lord Maviroya has said, the world Is cur creation, as we fect inside 20 we see outside. Qur ming is the creater of rhe wavid. The question anses whather we can make other ie puree in our viewpoint, ess Mirror «June 2015/2 2 ee The viewpoint of a person is formed menial circumstances. His way of tite is moulded by ihis viewpoint. As said by wise men our world is 4 creation af aur mind. We should develop a healthy and happy altitude and then by coming in contact with other persons we will change our viewpoint. Values of fife will mean everything lo us. to Ais emviron- This question seems supertiices DecaUse we ate always axananging iewer os we are always meted i the sain! bohavieur. Every shought, word and action of cars iS ratiaction of uF nena canetions and mice what type of behaviour we expect fram the socisyy, Thevesora, the ques Tift of making eohers pastimes in aut viewpoint does na! arise 2s the parinershin (5 ates the. We are atten under the inuence Of past experiences DUT a we move 1 the society and ate laced with the eas of ather people, our way of ‘taking conmnues to change. We take the te ot a Te yee cold fad who. whan eight pears ot, was often modwated by Ris eksars Ame seniors and he had developed a Denvanied viewpoint. But Oy mexing with dilleren? tyses of peop and Jmnpioing thea ideas he: is attogathar a ‘changed person and feels quite shangy ant tree anc his te As uN at ‘Rogpiness and hiorty. fo a wey fre is giving @ sew mous to hie past experiences ond Fring Mer ie ‘ahagerhor aittoren! ways. We us att Th fier new way of Ne created ty ohana i ha vier Al af us at one time oF the other Jravce hel the experience at dejection and desaair, Tha most important Tig i at we cee wih cor ecxcevt once, ‘80 wo iy (0 project thal expan: ences for moulging-our future Ate at do we make etfoms to make new pra gramme of fis on the baste of these new experiences. Ta form @ new paint at view of te scene seaple have advice! this woy—urie your pas! experiences fRonsstiy 37 than DUM the papEes 0 Writer, Aton Tat We Dost expe riences of other peapie anc tery bute these paners also or destroy those acer fo other way, OF this wy oe ermeriences anid ideas wail be fully washediout ond your will proceed wih S-oksan state, Mat fe, awe ne Kae cana vals Wile doing wo, be ro funy and wriic and develop mew deve Nonesety, Thus, you Hi De bse lo fave a few drean of your fulure ite. You will fool that 2 mew and healthy charge coring in pour Be The more you wail the ioe of alher persons, the mone and better change fs silently craig fo your Me Formerly you evakiated 2 person in jonms a’ money force) but now you eluate the person visu ie ‘raves. Discsrding our oun olf Wess and those of altrers, we reach singe whore wee ane cantranied with an ary 0 traah and pgatiive kisag which ane ff sieving worth, ideas wich partake: fof muh, goad and dese, This tio fe the matty compomer! of higher wales of We. He reach this stage of ‘higher or enmabling vaies of ie 9 we ‘reowad fn a nose, cadeated and ttl take tu tothe dosed goal The fs thes ressec why wes sPould Bre ff conscious search Yor uh ard that of enightemed qursuat of the Mrigher valves af ie RANKED DARPAN ? ANKED NO. AMONG ALL ENGLISH LANGUAGE MAGAZINES IN INDIA Thank You 1 ie Fendechipams— Seaderiyp 2014 pan fala (lad) 6-69 “ves alee ecetheEeea EAA -atiyogita Darpam-English indi + Sucress Mirror-English i =" IES « (>) PAUL Un cg Acronym/Abbreviation | ANCA — Advanced Medium Com bat Alrorstt CAPART—Counol tor Advance: ment of Peaple's Acton and Fursl Technology JEPOA— Joint Comprebersive Plan of Action NCG—National Missian tor Clean Gangs ODF—Dpen Detecatian Free SPI Savis! Progress Inox Appointments/ Elections Pratul Patel Elected AFG Vice President Franul Fatal, the: Presi¢ent at All Inis Foutbell Federation was unin mousiy elected the View President of tha Asian Faotvall Contederatian’s SAFF feginn ot the AFG Congress held in Bahrain an April 30, 2018. The Sevehooment gives India 3 significant representation m1 the AFC ond Mt Pavel thanked all member associa: tiers tor tinging hien ‘competent enna ght Magan Lal Meena Appointed Director General of CAPART Modest Lal Mewna, 8 188-netch JAS officer of Wet Bengal cadre wae sn May 6, 2085 anpainied as Sire: toe-Genersl of Council for Advance ment o| Peosle'® Action and ural ‘Tachnolagy [GAPART), The Cabinet Comenittes of Anpoiniment gave Fe od to Mr. Meena: name a= OG of CAPART in the pay scale of Addition nal Secretary. Priat te this appoin:- ment, Mens was serving as Deputy Director General ct APART, an suconomous body working under the 3 of Fura) Development Ministry. ess Mirror @ June 215 at ‘Surender Singh Assumes Char- ‘g¢ a8 CISF Chief Surender Singh, 2 1880 botch IPS officer ot Wiest Bengal cadre gemumed change a the naw Director General of Central Indusrisl Security Force on May 1. 2015, roplacng Arvind Ranjan who retired 2 day earlet, The Appoirimestts Commitee cof Cabinet (ACE) chaired! by Prime Minister Nerendra: Modi cleared the nana | Surender Singh for toe post of CIBF, the central paraeniftary force ‘which iy gasigned to protec: the ct aimerte, key historical monumenis and other government offices and Indust! centres. Prior 10 8 apeoin- ted us the CISF Ghiel, Surender ‘Singh was sorving as. Special Dieoc sarin the Inioligertse Burcea 1). ‘Achal Kumar Jyoti ‘chal Kumar Jyoti was appancod ‘he Election Cammissianer on May! 7, 2016, filing one of the two varsncies in the shtos-member body. Mr. Jyoti ‘will have a tenure of nearly three ‘yours Wahen he il aM The age at 88, the retirement age of an EC. An EG ora GEG naw e tenure of shy years in office oF tH Ne af she attains the age of 65 years whichower ts carer. Mt. Achal Kumar hag o66n she Grit Secretary of Gujarat dung the tenure ot Narendra Modi as the Chiet Minister of the stane, Mr, Achal nas iso served 88 the chaimnan of the Kans Port Trust between 1899 and 2004 ané Managng Girector of the ‘Sanda Seiniesr Namrata Nigaen Ltd Rojan S. Kstoch Gets Three- Month Extension ‘The Centre governement ot May 6, 2015 gave enother three-month gxtension in tenure to senior IAS Fist S, Katoch as the Chet of the Enforcement Directorate, Kaloch i handing the ED charge in an addi: Hronal capacity sines August 2014 aller Fee wars sppubnied Hes Indu Cs Mer ey i) : thes Secretary. Ha wa also asked to hal the ED Director charge till Jarusry 2018 after which be we given the first extansian an the post Wh Apel 0 Kamath Named Head of BRICS Bank Noted banker KV. Kamath of Inia was on May 11, 2015 appara the frst President ot § 100 bilion New Clevelatenent Bank, also known as che BRICS Bunk 3 ‘mulifsteralirtitution setup by BRES $Braz¥, Fuzeta, Inds, ‘Chins and South Africa) natlans to raids infracsrurcture loans ta emerging economies, setting Lup a system on the ines af the Workd Bonk and IMF. India nas conveyed the decision to noxinans We. Katresth tor the BRICS Bonk presidency ia ather BRICS. ariners—Srazil, Alussla, (Ching and South Attics. Mr. Karns five yeor term as the BRICS Bank President ts to be followed by & Brazilian sig then & Runeisn, Mir Kamath, 8 mechanical engi- eet and am MBA thoin prestigious WL Akmedsbod iss Padom Bhushsn awardee. He was ICiCi Bank's head tor 13 yesre snd also hes an eight yeor stint al the Asian Gewelopment Banke He rotred 2s IC3C! Bank's CEO land MDin 2002. At peewent he fs nor ‘executive chairman for IGIC Bank sand also sottwate services company leroey KV Thomas Renominated PAC Chairman Veteran Cones leader and ‘outgoing Chaliman of Paelisrent's Public Acoounis Commitee Ki ‘Thomas hag teen renominated 5 the PAC Chiat tll Apeil 2098 for 3 ‘revond one yes term, Df KV, Kaa ie PAC ts one of the mast important Tiisece commmitens of Parksrent along with the Commitee on Estima: tes and the Comearise an Pulte Un- sectakings Since 1967, the past at the PAC ‘Cheitman hes been held by a eeniat member of the main Opposition aur. The Key Commnitiee examines GAG reporis after shey are tabled in Parlgenant, The BAC, constinuted every year, may consist of nat more than 22 members—15 fram Lok Sabha and iol more shan seven members tm Raye Seba, Members tam Lak Sanna nae tw be sisted 10 the paral wiTe the representatives trom Rajya Sabha |e Nominated. A minster cannat be sa rhemnbeat of PAC. New Governors in Four States Frevident Pranab Mukhetjes et May 12, 2018 appointed new gover Ros in four states—Jlnarenand, Arunwetssl Pradeas, There and Mexghalays. Former Odie Minister Grewpssdl Murmu haz been given the gubsr. natorlal charge at Jnaekhand. J. P Rojhews hse been appainied the Governor of Aninactl Pradech Tathagata Foy, senior BJP feacar ot Wiest Bengal ard member of BUP's national ezacutive became the Gover for of Trpura, ¥. Shanemagensthan i the new Governor of Mex hakays wate Lieutenant General (Rel) Nibhay Shama hss been shied to Mizoram fron Arunachal Pracesh as the Govetnor forthe romaincat of fis term. _harstano Governor Syec Ahmad Nas teen Yahetened 3n6 eponiniee Governor of Manipur tor the reminder of bis term Awards/Honours | Nadal Honoured by Spanish Government Spanish Prime Mister Marana Fisjoy dacoraksd Rtas! Mack. me foureen ¢me Grand Siam Chameien And a tenis graat of aden ara mith a aki medal al a cereneny in Mackid on May 1, 2015 for hig soavmandable ces and achinvemanis sports Chinese President Xi Jinping Gets Pakistan's Top Civilian Awerd—Nishan-e-Pakistan Pakistan conferred its top stan sword ‘Nishorre-Pabuten, on ‘Chinese Pregigent Xi Jinping tor his lirenienes contrBoution to boost China Pak bilateral fies, Pakistan's Presi dent Mamnoon Hussain felicitated ‘Chirssee Prosioant i with the: akan con April 21, 2018 of the President House in ant saad ceremany which wae aTianded by Pak Prine Ministee Moar Shosil, Fede ministers and ‘Chinese delegation Nishare-Pakistan, was extablise hod an March #9, 1957. [ols given by the Goverment of Pakistan for the outstanding service ta the country. President X01 Jinging cama an his maiden tale visit to Pakistan as the Chinese Presiden on Apel 20, 2015. ‘This Is the test weit by a Chinve President to Pokisian afer nine years. Pulitzer Prizes ~ 2015 ‘The 93th Annual Pulitzer Prizes (mv Jaumalicm, Letters, rama and Music were announced on April 20, 2015 at Columbia University im New ‘Yor. Tha Now "fore Times wer 18 Pulitzer Prizes: The NYT Eric Liston ‘ook the prize tor investigative report: Ing on tha iemvance of abeytsts. The Post snd Ccurier in Charkesian, South Gorclina won the coveted award for bibles srviog jourmalisen tor Sinise ligsive sefes on wey Seuth Caraliva js among the deadiest states or wor man in the country. The Pullizer tor biogranéy’ went fo David Kerlzer to “The Pope and Musansini: The Sec- ret History of Pius. XIand the Rise ‘of Fascism in Europe’ List of Pulitzer Prize Winners= ‘2015 Journalism Public Service—The Post and ‘Gourlat. Chameston, 5 Bresking News Reporting— ‘The Seoltle Tines Stall Investigative Reporting —{Tiro Priees) Eris Ligcan of The Mew Fark ‘Timer and The Wall Steet Journal atl Explanatory Reporting —Zactr- ary F. Mider of Bloomberg News Lacal Reporting—Fich Kuznia, Feboana kiinlich and Frank Sura at ‘he Daily Breeze, Torrance, CA National Reporting —Caral 0. Lecernig of Thee Wasshingiom Post Intemational Reporting—The Now York Tires Stat? Fenbure Writing—Diens Marcum sof the Los Angeles Times: Commentary-—Lisa Falkencberg ‘al The Houston Chroniate Critietsm—Mary McNamara ot ‘he Los Angers Times Editorial Writing—Kathleen Kingsbury of The Boston Gite Editorial Carloening— Adam ‘Zygis of The Bullata Merwe Breaking News Photography — St. Lawis Post-Dissatch Phesagraphy Stat Feature Phologrephy—Dwie! Berohulak, treclance photographer, ‘The New York Times Books, Drama and Music Fiction —:All thes Light We Gen= nol See’ by Anthony Doerr Brama—Betanon Fivorside and ‘Crazy’ by Blephen Adly Gulrgis Histary—Encourrers at he Hesr of the World © A History of the Mandan Peapla’ by Elizabeth A. Fane Biography —The Pope sed Mu ‘sooin| ; Tha Secret History of Plun Xx and the Rice of Fersctsm in Europe’ ay David |, Kerter Posty Digest Pardio General Nontictlon—The Sixth Exiincitan > An Unnatural Histary’ by Elizabeth Kothert Music—"Anithracite Fields! by dul Wolte Sangeeta Bhatia Gets Heinz “Award, 2015 Sangeeta Bhatis, an indian ‘origin scorns at the Maskochusets nstite: of Technalogy Nas bean chosen for the 2018 Heine Award for Technology. Enceomy and Ervdiran rent, carying § 2.50,000 6s prize morey. Sangeeis hoe deelsed ariticial human microltvers for drag ‘eatin. She claivied this ead fo hher work sné contritution ue ‘engineering and diseuse cosection. The Heinz Amard is given anna sally to individuals tor theit comenenel- able contributions to arts, humane, ‘enidromment, human coritian, public soley, employmenc, econamy end technology. by Gregory em Success Mirror & June 2015 Siddhartha Gigoo Gets the 2015 Commonwealth Short Story Prize (Asin Region} Srinagar—bom novelst and shor story weiter Si¢ohartna Gage has been honoured with the 2018 Commanweaith Shor Story Prize tor Asia region tor The Umbrella Man Winning the coveled award, Gigoo got 2500 pounds as prize money and 8 chance to compete with the other four regional winners of the samme werd for the 5900 pounds grand prize to be announced in Landon on Seviember , 2015, The Umbrella Man preweeis 2 sutteal meditation on mental health land the envitgemners, theca is gh aily voice, sbeiract ane philowcathics! themes and telescopic sinuciure, The Gorden of Solitude was the trst novel by Gigoo published in 2011 Fall and other Poems (18341) and ‘Reflections’ (1995) are two postry coleccions by Gkypo. ‘Vth Laureus World Sports Awards Serbia's Novak Dickavic ond Ethioia's Genzeke Eibaba won the world eporaman and eponewarraN of the year honours renpectively at 2 glitiering cosemony of ihe 18th Loureus Work) Sports Awards on April 15, 2008 at the Shanghai Grand Theaire in Shanghai, China. Bibaba ‘won the presighaus spurts hones far her remarkable test of running t2 theee wauld records in three ditfercrt feverta In just two wel. waa the second Laurevs Sporisman of the ‘year award of Bjokawic as he had van it fn 2092, He won the aurard tar bis splendid petlarmsnce ‘wtich won him veveral tonnis sides inckuding the Australian opan and ihe Wimblodan Open in 2014, The 2014 FIFA World Cup wine ing German team was named Would ‘Team of the year. LiNa, China's great ‘woman tenes player ‘won che Laur ‘ets Exceptional Achiswetenn! Aart Yao Ming of Chins, 3 baskesll superstar was aqusdgee the winner ot the Laireus Spiril of Sport awa World ezicket Ioan Sachin Ten- dukor of India wes inducted, along ‘wth four other exceptanal athlates:— Teri Lerouse vt Kenys, Ys ming 3 Yang and Li Xigoveng (all ess Mirror @ June 201 - Ching} a the Laureus Wotlé Soeeta Academy members in the saatd ‘ceremony. Sachin is the third indian eperteperuan ater Kapil Dev and Fishul Dravid ter be inducted ir the Laureus Werld Spors Academy a5 einer The List af the Awardees of the téth aureus World Sports Awards: World Sportsman of the Yeer— oval Croke (Sertas), World Sportswoman of the ‘Year —Genzebs Dibaba (EIhenis) World Team af the Year— ‘German men's Footbal teen World Breakthrough of the ‘Year —Baniol Riociarda [ussiralia) World Comeback of the Year— ‘Schak Banger (South Alticab World Sportspersan of the Year with = Dissbility—Tatyana McFadden (USA) World Aetion Sportsperson of the Year—Alsn Busine (USA) Sports for Good Award—Oliver Poreovich (Ausitaia) Spirit of Sport Award—yae Mig (Chins Exexptional Award LiNa (Chie World Sports Academy Induc- tes Sachin Tanckskar (india), Tagla Laieaine (Kenia) and Yao Ming, Yen ‘Yang and Li Kisepeng fall Chir} ‘Charlie Hebdo Magozine Gets PEN Award The French gstitical magazines ‘Charlie Hebdo wo presented the Froscam of Expression Courage ‘Award! from ihe PEN Ameria Cenier ‘on May 8, 2018 in New "York. Chari Hebde's Ednorin-Criot Goraré Blatt sesepted the awatd en eb! at hia magscine Eminent! playwright Tom Stop- ppard, Azorpaijani investigative journ- list Khadia lamaytews and Penguin Alsndom Howe CEO Maths Dele were alse honcuree with PEN aivara Mazen Darwish Gets UNESCO World Press Freedom Award 2015 Mozen Canwich, » Syrian jours list ane human nighes sctivige was on May 3, 2015 honaurad with the pros gious Guillermo Cone World Press Achievernent Frocdam Avoid 2015 one abczsion caf World Press Freedom Dey hasied ay Landa in Figs. Garatsn's atte Yara Butter received the UNESCO’ honour ‘an ehalt of er fu Band whe hess BEN in delenlien swe Feomary 2012 along ‘arth is calls Heni AbZitani snd Mi Hussein Gharoer Maren Darvin linder the charyes at promoting terrorist cts Darwish is the President af the Syrian Geno tor Magia and Freedom caf Expression, founded in 2004 and cane of the founciers ef the voice: neers auper and, an indepen: dent news ene bared by the Syrian suuthoriies in 2008. Ko-K U of yaninar, Chairmen ‘af the Yangon Media Group and suiblishar of the Yangon Times was ‘he Chaitinen of the UNESCO World Press Frecdom Award for this year. Crested in 1887, the annual UNESCOVGuilermo Gana ‘World Press Freedom Prine honure person, organisation ox inition that has commendably served to the ‘cause of press Treedumn and Nuenan fights anyahere in the world. The award caries § 25,000 ss prize merey. UNESCO ingttuted the amar in honour of Guillermo Cano lear, 2 ‘Colombian joumalist who was shot dead In Bogota on Gecember 17, 1886. The Guillerino Cana World Press Froedam Award is funded by ‘the Cane Foungation (Coloma) and the Helsingir Ssncmat Foundation {Finland}. Nine People Get Whitley Award Nine osoclle trom eight countries [a point Winker ‘ron Kenya) were honoured with the Whitley Award popuilgly known a5 the Grosn Oscar ‘om Apel 28, 2015 at 8 cereMnOmT at the Royal Geograptical Society, London for their work of nature preservation. The wiinere each received coun prizes of £ 85,000 and» memento from the Uk-based Whiley Fund tor ture: (AN). The winrrs inchigiss Pure-bazed omithalogist Pramod Pail who was selected tor the Whitley Award for his work on the conser ‘vation of the Great Indian Bastard. Er, With Latest Facts & Data Including Objective Type Questions ere Banking Services UNION & RAIL BUDGET 2015-16 an ae Ay LCS by SECTOR-WISE LATEST FACTS OF INDIAN ECONOMY FOURTEENTH FINANCE COMMISSION REPORT FOREIGN TRADE POLICY 2015-20 INDIA’S EXTERMAL DEBT : DECEMBER 2014 NIT] AAYOG PRADHAN MANTRI KAUSHAL VIKAS YOLANA HRIDAY & PRASAD YOJANA 19TH LIVESTOCK CENSUS 2012 Code No. 611 Price ¢ 145.08 CSO'S LATEST ESTIMATES OF NATIONAL INCOME FOR 2014-15. LATEST SCENARIO OF AGRICULTURE, INDUSTRY, BANKING, FOREIGN TRADE & PUBLIC FINANCE EMPLOYMENT: ORIENTED AND POVERTY ERADICATION PROGRAMMES SVOGIIAL » 2/1 A, Sado Ba Mager, AGRA-250 Ue Ph, ISSR, 2550008, 251101 Fam BR) SOREN (>) DARPANI mall sre pGeTTuEST | Website fun sdigeun Behr: a DEP O11 IEA «yaad Pa SOM STEEN = Pa PSST ma Pa GEESTSN Pal beaged she honour along with De, Ananda Kuenar, a atidite scent ‘wh the Nature Conservation Foun: aon Neel Mukherjee Honoured with Encore Award, 2014 Nest Mukheeoe nas been honoured with the 2014 Enoate Award, camying prize worth © 10,000 tor hig oak The Lives. ot Others wich is Desued on the ie i Kit in the 19505 when Muzalte violence Wise at Me pesk. New! Mukheroe'e second nowel The Lives of Others teal the second novels of Wl Mies, Deborah Key Davies and Amands Coe ta win the ouveled lilerary honour which is geen io @ wreer for is wecond novel, Alt Clark wie the chair af the Encore Aware jury. A Life Apart sacs the lint now! cf Mukherjee published in 2010. The Lives of Others. was shortlisted tat the 2074 Mari Becker Prize Former Odisha CM, Assam Governor J. B. Patnaik Passes Away Veteran Gongress leader, tomer Odeha Chist Minister and Assain Governor Janaki Ballabh Patnaik passed away on April 21, 2015. He woe 8B, Psinsik wea Odkha's Chet Miniter three times —firet for canse- cutive tan fees tram 1980 io 1985 apd than thom 1885 12 1990. He seo sewed os the govemor of Azcain fom 2008 i EDN Bom on January 3, 1327, Pate nak graduated in Sangli from Uta University in 1947 und did ie poet graduason in Political Staenee from Banaras Hinds Univarsity in 194% Ho was alti am ominont titans ter and fourneiiet and has writen several books, Amitabha Chowdhury Erinant jouraiiat and timerateut Amitsishs Chowdhury poezed way i olla on May 1, 2015 at the age ot 87. Chowdhury staited his joumatsin career im 18d with ss loeal ul peps- lr daily of Kobesta, the dJugantar, He ivarked for Ananda Bazar Patri- ess Mirror @ June 201 - ka ang Aajkal. Amitatea Cherny woe ensured with the prestigious Flamon Magsaysay Award in 1951 for jouriem and tersture tor hie repertage on individual rights and community interests in india. He alsa Feinisined te Director of the Intema- ional Press Inslilule, sn umbrella enganization tee editors amd publi- here. Ne Word ham 1955 t0 1968, Michael Blake Decar winning neveit Michael Biske pomeed away on May 2, 2015 im Tuscan, Arizona, tighong long battle with concer, He was 68) Blske best known for nove! ‘Dences With ‘Wolves’ which bocama a major hit movie end fetched him set Academy ‘Avword for the screenplay, Persons in the News British Royal Baby Named ‘Charlotte Elizabeth Diana Britain's newborn royal baby has been named Charlotte Ekzabsth Diana seen oe a tribute to the baby's lace grandmother Prncegs Bana and ar great-grandmother Queen Etza beth of Bfitsin, The deughier af Prince Wiliam and his wife Kat vill be known ag Her Royal Highness Princess Charlotte of Cambridge, The new rayal baby's name Gharltio is salsa based on her grandfather Prince Cherie” mame. Princess Chariotie was bom in Si. Mary Hosaal Landon an May 2, 2018. She ip the econd baby of Prince Wiliam ane Kare ator Prince €oorge PA Modi Joins Chinese Social Media Platform —Weibo Pris Minister arenes: Modi has joined Chinewe cocisl media pilaf Wheibo which is oftan wetars ee fo aa Twitter of China, PM Modi prezence in Weibo come just weeks bbetane his schoduiod vistt 9 China, Announcing the news of his joining "Wei on Twitter PM Iebodi said, Heska China ! Looking forward to inseracsing ‘With Chineee fends thectagh Wate.” Salman Khan Held Guilty in A Hit and Ruin Case, Bombay HC Grants Bail Bollyweat megasiar Salmon Khon wes on Mey 6. 2015 broil quity of shpat Pomicide im a Wit are FUR case. A Session Court of Atumbai sanienceg Salman Kran five years Figaro iiperisenenent for rarntnira & roadside tsskery with his Tayo Land Cruiser on September 28, 2002 in Bandra hiling ane person and causing severe injuiesto four alhers sleeping ‘utaide the bakery. Sessions Cour Jhidge DMV Destinands also held Sele fron guily of éeiving without licence and under the influence of liquor Apa roe Ths Yesrs rigorous lenge sanment, Salman ie slasped 5 fine ‘worth 25,000 But Salman was not sent ta jail 3 his lawyer quickly moved ta the Bomizay High Court for bait. Saban ‘was grantod a two days bail which ‘was extended on May 3 till next hea fing. The Bombay High Cour! on May 8 suspended the five-year impeison= ent to Salah and ordered hie to surrender belore the bial oourl and execute a bail bond wf € 30,000 wrth re or two sunetigg of a Uke atrount Salman wll remains ito! jal but he ‘will have to soak the couri's parm sion whenever he wares to-go abroad. Places in the News: | ‘Six West Bengal Cities Rena- med View! Bengal Chie! Miniter Mamata Barrer on Api 24, 2015 fonainied sie tawimahipe Wn the state Now Siliguri willie known ss Tees, 4a major river in Nonh Bengal. Gitati- ‘an is the ew Raine ot Baur ety im Bengal Gitsbitsn ies fomouz ssomeilation of songs of Fiabincrarath Tagore The twin indusirisl imme of Asonsol-Durgagur will be known 2 Agnibina, «1 callaction of roams by joes Kazi Nejrul stem, Goisidobs In Maddy district hee deen rechriziened a Muli Tihs ‘while Gana nar this metrapalis will become Unam Chy, aher the tute matron idol Uitam Kurt. Banerjee renamed Kelysii township in Nadia cisirict dewelaoed during the time of Bigham Chandra Roy's Chiel Ministership, ars Sumtid- thi. Banerjee had aso renamed save etal stations ie metro reitway in the sy when she wos Pasivary Minister tial California The Calilernin Stale: Assemly Pass90 a repoluson Gagcriping the horse 18d ant-Sikh riots as geno- ‘ide and recognised the filare of the Indian goveramen to stop: the: crus Ties: against Sikh Community st that time. Sactamenin area assemisty eenbers Jim Cooper, Kevin MoCerty, Jr Gatagher and Ken Cook jabrty authored the resukstion and strony presented it In the assembly. The ewakitign Gerly stew that the government and law enforcement ttcials utterly Yalled to peewent the alings of Sire ip numerous parts of Indi, The rezalulion which got ower ‘xholming suaport in the assembly, further declares the 1964 ant-Sikh fivts were 2 genocide’ since il “emu ted in the imtarnaticnal dotruction of irany Sikh families, communities homes and businesses,” “Although we esemot chasge the homer of the events of 1984, as an azsemiy member represeling tame ins of penoe victims, [fall Hw important that we fell the truth slocut howe ewonis and honour the thouse ands of vice, Sikes seoune the ‘world should kaw that, here in California, wwe will slways stand lagainst Inoterance and wll nt forget the tragedy ol 1884," Cooper eid in the Calitornis Assemity Japan's Maglev Train Sets New ‘World Speed Record Japan's state-of-the-art Maglev train ‘vet & naw world ubeed record on April 21 in a tes! run near mount Pui Whig & 10p eoeed of 603 kim un hour ‘The seven car maglev train= shor: for moretie kvtatin’ — successtully managed pearly 11 seconds al over EO kph, The nw spied record crs fess thon a week after the compory Yeeorded 9 ton speed of 530 koh breaking fs oan 2008 record 0! 581 koh. The maglew hevers 1B cm above the track: ond lz propelled by stecancally changed magnets. it this train becomes 3 reality, the journey time between Toya and Osaka il engin just one Pour ahd seven minutes, slashing the aresontjoumey Tine by ha Rajaji National Park Notified as Tiger Reserve Unarathand on Ap ‘second tiger razaree afar Tiger Feverve when the Centre gov pent notified the Fisjoji Nations! Paik ss the Rajaji Tiger Reserve, Th ores declired os the tiger reserve {1075-17 sq km} incites the 255-63 ej kin of the Rlajoj National Paris bulfer 2one. The Rajaji Tiger Reserve |g the 49th tiger resin oF we COUN try. The nsw tiger reer in Une lehand wil further promote the tiger conservation campaign in Uttara hand whose fecerd in par case ‘vation in pa! five years hos been commendable. it inreased its tiger apifstion alinast 50 per cart taking the wild cals umber in She ote te 30, ‘Atier Karnatako, Uttarakhand hos the highest number of Sere, Nadia (West Bengal) Noda, the Went Bengal eeaict ‘wos on Api 33, 2018 declared ax the tes! Open Oetecation Free (ODF) itr: in the couniry by Weul Benge ‘Chiel Miricier Mamata Banerjee. “Tiee! proud to declare Neca to lbp the few! ODF district In the country | congratulate Macha dist for achiee ‘ving this fest and convey my thanks: to World Bank and the UNIGER, Bunevies sshd while spsuking at the pprogremme. “We had started this on Navarre ber 19, 2015 ew within two years... yes we can... we have reached aur ‘youl. VFo are totally sucoesstul” she sa She thanked UNICEF and the World Bank for thelt helt i making Mocs and OOF district. She also cc fered Apeil 30 os the ‘Nirmal Bangla [Biwes' to be clssenved in the years 10 een Indira Gandhi Airport, Delhi Akport Count International dace fared the Indira Gandhi Iniermstionst Airport, Osthi as the best alport ot the work for the yuer 2014 under the slegory of handling 25 to 48 millon Passengers per annum. The Hl air- or, Deshi mu hancered wth the sir atl Service Quality (ASO) sard by ‘he Airgoris Council an Agel 23, 2015 ‘#13 cereenory of the ACI dula-Pucitec ‘World Annsal General Azzemby in soxdon, ‘Tho Belhi airsort topped a scale ‘ot 5 palniy measured oy 800 ena bers of the ACI ASO benchmarking programme with tox 4:80 points, The ingea Gandhi Inieenational Alepari, Delhi secured the secand postion for Hews yeare-2011, 2012, 2013 in a row snd fray got the top position far eos Ag many 96 49 millian pagsen- jess used IGIA to resch 58 domestic land 82 iniemational destinations in BOTA. I hasls sit domestic carte Sr and Si insamatkonal carries, GIA ie shea one among 2 few inernstices! airsorts which have the capecity to handle the gigentic Airbus A 380 aircrat. ‘Gariang, Texas Teas Pole shot dead to gure men who opened tte en bay 3, 2018 ‘auiside the Curtis Culwell Genter, an indoor arena in Garand where the Munwirenad Ait Exhibit and Garton ‘Comes’ wos arganisod by the Ameri- ‘an Freedom Deters lnitistive run by blogger ane activiss Pamela. Geer ‘One of the gunmen aus Wersfied os Elion Simpson. Security forces and FB] carla! oul 4 mioweive saareh tat a bamb afer the atfack in the area. Shooting i Gorland, @ Ballas suburts was an echo al pest slacks or Threats In art capictlons based on Prochet Muhamimst feaw). In daraary this year, 12 cartconste and journalists amd others bos! sheit fle ir fan atiaetc in ihe Paris ottioe of Franch salincal magarine Charlie Hebdo ‘which published cartoons an me Maly Grophet, It fe ‘warthnentioning thet rrasking canons er phatos at Prophet Muhairenad and other bslaiis leaders fs spen agantilsiamic and humdiation to the prophet anon the: Melis Both theattacks in Garyiant and Pars came se 8 result ot hurting een menss over carsoning ot Prophet Muharnenad (9.3. Books and Authors # A terar jo Powor ; Notes an Fractured Gecsde —M. J, Akbar @ The Tusk That Did The Damage Tania James The Croan Prince, The Glaciaor and The Hape Ashutosh Sri Lanka : The New Gounnry —Padma Rao Sundari © The Desih and alter Lie of Mahatma Gandhi —Makorand Paranjape © Cum Arrevoee : Tine to Tak Autobiography of Curtly Ambrose, former cricketer of ‘West Indies em Success Mirror & June 2015 Own your PD in EES © one ae Naw buy e-magazine of Pratiyogita Darpan on * wwyapn. npdgroupt in PRATIOGITA | BARRA o ECONOMIC AND stl Moody's Revised India’s Outlook to ‘Positive’ Moceiy's has revised India's out: tok to "postive" trom “staple. wma mairtsining the: credit rating a! Bs According to Mocdy's, the policy- makers ara estabitshing 3 tramevwcre tht will sla the country's grewth te continue 19 outpertorm that of its pears over the medium-term and improve Ineis's merre-enoremnic, infrastructure ane institutional profte India's 880 government ond rating rellecis Indes's wesker perlarmance rotate to peers on tical, intation and innastructne-related msines, says Mandy's, cling the refianle for not upgrading the credit rabng India's Foreign Trade (Merchandise) 2014-15 Nirisity of Comrnesrce fos reer sod the dara of country's foreign trade. The cumulatieg vaiie of expOrts Tor the pesiod ApritMarch 2014-15 wise US 331053887 milion 188702585 store) 5 saainst US $ BAIS 73 trilion (© 1905071 U8 crore) regizter- ing @ growch of = 1-23 per cent in Dolley terms and quash of ~ 0-42 pat cent in Rupes terms over the samme period last yor Cumulative walue of imgoets. far the period Apri-March 2014-15 ws US § 44754005 milion 1 2724042 06 crate) as agains! US $ 45021363 writer (27 15433 89 croee meg ing © growth of — 059 per cent in Dollar toms and growth of 1-68 pat cent in Flupee terns ever the erm verdad last yee Oil imports ducing ApritMatch, 201415 woe waluod at US 5 19826166 milion which wan 16:08 es cent lower than the oil impor of US 8 184770-35 irlln in the comes- ordi period lest year Nan-cil imporss during Apell h, 2014-48 were valued at US § B0O286 67 milicn witch wos 835 Det cent higher than the bevel cf euch imports watad at US $ 285443-30 rrllion in Apeib Meech, 2015-14 Exports and Imports (Merchandise) {US £ Million) Provisional ‘ape March EXPORTS (inching re-esports} aais-14 31441573 mus 3083907 Groh 20-6 vay sorte maPORTS anit ssun1369 mouers wa7se9 "Groh 20M a6F ae aor14 ‘TRADE BALANCE auis-i4 1a8727-0] antes sarate-e5| Exports and Imports (Merchandise) erore Provisions April Merch EXPORTS (inching re-esporta) ane14 90501) m1 5 OTORS 85 | So Grau 2014-96 we ati PORTS ami3.14 arises 201-15 z7aosBee| Soro 2014-154 ee anata ‘TRADE BALANCE oot aad ot anes aaNet ‘The trade deticit tor AprileMancty, 20415 wos esimeted at US 3 1S7O14 46 rriflion which wis Nighe than the defict of US $ 135787-90 wiilign during Apoltblarch, 2093-14, Lok Sabha Passed GST Constitutional Amend- ment Bill Lok Sabha on May 6, 2015 hi passed the much awaited Cont BUSINESS CAPSULE hana (122m Amendenera Bil, 2084 on Goods and Services Tax (GST) ‘wih 2rd maforty. Mom, ator Being peeued if) the Lok Bathe, the GST Congtitutions! = Amendment Bill requires ta be passed with 2nd majority in the Rajya Sabha 2a well followed by fs rattication by at least 50%, ef tha States botera f Gocames low. The government could not master required strengsh in Fieiye Satha and tho GST Bl was resewroe to a eelect committee headed by BUF MP Bhupendrs Yad. The ssiient fesiures of the GST ‘Constzutinad Aamancient Bill are @ Invorion of new Avticke 2464 ‘ontering aimultanscts power to the Unis nd thes State eis tures ta legislate on GST. © Insertion af new Anicle 2794 tar the creation of a Goods & Ser- ‘vices Tani Council, which wif be jain! forum of the Centre and the States. This Council would Function under the Ciisimnararp of the Union Finance Minister © Toda sway with the conceal of ‘declared goods af special impor tan69" undar fw Consthutin. © Contral Tamas the Gonral Exnion Duty, Additional Excise Cxities, Service Tax, Adetionsl Gustoens Dury (CVD) and Special Adc ional Duty et Custos (SAD ac willbe subsumed in GST © AL the Stove ewe, Toate like WATISslex Tax, Central Sales Tax, Entertainment Tax, trai sed Entry Tex, Purchase Tax and Lumury Tai, etc, would be subsumed in GST, The Centre will compensate ‘Statos tor loss of revenue arin fr socount ol implementation of the ST tar a period up to fiwe yyoors [The eomaensarian will be fr a lupering basis, /e.. 100% for Hirst cree yours, 78% in the Fourth year snd 50% in the ‘ith yess). we Success Mirror «June 2015 © All Goads ane eeeviows, exoapt slooholic liquor for human cone sumption, wil be beought under the purvigw of GST. Howaver, hae also been provided that patrokum and petroleum pra ucts shall nat be suisjact 10 the Fevty of GST till eratfied ot futire die on the recommendation ot the GST Counct © Goh Cone ane States ‘ill simutsnemusly levy GST acrawe the value chain, The Genre would kory_and collect Gonital Goods and Services Tax (COST), and States would levy snd collect the Stato Goods and Senrices Tex (EGET) on all rarrsvetions within a State The Cesire would levy ond collect tha iegeed Goods and Servicus Tat {IGST} om al inter Stale supply of Gouds and Services. There wil be sesmiess flow at input tae erect trom one Stale to swiher. Proceeds of IGST nil be apportioned! among the States, GST I 9 destinaton-bused tax ‘A SGST om the tinal process ll cedinaitly accrue to the constr ing State. GST rates will be uniform across iho Country. Howowns, to ghee some fiscal autonomy to the Canma and States, there wlll a Provision of a nrrow’ tk band ame ang abowe the Noor rates ot GST and SGST. India at 89th Place in Global Metworked Readiness Index-2015 Inthe 14-natien lst, prepared by Wiorkd Eoancinic Forum {WEF}, Ineis has slloped sk places 9 rank BO on s ubbvel Networked Rewdinews Indes 2015 chowing a “widecoread’ vreak- ness in its palontal to leverage infor mation end communications iachna- bogies tor zocial and econamis gains. Ths shows the imerrragmors in Inla's uzinesu end emovation envborenen, infrasinaciure and skills: awailablity Singapara has: mplaced Financ! en the lop othe Het. Hawever, india as been ranked fn the top globally ono sub-index for ‘competition and aftordabily. Overall, Inds was ranked B3ed last year, and ) beter st 68th position in 201. ess Mirror © June 215 ArceetGhg te WEF, India's weskness ie widessresd, falling in the bette halt of seven of the 10 pillars at tha indo. In WEF vie, the jor aroun that need improvement ore the sountry's business ang innowstion ssmvtrorenent (115th out of 149), intra structure (115th) ane ekill stateblly (102ng) in the top 19, Singapore is followed Dy Finland, Sweden, the Netherlands, Norway, Satzerised, the US. the US, Luwombsaurg and Japan, ‘which has clenbed sm igewasive wk places yeat-or-year fo 10th passion. |°s% Retains GPF Rate| at 5.75% for 2015-16 ‘The government has retained the rate af incerast far General Prowicent Fund (GPF) and ather reluied sche- mes al 47 per cen far the current fiscal your 2015-16, The 87 por cont interest wil apply on Provident Funds of contra government employees, railways ane defence taroes, according io the noication keued by the Fiwnce Ministry. The rete of interest wil be ttective from Ist April, 2018. The Inoores rane for GPF isin Sine with she irosree rate fined for Public Provident Fund [PPF) ai 5:7 per cont for 2015 18, The government had. however, ‘oiged the interest rates for ether small ‘saving schemes. The inteeest rate for wenior citizens using ucheene: wa biked om pet cent tp Sper cer ‘and for Sukanya Samriddhi Accourt, the special deposit scheme far gid child, the interest rate hess been hiked ‘rom 2-1 per cent to #2 per cent, res actively, Tho interest warming for ison Vikos Putra hoe: been retained at 87 per cont. India Home to 56 of the World's 2000 Powerful Companies in 2015 : Forbes India is hame ta 88 of the world's 22000 largest and most powerful pate companies. scootding to the Forbes: ‘annual ist-which is topmod by the UB with its share of 579 companies Mukesh Amboni-led Relisroe Indus- tniag lauds ha pate of 86 Indian cam panies i the 2018 Forbes “Global O00" ft India hae added two cornpuniee to its beet year's Lally. Relianow nce ‘nies is ranked 142 an Se list, down trom leet year’s 195th epat, with markel Value of 429 bilbon dollars and 717 bilten dollaes in sales. Fisliance is followed by Sista Banik of Inds which is ranked 182 and hae = |X¥ bllign dollars market value. ‘The other Indisn companies: on ‘the listane Oi onc Nazaral Gos rane 183, Tata Motors (283), ICICI Bank (22), Inia OF! (4s), HOFC Bank (G76), NTPG (431), Teta Corsuattancy Services (485), Sham Artal (506) Asis Bark {S88}, Infouj (B72), Bharat Percieur (757), Wipta (tt) A Tata Steel (903) and Adani Enterprises eat The list shows the dominance the US and China in the camer gobs! business landscape. The to coun tex spit the top 10 epi for second year in = row. Forbes said that far the first time, China's four biggest banks own the tap tour pots and the South Ain gismt is home to 232 of the world's langes! companies, adding more spgis than any other counity in the world and surzeexing Jagan for the first time. Wich 218 summparies, Japan ed to the third spol. The Unived Kingdom kept ite fourth place with 88 companics. Europe georall lagt 20 spots to tnish ‘with 488 companies this year. failing further behing Asia (681) and North ‘Amotica (645) in cantinental rankings, Franca toll out at tho ton 5:cquR tres, seding bs epot to Bowth Koren ‘while Argentine and Cyprws made their debut on the list this yaar, PM Narendra Modi Launches 3 Social Security Schemes: ‘Amer providing bank sooounts to 18 crore unbanked peaple under Jan Dhan Yojana, Prme — Minisiee Mr, Hacer Mogi launched Pres sccial secur schernes, incucting & Roo | per day mqurance cover yes Predhan Mantti Bima ‘Yojana (PMLUE, Pradhan Marti Surakshea Bisa ‘Yojuna (PMEBY) and Atal Pension ‘Yojana (APY) were simutancousty funchod ai 115 lacattans thraughowt the country. am PMEBY wil alter a renewele cee Year accHentst deatheeuregian ability cover of ¢ 2 lath tor partial! Peemanent dissbllry %0 savings Dark scoot holders in the age group of 18-70 year tor a premium of € 12 per -annurn per subecroar, FRAUEY, on the other hand, wl ‘offer a renewable one year ee cover cof £2 lakh to savings bank account holders in the age group of 18-50 yesrs, covering esih due tp sry feanon, fora premium of 8 350 pet anu per subscriver. ‘Atal Pension Yojana will Jocus on the unergontoad sanicr and arovide subeeribere a xed ininirnsm pereion ef € 1,000. ¢ 2,000, € a0. 4,000 ‘a & 5,000 por manth, staring at the age of 60 yesr, degending on the contribution option exercisad on snigring at an age erapan 18 and 40 years | Core Sector Growth Falls 0.1% in March; 2014-15 Growth at 3.5% Accatding to Tigures releweed ty the Comenerce cane Inckisity Ministry. the production growth in thw sight iectory in Seca peur 2014-15 eioud aL 3.5 pet cent, which wars howe than the 4.2 per cent growth posted In the Previous fecal year, A sharp Grog fn the production of ive, cement and rotinory products resulted vw O-¥ pat coat fall in the growth of the sight core indetties in Match 2015, to sts fewest rate in 17 monits, The eight core eects ate cowl, crude all ralural gas, refinery products, fertife sar, eloccrichty, steal and oament and scott far 58 per cent of the overall Index of Industrial Production, In March 2018, stoe! production itealined by 4-4 per cent, cemont by 4-2 per cent and relinery products by 1a per cent, Goal production and fertliger autput, an the other hang posted growth af 6 pear cent and 8:2 fer cent. respectively. Procuctian in tha remaining three sectors also posted s rive in March, slbest at lower rates. While natural gas raduction fostad an incioase af 1-5 per cont oth crude ol and electricity grew by 1-7 percent each In 2014-18, coal pasted a grerath ef 3:2 por cont, elociriary grow at 8 ent, cement incresoed by 5-6 per eesrt, teal rose by 05 per cant and refinery praduetes increwsed by 0.4 pee cont. The production of natural gas ‘ell by 5:2 per o8nt, crue etl bY DD per cent and production of ferifzers by0°t per cent, India's Economy to (Grow 7.5% in 2015-16 and 8% by 2017-18 : World Bank The World Bank has extended ‘he viewthat India’s economy seemed ta hava tuimad the eamer, with aut look improving significantly. It, hee ever, projected the scemamy sa supane by 7-5 per cent ouring tha curent finencial year, much lower ‘han the Budget assumotinn of 86 per cent, The Bank assessed Mat Incas Soanomy grew 72 pet cent for 2014- 15, lower than the atticial sdvonce sssimate of 7-4 per cat in es'Ineia Develonmen: Update’, tha Viiorta Bank pagged India’s co namic grawth tale st 74 per cent for the next fiwncial year (2696-17) and sigh par cane for 2017-18, which ana at up to the expectations of the government, but higher than the International Monetary Fund's (le) projections. While the IMF projected Inia scancenic growth ta be: 7-8 per ent even in 2020-21, according tae ‘World Blank, there vil be muti tastes gronth, RBI Approved ING Vysya-Kotak Mahindra Merger ‘The Fieverve Bank of India (ABI has aprawed tha mergar at Kotak Mabiners Bunk and ING. Yysye Bank, ‘As per notification of ABI, all ING branches wil naw funesian 36 Karak Mahindra Bert branches. The change at signage in ING Vysys branches had akeady Degun and the process ‘would be eoenpletedt wichin s march For ATMs, too, the same hs staried. The ecauiation wil make Kiiak Mahindra Bank the fourth largest private sector londor iv the country, ‘will have about 1.200 brenches snd 3 total business of € 2.28 lakh crane, a6 on Dacomter 2014, and a came bined rurkes capitalisation of close Ya 21.25 lath crore: According to Kotak Mahindra dank alice, there would be total ‘of 30,000 empiayoes in the bank atier ‘the merger, whils at the group level there would be 40,000 employees In November 2014, (Kotak Mahindra hed announced © was acquiring Bergaluru-heedaucrtered ING 'Wyys in an allstack deal Money Order Service Discontinued A135 yeor-ob post ofine service to the comman man comes to sn end. Ling int case of the telegram. Incas Post has quiethy discantinueé the traditional money order service, which ‘was an Integral pert ot the ena fren sire 1880, taeiltsiey Sarees doar-deivery of funds to = payer fram ower 155,000 post attioes In an era of instant camamunicar iors, the sradhional maney transfer fcity has mate way for an slec- iranic version, which was introduced in Detober 2008, thanks t the: pra feration of motile telephony and fata communications In the country throvgh the Intemet 418 months afer they bed to the cemize of the tele- gram, Post oftloes maw have electronic money orders, or EMO, and instant money orders, ar IMC, system Both these are rch taster Bnd slmpeE freane 12 remit mopey, The IMO sysem, acconting to india Post, pro: ‘ides Instant money onder service Jor signi ranging fom 8 1,000 to 450.000. An instant, webrbased system, money can be remited by designated IMO pos! ofices where an elpcironia version of a form is filled slong ath ae ent pect In the cose of BMD, money fs paid at the doce-steg of s payee-rom F119 8 5.00-wthin a day, along wen 21 standard messages, fis booked st an authorised post office and def -varag pan-Indis Tom all Geary post softies. This can olen be tracked on the India Pos website. CPI Basket Welghts Revised, Base Year Changed from 2010 ‘to 2012 ‘The qowenenent hers revissd the pace year of the All kis CPI sores we Success Mirror «June 2015 Tretr 2010: 00 tw 2012:100 starting with the Jenusry 2075 reading 16 be felassed on 12 February 2015, The isis of The eit-coenpohents wai the new GPI basket are to be bose fn the Consumer Expenditure Survey IGES) of 2011-12, against the ott! current buskel individual weights based on GES of 2004.05, Theve changes rothect the falling share ot househald expenditure: on toad and the rising share of the moe food ins, In-adiction, the number of itaihe has Shia increased frat 437 te 449 in the rural trasket aerd from 480 to 460 in he urban basket Campered with the old basket, the weights of the food snd fuel groups have been reduced ithe new asker, Masrahio, she: weights a the rrivcellaneaue end clsthing, bedding ang tootweer groups have ueen incressed. With theze changes. the ‘weight of the Care groun (GP! ext food ang fuel) has increased to 47.3% frat 42. waren Reserve Bank Revises Norms far Priority Sector Lending Aes per the notitication of the Reserve Bank of India (RSI the feedium enteraiizes, social trae slruciure and renewable energy would also be fe part of prignty sector in addition to the existing estegories FBI aloo discarded the divinction bel- ‘woon direct and indirect agriculture ‘The revised guidelines are opara Tinnal wih effect Irom Aped 23, 2018. Hawower, RE! sald the priority ‘auctor loge wanctioned under the ‘earlier guidelines would contieme to ie classified under priosity sector till repayinent #mmucurity / renmwal Kt prescribed tanget of & pet cent far ‘he small ane! mexginal farmers wathin cagpleutiure, FB] asked bunles to achiewe this in 3 phyced manne, that is, 7 par cant by March 2018 and 8 Ber cont by March 2017.4 target of 7-8 per cen has been prescribed for micro erterprises, which also has to be achiewed in & phaued mane, that is, 7 per cent by March 2078 and 7.8 nee cant oy March 2017. Hewower, “eve is no change in the target ot 10 pent for wesker sections. ess Mirror © June 215 Foreign berks, with 20 branches aed stove, already have priority socior targets and substargets for sgrcubure and weaker sections, which ane to be achiowed by Match 31, 2018, as per the action plans suornitied by therm and anpreved oy FBL The cxteiargets for email and marginal farmers and micro enter- reiogs would be mace apoitesble post OTB aller a review ir 2017 Forsign banks with lows than 20 brandis wall move io toial privity wector tanger ot 40 ger cent on par with other banks by 201-20, and the substargets tor ‘hope banks, ito be meade applisabla pos! 2020, would be decided in due ourve." FBI added Besides, bank loons to food and ‘gto prooawsing unts wil farm port at sxpouliure, Export eredit up to 32 per cen wil be eligible a ort of oriceity sector fo forbign banks wth less than 20 branches, For other bark, the incremental export cred over comes panding dato af the praceding your wll be reckoned un ta 2 pet cere The Joon limits for housing loans snd MFI leans quatying uncer priariy sector eave been revised Govt. Scraps MSME | Exclusive Items List ‘The gouenment has done away ‘with the eal list of lame, ranging trom pickles ta tre crackers, which ‘were reserved only lor the MEME {ricro, small ang medium ent prises) sector for manulaciuring. This has bees dane to boast inwsment and tohnokexgial advanceenent. With his mowe, dhe government has dere- ‘peeved al terme This Woe dope on the recor mendations of an acvivany commitioe that tak the Gecision to Berep in Cetber 2015. According to the press relegee, There fe po prima Tacks bast ication ior consruation af reservation cof esnurscturing in the MSE sector, singe such reseevacian might inhioit the powsibilties based on Tectviclo- (gies, economy of sale, ex. Wisri-vis {he lipped fear. HDFC Bank Opens Account in ‘Watch’ Banking HOFC Bank, country's second laegeat preva sector bank isa meeket leader in mobile banking afd now Nas ‘charted 3 net path by entering “ath anding’ HOFG setts set tp become ‘he first inciant bunk whose matile Banking application fapa) will Be available an the Apple Watch, ta be taunched in india lazer this mor HOFG Gsnk is probetly the tourth fender i the world ba fave such sn sap. HDFC Bank's mobile banking ape har about 78 features and those ‘comenonly used will be ayallabie in the watch, such ss balstoe encuiry, rochage of prepakd motile phones, ‘chequebook requesi and scogunt ‘cistement, 38 well 9 paying unity Passed by Parliament ‘Tho Undtciosod Faraign incor cand Aswets (mwoeition of Tex) Bi, 2015, was posed by the Lok Sabha van Apel 11, 2015 and by Piya Baba en May 13, 2015. The highlights of the fare spoke 10 rmlace the Income “Tax (7) Acs, 198 for tha taxation ef fateign income trom Apr 1 2016 onwards | Black Money Bill =U prenides fer erent! lity tor aitompting ta evade tax in relation to foreign income. A tat rate of 30% tax and 90% pansy would aaply to vidis cloued foreign income or sets of the previous amessment yeas. = No exemption, deduction or set ff al any carried forward lowses tw sooty = (Onesie camgilance apportantty to ba provided for linited peried ‘Such parscers woul pried to Mle declaration before 3 sx authority, and pay a penaity at the aia of 3%, Thore woul! be 2 short com: alisnog window tor persons having undieclowed income sbrosd to come ssloan by paying 30 ger ont tan anc 3D per cent penal, It eguld nor be termed an amnesty scheme. Arne ‘scheme has a aravisian of naming and whatning. There is ma provision here. Thoze involved in terrorism and money laundering would not oe allowed ta make Use of the cre liane window to come cles, There hat sould be a Twe-month window ta tecture oversas# snzete snd within fl Months, one wee MaKe tO pty tas snd panty. Once tne complianas winder closes, snyone found having un dectared qvercass wealth would be ‘quired t pay 90 per cars tax, 90 par cent penally ane face criminal pra secution. Mo action would be taken aginst persons hairs lakh oF am equiva saint in thet verbs bank accounts India Post Sets Up e-Commerce Centre, Targets Online Players India Post on April 11, 2018 launched 3 mobile apeileation ard an ecommerce centre st Soldariang, Now Doli at wll hands e-retaling ercivsively. Equipped with modem technalagy, the ingla Post contre wil be capable ofrandling 29.000 oarcete Per day, Online companing sich ae Amazon, Payem, Yesme, Saspdes and tho Who are already uning the Postal Desariment's sefvioes far felt arcats ‘The mobile app tor India Post bs Android-bezed and includes fentures such as reahtire ckeg, one oe ‘Through such facilis, san reach up to fee-fing a reenate areas. of the country. incla Past has over 1.55 lakh post alfices, of which mgee han 139 lah are i nora ewes India Crosses a Billion Telephone Numbers in April, 2015 The number e¢ selephone con nections in Indis eressed ore bilion st the end of Ail, 2075. Ins ts behind (Ching, wien Nid 1,23 oitioe motte iibantisers and 246 94 rile Teed line subscribers st the end af Fateuary, 2015, Chinase telephone subscribers descent tot G4 5 pet cant of the country’spepastion, tut im dia the coverage is 79.33 per com Reasiise of Multiple canrections. ane inactive users ‘According to the Telecom Pisgu- latory Authority oF Indi. she tnleahone subectiber base was 996.48 milion a the end of March, 2018 with 963.88 milion wireless subscribers and 26.58 millon fand tine subscriber base. In ). 2015 there woe an edition of five milion GSM users, according 1a sources, Alang with ether services Fhe COMA and broadound, the irieahone uuBecriber bugs hoe clawed ape billion. Fised-ine subscribers with state-owned Bharat Sanchar Nigam and Mananaget Telephone Nigam have been declining every ment te reach 25.69 milign in March, 2015. “The wireless subecrer bese Met doubled i 20005 to 75.1 milion tron 47.6 millon i 2004, when incoming cal wate made tree. In 2007, the ‘witeless subscriber tase reached {228.9 milion tom 146.7 millon yaar ‘ajo 3s the goveremnert increaeed fomign droct investment in the salncom scar to 74 por oan trom 43) bet cent, Namami Ganga Scheme Prime Minister Mareneins Modis pet Ganga cleaning and protection progratene was cleared cor May 13, 2015 and given a whopping 4 20,000 crore budget, 8 tountold increase owe Me money event in the Iaet thee decades for the riage's cogarvasice. 1 1986, thes ten Prine Mister Ajiv Gsndhi hod launched the "Ganga Action Pian’, 62crore project, with main objective of pollution statement and te mre fhe water quality, However, # is one ‘of the most polluted vere in the counlry in wich level of ells mote than BOO0 times than the Derenieeitte Sit Casing by thee WHO 2s tate! In etter to push the etorts tor the Ganga’ cleser-up, the Centre aw take ever 100 per cent tuncing at ‘various ectitlestprojacts uncse this programme. Mexiking 2 major shill in implementation, tha government is toousing on Involving pope Iving on the banks af the river te alain ‘sustainable repulls ‘The pregramines Walt Be ingle merced by the National Mission tor Glean Ganga (NMCG), and iss state emunterpest organisations, Mat ig, the Siete Programme Management Groups (SPMGs). NMGG will also establish field oMices aherveer peceszary. A these-lier meschariem bag ORerpronosed tor mantiaring pro jects, coinprising @ task farce chained by the Cabinet Secretary and assieted by NMG st the nations! kevel, stie- lavel committees chaired ty Gnist Secrutary and assisted by SPIAG and divtrictiewel committees: choired by the Dinviet Magierate, Taking a leat out of the ‘unsati> stactory’ results of the eartier Ganga Action Plans, the Genie now plans to provide Jor operation and main- Tenianes of thw assets tor & rrevenuim 1 year potiod, and adopt a PPPISPY apatoach for pollution notspoes. In an aileenpt to botster enone ment the Cerne sho plas io eis lich a d4-hottalion Ganga Eeo-Task Foros, @ Teritorial Army une, apart from conteenpisting ov 3 tegiststion tha aiens to check poltion ae pi lect the tive: Bill on Benami Property| Introduced in Lok Sabha Moving saitly, the government ‘got Cabinet clearance on May 13, (2015 for ala to tighten the noose on those hiding undisclosed frcome iheough Beam! property. The Bil ‘wes introdhioed the samme day the Lok Sabha. Homuver, The Senami Transactions (Prahibition) Amend ment Bil, 2015 wars mtetred to Parka ments “Standing Commie on Finanoe, Beran is a ir tram Mor India to refer to the purcheee of = aroperty in the name at someone ‘ather than the perean oF enty having scluelly financed the tranesccion, Parlement has already pases ‘the Undisclosed Fareign Income and -Asoais. lmausitian of Tax) Bill, 2015, ‘which seeks oo nab those having unaccounted maney abrowd. This Bonami Transactions (Prohibition) Amendinent Bl, 2015, ‘th taming characteristics, is aimed ot curbing ‘he cirulsaon af unclsctased insome inthe country which is hidden thraugh Benami sraperties. seeks Io amend the existing Benami Transsctions (Prohite tion) Aci, 1888, ond provides tar contiscation of the progeny, Figorousimericormen unio zeven yours and a ine ot 25 pat cert ct the fair market value of the Property. we Success Mirror «June 2015 Finaheial weeteities oe gold could Biso come inder the ecarner in this regard = Such transactions wit however ‘exclude peoperty In the name of 2 upowee ot child, in cowe the amount for such 2 property wars ad out of the koran gauraes of incarw ct the individual can cerned. Similar, a joint aroperty Inthe rame of beethwars, sisiors oF other Mir where the irra fe paid trom known sources of income would also not come under Benamni property, = Sa, praperly held ever in the rome of those mentioned aberve auld become Bengent i she eur has been paid from unknown sotrees of ineene. = The fair market value of 2 pro perty would be detrsmined irom The Brice it WulE ordinary teen ton sale in the oper marks. in ceben Where the price fs pot ‘gcertsmnable, anather pececure wauld be preecrived. = Anassisiant ar deguty krcome tax commissioner, designated Initiator bythe government, would be authored! 16 stalt proceed ings into an_allegadly Benami benssction, THe officer would retor the case to an adjudicating ‘suihory to be-vet up, Ths sushar rey wil cide within o year # the propery is Benamni, The Bill len provides for an appellate initunal = After the order becomes final, the propety ar peoparses in question wauid be confiscated. Thea re ‘to bo managed and dispagod ott by designated officers In 2011, the eariee gavernmment hag intraduced in Parliament a Bena Transactions (Prohitttion) Ell, ‘Which PIOPOEEC Feplocinay the 8B Act Ii was mblerred ta the Standing Committee on finance, whlch gave & Fegert in June 2082. The Bill speed when the 18th Lok Sabha wax dix wood IIP Based Growth of Industrial Sector Improved Slightly in 2014-15 The Quick Estimetes of Index of Industrial Prockction (PY ‘with bose 20014-08 for the month of Mesteh 2018 2014-18 hove been releuwed by ess Mirror # June 215 Index of Industrial Production-Sector: (Bese : 2004-05 = 100) mad me15 Tries No | Growth | index No, | Grows Imaren'') | ave ts) | ¢itaron’ 95) | Rater) General 1000) 25 oy rr) 7a Ming 141.57) os 1255 14 Manstachuing' 735.27) os 1350 2 Electrcty108.16) et tear ae Basie Goods ( 455.82) Ea 1677 6a Capital Gcdo/28,25) ae 2577 ea itarmexiats Geodstisese) | 1515 3H 437 1a Consumer Gos 56 08) 1855 28 i780 35 Consumer Duraetesisteo | zee | tea pnt 125 Consumer Non-Duratia 1st 1583 teraa7 the Central Statics Otfice of the Ministry of StaSsticg and Programme beaplotrmattion, ‘The Gengral Indax tor the: month ‘of March 2015 stands of 197.3, which im 2.1% higher as compared to the lol in the month of Marah 2014, The ‘aumnulative growth for the period Apel March 2044-15 aver the corresoond- (pg pened of ihe previous yor stands 125%. ‘The Indioos of Industrial Produc fiom for the Mining, Manufacturing ane Blsciridty sector: for the month at Maron 2015 stand at 1485, 209.3 end 174 respectively, wih the corres: panding growth ming of 0.9%, 2.2%. seid 20% as campseed to March 2014 {Sistement [). The cumufstive growth Inne thas sectorsduring Apri-March BUi+IS ever the caresponding period of 2013-14 hos been 1.4%, BaP. and 8.4". respectively. Foodgrain Output may Fall by Over 5% : Ill Advance Estimates Crop Year 2014-15 India’s foodgrain production is likely io dacline by 5.4 par cent in erop year 2014-184JulyJune) from 3 record cutout of 265.67 million tonnes ‘he your botorg, According to she third advance estimate relewzed by the Agriculture Minisiry. total toadgrain ‘outgut will 88 14.45 million sannes lower in the cument eaten at 257.12 milion tannos. ice output is esti- mated bg at 102.64 millan tonnes fogairs 10648 milian tonnes in 2013-14), wale eunout oT whESt, The main Rabi crop, damaged across norihern, central and ‘westeen Ingle due To unpeaneera! Faintall and Nail ‘storms between end:February and seely April, ts peaged at 90.78 millon tonnes (85.85 millon tonnes! Prox duction of coarse cermals is expected tp falta 40.42 milion tonnes, Exlimated Production Sor {milion tore) Fee ae Wheat sare Course Cevans | 40.42 ules vat Oreeede zat Sugarman | 356.56 Guten 3A92 millon tales jot 70g ason dite rd Meeta | 11.48 milion Sates to tug sa esc Andhra Pradesh is, Most Likely to Become India's Nuclear Core ith Visadthapsnnam get to host BARG (Bhabha Atomic Research ‘Centre}-2 end GE-Hitechi colleboret- ing wih Nuctesr Power Comoration to swat up a chester of sh 1,800 MI reac toes at Kowada in Srikakulam dis- ‘trict, Anchra Pradesh i fa: tuning Iniothe eourey's nuckar coe, coording to BARC Girecar Sekhar Beau, the 4000-08 BARC-2 campus in Vieahapainain will have siraiogic faciities, a fuel tsivication {Cniaurat ove Page 29) Indian Army Inducts Akash Mora than three: Gecades wait ot the Indien Arriy tat a iiigerrcusly- developed surfacesto-air supersonic isailp camp to an end on May 5, 2015 whee the Akash Misste Wie ctfictaly indicted into the nian Arey at Mangieshaws Centre, New Crit in the prevenoe ot Arey Chie? General Bailar Singh Suhag. The Akash mivsle ‘was developed by the Detenos Frei arch ad Develooment Organization [G&DO) ap port of the five missiles under the Integrated Guided Mingle Development Programine inifisied in 154, The Akash Mixcile has the capar talry of targeting onceny helleopeer, sicrafty sod UAVS tram 3 range of 2 fon. Akh micile system has 88 pet sr indiganisation and bs capable of simulisrecusly eegeqina multe tse gets in al weather condhtions: The Army hos placed en order of two Akash regiments with sik ring batteries wach worth ateut 19,000 crore at the initisl siege. Each regiment of Akash cari sie aunch- fers ith total 18 emis, ‘The test tu ragimont shalt be ready by June-July this year and the sacond ane by end af 2016, UAF has already inductor es own vorekan at the missile eyster “The Army version is movable and is mounted on efile unlike that of the IAF. This means that il can be maved quickly based on operational needs,” G Chancramoull, Project Oirecror ot Aksrsh ei Odichs Chict Minister Nowoen Painsikt on May 1, 2015 launched raya’, a scheme under which ess Mirror @ June 2015/3 570 cifterant medicines will be provided tre0 of coat in government osptals. At the Initial stage, the Scheme will corer Three qoweenment- run medical enleges, 30 diinct head. quaniers hospitals, and Rourkela Governent Hospital, CM Patnaik Jaunched the Riramaya sche in Bhubangshwar, ddter Mahar food achama, IC ie another poor-fiendly pavernment scheme af the Patnaik ‘savernmant in Dna Indian Nays new sleet des: troyer ‘Visakhapatnam, designee Sijenously and tited Wen sdvarced features, wos lsurched ix Mums on ‘pit 20, 2015, boosting the mareine force's fire ewer capability. BS Vinnkhapsinam, the first inion Mavy P15: sivallh destrayer, being launched in Mumbai on Apr 30, 2015. The Kolkata class warship, the test of PA5-8 stealth destroyers, wos launched by Minus Dhowan, ‘nite of Shist ef Nawal Statt Admiral B. K. Bhowsn, at Mazgaon Cocks Lid AML. The shia weighed apptariinatety onnes dur the lunch The 163-metre-long vessel will be propetod by tour gos turbines, and is designed t achieve a speed of over 30 knots at & cisolacement at appraxienstely 7,300 tonnes ‘The indigenously deeigewd view lth desmoyer wil have state-ol-the-et ‘weepans, sensors, an advance Action Information Sysiem, an Integrated Pioclarm Management System, 2onh- 3, isticated Power Bistrigutian System and 3 hee! of olher advanced tes ‘ures. esill be fitted with gupersomic ‘surlace-to-austace miggiia system. The systein enables the ship to ‘engage shore-basod and naval -purtgoe taegpts at long range, making a fethal piston for atk susinat ‘enomy targets ‘The ship's air detence copatility designed io counter tbe threat ot ‘apemy aircraft and antiehio cru missiles, will revolve araund vertical ‘launch and lang range -euilaoe to air rizalle wystem, Four 30 mm rapidhtine guies wil provider the ship atih clago-insdetanca sapaiiity, ‘ables an MA gun will enable ber to srovide ellective navel guile ‘support, Union Government Notifies National Judicial Appointments ‘Commission (NJAC) Acting on its wards in the ‘Supenmew Court that the ‘wudges job te 1a judge cases and rl to appcint their met on Apeil 18, 2015 notified the National Judicial Anpeintinerts Gate miggion baw and etiecsivety brought to _amend the two-decades-old collagium System of appointing judges. ‘The patfication brings ito intr iste: affect the Natonal Judicial Appoimments Gemmission Acs, 2014 and the Bam Gonstiutian Amnaneenent ae Now, he political class and civil ‘saclety hawa an equal valoe, along ‘vith the judi, tthe sopaintment sand tanster of jueiges in the highest nudity, The Commission comprises ihe ‘Chiet Justice of India, two seniar-most Supreme Caurt Judges. the Union Law Minister and two eminent persons. taat Selection Panel Wh the Inu being nefitied. the ik mamper Commission, wh the (Chit Justice af India 2s its Chairman, ‘would first have 8a be convened. Far this, the maiden step would fe for 3 igh-fevel walection panel comprising the Brine Minisier, the Chiet Justice of India ang the leader of the sings legest political party ia the Lox Sabha to moet and nominate tan srvrent pagans ta the Commission ne this ts dane, the Gomme sion wauld frame the regulstion: under Section 12 of the NUAG Act, pot ‘The MUAG's regulations would fay down the “orteris of suitsil the procedure and conditicns tar salection and anperntmeat et Supra me Gout snd High Court judges Thess rogulutions would decal the procedures for High Gaurt Chiet Justices 0 consult judges and eminent advocates: on prospective nicl candidate and slit Mw wes et the Goverar snd the Chie! Minister. They would further lay down the procedure for transter ot High Court Chie! Justices ond judges, mang thors India Successfully Test- fires Nuclear Capable Missile Agni-tl Indla am Apri 16, 2015 success: fully test-lired ts mucker-capable Agnelll ballistic mizsie wh a sirdee fFangje of Fore thee 3,000 kin tram Wheeler island off Gdisha Cams Ths indigenously dewetooed surfaceo-surlace missile wars tes: tied thom j mabile auch at latch complex-4 of the Integrated Test Range (IT) at Wheeler beta by the remy “The trial, carried out by the Strateale Forows Gonmrend (SFO) of the Ine are wa fly sticcesslul” sald ITR Director MVKY Prasad. ‘The Agni missile is powared by 8 two-stage sole propelant system With 3 bangitvot 17 metres, the nies" dismetsr ig 2 metres apd launch ‘weight is around 59 inne can carry a warhead of 1-8 “one which is protoctag by carton ll posite het shield. ‘The siewke missile, sired In Sicted ino the armed fatcrs, fs eae ped wich hybrid naxigasion, guidance fad contol syssema slong sith pévae oad on boaid eoirputer The electronic xysiems ounne- ted with the missile are hardened tor higher vbestion, thermal and acoustie elects, 2 DRDO scientist said, Became 8 big cancarn ge rare ThaR hal arid amack cides took place in ‘his single: state of India. Ainister ot Stata for Heme Harsha) Chaudhary gave thisinieemation tthe: Lak Sabhss ‘during the Question Hour. He also inforened that 27 acit attack cases were registered! i Delhi 2074, the highest among all union tertiares. Key Bills Passed In Budget Session 2015 : Bi ‘of Six Ordinances, ‘Some of the important hile nsased by Pariament in the budget session 2015 wit mrt ete rasan ce May 16, 2078. However, the geversmant tales tp exec the law makers to pass tha Land Acquistion [Amendent} Bl, 2015. Tha Gover ec ue 1a iti the Lar Anquisibon (Amarémert) Ordisancas Two Tines-test 1 December 31, 2014 and geccnd on Apri a, 201 An ordnance hag a liespan cl ext cette, bu iti vale forstbe weer cen the dt from mbich the nest seeaicn of Panismert pagina. Sinely put, a 1 comesrondng 6 the erdinance haa 1 Be nasee by Paramore wii the shc-wmot trne-iame te susan ‘The covernmem had promulgsied tne andinance on land acquisition on Dasamear 31, 2015, sinc Tha Right to Far Cempangation ané Transparancy it Land Acquistion, Rehaeiliaten and Resatlament [Amandvent) Bil, 2046, maa tor eplacng fhe ordinance, has beer paveed ony ty Lok Sabha, 2 recramulpation, iacadae! by a prragalicn of Rajya Sabha, ie hw ofey eourea ilo tha goverrenan, ‘A prorogation urder Amita 86/2] of the Constitulen masrs the termination of 3 fmprica, Usually, 0 prerogubin loliws. the adjeurrmmert of bath Houses a eit of ‘ham sine dia, but itis nota presecuista, (Tha Insurance Lawes {Amarderant) Bill Tha bil sapiaces an gediranes: that aaa premugalad durng the itar-sassion paring. WnWas tha foegign eculy can on damests insurance companies from ZB per santo 48 per cert © The Mines and Minerals (evelopment and Requialion) Amencarent Bill, 22O15—The bil reauiwes every person fo cbian a inerwe or leave for camyrg on mining of talaind artvtiog It resides for te matheds et granting 4 sinoral connession = competitive nidding where mreralaatcn ls establanes and test: comeinetceme otherwise (© The Cool Mines al 2015 —The bl aloes prvaie companies to praduce coal ater about tour decaces of tress fms being it cut ct ths gaara (© The Motor Vehicles (Amendmrenf) Bill, 2015 —Rlbrings e-carts ard weickshaws var Ami ofthe param Ack oo tay’ 2am py on sans aeres the cour. The il'dalras aests and eiekihaws ak anecal purpose ballary powered valicas math power up to 4,009 walie and having three whoels: Ht mantiong thal these whites tar be used nr carving poods of passengers, © The Citzenshia (Amendment) Bill, 2015—This bill brings party betmews pausiciuns tor Pargens of Indian Origin (PIO) art Duron Cizers of india (OCI) carchokiens (© The Consiliuion (Scheduled Castes} Order (Amendment) Bille amends the Consiuion to icuce certain cashing uncer the isl af acheciled cashes (© The Pubic Premier [Eviclion of Unmutharised Gecupania} Amendment Bill, G14 I aims to provila tor savady machnary far Toe elation of unauthosicnd eae centre ee ed eee areca (© Thu Anche Praciaat Reorganization (Amendment) Bill, 215 —This bal pro- vee for raging the rumbor of members of Andhra Pradesh Legtiatve Council roe 800 5 Passed on Five Chaudhary ssid amang other stole, 85 comes of god attacks were registered in Madhya Pracasn, 11 in Gujarat, eeven in Haryana, sis in Mohoracira, four each i Purists ane Andhra Pradesh and thees each in Bihar ane Cds last your Uttar Pradesh Tops the List of Acid Attack Cases Unor Pradesh toned the list at ‘ocid attack carves in the your 2074 2s 186 sich cages feROREE In tha stane ‘out of the 310 cameos reghsered setoss the country last your. Urtar Pradesh 4 total af 208 people ware stresied geross the cauniry for thelr alleged involvement in acid ettack Success Mirror @ Jane 2085 ages in 2074, the eninister intorred thes Lomer Heuze af Parise OF theee, 179 pecole were arresied in Uttar Pradesh, 48 in Madhya Pradesh ane 10 Gu ‘Chaudhary eid The Ministar salt tollowng a ireetive ot the Supeeines Court, the Ministry of Hames Affairs (Rb) hors Bent a numBee of advisans to the states and Urian territories aking them to take necessary action fat treatment anc giving compensation ta sid alts victimes The state governments have been conweyed thal no acid alack wit allow Gang Sresrtment by aery hhozalial, paiblkc oF private Under aeTy prefer and any esriig herspitalcinic violating the legislative provisions stOUID be Gea with Steir Gujarat Gets Its Second Naval Base Bexrsting the necurty af Gujsrat's 7,800 km constiine, Gujarat Chie! Minister Anandinen Patel on May 9, 2015 commiusionad the new Buee of the Indian Navy rarest INS Saar Patol in Porbandar in a presence ot Navy Chief Admiral RK, Down and other enior navy officials. She mnvolled @ plaque and rad the com- mivuloning wartent of INE. Sardar Patel which ie the weno’ bse of the Indian Nawy in Gujarat, the Ast ons Js INS Datatka neat Okha, INS Sardat Patel willercure coordination besween ‘worships, sunmarines and aircratts deplayee im the costal regions et the wtsie. Gujarat how 43 privsie me public ports, mang naany Siper ce ef the Cauntry's migeitin industies sand INS Saresar Peel wil augment the sspcunty staaus and administrative grip of the wecuriy pemonnls in the atin, Ackrowtedging shat the Navy plays hey role in peolecting the long costing of Gujarat, CM Patel urged coastal se0UMy agencies 10 be alan rounchihe-clock, while retesting to the recent ‘eiercoption of a suspicious ‘boat centaining natcotic drugs! ny the Nowy and Cove! Gard, The Chiet Minister shea hailed the initiative of paring he bce alee Serdar Vellabhohat Patel 7H is 9 nator of pride, not any tor Gujarat iso ter Ine, a Noval bao has ess Mirror # June 2015 bean named ater Sardar Patel at the birthplace of Mahstms Gane, she tei AIADIME supremo and focmer hist Minister ot Tamil Nadu, J. dayalalithsa's poliical career was resurected when the Kamataka High Sout on May 11, 2015 acquitted Joyalalthos and her three axcocistes = W Sopkola, VN. Suchakaran and Movaval inthe 9-yo0r cd eanrapor. fronate senels come alter WI ayalalthaa was toroed fa sien down fag the Chiat Minisigr of Tamil Nac The Kamataks HE oder ol Jay's cquitial pares the way for her reir ta power as the CM of Tamil Nad Jaya’s Journey of the Disproportionate Asset Case $908 : Subramanian Somy as cose aleging syelalthas amassed prOpertiad warts {66-65 ercea wile fhe wae tee CM Yom 1931 1 133% asad on Dasa 7 2 A pro socuton stench in Chenmars ao Bon) senaiens cor Gunga sheotad on June 4, om ; AAD secunds abschta. frarety in May dayallthaa assombly eloclons, bul 5C nulites her ‘ppsinimert it CM, 2002 | O> February 21, she ie again sree in 23M. 200 : On Nevers 18, le tarsfomed to Bangalore ts ensue fir 2014 : Gn September 27, spec our sonia Jayalamca. AN owing ‘sent away by the Madras Hign Court ‘Jeyallthsa manages fat bal te te Supreme Court en Ooseer 17 2015 1-00 May 1. the Karaka igh Gourt acquis Jayalalithaa aed trae ohare Svortuming the tral court order, ‘which had an Segiember 27 last year convicied Jayslalithas snd three of ber associates and seniencod them io aur yaars imprtsonmars, the Karna taka HG judge C.F. Kumarasswmy ruled than tw wealth socumudseod oy tam was only € 282 crore, an nat PSU00 cree ws oleged. Citing Supreme Cour judge sent in the Krishhanand Agnihotri case, Justice Kumaraswamy said ‘when the dsproparionats aeaot was Ieee than 10 par cae, the socteed were ented to acquit In ths case, ‘the disproportionate assets added up ‘to ofly B12 per cant ae compared to kerown sauraps af incor. Jayalslthos had appealed gai fs her coctictiom in thee 68/4. crore disoroportanase anoets case by the special court judge Michael D’ ‘Cunha, who hed sentenced her to 4 yeor: in jail end wlspped fine ot (6100 crore: Jsyalslithes, slong with sides N. Sasikela, VIN, Suchakaran and J esivsraed, Wars ele guity of Molen unaccaunted tor incame during het tenure as Chie! Aanistor af Tamil Ned trot 1991-86 by the tial cot ‘Clone side Salas and her retives Suchakoran and lervarasi were fined 1D erete eae The Kamatake High Court alan ‘vilictsed the tial court foe not induding the lnans awallod of by the cancrsed during 1961-96 2 their port Paar eet COS fer" a WoPs CLERK TEACHING PC TET ssn ns OTHERS PRET #974 crea 1281 af income, Many Polileal leaders scroes party few congratutsted ayalalithag foe her acqual from the HE. Now the poleical scenario in Tats Nadu has taken ug tar anal Jaya is get a return as the CM ot the wate BrahMos Missile Test fired Successtully India on May 8, 2015 success: izailg from the car Nicobar Islands, the second such exercise since Mary 8 Mtwas the 4th teat tring of the frigete. It met all flight parameters, Incuding highsewsl manoeuvres, The lanc-tc-land configuration ol Brahhios Bipcielil version way tesidaunched fram s mobile launcher for ils tll range of 220 om, I: hit the designed land-based target with the desired RecURaKy at a Mach 28 speed. ‘The Brahe miggile, = joint delence wanture of Russia and India, te apstle of beng [sunchesd rem le, 00, cub-soa and air against sea and land targets Bangladesh Land Boundary Agreement Bill Gets Parliament Nod The Parlimnwnt apis a rane polticsl consereus Io selte the couniry’s 41-year ol lane border issue with Bangsclest wth the eessy pseeage of the Ineis-Bsnglaeeeh Land Borer Agreement Bill, a Constitutional Amancenent Bilin the Poriisment, entsiing exchange of enclaves between the wo caURITES Lok Sabfis, the Lower Hause osesed the Conslilution (118th Amencimest} Bit with unanimity an May, 2088 to allow the operstionsiiastion of the 174 InciarBonglodesh Land Bound sary Agreement, Al the SEH members Prewent fm the Lok Saha at tat Mise Toxics matresit vated in tavour ofthe bill which became the 100: Const tutorial Aenendinert. The Upoer House, the Rajye Sabra ho cfm is aporaval 9 the bill an May 8. Soon shar the cesaqe of the bill PM Mod! walked up lo the apposition benches of the Lak Sabha to thank lbacars inching Congress Chie? Sonia hi, BIDE. Mabiiab, TAC: India-Bangladesh Land Boundary Issue : Some Facts Wistory of the agreement ‘© Then PMS Incira Ganchi ard Shake Majbur Rahman frsi atlemplad to resolve tne Indo-Gangia sero inten Urreugh the Indira ‘Teoaly of 1074 @ Tha current Lard Boundary Agra. mani (LEIA) Prstooa was signed by =P Manmohan ingh ane Srelah Hienain att ‘Whal is an enelave 7 @ An enclave, or chimahal, ipa piece of lard hall By cro ecumey Eu ying Intra tormtory of anciner. ‘The numbers, '@ According to Wess Wangal Chiat Mirada Maskata Banda, 60,000- 71.000 papsia fving in the erclaves wil come from Banglades to Weet Bangal ovse the axshange smataria liso Wher will it atteet 2 (© The seanong of ernioves would result in West Bengal losing 10,048 ‘ames of ls ‘a Vast Bonga’ wil haa ha adstisral burden af rehot Hat ng those omg {5tha slat orm dun arelenes. 4 The Contre nas ateady anounced ‘8 rahabiitation nsekace of 23, (Qo 39 ere fv What Bane we The compensation pacsace is socuited te pris Fooe and shaban. sender reas, schools houses and hospitals, for those migrating 12 Wee! Bengal. (© The LBA Would alno: addraae to other issues —underamsted herder and Adversely Possessed Land APL) betwen the tre nouns Sudip Bandapadhyay and AIABMK leader P, enugoosl for their value suport io the Bill, According to the Lond Agreement Bill, India WE get S10 acres of land while Bangladesh vail goi 10.000 acres. The bill, which the Bharatiye Janota Party, Asom Gana Parishad and Trinamool Congres Mad oppo vee whe i rs trough oy the Unie’ Progressive Alliance {UPA} govern ment in Z01B, amends The First ‘Schedule af the Incizey Constitulion to give elfect to an agreement entered nto ty Indi aed Bangladesh on he vequiring and transfer of teetitories between the two countries on May 48, 1974, In aut, then Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Bangladeshi Premier Sheikh Hessina had signed ‘he land gaan deel Knewn a8 the Lard Boundary Agreement (LBA), The constitutional amendmen Bill to eparationalise the agracmont ‘was fniroduced in the Fishia Seba in 2012 but could net be persed due to ‘sit oppastion ihn the Narendra Modi gov: mment came in power, the bil wes again sant to the Seanding Commitieg can the elem! allsirs mirisiry, snd = roport wus. presented in December 2014. The First Schedule defines the ates of exch stale and union territory ‘ahich together constitute tnd The bil ta operstionalise the _agrosenort wiih Bangladesh includes ‘exchange of levfilaries in Azsam, ‘West Bengal, Tripura and Maghalaya and wae clesred by the Union Cabins at a meeting chaired by Prime Minister Median Mey 8, 2018. fidary Acrewener had to seek the Raya Sabha ned for another time on May 11 due to some drafting etrors There was an eeror in numeering of the bill beaume of which it had to be aparoved again in the Unper Hause. The Bil wg nrocuceC as the 119th Ammendirent Bil, 201, should have been clawed ag the 100th Amend. ment act, 2018. This ie becouse several constitutional amendments bills are introduced in the Parkomert but the number ot thasa which actually gets clearance in Patisment tees “Anae the successful journey. of the bill in the Parliament, Prime Minister Narendra Modi informed Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina about the latest Gevelopenent ‘over the fateral Land Barder issue. urkar's English Essays ‘Wsetul ar Comoattive Examinations cand Academic Studies By : Major (Retd.) PN. Joshi Cade No. 1541 FHF. Ipkar Prakashan, AGRA-2 Success Mirror @ Jane Chinese President Xi Jinping’s Visit to Pakistan Chinese President Xi Jinping arrived In Islamabad, Pakistan on April 20, 2018 on his fret visit to Pokisian. It. ¥i maugurated a 3 48 tice invectment plan ia Poaitan en April 20 jive! that sims to create direct links between China and the Arabian Sea and bows! the sluggish Pakisian econcrry Ielarmabed ane Belling hope thet the Chins-Pakietan Eoonemic Corti- or (SPEC) will wamuform Faksian inta regionsd eromoenic: hub and ring growth o0 the restive wesiem (Chinese tegion ot injseg, The conidor scheme ie pat ot Beijing's “Bell and Road” plan to expand is trade and transport toat- riot across Cental and South Asis, ‘while countering US ant Indian Influence, The inwesimenis foresee. the creation of raed, ral and pipeline link that will connect Chine to the Arabian Sea, cutting several thousand kilor imatres of the route that transports oll from the Middle East. The upgrade vl etetch 3,000 km from China's western city of Kashgar to tha Pakistani port ot Gwadar, consol of which wes Iransferred tp 3 Chinese public company in 2073. Arson qk, the minister over- seeing the prajects, said $11 tition rss: been set wide for infrastruc . white the remaining £35 bition ess Mirror © June 2015 Wil go an energy projects. Much ot the investment ill be in the fore at ‘Siscoumiee loans, ‘The t10 countries signed mare than So agresmenss, MI. 06 and Pak PM Mc. Sharif symbolically broke ‘pround on five renewaisie energy par Icts aeound the caunery vis video lnk Delors overseeing Ihe skyting of rate than 50 agreements Mr. said China wae needy to “support Pakistan's economic. and octal devsapinert™, while Sheet waht the comider would make Pakistan regional bub and @ Pavol ter come rence and inaserrnert” Teyaleluo enable Ching to create a shorter amd chesper route [or trade ‘and invasiment with south, central ‘and weet Avis and Middle Eust and Ati,” Mt. Shari! atid Pakistan Fapes the Chineze inwestment wil spur its long-under performing econarrey, owbinh the IME projects to gnaw 4.2 percent this yes “The Two alles have enjoyed close ighomatic: ane miltary relstiane tor decades, though economic Ses have only qrawn more recently. Elsteral trade crossed $12 bill compared to only $ 2 il sailor Interior Minister Mohammed bin Nayef Named New Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia's King Selman on Apel 23 announced Imeriar Minisiee Mofammed bin Mayet (35) as the crown prince snd Saudi Delenoe Minister Mohammed bin Salman as the dopary cow prine of Saudi Arabia, the world's top of exporter ‘and loading US ally in Asia, Wich this naw davalagment Saudi Arabla has effectively decided the line of succe- ssion for decades and orought a major shit in power within the ulira corzervetive kingdom’ elie at & time ‘af huge palitical turmncil in the Arab seninsils. Almost all pewers undst ‘the Saudi King are new cerared ithe Inatior Ministee Mayet and Cetence Minister Mohammed bin Salman whe ‘gach chair committees relating 10 -SRCUMY ad Boomers Gavelopment in Souci Arabi. Both the leaders ore aalbo leading Soudi's armed action in ‘Yemen, Prince Mohammed bin Mayet replaces Prince Mugen as the cream arince. Prince Nayat i known fot dove and personal Tes Win EERO US ctlicis and his snpeintment ss ssrgwn prince may boos! Ssudi-US ‘hes i Turns King Salman also named Ade! cabJubeir, the Saudi smbossadar in ‘Washington asthe new Foreign Minis ter of Saud Arabia. Adel abJubes ts the frei mon-tayal fo hold such a key post in the Saudi Kingdom. He replaced Frince Sauda! Faival who ‘was the Foreign Minister since 1875. Adel abJubeir's elevation os the Foreign Minisar is alsa being sen are an alieimat to bolster ties with the USA as he has served several years inthe US as Sau erway. NASA's Messenger ‘Spacecratt Ends Its Mercury Mission with a Crash NASA's 1i-yeur od Mission Mercury came te anvend when NASA the Mercury Surtace, Space Esrene ment, Geochemitry ond Ranging Messenger) spuceoret crashed intc ‘he surface at the planet soan after it imposed the eurtsce an Apel 80s ner the prediction of NASA. The Messenger provided many valubés data and thousands of imeges of the Mercury and its oxrer snace during fs 11-ybar old spare jou. ‘The Messangor spacneratt ws Isunched on August 8, 2004 under the contral of the Johns Honkines University Appted Physics: Lalaratony in Merylond, The epucecrs!t began i271 sping the planet on wre 18, 2011 and completed ft primary science sbjactwas. by March Zotz, NASA feceived pew infaration Stout the planet through the dizcoveries done by the spacccran, Taking into view the good work of Tie specssrett aid poyfoad hesith, the mission gol tae linportant extensions, The second extension, retested to a8 XM2 wis given in Match this yet On April 28, the team succes: stuly cxoxanae m9 last of seven Graf: carrecion manoeuvres, which hed een keeping Messenger alalt fr the fcdronal month, surtcenty kong fehagh for ite inetruRments to eect critical mlcrmation that could shed light on Mercury's cnastal magnstic setialies afd ies-tiéd polar orstars Veith no wey io Increaee Fe altitude, Messenger was unabke to resist the priuroations io its arly the sun's gravitational pull end slimmed into Mercury surface at around 14,000 kmah, creating a rater up to 52 feat wide Massive Earthquake Hits Nepal and Parts of India A massive exrhouske racked opal and paris of Inia on Acre 25, 2018. The Iniensiiy of the quake js Negal on the Richter scale was: mes- sured at 7-8 while the north westem and eastern India recabved quia of lower intensity af about B54, There ‘was widespread damage of Ito and propery in Nopal, The death al crossed over 7,000 people with the injured numbering several thousand. ‘Aw mary st 72 peoole died in Ingian atbies including West Bengal, Bihar and Utsar Prager, There wore rescun and relict seperation lounehed by India on maneive eoale, ILerlended an all cut suport with men aerd manorial to the people at Nepal, The seas takan ky the Indian Government were lauded by one.and al inckiding the opposition ertlog, Inia siapped up sam going rescue and tele! efions in Nepal under ts stupor: Operation Maitr, fispaiching more medical ald, rele! material snd peruoemel to restore power supply. rebuilé inérasiracare and roneriity andewexcasie people inlerminicietisl team of inp oificisla Nesbad By an sdditianal secretsy in the ministy of Home, reached Nepal ta coordinate relat operations, David Cameron Re- elected Prime Minister of Britain Putting an end to a brit coalition f9r9 fv Britain's polities, Pree Minister Dovid Cameron led the Canservative Parly registered 9 facile and core sincing win i Britain's partie tary flection on May B, 2018. The Care servaiive Party claimed victory on 5 parliamentary seats, comtertably rowing the $26 majorly mark in the BEDseat House at Gommons. ster this stunning victory Cameron does al need fis ally Liters! Democrats Bawvid Camaren ‘with whee the had mun the gouesre ment since 2010. The Conservative Party decimated the main apposition prarly the Labour Pariy lec by E¢ Milloang ta only 232 seats, over fuming al coll predictions of a close race telween both ihe pariies. ‘Cameron wil form the single maaty conrzetvatine govesnimert for fret lime since 1882 tor the next five years. Prime Minister Camgron hitngelf won his Witney constiluency in southern England and became the first conser ‘wattoo PM ct Betiain to win a second dani since Margaret Thatch. The Scoitish National Party Seared SB seats out Gt'Ihe SUK parliamentary gears in Seulland, ‘giving a huge secback to the Labeur Pony which belt a paiticsd nay in'Seetara ‘Among the early Scaitish Matior nal Parly winners wes 20-year-old muucent Mhaiti Black, who defested Bouglas Alexander, Labour's 47-year- ‘ald foreign policy spakesman ang ane col ity most senior figures. Bloc ie the ‘youngest UK krarmaker since 13-year- ‘id Christoshor Mond ericrodt Pari ment in 1867. One of the big losers of the day ‘wes UR Independence Party baer Nigel Farape, who resigned afer tosing thls race. His party ran third in ‘opinion pols, Dut had Wer ooy one zeal The Conzervative Party whan tt porliamentary seats, 25 more than the prawious ection in 20 0 @ Tho Latour Purty sured the ose 0f 35 seats this tir, @ Nicola Sivmeon led Seotiish National Party amorged the shire leegest party in the Hove of ‘Commons with 56 seats, all from Scotian, (© hall Black of SNP nas become the youngest MP since 1657 when Christogher Monch entered Farlament of Brtain at 13. Whos 22D) won the Palslay and Renta. ‘watire South 810 Intisn-crgin candidsles regis: peed win in the election. Inkaays Co-tauncer Norayana Murhy's SonirLaw Richi Sunak wan Fichmand vat © Keith Vaz, Pri Pavel, Valet Vaz and Seema Malhotra were- other Indian-ongin caracinas who wan thes pselasmertsny sess © Around 182 women have won nests, arcounting for sraurd 28 per cont of all MBPs of Briain, an Increase trom under 25 par cant in the previous patlismentsry pols, In a bid w seerathen ts strategic position in the Peralan Gut, India an May 8, 2018 inked an inter-gavern- menial Memorandum of Under “stancing (MoU) with tran tor develo feet of the Ghabshat port with India's assistance. The Chabshar Port Seal was signed DY ADORE AneaG Akhound, Minisier tor Trareport ane Urban Development af Iran and Nn Gaokan, Union Road Transport ang Highways Minister of India her discussions during latier's visio Iran. Chabahar part iz located in Sistan-Balachistan Prosince an iran's Souiheasieen cussi near wo the Persian Gull. ‘Chabahar port is = ee Suxcess Mirror @ June 2015 efucisl an eirstegically iinpertant point from India's perspective a it Impans a passage 0 Incia to Alghanistan and Cente Asia bypees- ing Pakistan, Chsbshsr pert sive reduces trange time by third 20 Inca for Akjhanistan and Central Asia Inciss intends (cr lense Sao berthe st ‘Gnabaher tor 10'yeaen, The port wil be Gavelaped through 8 special purpose vehicle which vil ievest USD S21 rlllgn sa cormert the berths into @ container terminal and mutt purpose cosgo fermen. The USA hue expressed conoom over the hase of signing pom deel wih Iran ane the nuclear deal betamen Iran ard US sand his allies hag: yot neat came inte 1 roulty. Iran reensined ipolsted anc finarcialy sanctioned Jor i dubious nuclear programmes But Indis has Seciced to go wen the Chaoahar port deal wilh Iran ae if has shown commendable respect te the inter Rabonal concer about Ns ruicieut programene by follrwing the condi: and guidelines of USA and its alles. Afghanistan China India, which has knvestod ovor 82 fien in Aighantstan, pi te ink the Chabshor pot with the Zararé Delaram road. the garland higher. Inds tuill in Alghsrictan by tas grading the Chabaharhiiak road spaning altomative access te goa ort for Argaevietans conhctivity regions! end globe marists, Incis bros slrendy commilleg’ $100 mili to evelog ihe part. Me Gada hod esslier eit: “We will complete the pot! it about one and-arhalt year. The distance bet During his visit tara te, Nin Gadkan also met Iranian President Haysan Ravhoni and exprewsed Indis's Willingen: fot close ecc and cullural ew wih Ian, ess Mirror # June 2015 Norway Tops 16th Annual Mothers’ Index ‘Seandinguian countries contiwes thelr domingrce on the World Mathors! Index as: Norway exnergod ‘he werkd's best olace ta ba a rcihige in the 16th Annual Mathers” Index at Save the Chidron, released on May 4, 2015, Nenway dhiplesed Finland another Scandinavian country from ‘he tap spat at the index. 173 nations ‘wore inched te propsarethe I which waa baped on fe indicators related to mavemal health, ecucstion, income lovols, justice and ihe siatus ot women. Nine plecss emang the too 19 were graboed py the European countrigs. Australia, ho only nan: Eurogese nation secured rit pisoe fon the index. France and United Kingdom wore placed on 23rd and 24th spol in the Mothers’ Index respectively. Canada's perfarmance st 20th pection this your was supotioe ta ts neighiour the USA which suffered two rank lows this year at tel pasition, Last yar Ameskoa was pissed at Sts wpet ont the Mathers” Index. Ametican women have a ne I 1,800 mk of marten Geath, tha worst level af ris of ony developed country inthe warld. Samia is the worst place, just below che Damacrate Republic of Congo and the Genial African Fle public, India has sipped turther in an gnnwal survey analysing the world's best places to be a mother, ranking 140th behind countries lke Zimbabwe, Bangladesh and rag, Liberia, one of the warsthit West Atrican namiane. tram Ebola virus was Seclured Ebals-tree The Ebola vive created & snecical Guseter In Liberia and otter West férican Gounines as it salled more thar 4.700 people only in Liberia seed many others got infected. WHO hailed the eradication of ach a devastating disaage as @ monumeréal achieweirent with collective aforts. At ‘he height of the cnsis 1 September 2044, Liberia were wuttering more shan 400 pew Cazes eWeek, With uncollected and highly sntectiows nodes olleg up in the stats of Monrovia, the cacital of Liberia. Ebots verus destroyed the medical system in Liperia and Liberian gavarment had 1p decisre madical emergency i he ‘saunéry when situation got out of sanirol. 189 health warkors also lost ‘heir Hives dureng shes Ebola rela in Liberia. (Camémeal frome Page 21°) Inf, fuuristk acceloraors and a Hithnx rector praducing lange quant ‘has at radicisctopss, Gurentiy, te Dhruvs reactor im Trombsy (humizsi) ig he mans Andhra Pradesh wil soon tum & bey eueolier of atomic fuel, At Thutr- malapale, Kadapa district, wirete the largest deposit of lav-grade uranium wofe (about one fk tories) vise dlee covered by the Alumic Miners Davison, Uraniam Garporairan of india Lig (UCL) i= working at tall twextte to sist production. UCIL i siruggting to supply the 21 power plants mith mining restricted to Jharkhand's daduguds mines. AP he aieo ade proposal ia the Department of Atomic Energy on setting up @ gresetiais fiadese uel tabricatioes fecilty in Kumoal disci, Ths taclity wall supplement the Nuclear Fual Com: plex in Hyderabad, the main fuel supelier anit bby the lord Heath ‘Organisation, tha Ud aul agency on May 3, 2015 a8 no eantirmmed case ot Ebates vires hs beer reperted in the eaun- ry since last 42 Says, The period twice the number of Code 1526 uexar's cea hip ene By : Vaikunth Sharma ta. ‘says the Ebola vitus [Parcitanat ey required te inet. psa Prakashan, AGRA-2 Just oes Gs UPKAR'S Cars Dc) Extremely Useful Books Fe [For Railway & Other Engineering eed (Diploma) Competitive Examinations] > — > = Oo w © © rs oO z Burcens Bt (AHANDEDUKON Pier COMME NIEATON TECHNOLOGY, ELECTRICIANS ee

trans India und tran an May 6, 2045 signed an Inter-qevernmental Memorandum of Understand- ing (Mal) for India's paricizason in the develop ment ot Chabahar Prt, locaiad in Sistan- Balorhistan Province of Iran near the Persisn Gu Iran’ Minister far Transport end Uresn Geveloo- mont Abas Anmag Axhrgucs and India's Ranisr for Tramiport and Uroan Develcament Nitin Gudkari signed the deal cn behal! of their rex poctive countries In Temtan, Chabanar Por is strategically iinportunt site for Indie os ft provides India scores io Alghanistan and General Asia by essing Pakistan ane raduces the transit tine by third. Indie has akesdy decided 10 invest § 100 rrilfion te develoa the oe, 2. Which state was honoured with the Panchayat Award, 2014 7 = Tannll Nadu; Tamil Nadu wen or April 24, 2015 honcuned with the e-Pancharyat award for 2014 Yor dovelaping a set of applicatians tar HeTIEr sdeibisiration ef Panchayati ij Iressa. Tex Nacu's Fural Develapment and Panchayat Fis Secretary Gagandeap Singh reeaived the aware cantying 8 cash prize worth ¢ 20 bik and 3 cesti- fieate from Prime Minister Narendra Mogi im New Dethi, Tart Macy nas Won the swwiard tor det loging application form sete Bke PRIA Salt Local ‘Goverment Directory, National Pancharyat Portal To make Panchayat tc eusiy avaabte 10 al Who was honoured with the first TOISA Litetime achievement award 7 > Wilkha Singhs Logendory lnclan ashlate Mlkhar Singh, wha is bepnrly Krew Flying SKN wis, honoured with the first Times of India Spoet= JAggoclatian (TOISA) Lretine Juchigwreenant erwaes Nirw-tie Olympic sjold medallist Gr! Lewis and Times Group MO Vineet Jain presen the sare to Mika Singh on Mary 8, 2D15, Who was honoured with the UNESCO World Press Freedom Award, 2015 7 > Syrlan Journalist Mazen, Darwish; Syrian Journalist and human raha aethtst Mazen Danis won the coveled Guillermo Cana World Press Froodam Award 2075 in Flga, Lava an May 3 2015 onthe Watld Press Freedom Oy. rats’ wile Yara Buter received the sword on behalf her husband who has oeen in detansion since February 2012 by she Syrian sutherties under the ‘changes of promoting tetrorism in the region. The vss Mirror @ June 2015 pwsed carries § 25,000 a prize money. He ass ‘ona of tha founders of tha ¥oicH newapaDer anc syreMiew.nat, an independent haves wite Banned boy the Syrise susharites im 2008. 5. Who is the new spokesperson of Miniziry of Extemal Affairs of india? > Wileas Swarup: Vikas Swamp, @ 1986 batch IFS Oljices sscumed charge as the new spokes person af the Minisiy af External Airs of Inia on Ageil 19, 2015. Swarup wicceaced Sys |Aktaruddin on this Goel Swarup i the author of ntemstignally acclaimed nowel ‘OWA’. Eight Acadamy Awards (Oscar) winning Hollysoae movie 'Siumdeg Millonairs'ie based an Suearup's novel OBA" Preto his new ossigamant, Swarup wes Serving 98 the Join Secretary (United Ntians-Puliical) in the ministry 6. Omar al-Bashir was re-elected the President of Sudan: Sudanese President Gear al-Bashir was re-elected on Apt 27 a the President woh 94-5 ber cent of the vate in his fawour. Sudan's National Eleclotal Commission Chie! Mokhtar ak Asam announced the resull and wuld shat the Nations! Conatens Party's Omar Haeean had vmecured 5,252,478 wales i his support. Wah this ‘nin, Presiden! Omar abBashir who ty wanted by She International Greninal Court for war crimes, ‘ecended his grit on power for snather term. Whohas become theweslthiest person ofBritsin ? = Len Blavatnik; Ukrainion music baran Len Blavatnik was an Agni 26, 2015 declared the Fehest man of Beiain or thes annual Sunday Thies Rich List of 2018 with an estimsied wesith of 10 19-17 billion. Len displaced Hineuja others — Sridtand afd Gopiehand whe ieee the welts men of UK in 20d. Hindujs brothers elioped to second pisces this year with aA estimased wealth ‘of £15 billion, According 10 this yese"s Sundsy Times Rich List of Bin, the Tetsl Wealth of the richest 1,000 individuats and families has more ‘Tian doubled in he last decade 19 © 547 ballin 3, Which country's Upper House of Parliament (Senate) has been named es House of Federa- tion? > Pakistan; The Upper House of Pabstan! Partin ment betier known as Sensie wae nemed se Houze of Federstion on May 6, 2075 through = resoludion, The Logo of tha uoper house wail aso be changed with The new name of the uoper owe. liars Success Mirror Abstract | indian Polity and Constitution = Who is Ghairman of the NITI Aayog? = —Frime Minister = Which Genstititian Ammescmant Intrccskoed th serintstection pion Visions in the Consifutian for the first tng? —Sind Amendment = Under wich Arse of the Indian Canstiution con the President of India be imeeached ? —Articte 64 = Wins Coes the “Hung Parlin trea ‘=A parliament in which no arty has clear majority = What type of voting i Feld in \ighan Sabha tp elect the Mem- bere of Faye Sathe ? Open voting = The sutharity to spacity as to which castes shall be teamed to be Scheduled Castes rests with the President ~The decision an questions as to Sagusiticstlons of membership of sthrer Houme of Poslisiment res wit the —Presigent atter consultation with the Election Commission = Judicial Review in india is nosed ca Procedure established by law = Winat i the maximum possisie strength of the Legisiative Asami at stat in Inca 7 8 members = Which ti icicle’ by an apa priate ucisl body in order tire 1 parson, wha has Deen ilogally Ssiained ? Habeas Cornus Indian National Movement and Constitutional Development = In whiek profession did Raber (Clive serive inci? Cleric (Writer) = When diet Swadesh! Mavernant begin 7 With the mavement to top. partition of Bengal Under whowe femurs the resolu fon of tats independence passed 7 store Waves What was tha cbjact ot Rowlatt ne? =To check the constitutional Frowemant by imprisoning one and punish him without ti + Who seganised the ‘Hindustani Socialist Poputtic Army 7 Chandra Shekhar Azad Who was the fest European to be slociad ag Prosidant at Indian Netonal Congrezs ? George Yule = Tndian Sodclugiet was =A revalutionary journal published by Shyatnji Krishna Verma = Who gave the sbgen ‘Deihi Chalo’? ‘Subhash Chandra Bose + Who was with Bhagat Singh swhon he threw a bomb in Genéral Legialstive Aszerntly ? =Batukeshwar Dutta ~ Who sald “india ig net one, but two ngttone" ? —Moharmmad Ali Jinnah indian History and Cul = Who were the paricioume in Kappom Wiss ? Western Chalukyas and ‘Ghales + Which country conducted heavy trode relations with India in 2d Century BG. 7 Rome ~ WoMatryan oge, the reference te Kouhthoguces wero helped during ‘amines is knew Surough —Shegaura Slone Edict + The collection af Buddha's toach- egal Vinay Frias Where waa me Tarnralio! Port in India located 2 In Ezat = Dl which metal were the early punch mated! caine made? —Silver re ‘= Kehoe in Mughal nals meser! The land belonging to the Emperor = Where was the post Amir harghmog boen 7 —Patiall, Efah = Who first translated the Tots sien’ stories in Perzian 2 ys Nag = Inmecieval period, the Pahari at ‘started with ~Basauli Indian and World Economy = The ehare of oad trsmenoet in total ranepar ofthe coureny ix 80% = ‘KutirJyoth Scheme’ ts suboctsiod with Providing electricity to rural ‘families living below the poverty fn = CAPART is rested to Assisting and evaluating rural welfare programmes World Ecenamie Dutioak is polished by — mF ‘Ineian Gener Revolt became most suosesstu in —Wineat and Rice = Index “Reside” is omnociaine ith —Land prices = Project “Sankalp’ |e wiscclened ‘wer ihe ebrrénstion oF — AISI = ‘Operation Tadst'ts the maw name siver ta Arpariea’s Fedorsd Bank Strategy refated 12 Reducing interest retes to promote long-run jaar ~ Inereuee int net FBI credit tar Central Gavetrmmest repitesets Manetized Betictt = "Foon Product! and Foci aie aro tio Semmes reste to Export Promotion ‘Geography and Environment = Vibers ty the headquarter of South-Eusiwrn Coelfieldy Lith located ? Bilaspur Success Mirror @ Jane 2085 Wied is called the “Tayer State’ inlets? —Maghye Pradesh = The roe! urtnized ete ol Ines is ‘WMaharashira = ‘Saddle Peak’, the highest peak of Azgiaman and Nicobar island i tcstedin —Morth Andaman = The rrgetlingortanitcroo of Brak valley ts —Tea = The new population bomb rales 3 —Repidly growing urban population in the third world = The highest diversity of amimsi ‘nd plant species aocuns in Tropical moist forests = Which of the folowing currents does hot contriaute to form a comme ck wf cure in the South Atlantic Ocean ? Benguel = Schyati lange is sk binown se Western Ghai, = Seles ection achieves totality only in Sirited geographical regions because Gus to ‘The Earth is not smooth flat ‘surtaee, but has elevations and depressions Science end Technology = Blamané ang graphite nem ro the allotropes of caroan, Ou why is diamond much hatdet than graphite ? —Due to difference in cxystsl- line siructure = Acineatar metal piece with a hole Inthe egenre In eased, The sine ofthe hole will Irae = lrvorder ta get 9 parallel bese of Hight from 2 pois eouree Hight, we must wee parabolic mirror = Aman is able ta cee both distant tnd near objects because —The eye lens can henge its focal kangth = Radicaciivity happens any in heavier Skenorts, bsclRe Only heavy nuctel are unstable = Seip ba sacue Bat ot Stearic acid ess Mirror # June 215 Bull Seman for the puree at arSficial imeemination is lored in —Liguid nitragen = Human body faos are stored in —Adigose tissue + Tho goed of pinus {chit) contains —Many eatyledons Ginger fs a sem ane niet w root decuume —l has nedes end internodes = In plants, the nite oF peeception af the pnatoperiodic stints Flower = NMITLE 8 Ipod variety ='Astewagendh’ = Perorhira (Pierprhiza kurroa} an endangered plant tar hepato: proieeilve uctlviy belongs to ‘Medicinal plant group = GIMAP Harsh—s high yielding! poterts! variety ‘wth ‘beh hers yield, 240 kaha oll yall and 89% sgeranial The viet of —Palraross (Mediesnal plant) = CIMAP SUWARINA Iz = high ail yielcing wariety of ‘Lemongrass (Cymbapogon Khasianus) ~ Conia! Set Selinity Feeesrch Instiiule (8SRI—under HAR] locaind at its Hg Karnal (Harysna) * GCeniral sid Zone Research Insiiuie ({GAZFI—undar IGAR) i ‘stuated at Jodhpur (Rajasthan) + The Deparment of Agricultural Research and Education (BARE) lingerie IGAR system wae eats teed in Cecember 1873 ‘Sports and Performance ~The tern “Btatemate’ fs used in 8 newly deve the gaine ot —Chees = Shiva Hockey sodium iz locate’ = New Delt Measurements af tennis cours ara 78 toe! = 28 tee! (Singles) = 78 teat x 36 feet (Doubles) = Trophy ashes’ is associated wth —Grichet (Austrelia-Enghand) Vines toop86 the indhiual sears in ICC World Cup, 205 ? ‘Martin Guptill (New Zealand), 237 runs (147 balls) against ‘Wen! Indies ‘Which team woe the Flan Troohy 2014-15.on Magch 12, 2018 at the ‘vecceinece Siaxsuen 7 —Kernetaks At the cloze af February 2018, wha wan the Dubai Open Doxtles Crown in Tennis? —Riohan Bopanna (Inds) end Daniel Nestar (Canada) In india Open Badminton Cham- plonehip, 2085, who wan the Viornens Singles file ? =Balna Netwral Vite ion the Intemstianl Brand mastees Chess Tournament an Harch 24, 2015 7 — Surya Shekhar Ganguly Op March 2, 2095, who wax lected a the BCCI President ? =dagmohan Dalmiya (7 Wisctaneaus_) \ihich lewian site t broly 2 large as the European nation, Australia 7 —Karatake The Teegest inigaton can in Ingis | Indira Gandhi Canal iba lod ihe sai Saryaxgrah move ment wien Gand 7 —Sarojini Naidu Persian weekly Mirstul Akai’ ‘was published by —Raja Ram Mohan Roy ight to Inearmation Act” caine into etlect on ‘= 12th October. 2008 On fest gonasian, the Prime Rinieter of India was eppaintes —The Viceroy The first Budehist Council aber the saheaion of Lord Budcha was preskled over by —Mehakashyap ‘The primary role of MABARD is —To provide term loans to state cooperative banks ‘The degrae af inflation is mace Sted Wh the help et —General price index number Wearing of the quart crystal in the watch is bazed on the =Piezo-elecirie Ettect Communication Articie ALTE? Areas of Nee Nertneliiqy in tha hos become the latest hot subject af discussion and often while debating It hes les te frayed temmers between staponent: and appenanes ot it. The principle of fet nektraly ells for eu treatrnert to be scxorded to sll internet raft, ‘without discrimination ar prierty 4a any patsan, entity oF company: Theme ate many people in Inds shes enioy internat the way it is right now and feel stongly that its tral chester mus! be preserved There hve Seen sent mote than @ takh potitens t0 TRAD wich hae: unged it fot 19 barter sway’ the ret to big corporate houses, In Inds, Facebook partnered Rolorice Communications to provide thee Internet secess to ower 3D wien ailes, Facebook Founder and CEO Mork Zuckerigery remarked! that, Same people have critisize the once. tat laws ta ever fre basic... services, saying that offering some services for tres joes against Tie spit of net peutrae lity, Net nouirality ensures metevark ‘operators don't discriminate by ling scoene to eeivices youd Wem to UBe. I's an essential part of the open Inigrat, and weg a fully cornmitieg 99 it" He slo poénted out thet, “Net neutrality Fanon comtict with working to gol mae people connected...T0 give more peoale access to the Iniemet, & és usetul to eter seme orsiees ‘or tne, I you can't atord tn pay for connecihity Is always beret e accoss and vaioe than Nat nouitalty sa porcogt that all webubes ore Deated equally. Net nesstraly calls for equal ireatment to all neamet iraffic with no pririty ing attached to an eniky oF compERTY baeed on guyment Io cervioe peo -viors kg iolecom campanias which fs viewed 5 discriminsioey. It wrould be instructive to rote here that there fare nia nOFMS Ter it now In India is the socal neawoekiig initiative: that intends: to bring intemet services ta areas till nat "comngeted ang Yo make this happen tt hha entered into parverehip wih wuch tech gisnls ax Samsung and Quak somim, Incia har the third largest ramber ff iniemet wsars in the world, but inserme! penetration is the lowest come pared to the top 10 countries having ‘he largest interne: ners. India soo figures i the 42 world's least con- necad counties. As pera Werld Bunk report, aecess ta atfoedablo, high quality intemet end motile phone services enables development across all vols o! economy and eociety. The repert finds that for every 10 per emaga paint increase In high speed internet connections, tere is. sn increase in ceonomic growin of 13 Parcemage points. A note pronared ty the Bopart- ment of Telecornmnanieations (DoT tor 3 meeting of the committee cn net neutrality sald tha cancet may hela the government's Digits Indie ara gramme and ensure equitable ond Inclusive dewelagmant, Accord ng ta the nets, the Digi Inds prexgrarrene emvisuges high-speed internet ws “ore unthy’ ard the National Telecom Policy 312 onuisions —peowlding alfertsble an reliable broedbend on demand by 2015 and 175 milion bbmnadband connections by 2017, Tha note reed thal, “The government ‘envisages leveraging telocem in‘ra- strucnira t0 gnaplo 3 Wied Goanamy, thereby ensuring equitable snd inchs sive development across the nation, by ermanking artordabily. increacd sores and delivery cf multiple services at reduced cast.” ‘Anurag Thakur wha is Chairman ‘1 the Partameniaey Gommities on information Technology hae tslted strongly in fawour of rat nowiralty by ‘which a customer Is rae ta suet tha insemel without any discrimination rawards any webste of service. He ssid that, “There should be indepen dence for the customer in usage: af the net once a dats pack hay been paid for. There should mgt be a check to wpe ft the perwon te visiting wie “AY or 8! once he has gsid the telecom ‘pperator tor data.” India could take fest aut of the tases preweling in coureriag Ibee Cre, Brazil ae Tw USA wtih hee enacted Liv ba protect rel neutrality. Chile was the first counsry to logislate pet naurrabty 9 2010, The country discussed the veved isi fat about $ yours and than ulimataty came out in favour of net nettraty. Netherlands was the secone country in the world ip paws the metwork eatralty law in 242 which ways that pubic electronic. cameunieston me ‘works, that provide incomet access, and inlerned wetvice aroviders will not hinge or nica’ Caran serves at clk cations on the internet, The: Uniied States Fedral Communications Com: rite chsirean Tom Wibeeler i hissy 2014 proposed a plan that favoured fiscriminslory practices by telecom sampanios, Folowing a mags soline campaign. which sxe over 1 rrilloe responses sem to the govern. ment, FOG sdopied ret neumsity on Fotmuary 26, 2014. The Brazilian Cul Rights Frainewark for the Intemet called Maro Civil was adopted in Abell 2014, The firet orooueal wise mate in 2007, and wont through several round of pubic und polities! coruitatons betere & was adopied a Shaw Ii hecseéring to mote thet ovine retsler Fier as derided ta pull out ‘af shisel Zero. which & the conina- ‘yersial plan offered by Indias eating telecom provider Bhosti Aittel to srawide ity suinscrivers free access to ‘salect websites ordy. This nas Oat nilely given the prapanentss of net neutrality more ammunition tp ad ate mare Neeosly the mat MeUIty ‘canoept. Faretsook toa hed ininediced iniemet ony a few moet aga ta sue -ealvers of Relance Coinenunicatiorns aa ili similar ta Aired Zero in marty respocts (Cimriaurat om Page 84) em Suecess Mirror @ June 2015 Personality Oevelopment Mental[ColounBlindness}!) Da yess look st te world through tinted glazces 7 if 0, you are wuttos ing trom prejudices, A preludioed mind ig silecied with 3 hosl of projudged notians, and is unable to vio ile Inv object ve way Seeing ings In solely blacie and ‘ie WPaaTally ane orally fa How of colbut tindness which affects both sexes. The afflicted person i linainare ot his deicrency, Mogt af us: are aticied with it in fegaro ta specific supjects aa it mskes tot simplicity. Wwe reduce sl the tints and gradations 9 the sa fecremes, itis 80 Much Basler to Think thal, for exsmple, ott awe ats cae carect and those af foreigners grote: faique, Urtetunacely, tie stinude of tind is not confined ta comparatively fread matters and ini more important ltrs can 06 downiggt dangerous, We can recagnize iss syrratomns in curses ar athers when we tind shrveles making etre’ asserions rs. 6 is 2 spiel gossip, we say Pormaps itis ta9 aca statement But, 'W@ go on to say that she is ungarconale and weethless, which ray be tae rom tap, Genorabsations are another fom the malady, We haw ruptul experience cf one dishonest taximan, no we go abaut for the rest o our liees praciaening shat all tax mgr ae roques and reoiata, A tat of ham ts done in & mixed commtiniy by ewe a few vocal lack andé-whites spreading lnnge-scale alunders, There is & fatal tendency in every huitman teing, educaled ot ignorant, to prefer the eazy block- Ang-winite we. & mast sweeping generalisation, fot example, i the thecey that the Congress is secular land the BJP comms, A triond of mine had very sirong views: on dink. Qe young maser once ached him shout his views: on drink- ing. To my amazement, he said, “lt sets hold of them, and they end up in utr” ess Mirror «June 25/4 He must hie known that this was umirue, But so sirang was his prejudice againet drink thar he was simely unable io use his world: ‘wisdom to resist using the young men’ question ay an obperTurity Toe ‘amib-crink propegancs. He wae, Ringel, a ghttomoua tan, unatie to restrain hime nar the pleasures of the table. So, it was euy to underutand is need te prohiba in himself any lendency to drink. The person who shows an unbalanced atsorrence of sain view cor tailing usually has an untsuedly ‘sttong unconsolaus tendency to Its Indulgence, a0 ope hae to recognise bis nee! of his blackeanchahile spect ‘aces when he looks i its erection. Uncttical admiratian is 2 stiper= ciel, auiematic condemmation. Ht is -SB ight for teen-age fete to Think that all things Ainerican are “ust swell But those of wha are aduits, in mind ‘38 Ell 98 Years, BhOUIY bw ble: to adinire all for theit great quaiities af mind and heart, while wesering the right 0 know their tallngs, (Ourminds are go constiuied that to manipulate the million-and-ane tacts, objects, awe aed so Tart, that crowd upon ts, ars like fo him things: together in big Out manageable ros Most of the black-and-white caiegorigg we employ rela nol fe the persons or ideas under discus sion, but io tho waiae io aurealvs, All tags are bed to the child who has jet been bitten by one, all pups are good becouse the ane at hame bis Di st Ta aporeciine the Intinte groan ams th exist int the world of met ani ideas, wolves thought and eHert, fbut f leads to much greater under. standing Accuotance of the wisys In which ur felloesinen differ from us, and tolerance thon thir views 0 conduct So not concur Win our awn tandieds, do mot Ieod ta a wishy-washy lack af moral judgerment. I the peychiatrist -and the sockalogistregard the criminal ‘of The delinquent ae & sick pene in need ai social agjusiment or praychar Iogical treatment, they do net theeeby hole fir quitiens, oF deny his weeDon- ‘stalty fo society. fact, is because they’ reise ‘the damage he & doing to society that ‘they are gager to tet the criminal ingivicual weriously and to eect radical cure of his ant-sacial tender ‘Ses, The action may be condemned ‘while the individual resoreible i fit 4p be locked up and remowed trom ‘the society The tehavigur and belicts af vavery one at us are lanpaly stoner. shined by urconectons mictivis, and it is only au we become aware by self analysis of wal bes behind eae of ‘the opinions about which we are most Bective that we cr rea hea mu the cher tka bs Stary stocted Dy Wis unconacious ming. So long ss & dows at bead bit inc exact with thet peuple the oddities and pecte logithes chauld be treated tolerantly. Even the peycho-therapist dees not set gut to condemn the wortings sf he uncangcious in his patierts, 1s te make them senscious ot thoughes ad Feelin, i oeter Mat the patient may then Gecide for himrsell what should be dane sbaut em Whe should then decide to give anil-sacial impulies thelr oatiet in stiminal behaviour he would, of ccourse, be fuly responsi, bat such fn outcoMma OU Be Righly impRO abe A perean whe hae been con rested ‘with unconscious hostile at sexual impulses is not Skely again tn fburdon himset with i. Aad even the ost hardened criminal is not all black’. There sre gradtions i all of us, and ondy the mensly sme morally ‘opiour ine fan ee them Contemporary International Politi Sino-Pak Relation : Xi Jinping’s Visit The Presidentot China paid 2 two oy iin Pakistan an 2th and 2st April 2018. Thiswas the fest state vist to Pakstan by the Presicint of China, Chine and Peikision are so close to each ohher that Xi described this vist sg his going to his Brother's home. This longstanding trendship dies bocit $a 1983, whon China and Paks tan signed @ fertionial agrecmers Talst Masood writes thet “Sino Pakistan relations since the early ‘times have been consistent, mul faceted and span airstegic defense, political, economic and diplomatic Hes.” Explaining China's Inereat in this telationship, he writes, “Chines considers Pakistan usetul in coun- tering India, values its geostrategic position, and considers it an impor- fant aly in the Muslim World." ‘Currersly, one more factor fe st wore ‘The United States of Airetica is pair suing 2 ploy af encircling China, The clove tee with Palcuian engure thst the enciclement is nat comakele. So far arg Pakistan ts concemed, i finds, fy Ching, an sity or whom fl can degerd in time of need. Friendship -with China engures that Pakistan does riot become 4 gavalite state of USA and is in 2 position to resiat, Io = ‘certain exert, gull and pressure from that side, Good mations with Ching are helping Pakistan's development in every cahowe of He ‘The current visit at XI Jingang takes the 52 yearn old hander to ew eight. During this visit the (Chinese: Presicant signed 51 agree frets. nig, Wy dif) 80, Pe inthe ted China Poidistan’ Ercnamic Comat {OPEC}, The imporance ot GPEG cannot bs underesiinisied Describing the nlite amd ecope of SPEC, China exper Andrew Sena “The China Pakistan Economic —Dr. 8. P, Kashyap ‘Corridor 1s often seem [uel ws a wet of infrastructure linkage between Yinjiang province in northwest Ching and the Pakistani port of Gwwacer. Thal is part of the plan, but many of the projects under the auapices of the consaor are power plants, industrial ventures, and ‘other economic initiatives in difte- rent parts of the country.” The spootsslul imolementation, even, af some of these inrasiructure plans would result in Gaadar deseloping 95 aan important Indian Dosen port for transshipment of goods to China. It would coneect uo with Bivelines to Iran. Ik would leo develop tnsde routes thraugh Afghanisian Andrew Small thinks that it might help +9 develop economic linkage wih Indi, Pakistan ‘ill gain a lot trom GREG. As dente Senall ead, “H wonld be major investment boost for the Pakistan! economy and provide serious support towards addrens- ling Pakistan's energy’ ctiais. Ideally it would also heip the gountry's ransiéon towards becoming eeonomic hub and an emerging market.” Furthermore, The Coridar woul! provide Pakissn wih an oportunity and incentive to imorave its ecanamic and paltical relations with ty reighioouns, Sitar, Raul provide sn opportuni to Algharretsn an Iran ta use the Caridor as part af thelr trade Erktage with Ching, Talat Masood i one of these analyses who consider GPEC of great Importance to Pakistan, Ho writes, “The proposed $45 billién Pakis- an-Ghins Eeanomie Corridor, whieh has strategic connotations wheat implemented, should provide s huge boost intranstorming Pakia- fan's economic landscape by link ing SOUTH, Gentral ancwesEM ABiA, Development of the economic ‘corridor and the Gwadar port 28 an ‘energy hub by China are mutually beneficial projects. 1 will provide Ching access to the Stilts of Hormuz, the Persian Gulf, the Arabian Sea and the Indian Oogan. The economic corridor will link Kashgar in China with Gwadar and ‘open up enormous —economle ‘opportunities for bolh countries.” ‘The sirengthoning of SincrPak As ts nengticial 2a FaAigtan in important arena of sucker arogram. According to Andrew Sinai, "Given how impor- Jat nuclear weapons. are io the South Asian nation’s miltery cap- abilities and even identity. the ‘significance attached to China's ‘assentia! role in the nuclear pr (gram can hardly be oversizied. Putting all cansidraihans. together, ‘ane cones bul reach the canclugian thst Padestan is the biggest beneticiary sal Sino: Fok ais, Tho growing Sino-Fak friendship is a cause of cone for India, Ina has been at war with booh ihege nations snd iti guise nesiural that it ‘should fool oanpemed about the graae ing Irlandehip of iis ino achversatiew ‘China's reaching aut 1 indian Osean iS toakod upon as shroat ta India's mari eecully, Speaking sbout Sinc-Pak Aas, ‘tom India's persooc- ‘hee, Ancrow Binal says, “The rele at ‘the China Pakistan Axia In the goo palitics of the region in tying Indi in Sour Asia is still central india ‘wonts to laok east, while China ‘wants to ensure that it still hms: to keen a close eye on the West.” Sino-Pk friertdghip ie rat some thing of ail win situation. There are -sgine anags ‘which perturb Ching, 2s ‘well 5, Podesian, Posistan is worried about growing canals tes and ‘rade relations between Chine end India. 1 apprehend that, if Chines and Inca corns together, than Pakistan's impartanes tor China will gor dawn, and it my sect thei bisteral ies. So ieeess Mirror @ June BIS fer as Chine is conasined, Talat Masood writes, “China hes, how- fever, genuine concerns regarding srowing radiealiaen in Paxistan. First, tor its impact on Peikistan's ‘own stability and more importa Yor its influence on the restive northwestern sutonomous Chinese Fegion of Xinjiang that has a signi- Scan majority of Muslin Uigrira and other minority.” Chins is hhagpy veh th Tact that Uighur al tants active in Xinjiang fing sate sheer in Pokisisn's Write! bell and Pakistan's goverment ane gery not omg much to Wish thee aut, Talst Masood’s apprehension is thal “if militants were 4p make mapor gains in Pakistan, Beijing Would be very Copcemed of the impact and could review Its poly." Therelare, hs lato “Remain sensitive to the comp lexities. that surround this relation: ship and tector these in.” These complies, AUtivere standing, Talat Mavond, a well Androw Small predicts bright 1 tor Sinc-Pak Axis, Talat is cominced that "China Pakistan relations that are based on mutuality of Interests seem destined to grow.” Andrew Small, explaining the intrinsic nature 97 he rolziianship, woes "Founded of 8 shared enmity for India, the relationship has in some respects tun deeper than termal alliances, especially when itcomes to nuclear ‘coaperation, and has been remark ably resilient over the dramatic ‘economic and geopoliticel shifts of the leat tew decodes. Israel : Once Again Netanyahu Election tor israel Parliament Ikneaget) was Nels en Match 17, 2015. The general impression that Netanyanu: vs. going 16 lose the elecatal Battle, He wos net ie the good baolt of the leaders of Europe land the: President ot USA, Even the Prasident of Iataol wees eager to see his beck John Gherion arken, “Even traell President Reuven Riviin had ingicated his preference tor & government without the presence ofthe ofvisive Netanyatu.” The ext polls, alsa, were predicting dawntall ot a lbsder who we deli by pelilicsl Ieacers Bt home and wDroad. The alecsion result peowed the vesli-pall pundins wrang, Thuse whe ‘wanted io ee Netanyshu's dowrtall ‘wore dismayed te find that, instead ot going down, Netanyahu has emerged viterigus und hse increaged hie ‘strength. in the Partament, Tha Likus Party, under te lesderahi et Netsnyshu, wan 3d wears i the Knesset, in the previous Knesset the Linud party hae! 20 geate, Thus, tha incresred ity tally By 10 seus. Near ‘yuhu aes his success 10 the tact thant he se SIE to qulveni2e the Haght ing voters. He were able to deseo by rowing anti-Palggtinian Yeelings sng ‘stoking the fire of apertheit. Danny Ben Manhe wirilse thal, "Netanyahu ahametutty played the race card to the support” Hannan Ashstei vss Mirror @ June 2015 ‘who Is ther member of Nanional Exa- civ al Polestinisn Liberation Aulho- rity, endorses this wiewspoint Accord Ing to Fumn slecsan results are “The natural outeome of Israel's Prime Minister's policies of generating tear, hostlity and dstrust, a wall a8, shifting the whole terrain of polities to a racist extreme.” Nozan- {yatw's aggressive Settemant policy aid ret dividends in the @lection. John Gherian writes, “it was the ‘overwnelming support trom Jewisn settler graupsin the West Bank and East Jerussiem that tilled the scales in favour of the Netanyahu's led extrerie rightwing.” The voting behsviour ef eilferen! socigecermamic lessee also contributes ta success. The anlyat wate Phenomenan of Isr sociveconomic status Is well kngwn historically, Out Ins finme the phenamenon intensified. The established classes _overwhel- fhingly voted for the Lem; the rest flocked to the right: Deemed a tired and outmoded party, Likud eon: quered the middle cles, brought in new woters and drove voter turnout higher, The Israel of 2015 Is more tribal, more pertiaen and more LLikatd oriented.” ‘The victory of the combination, led by Netanya, is the victory of tha Fligh(-reactionsry forces in Israel. “The lis voting by aba Chorlan is absolusaly ight in pointing out thst, “All the parties in ‘the new government are said to be rightwing and religious parties, ‘which are hostile to the aspirations ‘of the Palestinians and intent on ‘continuing with the apartheid pol ‘cies of the previous government.” No Gordon, the noted taracli ‘scholar, commented, “The people ‘of lursel voted for sporthesd.” Danny Ben Mache, salyzing the ‘slection resus, wiles, “Electbon did ‘offer a genuine surprise with the rise of the Arab List as the third largest parly." The Arabs constitute “Weth of the Israel population, but, 4 now, they were not able to have much say in determining the pol ics of the country and the policies ‘of the gouemment. Main reason for itis that they were divided among a number of political parties. There ‘was Islamic party, ax well as, the communist party among thers, In this election, the Arabs prevented ‘aunited front. John Cherian writes, “Paleutinian partes. ranging from the Islamic to the cormmunist, out up a united list of the candidates." Ag g resu of this unity. they have ioreweed the nuirbver of their ses in ‘the Parliament and "Their rusmber in Kneasel wal make i dificull for the fight wing government to oom- pletely ignore their voices." One ‘san gary al this fe @ poulive result of the General Election. Dsnny Ben Moshe points oui one more positive ‘autcorw of this, He ‘arhes, “While lrseli Arabs have equality before the law, this minarity has. suffered economic disadvantage, The ‘greeter parliamentary represent tion they have, the greater their influence to improve thelr status, Wihat is the political fall out of Notamyahw's viciory 7 The Pulost- nisng ane more elvied than dkenayed ay the victory of Netanyahu, Exalaine ing reavans tor this. nat se normal reaction John Cherisn writes: “With Netanyahu at the helm. israel’ apartheid policies will eontinue to be in the internations| spollight. As Ashrawi observed. under Netan- ‘yahu, Isroel would continue to be a ‘rogue siale,” contributing to its “own isolation and delegitimizs- ign." Netanyahu has atenasad she ‘World community 0 wach on een ian thal, i iramy European counties the policy cf Baycot!, Divesimemt and Sanction (BOS) Nas talsen ragta ant (Boe Ch Fl eeTiNUE rng is current regime. Se fat 8 peliticl dewelopmants in the West Asi te concerned, Netaryah Nes been doing, and wil consinue ted, his ex to ensure thar nuclear deal with lean ‘Gos nat atesiaze ane thst thes crea lien of Polestinisn eevereign alate romaing @ talking pone and does not become reality, Thase tan aves re keystone of Obamn's West Asin patcy, Necunyaht's harkish approach ‘on toga ne isGuES IS BONA ta Toro USA te have a fresh look at trsel— US relations. That is why Gideon Levy has writen, that his ccumyTman Pea ‘wold for a man “Who will lead the United Stetes to take harsh mea- sures against Israel, Tor ine man ‘whom the World lenge grew sick a The United States of America and Venezuela : Nose-Diving Relations Inrecent gst, Presider Obama's bolcy towards the nations of Latin America has mowed, at the one and the same time, in oppastie dinection He took bold initiative to charge: US- polcy towards Cubs. Virlually saying goad bye 10 traditional US-approach of sgyreeshons and backache moved in direcion of ‘normalization of rolations’ wh Guba, During. the suminit of Armericas, Fed in Params ceil 2015,Obomna had an hour ong meeting wih Cuban Presider Ruf Castro, John Chesisry repors ‘Obama spesking after the meet- Ing, said his message to Cuban people was lhal the cold war wi over and Cuba was nol 2 threat to U.S. "We are not in the inssiness regime change” he emphasized.” ‘The lnony ts that this policy of rronmalizing the relations i rat being followed in the cace of Venezuela. Insigad of moving in the ditian ot ‘geod relations,” Obema did not re, even an iota. in his. stand against Venezucla, This ks siranga bacause in an interview Onema conceded thet ‘We do not believe that Venezuela poses a threat to United States, does the United States threaten the -venezuclan Govemment.” it numa wos making the above stata wth fuilsincerity, he should be coursgeaus ‘enough, a he has been in the case ot ‘Cuba, to Tak nitatlve to make a De! move to normale the: relistions with Venezuela, He cit not 6a 50, USA's relations with Yerezucta have nave-dived since 1990, It was the yeer when pawer oasved into the hands of Huge Chawer, wea wa art imoerialise, anii-noa libaralism and J rsan with zosiels! Iesniners. His program wes to build socialism of 21st estiury in hts country. Naturally, he Wad am ye ens to US tage which was wory kaon ta soe his Gack. Failod eoup of 2002, tunher queered the pitch. Chavez was convinced that USA had a hang in the talled coun silempl. In September 2008 Chae? bok diokemai: lations: wh UB, The cle ‘wae Lahem in eolkdariy with Bolivia ang in provest agarst US- policy towards Boivia, This siep was ‘an ingication of growing tersion ber ween the fwo countries, The diple- matic ralasons wars re-established only ster Guams become the Pret ‘oant In 2009, But the haves of twa counsies moving in the eirection af batter tes wore dashed very Bocn, Dicilusered Chavez declared, ‘Obama has the same stench as Bush.” Making = ccathing allack on USA's role in the Warle pcltics, Chavez, adreeving am audience in Flussis in 2005, ead "In all history there wes never a gavernment more terrorist than the government of US empire, that is greatest terrorist in World history.” US adeiiniztration wae not digesting Venezuela's friendship wish Iran and ‘Subs. Douma citkized Venezuela on ths count. Chane was quick 29 retort snd call Obama “A elown, an embarrassment and a shame to black people.” For lest five: to ste yess thegame of expeting ciplomatic ‘offi is being played between thege -e0 nalipers causing more txiserness and anion. When 3. nuiniber at the Lattist loaders af Sowrih America vere Sisgnoeed cancer, Chavez, who ae ‘one of them, blamed USA for that. He said “Would it be sa strange that they thave inverted the technology 10 Spread eaneer and we would mot know about it for fifty years.” ‘Ghawer pegathed nis test in 2013, Ho failed io defeat cancer, Venezuela accused the Unied States of americs cat having a hand In Chaver's dearth The USA. vehemerdy denied the ‘charge, othe relations tween the ‘two coUrties ave — deteiiorsted ‘urther. ‘Ame the death of Chavez, Micatas Moduro became the Presiden! of Venezuela, The enemies of sclalst regime snc the apaceition in Yenc la looked upon the change ot lesdetship a5 the Gad sent cppert- iniy ta overthrow ha ragime and seite power, They launched big pro test mavaments against me Madura Government. The moweenens ay full backing of Doms adminisrstion. The Vene2ucion Government oat puia- tive actian against the Iraders at the Prolest movement, Qbams sited the fepparunky’ ta intervene aed conew cut in open it support the apposition Yorees, On May 28, 2044, the House of Representsiive pomsed the 'Vene- 2uelan Human Rights and Pretec: ion Act. The act authorized the US- Government to anly economic ganc- tone aainat fhe Vebezuelan officials ‘who, in its eyes, wore guilty of mis: treating protesters, This am wos followad by amocher act in Becombar 214, This ect fs Kno 2s the “Wer 2uplan Defense of Human Rights and Civil Society Act of 2014" These acts were followed by the Presidential Order of March, 2015, ‘The Order passed and issued by President Obama declared. hi Venezuela is a threat to USA's aecurity and ordered eeonomic sanctions against seven Vene- zuelan officiaks, ‘Obama is criticired and con teenies tot this foemPutey ste at his goverment. John Cherian reports, “all the countries In the region, barring Canada, hed criticized ‘Obama administration's decision to sanctian yet another country snd that to in’ their own hemisphere. ‘The leading political and economic groupings of the region, including the Union of South American Nations {UNASUR}, and the Com munity of the Caribbean and Latin American Nations (CELAC) can oinined the US decision to Imnpose sanctions on 9 member country. ‘The G- 77 plus Ching and ihe Nore Aligned Movement (NAM) alse Joined the chorus of eriticssms at the US move and expressed their soli arity With Venezuela. There was unitied demand that Obama rescind his decision.” Obama tailed to do wn and logt opportunity to rewrite: USA relations ‘with the notions of Latin America, ieeess Mirror @ June BIS Solved Paper fy” Railway Recruitment Cell (Bhopal) Group ‘D’ Exam., 2014 ‘The ratlo of nueviver of boys and that of girls ins echo! having 504 stuconis is 15 71. What wal be the new ratio 3 more ile are sdmitied ? (Ap e:7 qo) 76 (6) Wa=14 gD) wean Fing the missing Murmes in the 2 10, 45, 28, 1393, 2 (Ay ever gh) asa (6) 3198 gy ass Geen and B weoeen can dae ‘werk in TO.dys, Then 3 men sine 4-wamen can de the same work ne (My 24 eye 4B) 12 days (G) (dey 4D) Be days Vihich type of reaction produces thee mgt Fart ul radiation 7 (A) Photo chemical reaction (By Fission reaction (G) Chemical reection (D) Fusion resection Splect the related number tram the glvon aftermarives— B:BtcsTs_2 a 4B) 40 (©) 49 4b) 28 Wat Sau! coine In plas ot question mek (7) 662 x BG =? (A) Sav9ss (B) SsE504 (6) 580887 ¢b) Sa57E4 ‘The poqulsiion of 3 tan increas: 25% per snr the present populsfion is 1,60,000, Wht WF be the pooutssion fiat 4 years ? (AP 1,85,000 4B) 1,84.481 (6) 1,92.000 40) 1.746844 IA:B29:2and 8 then welusa A= equsks— (art Bp ace fo) 1:2 gj ess Mirror © June 2015 10. 1. 12 13. 15, 1" Choose the od ane aut— (4) Cow 1B) Hare {C) Gost (0) Dog A car covers a distance of 1204 ket in 28 hours. What is the speedal the cat ? (4) 43hrvh 1B) 88 kmh (C) 42k 1D} 61 kmh A sun of ® B20 bs to be pid back in bo equal annul instshments, HY the rate of interest fe 5% ome anunn, then Instant = (e420 (Beato (Cy 441 (OF atB80 ‘The present aies of Vishal and ‘Shekhar sre in the rio ol 14: 17 respacttualy. Sox ynans from now, thelr ages wil be inthe ratio at 17: 20 respectively. What is Shokhars prevent age ? ly) asyous (IB) 17 youn IO} St year (D} S4 youre ‘The smallest number that must by added to SCGEE2 in order io ‘obtain a meee of 7 is— we es ms ms What i the average of 142, 83, 102, 206, 115, 98 scores 7 tay raz 106 1) a6) 3B Which country have developed the world tueiwat car wth 3 op speed of 435 kmh 7 (A) Ruesis Beau IC) The USA (O) France A cos mows tran A ta Bat a speed of 65 akuh and reaches Batter 3 hes. Find the distance between A afd 8 (4) 1954 6B) 8B km 1) #75 ke AD} A6EKIn Who olecis she Vice-President at India? (a) Members of Lak Sha and Rajya Sabhes 1B) Members of Faiya Soho: 2 2 {C) Elected members of Rive Saoha §D) None ot ine bows ‘Wiha bs 385 tines of Lat 7 wa s7srz (By St183 AC) S543 (STIS ‘Vihar shoud come in place of ‘question matk (7) = [ey «(Fl + 18 = 7 wale By 8450 {C) S748 (D) None ot thew Vonat should come in place of sqbestion mark (2) n— (99-75)? 2250825 = _2 (a 7700 (B) aes [e) sauDE2s (D) S545625 Vihar should come in place of the ‘question mark (7) n- Tint BBS + 35. (A) TE2 4B) 1956 (Cc) 134 (Dy 1786 “Ril Bareth is— IAL An anboard magazine st Indien Aitways available in Riajdhani / Shatabdi/ AC Duronto Express, [B) Weosie of each miteay vision (E) The onboard medical ofioor in weeey tea To stand to toed emergencies (D) Seowrity quand i every AC. Coach of Raydharu'Shatatel and AC Duron Express Tea worh? 126 perky and € 138 per kg ate mined with » shire vority these 121 21th ‘risture fs worth ® 158 perk, the rive of the third variety oer ky wale — D190) T1G9S [oy #1755 yt 170 The ratio ot incomes at A and B 2s woll ae of Band © is 3:2. ne third of Ais income exceeds enefourn of C's income ty 71,000, what i B's incesm in? 7 wa) #2500 (8) 4,000 fe) 23800) TOE hast What should come In place ot cquertion rie (2) 1855 + 26792 (47) + (7 (A425) 45 (C) 148 dD) None of these A car covers @ distance of 1450 him in 25 hee, Vihsi i the eased of the car? (A) Gannat be deterrined (8) 72kmh (C) 65 kmn (D) Sakinn Which city has the heagquoriors of tau rellagy Zone in Inia ? (A) Jebslour {B) New Deh (C) Much {D) Mumbai By ‘which name ‘wes Chankys known ins childhood 2 (4) Deogupta (8) Vistnugunta (6) Ghanakya 404 Alaya ‘A tethor fy then times ars abd rs his don. ERght yours ago, the futher we five times sm old his san. What is the present age of te eon ? (A) 20 years {B) 14 years: {C) 12 years {D) 16 years What ehould come in place of (quorton mark (7) cr 643.4 1B -B= 2 (an 24 4) 15 (©) 12 cn) Which of the following is 3 Teena Assamese teva ? (A) Oni (Bi Yogact (C) Aongali Bite (©) Make Sakram! Croce Cards are krrwn as (A) Plastic (By Hard money (C) Sett money (0) Easy money The first wloction of Luk Ssh wa hed! in— (ay 1982 4B) 195 (c) 1953 (0) 97 Poirsng to & shomogranh ot Viiy, Hari gai, “The tether ot nas sistar isthe urstaand et rey all's mother. How is Hai rested to vijay? (A) Bother (Bi Brothor-indisw (C) Uncle (0) None of these 35, a. az, ‘The first month of the Indian National calendar is 1A) Vsiehokhs: (6) Maghs (0) Chaim (Dy Anhadhes Wha is tho Ghaleman at Rajya Bubhs ? (a) President 1B) View Preiders (O} riers rani 1D) Governor ef a parinsee State Pointing 10.4 photogreoh Vikas ‘said, “Ehe is the daughter of my anctather’s erty san", How is the gif felated to Vikes in the shosogrash ? (4) Sister (B) Mather Fe} Brother (©) Father {28% of the fet number SZ at the second number. Wha is the respective ratio of the first rum Der to ie second number ? 4) 16:9 1B) 28:19 (0) 5:4 1D) None at these Hf the compound interest on a Sum for 2 years at 125% in 5.400, the slings Interest wl be— (4) T5000 1B) 73,100 WO} F2900 (} #3,700 AW marks are required to gos aan examination. JV studer wha gots 210 marks tabs by 21 maka, What are the vial marks tor the examination ? 4) esa (8) ee (0) 590} POR O78 x 7S-2075 x 025 +028 BS ie equal to— (a) 25 3 () 2500 (0) 250 ‘Acanieen requires 23 hy of sugar for m week. How many idlograrn of ugar will it require for the moerth of March and Agel? (4) 2hg B) 250hg (O) 240 by (D) 24h CEU is an abbarevinsion ter— 14) Central Protocol Lin [B) Computer Protoval Unit [C) Central Programming Unit (ID) Ceniral Pracezsing Unit 4 45. a 48. 49, 5 52, Ht 10% diseount & give on ‘market prive, the pr " ‘ucgunt Ig inceaged to 20°, then ‘what wil be the prott par cant 7 2 1 wee 8) 55 es is Find the wrong nurribes ir the ven series — B18, 24, 40,62, 1, 188 wa) 2 ced 40 xD} 104 \Winich of she follawing dogs nat ‘cau golitlon ? (AD Burming of rubiser {8} Use of volar energy {C) Baring of patral (0) Aller these Which part o! the computer dis lays tho work done 7 iA) OMB) Raat 4) Monitor {Dy Printer Ramesh ranks 13% in 8 class of 2 stucients, There are sudenes below Suresh rankwise. Haw hey studerts are thare: Bataan Rameeh and Suresh ? AL 16 (By 15 fe) 4 iD 12 Wiha! js PARAM PADAM 7 {A} Computer (B) Adar 66) Super companer (0) Arran, ‘The word that cannet be formed from the letiers at ‘THOUSAND’ (A) SAND (8) CATE fC) MANO (Dy THOU Globolization mear=— 2A) letegration of the vations eclore af eoomatry {B) Integration of the domestic feconamy wen the world econamy &G) tegration of secrany {D) Wrtegrsticn of ireanes! market \vibich of the telfaing the forthet planet trom the: Earth ? (A) Earth (B) Jupiter fC) Mars {D} Neptune The chief aim of Maulana Azad ‘Taloeteve-Baligan | {AL Gonstructing resent nove $B} To soresd exenmuenal tat mony Success Mirror @ Jane 2015 = a (©) Fund for agriouture develop rent (D) Achieve higher ineracy tor margin commariny ‘Cup's rekiied te “Cectery’ in the same wey ae ‘Pen"i relsied to (A) Books 4B) Stationery (C) Pager 4D) Mb iter was Real! Act! perce! (Ap tge2 4B) eet (C) 1920 gD) tae FA and B together can niu piece of work in 20 days, C and ‘Ain 12 days, Band © in 10 days, then A, B.C folly can teh the wat in — 4 2 tay) 85 cays 1B) Gy dave (©) S0eaye 40) 42 dye Ravi consisently runs 359 m areycay except on sunday when he runs 800 m, Hew mary kilo: tera will he run in taka Wee, when tees etary tomn Morciay (A) Salk (8) 48m () $2hm (0) 484m The value at “OE ig (AL oasz (B) O45 (C) Gannt be determined (©) oa Chwowe me ot ane eut— (A) Sentemoer (81 Navemar (6) October {0} Jarssany Female reproductive Frormome (At Estrogen (B) Progemerane (€) Aolaxin (©) Mone at those Wihich af the following is equal to Bx 17 = 24827 (a 2a0s 4B) 27ua (©) gage 4D) aso A drum can pe tiled by ane pipe ‘AY in & min and emptied by another pipe ‘Bin mun. tt bath BB tumad on together, In how rrmach ire wil te curr Tull 2 (A) 25min (8) 20min (S) 18min (D) Mone ef these ess Mirror # June 2015 mn. \When was the Indian Constitution doped ? (A) 28!" Noveriver, 1842 1B) tS Auguns, 1387 IC) 26" January, 1950 1D) 2 Ooteber, 1952 What will come in place of the Questor mark (7}n the tolowing survives were — 2,4, 12, 48, Bay, 7 Wy) ray (By) ta2D IC) #320 (D} Nang ot these Which country fs patmanent momser of he UN. Secumty Cone? 14) tity (B) France IC} Germany (D) Jaaan ‘An alloy ved in making heating elements for elscttic heating devo be— (4) German silver {B) Solder 16) Nichrame 1D) Alay size! The Cain of ISRO is— Uy) BB. Bail 1B) G. Madhavan Nair IG} SS Patt (D) Mane ot theee Ing oomain code TEMPORAL ls ‘writin x OLDSMESP. How is CONSIDER writfesi that code? Uy) BNMRSFES 1B) RAINBVEFS iG) TOPDODCH ID) RMNGSFEJ tthe Gost prisg of 25 articlos fs equal to the welling rice ot 20 article, then the gin percentage - (4) 25% (BB 1G) este (DY 75 The best example of 2 capital invansive industry i nein is — 14) Tourist indusiry 1B) Sipol ncusiry IC) Spars Goods inousry 1D) Toxtte mousy Where did the conference af Internasonal Petralaum 2014 (Petrech) take places? (4) Nsw Death tenia) 1B) Seoul {Scum Keres} IC) Hyetere (ness) {D) Abu Dhl (UAE) 72. 73. 78. a1. On a certain gum of money fant a St 16% par arewin, thes Oe fence between the compaune Inteewst Jor tw years anc the siniple: ierest for tae years ie 156. The cum is— (AD 27.005 4B} F148 () £5,790 (D) Tw750 The form “Passe Money’ reters to which of the folowing ? (A) ATM CordsiGmde Gores (5) Plesic Cowed Currancy Notes {C) Foreign Currency [D) None ot the abowe |. Kailash, pointing towards am ots man, ssid, “His ean i my-can's tune’, Haw ts the off man rolsied 20 Keilash ? (A) Beothet (8) Uncle [C) Granctisther (2) Father Find the correct sikernstive from the given responses that will ‘compete the garies — 2582.2 fAL 1a {B) 24 fe) 14 {D) 1B cin nett of Forest mage montis located ai— fA) Oehracun (2) Hissar AC) Gopal (D) Chennai I ina contain coea, SPACE is voded ee TOSOF, then how the PURSE te coded in the some 00 7 (AL QUSPF iB) QUTSF 6G) QVETF (D1 O5VFF Bahadur Shah Zafar was the— (A) Successor of the: Marat. (8) Suoceeeoe of Shor Shan Sur ¢C) Last Mughal rater (D) Last rer of Lois Se ite and en hw va at = 6B 6 3)= (8 2) yall bo AL 9s 1B) 35 ) 25 {D1 aes | One carat of diamond is equ b= fA} 250mg 4B) 150mg 46) 100mg {Dy 200mg This year, Boks bichdey is on 22" Junusry, ie, Wednescay Bali remambors that Monan's birthday fe exactly om the ftth 1451 ar. Fridoy ater hie wittheay Hew much younger is Mshan than Balu? (A) 0 days (8) 29.cays (©) 31 days (0) None of these Uta work te completed in 43h tye by 3 males or 4 females, then haw many Gays lll be then to complete. the wark by 7 males and 5 tomalos 7 tM) 90 cays 4B) Bedays (6) 1weays 40) t2daya | Manoj comectly remembers that his mother's birthday is after tour toonth but beter savantoenih ot March. Whereas, his sister correctly nememtars that their mother's brid is ator fixenth bul belore nineteenth of March. Winn is their momer's birthday * ~ ye) 16 te) 17" yoy 14h 65% of m numiber fs 21 lees then 2 of mat rumbar. Fin ber (A iam 4B) aw (e) 280 gD) aa Fram the given atematies, select the word which connct be farmed using the Ietsers at the given word 7 LAUGHTER (A) GATE (B) HATE (6) GRUNT (0) RATE Chovse the correct altemative from the given ones that will cme plete the series = ATV. EW, IVU,_2 (a) MOR 4B) NTS: (NRO 4D) LST ‘A passenger train running at the speed at 60 lanvh faves the ral way station 6 hrs ater e goods train loaves and overtakes i in 4 hrs. What Ig the speed of the goods train? (a) 32kimt {B) AS kent (C) Saki (0) 4m In inotupe, she umber ot reutrans ate — (A) Same (B) ath GA} ane {D) (C) Nore (0) Citierent ume a1 Zero hour ig at digeresion of — 36. With a rine of 20°. inthe pring of eee tn a ozo rete 1B) Oy lowacde forced to buy 1 kg lews for 2 180. Orton to free yee gpoundnuns af per ky. (A 38 (By 88 qo) az (bt a0 (D) President Two successive diocaunts of B 10% are given Tor an article cos ing @ 850 Prosont cost of tha 9% Find the missing mumber from arte IB eet 2 ae 58,72, 00 ty 650) 72875 ia en 1) 75 ©) 700 ee) 12 4D) a0 Gostot 21 kg of ror and 48 kg at 400, The eucceuive diecount of 40% whoa is? 1085. Vihaiwillte ihe ang 20": are equivalen! to = cost of 7 ky of rice and 15 kg af ssinghe ciscaune ot — wheat ? AL ars {B) 30% 4 S95 (6) 985 (0) 23% (DL ase (6) F219 (D} Nene at those Who wae the Gavemor Garersl ‘at india during the Revit at 1857? (4) Lord Dainousie 1B) Leet Cancing [C) Lord Mayo ID) Lord Ripon “Union Bucyet” fs peesomed by wham in the Purksenert 7 (4). Prime Fenster 18) Minisiar tor Poeliamentary Aline {C) Usian Finance Minister (D) Lok Sion Speskee The headquarter of ABI is ‘shusted at— (4) Mumbai (8) Chennai 16) Kolkata (©) Oth [7a57 + S998 + 412g) - 96 aust o— (4) rezesg) wBTO IC) 18183 D) 15808 The worle’s biggest pharma. coutieal earmpary (4) Sun Pharms 1B) Prizer {IC} Gtx {D) None of these ‘Tho Chit Ministor is appaintod ay (A) President o the puny (B) Chet Justice of High Cour IC) President of Ins (D) Governcr (Answers with Hints wm Success Mleror-@ Jame 2015 Solved Paper #7” Railway Recruitment Cell Group ‘D’ (Gorakhpur) (Fi Ene! el rst Shift) Exam., 2014 1. ote Astrea eye he eine lite span was divides in tour stages, What wae the tikd stage ofthe Arhasina system? (A) Grtasthss (B) Venopensths (C) Sanus (B) Brobenachsrys 2 The language and prsctiows des: cried im which ot the following raliglous books are sim to hat of Vedess ? (A) Bitke §—{B) Quran (E) Avesta 4B) Triiiaka 3. Where was the eike invented fins? (A) Indi 4B) hina (6) Fussia gD) han 4. Vihich of the toligwing branches of Ialan considers the: Proobet's sotvinelave, Ali 2s the kegitimate leader af the Nadim community # (Ar hiya (B) Sunni (C) Both, Ships und Sennd (D) Satis 5. During the reign of Akbar, = Diwan ted to be— (AL A judicial officer of the: pro- vino (BA military atficar ot te pro (€) A financial officer of the peo> ving (0) A religious oiesr of the pro: 6. Who unfuils the National Flag st Riad Fori-on 18th af duagust (ar President (B) View Presicere (C) Prime Miva (D) Home Minisier 7. Who presonts the budge tor the Ministry of Raitrsys 7 (A) Miter tr Fsbo (8) Finance Minter (G) Mirietar ot State for Reitiays (0) Prime Minister ess Mirror # June 2015 19, 1" Can a person be appainied & minisier qven i he ky nat a merriber of either Alyy Seba the Lak Sabha ? 1A) No (B) Yes, out he will have 1 be Slected a member within six orth tne: (6) Yes, bur he will have te be elected a member within six wpa ame {D} Yes, out he will haw: to be elected = member within threw monet time: What tp one ot the a qualifications for becoming 3 Jodge af the Supreme Cour * U4) Being a judge in High Court for S yaaes {B) Being a judge in High Court tor 10 yesre [O) Being a judge in High Court for 18 years (D)_ Beira a judge in High Court for 20 yess What bs the term €O used in commection ith the comeulirs 14) Contact Dhak 1B) Compact Giok 6) Canine isk Ib) Campouna Oss Whats. lightning conductor 2 (4) A spare: bus dover IB) A device used to save high ‘ruchures from lightning IO} A device used tor Bahiving during tary season ID} Mone of the above In which of the Tallowing conti nents tsthe place trom where ane can go only in the norih eines tion 7 1) Austria 1B) Nant America IC) Ansaretica ID} Anca 4 16. 1B. . The angles of a quadilateral ane in the rata of 2°3 = 3:2. Which of the following could be ast arf of the cpacriiseral way 38 4B) 7 ee) a 4D) be: ‘vinere is one Cris take silted ? WAL Odizha: (8) Andhra Pradesh KC) West Bengal &D) Madhya Pradesh Winich part of indis: experiences 21 exiistaril climate ecb oF its proséenity ta equatce ? (AD Andaman aed Nicobar (B) Sundortors &©) Assaen {D) Lakchadwoeo ‘vimich ot the tellowing rivers is Known ss isiniris in Basvgla tech? (A) Yamuna (B} Ganga {C) Brohmapurra (D) Hosgty A devert caster warks on she reinchies ot (A) Condensation (6) Suptenation (0) Besporation &D) Porspiration {Yih ts the weet lope: the \Wiestom Ghats are more uegeiar ted thar the easter slopes 7 (A) Westar akan receive mare rainfall [B} Wester skepes receive more suriight £6) Weer vp have warmer climate (D) Wester slones have more Teta gall Wibich of the follaning former Indiae Prime Minisors colned the siogen “day Jawan Joy Kiser”? (A) dowahatol Nena (B) Lal Bahodur Shastri (C) Atal Bitar Biperjee (D) edie Ganchi a er. How many members can te aminated to Lok Seine by the Presider ? we we) (6 mo Which at the toiling States rss ss Logivistive Councl ? (A) Mactya Pradesh (B) Uns Prageen (C) Fojasthan (0) Alling store 2 Te which country eid the tamou ancient philosoaher Cantucius bolang 7 (A) Jogan 48) China (C) Persia 4D) tran Which of the folowing quiere menis iz used for meseuring burnt (A) Hydromeser IB) Hygrometer (€) Barometer [D} Raingaupe Hawi are the winds: named 7 (A) Oe the aepetion tram which Teo (B) Ger the direction to owbinh i baw (C) On the direction of the earths rotation (0) On the direction perpendh cular to a muvee Acar nung for eight hours. The ‘srerage upeed of the car in the Fie three sure is 8 Kir. Wits awerage speed maurst be main- tai inthe retrain Get of hee journey to achieve an owerage speed of 6D kimph 7 (8) 68 hme 4B) 56 tenoh {E) 48 hipphy 4D) 38 kenah WE +4, F=5,G=8 what is the val of MA? way az 18) 13 ie) 4 30) 15 Which of the feienving the: eur of squore roots of 36 and 61 ? wos ea ws 3D) Allihe above ‘The weight of » perce fs 65 fy weight. if the value ot accele: ration dug te gravity (a) ie 10 ive? wh is is ass ee (C) 65 Newson (0) 65 Newton a. 31 AAD cm lon, 20. wide and 19 com high piece af iran is to be nick! plated. the cost af rickel aloting is 2 3,000 por square meter, what wil be the toil cost? feo iB) P4a0 (c) 5D) FBO Achookeeper sells 2 materi at the taleol € 20 per hg. He cheats hig customers by weaghing 100 g leszer on every hy of the msterial Ihe fs: 800 kg ef men i ie shop, now much vl ‘Bue Unt praction (a) P2000 1B) F 1,800 (crt 180 1) 1,500 Goren 1: 5% percentage form ? (4) Bh 1B) Bere {Ch 2% (0) 02% Sides of two squares ate in the rao $= 16, Wihat is the ratio ot ‘hele perimeter 7 (A) 9218 (B) 81288 (Ch 3:4 (D) 36216 Summ of two numbers fs 75 and Sheirdiferencee iB. What is. the dittarence of their squares (4) 4175) 4150 1) 4125 (D) 400 tthe ting rapeesomad by ae + 2y guano thraugp the jin (7,19), what is the vale of 2? ta) 2 @a a ms A group of 5 students compitzes of 3 boys and 2 gifts. two ‘sudents are random called cut, whist fs the probabélry Mist one ot them isa bay while fe other is a ae? 4) 625) BND ic) ana) as A shopkeeper caf ox item a 280 and makes a profit of 10% What wauld have bean the pig he isd to eel tat 10% kn? ™ tee 1B) 800 (o) e708 PE TRO Hox is a negative number and 5x4 3015, which ot the follow: ira bs cere? Wa) morseses (2) 2x4 2525 4 a2. 44 48, (0) ox 628-10 (0) DOr 288 Wires! is the square foot of 765625? at ie) 725 (e) 75 (Das If x is a positive number, wnat wil we get If square: root Of x fe nutiped by cube root ot <7 Le 4B) 88 oy et Vibich of the following may be the density cf 2 material which oats in wate 7 (A) 1150 kg por cunkc metre (B} 1200 by per cube metre (C) 850 kg per cubic metre (D} Allthe stove ‘SONAR’ uwed for mousuving oath of sea works on the pine pk of= (AY Reflection of gt (5) Retlection of satine (C) Retraction of Bight {D) Aletraction of sound \Vibich of th tolesaing reformers ‘was instrumental in passing = tae towing wigae remantiage 7 (AL Rajaram Mohan Roy (5) Mahara Gandhi (6) Fiabinersnssn Tagore (D) Ishworchanda Vidyasagar Vihat is te boiling temperature of maior on Kelvin scala ? fay OK 1B) BK (o) sraK (Dy -27aK Exposure to hot siesm is more ‘fangerous than the exposure to idole of the sain temperate. The property nespansiie for this be A} Boiling pair er water [B} Conconsattan point ot waar TO) Spectic heat of water (D) Latent hat ot weer Deficiency af ing sitamins news ? (A) Vitsnin A (B) Veanin [C) Vitemin€ (D) Veni Vihich ot the following Is not & proteros ? (A) Amaeba (8) Potamecturn (G) Euglena (0) Age Sugeess Mirror @ June 2015 7 43, 50, 51 What haopens 10-2 litmus paper when It i Spped im an secidic solution ? (A) Blue itmus turns red (8) Rod firmus tums blue (C) Blue ftrews turns see and red tures bas (D) Nong of the abows Who founded — Mohammadan Arypo-Crienial College at Aligarh? (A) Mohemtred Al int (B) Saiyed Ahamnad Khan (C) Aramexdullah Shah (D) Abul Kalam Azad Who was the Viesroy at the time of Bantion at Bengal in 2905 7 (A Curzon 4B) Hewings (C) Bentinck {0) Comes \Wiech ofthe tlloveng Doctes a8 ertiistad withthe resporeitiity of rmaieng a Constitution tar Inia? (A) Nations! Aesembty (8) Indis Nstians! Gengrews (C) Gortnaent Meseriaty (D) Featlisment At which of the Indus Visley Chi lization sites, the evickence of use of cotton have been comeed ? (A) Herapna (B) Mohenjodare (C) Mobeagark (©) Latha Which of the folowing were placed ai the sap of the sata! cedar In the Visi wystery i the serient Inds ? (A) Kehatryae: {B) Brafmires (C) Vichy {D) Shuck: What fs the spproximese length ofthe Gees Wall af Chins? (A) 64km 4B) Gt km (€) eam {D} E400 kin Wien wire the tarnave paintings of Ajanta coves ested (A) S000 years ago (B) 2500 years ago (C) 1800 years age (0) 800 year aga \Winy did Baur laste ie anes ol thrane at Farghans ond invade Kabul and supsequenthy lea ? (A) He wanted to become 3 wattd conauerar ess Mirror © June 2015 1. 1B) Farghans did not bau adequale westh to support am empire IC) Ho was tarcod out of Far thane by Unbege (D) He was disturbed by the constant threats a! Mangal ivseioets Catholic and Praiestant are the twa branches af which of the folhawing religions ? 14) Zoroastiarism |B) Buccs [C) Christianity {D} tatsin Which ot she follwing matters is in the Goneaxvent Lit 7 1A) Education IB) Lawand order IC) Defence {D) migation Who has the power to grant Bardon or meduce senance wt a Dereon convicad ofan otlence ? 1A) Cae! Justice af India IB) Prime Pinisier IC} Prosicent [D) Union Law Minister Forhaw long anordinance ised ty a Governor ote Stata is valid ? 1A) Unio sin sweetie alter the commencement of Ascamety Sassion 1B) Usio lx morche atten the commencement of Amzembly Sesion IG) As bang 5 e Chiat Manatee dese: ID) As long as the Goverioe doses Who can argue a case betare a Lok Adalat 7 (4) Any adhocate of the Dissrict Cout IB) Any porsan authorised by ‘the Gourt IC) Any peroan above the age at 2B yess ID) The parties thomsetues Which of the following és efterer ‘roe the rest 7 14) Prmer —B) Keyooerd IO) Mowe iD} Windows In which of the faliowing conti- nett ig Iraq eitusted ? ta) Asia (8) Europe (0) Australis (Dy Attica n ‘Tho thas A snd B are traveling lowards such other on adjacent traces ai the speeds at 6 ms anc E ints, reepectively, Whe leegth of train A is 1200 m and thal of train B ig 1000 m, hew kong will they take Incrogsing gach afer 7 (A) Demin {By Zin 20 eee (©) Benin {D) Tin 20 vee. ‘vir! ts oharaar 7 (AL Hily regione of Deccan plateaus $B) Dota ‘armed by thea rivers (C) A riverine istsret {B) Region jst beyond the theod Plains of rivers in Norihern pln \Virattis the nesthem most part of the wemaNe Coastal Pain calle? (AL Malabar (Bp Kare {C) Konkan {D} Coromandel Which of the tollsaing fivers cegnale om the novibern side of Himalayas 7 (AL Ganga {B) Yarnina (0) Kos {DY Brahireguins The Sameyhar take oF Rsjsechan {A} Frosh water lake AB) Soh wor foo £0) Ory takes AD) Mone of the above ‘ein is E1Nino' 7 1A) Acyclane (B) Acoa current {G) A vemroes organization {D) An lore nesor Pen \vinich of the following fy @ vanes beate ? JA} Soake (8) Earworm tC) Scorpion (D1 Splter \Winich of the Jolkrwing blood groups Is considered universal reoeiver ? LA BB i) 08 wo vinai ie the minimum age tar bocatring a momier cf the Lok Sabha? (A) (years 4B) 21 yen (©) 25 years (D) au your \vivich af the lrwing port of ‘United States of America ts separ Tate trom mainiand by Gant ? TAL Coluintis (B) Aten, (C) Alsekes [D} None at the above isu ™ |e aporosimatily hw much ts oes the Eeeth 7 ‘Sun gmt react The (A) 0-8 seconds (B) 3 mines (€) 24 hours (0) 15 ren-seconds erst are“ ‘Supeartahic" ? (A) A religious congregation (B} A constellation of stars (€) Asar (D) A group of planets: eat bs ot Peis? cay or we latitude of tha Neosth 15) 90" Moth (G) 180° North iD} 45° North Vina is the sun of the wallues ot obtained from the equation benim 3 Veh il a 2x- 3520? (ar iz 4) 7 (es wwe Which af the fllerwing i nat 2 fim rmbt 7 iM st se) 7 (57 10) The area of @ square mace by fod of lang L is A be the area of the Square mace by bending a rod ot leregtn SL 7 (AP 3A mex (c) aa (B) Gannat be determined The average age of a country's population 40 years, rmadeath rae ame ie rei ree ee, population be the average age of the ane 1D years? (A) 40 yesee (B) 45 ycors (C) Sa years (©) Cannat ve calculated without knowing the actual cansus data The radii of wo circles are in the ratio of © 6, It the aewa of the bhoger cltcle fs 1296 cn? then the aroa ol sms aller circ ts — (Mb 0b cm? 4B) 1855-20 amt (C) waecem® 4b)* Hew many sticnaea of wine Zein = 2 cm can be cul fron a sheet of size 9m x 16 em? (a a8 (c) 24 4B) 4D) 20 82, Asumotmoney ls dhiged among ‘Bik pemons A, B,C, D, E und F mvihe moot 2:5: 19°72 15-8 respectively. it € got #, 18,900, how much did E got 7 (4) 719,500 (@} 7 5,070 WO) 7 14,846.87 (D4 ¥ 18.900 33, A wim of dlametor 2 mm is 10 ba wound around & cylinder of 70 mm diameter and 20 cen height. \aira, what longi af wile will ba requited Tor caveting the entite oyfinder > (4) 220m (B} 220m (C} 22m (DP 2Zm 34. Ittwo numbers. A ond B ame such that O< A 1 and 1 <8 < 100, thee BIA 14) Mowe man 1B) Less than A, 6) bess than But mare shan ID} Betwoen 1 and 10 85, Whet is the sverenye af numbers 10, 15, 16,8, 12, 11, 20.amd 25 7 14) 135 Bp 1425, 1G) 1525) 155 BB. 49% ot a city's populrion is female, It a person ts ta be ran dormiy ealected, wht fs the prop ‘ability of 2 female geting saloc: ted 7 My tage) 45t fe} ager) aat00 87. Whst wil be the Interest ot 1,000 for three years at the annual interest rate of 19% com Bounded annusaty 7 ta) 351 5) 590 (C} 333 (Dy BOD 88, How mary right angled iisngles cof bac Fengith L and height H i have the area cequal 99 the ares ot ‘he right angled tana oF bee length 19 L and hight 24 H 7 ta) a0 i & 1) eo ae 89, Which of the following fa the ‘mqusre root of D BBBTOST 7 4) 0725) Das 1) 07#8 = Dy OsBeT a0, ” a2. a. 98. Vihich of the following ts equal to (emp ee GF = A? TAL (8-94) BrP Pare 10) (ee Bh t= It che length ot a slime pend Jum ieincreaned four mes, what suill nape ta ms tema period 7 (A) Time period wil increase tan times {B) Time pariod wil recuse to half (0) Time period wines tour ties [D) Time period will reduce to ore Tourth \ihich of the tllowing metals t the satteat 7 A) fron {B) Gad {6} Silver {DY Sodium What will a temperature of 0° Calvius correspond to on the eivin goat 7 (A) a7aK = (B) 273K () STK tN 4 A solr eclipse takes place whan = TA} Earth eames in betwann gun and the moor (5) Sun comes in beowuen earth and the moor (C) Maco comes in between earth and the sun [D} When sun and moon are opposite to each other Wich of the fellows is rm ‘eal ong (A) Amoeba (B) Paramecium (C) Euglena (D1 Hydra ihn anacie anc a bave react to form a sali, the cherie! reaction is called— {A} Combietsion resection {B) Newrslizatian reaction {C) Oinptscemert macsion {D) Double digplacement reac ion Imbalance of which of the fltoa- ing mineraks i the primary cause ‘of accurmanee of high blood prescure in hurnan beings ? (A) lodine {BY Iron (C) Sodium (D1 Calcium Sugeess Mirror @ June 2015 8. 100. Weho has palma the famous painting known ae Monaliza 7 (8) Pala Piensa (B) Asia Paviverma (6) Lecnande de: Vinci (D) More of the above Vino was the later of the ilatat Moveenent ? (A) Mehotneesd Ali (5) Shoukes Aw (€) Both the above (D) More of the sbervee Vinich of the tofowing = 1m0 bout the Harsppae Civilization 7 (A) Large granaties have been foun (8) Poaple used stone ints (C) Sunsteit wos the language of ogmmon peso phe (0) Tha mtr was democratically elected Answers with Hints ess Mirror © June 2015 831

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