SWNA STC Agreement

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NEIGHBORHOOD COOPERATION AGREEMENT. ‘This AGREEMENT, is made and entered into as of tris_|_7_day of 2014 ("Effective Date”), by and between THE SHAKESPEARE THEATRE COMPANY, «. Diswict of Columbia nonprofit corporation ('STC") and THE SOUTHWEST. NEIGHBORHOOD ASSEMBLY, INC, ¢ Distict of Columbia nonprofit corportion (C'SWNA")(colletively, with STC, the “Parties”. RECITALS: RI. __ STC is the contract purchaser of that eertai property located in the District of Columbia known as 501 Eye Stet SW (the “Propety), wich is presently improved by a two- story concrete building (the “Existing Building”) formerly occupied by Southeastem University, Ine, (*SEU"). STC has contacted to purchase the Property from SEU in order o consolidate Dack-of house operations and create & mixed-use development consisting of actor housing, administrative offices forthe theatre, costume fabrication, sll prop fabrication, ars education, rehearsal and/or small performance spaces, and market-rate housing (the “Development”, RQ, SWNA is a nonprofit citizens’ organization representing the community surrounding the Property, whose mission is, in part to “improve the quality of life for all Southwest residents” and to “promote development of the economic and aestcic potential of Southwest” 3. _ Prior to its occupancy by SEU, the Existing Building was developed for The Hawthome School, a progressive independent school, by noted architect Chalet Goodman. ‘Based onthe history of the Hawthome School nd the promigence of Goodman, and in an effort to promote sound redevelopment of the Property in a manner that is compatible with the Southwest neighborhood (ihe “Southwest Community, in July 2014, SWNA filed an ‘application to designate the Property as an Individual Historic Landmark in the District of (Columbia (the "Nominstion”) withthe District of Columbia Historic Preservation Office. 4, _ STC and its expert consultants have studied whether the Existing Building can be repurposed, rather than demolished, and have conchuded thatthe Existing Building cannot meet the programmatic needs of STC, and has limited structal capacity to support building expansion. Ifthe Existing Building is designated sn Individal Historic Landmark, STC cannot sequir the Propesty and proceed withthe Development. RS. STC recognizes the importance of living in harmony with the surouding community, and further seeks to contribute toward the improvement of the neighborhood. STC is commited to engaging with the Southwest Community as STC develos its plans for the Property, to minimizing the impact of the Development on the Southwest Community, and to addessing, to the greatest exeat posible, the concers tht a redevelopment of the Property poses for SWNA tad surrounding resident, 6, _SWNA als seeks to develop a project that wil have the greatest public benefit to the Southwest Community, and recognizes thatthe Nomination will prevent STC fom acquiring the Proparty. in consideration for ST's commitment to engage the Southwest Community i ‘xsewion Version ‘APDOCST 3091461 collaborative process as STC develops its plans, STC's commitment to assist SWNA in funding projects consistent with SWNA's nonprofit mission in SW DC, and a limitation on the maxima

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