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M A X R IC H T E R - 408-506-5581 -

Bachelor of Arts, Literary Journalism, University of California Irvine, 2015

Having worked in several branches of media, I understand how to write and edit
according to AP Style.

Am familiar with social media and networking tools including Twitter, Facebook and

Am well-versed in Photoshop, Final Cut Pro, iMovie, InDesign and all Microsoft Office

Work well with others, am deadline oriented and apply ambition, creativity and a
strong work ethic to all assigned tasks and projects.

Am eager to acquire new skills and challenge myself at any given opportunity.

Publicist, Carla Befera & Co, Palo Alto, Calif. June, 2012 August, 2013

Worked in a professional public relations environment, in which I interacted on a regular

basis with editors of the San Francisco Chronicle, Digital First Medias Bay Area News
Group and various other media outlets in one of the nations largest metropolitan areas.

Regularly produced and distributed press releases, public service announcements and
media pitches in accordance with all appropriate deadlines.

Personally cultivated professional relationships with co-workers, clients and members

of the media to maximize production and efficiency at my position.

Freelance Reporter, Orange County Register, Santa Ana, Calif. October, 2014 May,

Worked as a reporter covering the local high school arts beat and filed stories that were
published in the Varsity Arts section of the Orange County Register.

Coordinated with media contacts, set up interviews and arranged for media access to
high school arts events throughout Orange County.

Communicated with my editor frequently and completed quality work in a timely

manner in accordance with any relevant deadlines.

President, Anteater Television, Irvine, Calif. October, 2014 June, 2015

Filmed, directed and produced video content for UC Irvines only digital media

Helped manage recruitment, finances, rebranding and a complete infrastructural

overhaul for Anteater Television. Succeeded in increasing membership, content output
and influence on campus during my year as president.

Co-created Anteaters Who Will Change the World, a digital media project which
Anteater Television presented at the Undergraduate Research Opportunities
Symposium in May 2015.

Creative writing, reading, music, music composition, performing arts, speaking German,
professional football and college football

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