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Guided Self Reflection

Peer Observation Form 4B


Date of Observation:

Subject Area:


Pre Observation Discussion Questions:

(Questions are a guide for your discussion. Take notes as needed)

1. Describe the lesson you have planned for the observation. Include your specific learning
target for the lesson.
2. As you see the lesson unfolding, what will the students be doing? How will you know
they are engaged in their learning?
3. How will you know students are progressing towards the learning target/objective? How
will the students know?
4. What are you hoping to learn about your own practices as a result of this observation?
5. Is there anything you want me to look for and give you feedback about while I am in your

Post Observation Discussion Questions:

(Questions are a guide for your discussion. Take notes as needed)

Lesson Design & Student Learning:

1. As you reflect on the learning target/objective for this lesson what can you conclude
about your students achievement? What evidence did you have to support this?
2. What feedback did the students receive in regards to the learning target/objective?
3. Do you feel the lesson was appropriately challenging for all students? Did it support their
efforts to meet/achieve grade level standards?
4. What components of the lesson had the most significant impact on your students
learning? Why?
5. Did the lesson progress as expected? What adjustments were needed to support student

Student Engagement:
1. What levels of Costas/Bloom/DOK were addressed within the lesson?
2. What academic choice/voice did the students have within the lesson?
3. What was your primary role within the lesson? What was the students primary role
within the lesson?
4. How did you differentiate the lesson to engage all learners within your classroom?
5. Was the lesson relevant to the students and were they able to do authentic work? Did they
have the opportunity to share their work with an audience?

Summary Reflection
What professional/personal learning did you gain from this experience? What are your
next steps for professional growth?

Observation was Satisfactory or Higher

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