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The Islamic University Gaza

Faculty Of Engineering
Civil Engineering Department

Report (10)

Group names :

:To Eng
Ahmed F. Elhalaq

Day :Wednesday

The planimeter

This is an advanced and more accurate version
of the polar planimeter where the area can be
directly read from a screen (see figure 1)

Figure(1): planimeter

The components of the planimeter

Roller ( it is connected with the device by a movable arm ) -1
Plug ( it is consist of the digital display & the function keys )-2
Function key ( its consist many of keys) -3
a-on & off
b- Hold ( to hold the display on a sertein reading )
c- Unit1 & unit2 tochoose the unit
d-Scale ( to enter the scale
e- Start to start the to measure the area

Digital display the measured area -4

Tracing magnifier ( consist of aglass in the glass is appoint ) -5
Tracer arm ( it is unmovable & and its function is connecting tracing -6
magnifier with the device )

: Methodology
-Set the map so it is constant and can't move 1
Activate the planimeter device by pushing the (on) icon from the -2
function key
Choose the system of unit by using the icon (unit1) (you have three - 3
choises) suppose we had choosed the IS then use the unit ( mm^2 , m^2 ,
Km^2) by using the icon (unit2)
Select the scale note that in this version you can enter two scales
( vertical & horizontal scale )


Put the tracing magnifier on any point on the map -5

-Push (start ) and go around the area you want measure it is are 6

the measured area is not 100% perfect so we shouldn't use this -1
device in projects which need height accuracy
the using of the parameter is difficult and sensitive so you have to be -2
Remark that you have to be careful with the map ( the map shoud be -3
big enough to still the planimeter of the paper along the measuring )

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