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WABGT Rules for Stakes.

Stakes, ignore the reference to stakes on page 26 of the rules do not treat them as
a defended obstetrical, instead apply the following rules.
Each figure in the unit pays (as indicated in the list (normally 1 point)) to purchase
stakes for that unit. Characters joining a unit or starting deployed with a unit do not
have to pay for stakes (they have people to do that stuff for them) but they still gain
the benefits listed below.
Only formed units at least two ranks deep may place stakes.
Stakes can be placed when a unit is deployed on the table on its front only (use an
appropriate marker to indicate stakes).
Stakes are lost if they are not defended, i.e. the unit that placed them moves out of
contact with the stakes for any reason. Remove the marker from the game if this
happens. Note. if a unit changes formation contracting it's frontage, by making
more ranks but otherwise remains stationary, only the stakes now not defended are
lost. Any other manoeuvres including a reform would loose all the stakes.
There is no movement penalty to move away from deployed stakes even if
charging, or to attack across them.
Only the unit that places stakes can benefit from them.
The use of stakes gives the following benefits:
1. A unit equipped with stakes may make a free 4 move after deployment is complete
and then place their stakes or not as it chooses. If not placed at deployment or after
the free 4 move, stakes are lost as they cannot be placed at any other point of the
2. Chargers still attack first, but loose all bonuses for charges (i.e. lances do not get
+2 strength, no Furious Charge, no Shock Cavalry +1 Rank Bonus, etc.), if it is a
charging bonus you loose it. Other non-charging bonuses still apply, so units can
count ranks and close order if applicable.
3. Winners of combat cannot claim the +1 for momentum if the stakes are still
defended, this applies to attackers and defenders.
4. Defenders winning combat can choose; not to Pursue Fleeing enemy, not to follow
up a unit giving ground. It they choose to Pursue or follow up, then there is no
movement penalty imposed but the stakes are lost for the rest of the game.
5. Attacking troops behind a deployed stakes imposes a -1 to hit modifier. This
modifier is not applied to the unit defending the stakes.
6. If the unit is subject to Warband psychology, it can ignore Warband rule #1 as long
as it remains defending it's stakes.

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