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‘conveniences that members of the college community need in their daily lives environment for getting to know and understand others through formal and informal associations” (About the Union). Whitney Hamlett, a rising freshman states, “The student union... place to study, eat, hangout with friends, relax, and access important resources. [see myself being there a lot.”A€ University of North Carolina at Charlotte, the-univessity-has a student union that strives to be sie adtve, safe, and inclusive center of campus life (Student Union Mission). ‘The student union that is currently at UNC Charlotte pow-was not the student union that operated when the university was first built. “In 1996, traditionally the Cone University Center ‘operated as the student center since opening its doors in 1962. By the time its first addition was finished in 1976, the student population was population was 8,290, Twenty years later in 1996, enrollment had doubled” (Student Unioi History). When the university first Sree the thé avotiment was sma ut with ne RAY SNA LOR CON OWN gine how soon it-would be time to add on-to-the-studentunion. he Poprtetion word oukgrow He Cone Manioh Luo ‘campus one could only imagine where the funding would come from. With the help of students, campus administrators, and the state, the university 0 construct a new student union, The ngfstudent union was built with the convenient access to the residence halls, the College of Health and Human Services building, and the College of Education building (Student Union- History). With the help of the university Sommunity the student union was able to be built andfoperfh 2003. The student union can house up to 10,000 visitors per weekday (Student Union- Tinh ees is home to many activities ‘on campus. Many different student activities such as Center for Leadership Development, Multicultural Resource Center, Religious and Spiritual Life, Stident Niner Media, Venture, and ‘other student involvement groups are located in the student union (Student Union- Student “Activities), “I see myself getting involved in the union. I want to join Student Government “Association (SGA) and Campus Activities Board (CAB)” (Hamlett). The Center for leadership Development helps UNC Charlotte Students with leadership skills development opportunities through individual programs, retreats, and experimental learning, The Center for Leadership Development strives to teach students lifelong leadership skills that could be used with education, social, and business settings (Center for Leadership Development). Venture is one of the student activities available through the student union, Venture is a department that plans always have something (o eat. Students benefit from the studenttunion-by-the-different dining Some people may go to the student union to get away from their dorm room and others the Gnvienr cation. go for manyxvarious-reasens: Hamlctt says that she will benefit from the student union because it 7 is close to her dorm, Lynch Halll. She says she is constantly in Starbucks and the bookstore focus solely on their studies, are more engage in the campus community and sueceed more academically (College Parent Central),|The student union can benefit students by helping them great resource on campus but everything has room for improvement. ‘Hamilett mentioned that she thinks that the student union should have more study rooms. Ifa student wants to study they would have (o go to the library or other locations on campus. However, she mentions that her favorite place in the student union is the room with the piano. “Student Union.” About the Union. N-p., na. Web. 16 July 2015. “Student Union.” Dining & Retail. Np, n.d, Web. 16 July 2015 “Student Union,” History. N,p.. n.d. Web. 15 July 2015. “Student Union.” Student Activities. Np., nd. Web. 15 July 2015. “Student Union." Student Union Mission & Values Statement. N.p.. nad. Web. 15 July 2015. “Why You Should Encourage Your College Student to Get Involved on Campus”. College Parent Central RSS. N.p., 08 Nov. 2009. Web. 16 July 2015. xy yo

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