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Picture Compostion

Describing the things

The boys -______________________________________________________________
The weather___________________________________________________________________________
The tree-__________________________________________________________________
The dog-___________________________________________________________________
The owner-_________________________________________________________________

Describing feelings
Walking under the sun-________________________________________________________
Seeing/Plucking/Eating the mango-_____________________________________________
Throwing the mangoes at the dog-______________________________________________
Seeing the owner-____________________________________________________________
Getting caned by the owner-____________________________________________________

Abu and Ali- two good friends- naughty and playful-like to play tricks with others-One fine
evening-walking home tuition. Birds happily chirping on trees light breeze blowing.
Suddenly- huge tree-ripe mangoes-so tantalizing-climb-to pluck- checked around-nobodyquickly climbed up-plucked the mangoes enjoyed the juicy and delicious mangoes- wanted
to pluck take back home- a black and huge dog barked from the bottom- throw mangoes
laughed-ran away-continued plucking-a man approached the tree-owner -angry-scolded
asked to come down- scared-pulled Alis leg- promised to come down- used a cane and hit
both Ali and Abu- cried loudly- learnt a lesson-not to steal peoples things without
permission- went back home- painful-turned over a new leaf.

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