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Kayla Ho

Megan Keaton
29 July 2015
Kalu Yalas Study Abroad: An Off-The-Grid Program Draft 1 Reflection
Although my peers believed that I had sufficient content to meet the essays
requirements, they suggested that I identify and define the genre instantly. For example, I
began speaking about the genre of Google Hangouts in the middle of its paragraph, rather
than introducing it in the first sentence. I also did this when I began speaking about the
genre of the dichotomous key. I started speaking of it, after I started explaining what a
community and a genre is, again. Also, instead of almost repeating what a community
and genre is for verbatim, I should also try to explain it in another way and connect to my
community of the Kalu Yala Study Abroad Program. Furthermore, Casey also pointed out
that instead of introducing a quote right away or in text citing it immediately, I should
lead into it. She explained that as a person who knows nothing about the community, I
should talk more about how the community will connect with the quote, before I
introduce it. Basically, I should use the quote as support, rather than an introduction.
Ultimately, I learned more about the community than I have ever before from writing this
draft. This is extremely beneficial, as I am thinking of accepting the offer to join this
community in the summer of 2017. When I was offered to be apart of this program, I
barely knew what the restrictions of this community were. However, from writing this
draft, I learned that the restrictions did not matter, when there were more liberations.

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