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2010 Graduate College House Committee Elections

Final candidate roster 2010 February 20
Election Committee (David Liao, Abhi Nellore, and Wenzhe Cao)


Chair (1 position): Donghun “DH” Lee (CS)

Assistant Chair (1 resident position): Divjyot Sethi (DJ) (ELE)
Treasurer (1 position): Lorne Applebaum (ELE)
Secretary (1 resident position): Ioannis Kamitsos (ELE)

Social Activities (2 resident positions): Guanchun (Arvid) Wang (ELE)

Special Events (2 positions): Matt Meola (CS)
Regular Facilities (2 resident positions): Noah T. Jafferis (ELE) and Yi Wang (MAT)

Debasement bar czars (2 positions): Amber Hibberd (CHM) and Kate Keets (CHM)

Athletics (1 resident position): Peter (Qiang) Liu (ELE)

Coffee House Manager (1 position): Richard Cendejas (ELE)


Chair (1 position, 1 candidate)

Donghun “DH” Lee Hello,

I am DH. I would like to make GC a better place to live and enjoy graduate
student life. Of course, GC is already a great place to live, but wouldn't it be
better if:

• breakfast hours last longer, so that you won't miss it accidentally

• weekend brunch hours start earlier, so that you won't wait in starvation
• your favorite events get better, so that you gradually recognize GC is
the best

GC House Committee listens to your thought, acts on your behalf, and asks
your support. By joining the Committee, I would love to take care of and
represent our needs and wants to Princeton. It's about making our life better in
GC, and I ask for your support DH for Chair.

Thank you!


Assistant Chair (1 resident position, 1 candidate)

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Divjyot Sethi (DJ) I am Divjyot Sethi (DJ). I announce my candidacy for the Assistant Chair of the
(ELE) Graduate College House Committee.

I served as the Assistant Chair of GCHC from April 2009 - current. My main
focus has been on improving food at Procter hall; some changes include more
themed food nights and using student recipes. I have also helped organize
various social events at GC.

Latest plans include:

• Facilitating better assessment of Procter hall food through a committee

of residents – rather than solely depending on annually done surveys.
• Lobbying for re-introduction of Saturday dinner (or brunch) at the
Procter hall.
• Improvements to the housing application process (Making summer
housing applications online).
• Aiding house committee in pushing for:
o Quarter-free laundry facilities.
o Air conditioned coffee house.

I hope to serve the GC residents to the best of my abilities and look forward to
your support.


Treasurer (1 position, 1 candidate)

Lorne Applebaum Hi,

I'm the incumbent and have been GCHC treasurer for the past year. I
lived in the GC for two years and currently live in the Annexes.

As treasurer, one of my accomplishments is having completely

rebalanced our accounting records so that we no longer lose money to
bounced checks and know exactly how our money is being spent.
Previously, over $15000 in transactions were left unaccounted.

Beyond my role as treasurer, I try to work on things that get people

out of their rooms. I introduced funding to improve the common spaces
of the often neglected Annexes with things like lawn chairs,
barbecues, magazines and kitchen radios. In the coming year, I'm
hoping to create online sport ladders for our tennis courts, chess,
and squash.

I think the GC/Annexes are a great place to live and I'd like to
continue working at making them better.

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Secretary (1 resident position, 1 candidate)

Ioannis Kamitsos Hi,

My name is Ioannis Kamitsos and I am a third year graduate student in
Electrical Engineering. I would like to announce my candidacy for the position
of Secretary of the House Committee. If I get elected, I will do my best to
fulfill the responsibilities associated with this position. In addition, I will
ensure that residents become aware of the Graduate College activities and the
Committee’s decisions and that all problems students face during the academic
year be addressed by the House Committee.

Since I came to Princeton, I have been living in the Graduate College and I am
aware of the problems that need to be addressed. Besides my role as a
Secretary, I will work towards the improvement of food quality as well as
making brunch/dinner available on the weekends.

Thank you for your support.

Ioannis Kamitsos

Regular Facilities Officers (2 resident positions, 2 candidate)

Noah T. Jafferis I‘m currently one of the Regular Facilities Officers, and look forward to the
(ELE) opportunity of continuing to help keep the GC facilities (OGC washers/dryers,
change machine, etc.) running smoothly for the coming year. I believe I will
continue to be a great RFO – I am responsible, reliable, and know how to get
things done. I have a willingness, and ability, to fix things, as well as the self-
awareness to know when to call in the experts. I love the Graduate College,
and will do my best to keep everything in order and running well. This past
year we have been investigating ways to improve the laundry rooms – for
example, moving to coin-less prepaid laundry (separate vote on this), and a
service to allow online viewing of real-time washer/dryer usage. If elected, I
will continue work on these proposals, and hopefully see them through to
actual implementation.
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Yi Wang (MAT) My name is Yi Wang. I am a fourth year PhD candidate from mathematics
department, and the current Regular Facility Officer. I would like to run for
this position again. I am thankful to people who gave me this opportunity last
year to work with a group of enthusiastic and lovely people, to share the
wonderful ideas and moments. I did enjoy what I was doing and hope to
continue doing it.

I am always responsible and energetic. If I am given the opportunity again, I

would make good maintenance of equipments and let more residents get to
enjoy the convenience of our cleaners, tools, and laundry facilities. I would
also continue working on the current project of laundry renovation. I am
looking forward to working in the GC house committee next year. Thank you
for your consideration.

Special Events Officers (2 positions, 1 candidate)

Matt Meola (CS) I'm a third year graduate student in the computer science department. I lived
in the NGC my first year, but moved out to the apartments in my second.
While it was nice having a kitchen and cooking for myself, I soon realized
that I missed the fun atmosphere in the GC. So I moved to the OGC this
year and plan to stay.

As Special Events Chair, I will bring you guys some awesome parties. The
Spring Formal and the Halloween Party are always a lot of fun. As would
be the Fall Formal, which was conspicuously missing this year.

The great parties we have here are a big part of what makes the GC so fun,
and I want to give something back to the community that has made my
experience of grad school so much more enjoyable.

Social Hour (2 resident positions, 1 candidate)

Guanchun (Arvid) Wang I am one of your current social chairs and am in charge of the liquor
(ELE) section at Friday’s social hours. In the past year, we introduced the
concept of “Special Drink of the Week” so that we can offer different
cocktails according to season, festival and other special occasions.
Also I tried to bring a broad range of premium brands to our social
hour from time to time while controlling the total cost by purchasing
mostly from wholesale liquor stores. Also upgraded were the tools that
bartenders use to mix out the best drinks possible. I hope you liked
the change and have been enjoying social hour.

For the coming year, I am planning to continue improving the social

experience at GC by getting the most up-to-date movie hits to our DVD
collection and offering special social hours such as DIY night or
wine-tasting event.
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Debasement Bar Czars (2 positions, 2 candidates)

Amber Hibberd (CHM) I have worked at the bar for two years and been a czar for one. I understand
what is necessary to keep the bar a fun and safe place for our patrons, and
would be delighted to continue on as czar.

Cheerio, Amber Hibberd

Kate Keets (CHM) For the past two years I have been working hard behind the scenes in the
Debasement bar. From bringing you parties, to live music, to beer tastings
of local micro breweries, to new beers on tap and in bottle to tantalize your
palate. In order to keep you the patron, interested, along with my fellow
czars, I have overseen some changes to the aesthetics of the bar, such as a
marker board to keep you updated on events and drink specials, as well as
designing menus with all of our cocktails and shots that will be available for
your perusal. In the future, I plan to bring you More Events, New Parties
and More changes to keep YOU happy and distracted from your thesis

If you’ve been to the bar in the past two years, and liked what you saw, vote
Kate Keets for Bar Czar.

Athletics Officer (1 resident position, 1 candidate)

Peter (Qiang) Liu (ELE) I am a senior resident here and I really enjoy being part of this community.
My own experience tells me this is an extraordinarily energetic and lively
community, and certainly not lack of athletic talents at all. I myself am a big
sports fan, and find that participating sport activities such as being on a GC
team in the intramural tournaments, jumping in a pick-up Frisbee game, or
having a snow fight after sledding around this time of the year is the best
way to make new friends, strengthen bonds with old friends while having
lots of fun. This is an important part of my life here, and I really want to
extend such experience to more community members by running the GC
Athletic Chair position. Please support me! I will do my best to improve
your experiences in sport activities! Hope everyone becomes stronger,
healthier in this Tiger Year!

Coffee House Manager (1 position, 1 candidate)

Richard Cendejas (ELE) I'm Richard Cendejas, and for the past year I have been the GC Coffee
House manager (I work Tuesdays). One thing I really enjoy is a good cup of
coffee so I petitioned for funding to upgrade the brewing equipment, as well
as raise the quality of coffee stocked. For me, the coffee house should really
be a place where people gather and socialize. Last week, I organized an
Acoustic concert to make the coffee house lively, and have been advertising
the coffee house as a place to hold events such as study breaks. In the
future, I want to reach out to students so that they can try our selection of
drinks, and gather students around music, company and a good cup of

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