How Pervasive Is Technology in Our Lives Today?: Impacts On Society? Is It Good or Bad?

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How pervasive is technology in our lives today?

Singapore is one of the most wired places on earth: our household

broadband penetration rate is 105% at the end of 2011 and we also have
the highest percentage of smart phone users in the world, relative to our
population. It is a common sight to see people swiping at their mobile
devices on buses and trains. According to a study by the digital marketing
agency ODM Group, 74% of consumers rely on social networks to guide
purchase decisions.

Impacts on society? Is it good or bad?

Promotes narcissism (bad)
Sites like Facebook allow users to mimic a perceived sense of self-esteem
and self-worth based on the relative observable success or failure of his or
her peers. Opportunities for validation are another huge draw to social
networking sites, experts say.

Promotes extremism (bad)

The communicative and instrumental functions of the Internet facilitate the
sustenance of radical virtual communities stemming from the distribution of
propaganda by terrorists with the intent of garnering supporters.
e.g. ISIS adopted social engineering to promote its cause, intimidate people
and radicalize new recruits.

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