Diccionario Maya Inglés

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John J.


Juan Gonzlez Rocch

Tzutujil/English 101

This is a short document that translates common words and phrases between Tzutujil, Spanish, and
English. Should you have an opportunity to visit the Western shores of Lake Atitln, youll find that the
local Tzutujil really appreciate foreigners who try to learn a bit about their culture and language. The
following material relates most specifically to the Tzutujil spoken in San Pedro La Laguna. There is
substantial variation in Tzutujil so this document can serve merely as an introduction.
Este es un breve documento que traduce palabras y frases communes entre Tzutujil, Espaol, e Ingls.
Si tendria la oportunidad a visitar las orillas occidentales del Lago de Atitln, encontraras que los
Tzutujiles estiman los extranjeros quienes tratan aprender un poco sobre su cultura e idioma.

Tzutujil [dz- oot oo hl] has a number of tricky sounds which one does not commonly hear in the
Romance or Germanic languages. After each Tzutujil word and phrase below I have indicated a rough
guide to pronunciation using English sounds and words (where possible). After each English word or
phrase below I have indicated a rough guide to pronunciation using Spanish sounds. Spaces in these
pronunciation guides indicate syllables. The only novel mark Ive had to create is the sign - to indicate
the glottal pause that is so common in Tzutujil. For English speakers, it is something akin to the openmouthed gasp one utters after hearing something shocking (what!!?? uh-). Below, I note the Tzutujil
word followed by a pronunciation guide followed by the Spanish translation followed by the English

Despus de cada traduccin en Ingls, he dado una approximacin cruda de los sonidos de las palabras
en Ingls.

Phrases (Frases)

Utz aawach? [ootz ah watch] / Utz, maltiyoox. [ootz mall t ysh] Ja ka atet? [ha kaw
atet] / Utz chaqajaa, maltiyoox. [ootz chalk ah hah-, mall t ysh] = como ests? / bien,
gracias. y tu? / estoy bien tambien, gracias = how are you? / fine, thanks. how are you? / Im
fine also, thanks [how ar yuu / fayn, thanks. how ar yuu / Aym fayn als, thanks]
Utz kaari/utz naka/jeee [ootz k- aw ree-/oots knock- aw/hay ] = est bien = fine, sounds
good, okay [fayn, sowndz gud, h k]
Naq aabii [knock awb- -] = como te llamas? = whats your name? [wats yuur nm]
Naq abanoon [knock ob- on own] = cmo ests? = how are you doing? [how ar yuu duu ing]
Naq naaban [knock knob- on] = que haces? = what are you doing? [wat ar yuu duu ing]
Naq ka [knock k- aw] = quien es, que es = who is it, what is it [huu is it, wat is it]
Jaru ajuunaa [ha roo- ah hoon gnaw-] = cuantos aos tiene? = how old are you? [how ld ar
Jaru rajil? [ha roo- raw hl] = cuanto cuesta? = how much is it? [how much is it]

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Juan Gonzlez Rocch

Jaru nuukaas [ha roo- new k- aws] = cuanto debo? = how much do I owe you? [how much
duu ay yuu]
Jar atet ka naq chi saamaajiil naaban [har aw tet k- aw knock ch sawm ah hl knob- on] =
t, que trabajo haces? = what kind of work do you do? [wat kaynd of wurk duu yuu duu]
Jo! [h- ] = vamos! = lets go! [letz g]
Baar at petinaq wi? [b- are ought pet knock w-] = de donde viene? = where are you
from? [wer ar yuu from]
Kinakuyu/cha nuumak [key naw koo you-/chaw new mock] = perdoname = excuse me [eks
kuus mee]
Ninbe pa kayibal [nn bay pa ki y ball] = voy al mercado = I am (Im) going to the
market [aym g ing to tha market]
Tachajij aawii! [tawch aw h ah w] = Cuida te! = Be careful! [b cair ful]
Qila chik na [k- ey law- chk gnaw] =Nos Vemos! = see you later! [see yuu ltur]
Xtiqaatzat chik na qii! [sht cawtz- ought ch gnaw key-] = Nos Vemos! = See you later!
[s yuu lt ur]
Ko/Kooli jun [k-h/ k-h lee hoon] = hay un/a = there is a(n) [ther is aa(an)]
Tayaa [tie yaw- ah-] = da me = give me [giv m]
Tabana jun utziil [tawb- awn aw- hoon ootz l] = hgame un favor = do me a favor [do m
fv ur]
Maltiyoox [mall t ysh] = gracias = thank you (thanks) [thank yuu (thanks)]
Sibalaj maltiyoox [seeb- all ah mall t ysh] = muchas gracias = thank you very much
(thanks very much) [thank yuu ver much (thanks ver much)]
Jee [hay] = es (afirmacin) = yeah (affirmation) [yeh]
Ma [maw] = no (negacin) = no (negation) [n]
Kan [kawn] = si = yes [yes]
Ma kan ta [maw con taw] = no = no [n]
Ma ko ta [maw k- h taw] = no hay = there is not [ther is not]

Interrogatives (Interrogativos)

Baar chi ri (tri) [b- are tr] = dnde, adnde = where [wer]
Bajan [b- a hawn] = cundo = when [wen]
Jaru [ha roo-] = cunto = how much [how much]
Jani [ha n-] = cmo = how [how]
Naq [knock] = qu, quin = what, who [wat, hoo]
Naq chi re (tre) [knock tray] = por qu = why [way]

Nouns (Sustantivos)

Aabaj [ab aw] = piedra, roca = stone, rock [stn, rawk]

Aachi [aw ch] = hombre = man [man]
Aaj [aah] = cana = cane stalk [kn stawk]
Achibal [awtch b-all ] = imagen, foto = image, photo [im uj, ft]
Achik [awtch k-] = sueno = dream [drm]
Ajiik [aw- k-] = sirvienta = servant [sur vant]
Ajil [aw hl] = precio = price [priis]
Ajkaay [awk- eye] = vendedor(a) = merchant [mur chant]

John J. McGraw

Juan Gonzlez Rocch

Ajkeem [awk m] = tejedora = weaver [wee vur]

Ajpub/kinich [aw poob-/key ntch] = el sol = sun [son]
Ajtijaal [aw t hall] = escuela = school [skuul]
Akaal [awk- all] = nio = boy [boy]
Alaqoom [all awk- oom] = ladrn = robber [rob ur]
Alaxibal [all osh b- all] = nacimiento = birth [burth]
Aqoom [awk- oom] = medicina = medicine [med is in]
Atat [aw tot] = usted = you [yuu]
Atix [aw tsh] = estornudo = sneeze [snz]
Awan [ah wan] = milpa = cornfield [korn fld]
Beey [b- ay] = camino = road [rd]
Chaaj [chaw] = ceniza = ash [ash]
Chakat [cha cot] = silla = chair [cheyur]
Chakatwi [ch- awk ot we] = almohada = pillow [pil ]
Chapaq [ch- op awk] = jabn = soap [sp]
Chee [chay-] = rbol = tree [tree]
Chi ya [ch yaw-] = playa = beach [bch]
Chiich [ch- each-] = carro = car [kar]
Chiich [ch- each-] = maquina = machine [mush n]
Chiich [ch- each-] = metal = metal [met ul]
Chiij [chh] = algodn = cotton [kawt un]
Chujarinaq [ch- oo hawr een awk] = loco = crazy person [kr z pur son]
Chuumiil [ch- oo meal] = estrella = star [star]
Ichaaj [ chaw] = hierba = plant [plant]
Iik [k] = chile = chile pepper [chi l pep ur]
Iik [k-] = luna, mes = moon, month [muun, munth]
Iiq [ yik-] = viento = wind [wehnd]
Ikaj [ kaw] = hacha = axe [aks]
Iil majk [l mawk] = pecado = sin [sin]
Ilixik [l eesh eek] = servicio = service [sur vis]
Ixix [ sheesh] = ustedes = you (plural) [yuu]
Ixoq [sh oak] = mujer = woman [wum en]
Ixtan [sh tawn] = senorita = unmarried woman [un mar d wum an]
Iyaaj [ yaw] = las ninas = girls [gurls]
Iyoom [ ywm] = comadrona = midwife [mid wayf]
Jaan [hawn] = mosca = fly [flay]
Jar/Ja [hawr/haw] = el/la = the [tha]
Juunaa [hoon gnaw-] = ao = year [yehr]
Juyu [who you] = volcan = volcano [vol cn ]
Kaaj [kaw] = cielo = sky [skay]
Kaas [k- aws] = deuda = debt [det]
Kajool [k- hole] = joven = young man [yung man]
Kamol beey [k- awm ole b- ay] = gua = guide [gayd]
Kasleemaal [k- aws lem all] = vida = life [layf]
Kooch [coach] = regalo = gift [gift]
Kuyaa [k- oo yaw-] = cerveza = beer [byur]
Maamaaj [mom ma] = nietos = grandsons [grand suns]
Nimaqiij [neem ock- ee] = fiesta = festival [fest iv ul]

John J. McGraw

Juan Gonzlez Rocch

Okox [ ksh] = hongos = mushrooms [mush ruums]

Oochooch/ Jaay [ chch/hi] = casa = house [hows]
Palow [pall oaf] = mar = sea [see]
Puluw [pool oof] = burbuja = bubble [bub ul]
Puwaq [poo wock] = dinero = money [mun ]
Qaaq [q- awq-] = fuego = fire [fayr]
Qaniil /ijatz [q- awn l/ haw- tz] = semilla = seed [sd]
Raal [raw-] = su hijo(a) = son, daughter [sun / dawt ur]
Riikiil [r kl] = comida = food [fuud]
Rij [r-] = anciano, don = venerable one [ven ur ab ul wun]
Ruuwach xaan [roo watch shkawn] = pared = wall [waul]
Sanayii [sawn ay] = arena = sand [sand]
Subal [soo- b- all] = toalla = towel [tow ul]
Taa [taw-] = anciano = old man [ld man]
Tiisom [t- s- m] = costura = sewing [s ing]
Tijobal [t hb- all] = escuela = school [skuul]
Tijooneel [t han nil] = maestro = teacher [tch ur]
Tijoxeel [t he shle] = estudiante = student [stuu dent]
Tinamiit [tn aw meat] = pueblo = town [town]
Tisibal [tase b- awl] = maqina de coser = sewing machine [s ing mush n]
Toot [t- wt-] = caracol = shell [shel]
Tuy [t- h-] = olla = pot [pawt]
Tzuuj [dz-ooh] = gota de lluvia = raindrop [rn drawp]
Tziij [dz] = palabra = word [wurd]
Tziyaq [dz yawk] = ropa = clothes [clths]
Uleew [oo lay oof] = tierra = land [land]
Winaq [w knock] = persona = person [purson]
Xukuk [shoe kook] = fresco = fresh [fresh]
Ya [yaw-] = agua = water [wat ur]
Yaawaa [yaw wah] = enfermo = sick [sik]
Yaabiil [yawb- l] = enfermedad = sickness, disease [sik nes, dis s]

Bodies (Cuerpos)
-Rule: drop aaj suffix when used with possessive (e.g. nuupaam-mi estomago)

Xamaliil [shawm ah ll] = cuerpo human = human body [hu mun bod ]
Aaq [awk] = lengua = tongue [tung]
Achoqaaq [aw choke- awq-] = musculos = muscles [muss uls]
Aqanaaj [awk on aw] = pie = foot [fut]
Aqanaaj [awk on aw] = pierna = leg [lg]
Chekaaj [ch- eh- kaw] = rodilla = knee [n]
Chiiaaj [ch- aw] = boca = mouth [mowth]
Chukaaj [ch- ew- kaw] = codo = elbow [el bh]
Eeyaaj [ yah] = diente = tooth [tuth]
Ismaal [is mahl] = pelo = hair [her]
Ixkinaaj [sh kn ah] = oreja = ear [r]
Palaj [pall off] = cara = face [fs]

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Paamaaj [pawm ah] = estomago = stomach [stum uck]

Poxaaj [psh aw] = costillas = ribs [ribs]
Qabaaj [k- ab- aah] = mano = hand [hand]
Rwi aqanaaj [ ruh we awk on aw] = dedo = toe [th]
Rwi qabaaj [ ruh we k- ab- aah] = dedo = finger [feen gur]
Talek [dz- ahm] = hombro = shoulder [shl dur]
Tzam [dz- ahm] = nariz = nose [nohs]
Tzuumaal [dz- oom all] = piel = skin [sken]
Wachaaj [watch ah] = ojo = eye [ay]
Wiaaj [we- ah] = cabeza = head [hed]

Families (Familias)

Aal [awl] = hijo(a) = son [sun]

Teeeej [ty- y] = madre = mother [muth ur]
Tatixeel [tot shell] = padre = father [fawth ur]

Food (Comida)

Riikiil [r kl] = comida = food [fuud]

Aj [aah] = elote = corn-on-the-cob [korn on tha kawb]
Aranxax [are rawn shesh] = naranja = orange [or anj]
Askol [ah skl] = azucar = sugar [shug ur]
Atzaam [awtz- awm] = sal = salt [sawlt]
Choob [ch- be-] = pina = pineapple [piin ap ul]
Iik [k] = chile = chile pepper [chil pep ur]
Ixiim [sh em] = maiz = corn [korn]
Kaxlan way [kawsh lawn why] = pan = bread [bred]
Mololon aqoom [mole ole loan awk- ohm] = pimienta = pepper [pep ur]
Ooj [h] = aguacate = avocado[ah gwa ka teh]
Raxamuuniil [rosh ahmoon l] = fruta = fruit [fruut]
Saqwach [sock watch] = papa = potato [pa tt h]
Saquul [sock- ool] = banana = banana [buh nan uh]
Saqmooloo [sock mow low-] = huevo = egg [g]
Tiiiij [t- ] = carne = meat [mt]
Way [why] = tortilla = tortilla [tor t ya]
Xanakat [shawn ah kawt] = cebolla = onion [ung yun]
Ya [yaw-] = agua = water [wat ur]

Religion (Religin)

Ajqiij [awk- y] = sacerdote Maya = daykeeper, shaman [dy kp ur , shm un]

Ajaaw [ah how] = Dios = God [gawd]
Ajiitz [aw- eats] = brujo = witch [wich]
Iitz [eats] = brujeria = witchcraft [wich kraft]
Kaxtok [k- osh toke-] = diablo = devil [dev ul]

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Kux [k- oo- sh] = alma = soul [sool]

Mookaaj [me kah] = grupos religiosos = sects [sekts]
Nawaliil [nah wall l] = creencias = beliefs [bel fs]
Tiyoox [t yhsh] = santos = saints [snts]
Xolobxeel [show lobe- shell] = Espiritu Santo = Holy Spirit [hl speer it]
Xukuleem [shoe koo lay em] = Ceremonia Maya = Mayan fire ceremony [ser e mown ]
Yuqubal kux [you koob- all k- oosh] = f = faith [fth]

Animals (Animales)

Chikop [ch cop] = animal = animal [an im ul]

Ak [ack-] = gallina = chicken [chik un]
Am [awm] = araa = spider [spiid ur]
Chooy [ch- oi] = ratn = rat [rat]
Chuu [ch- oo-] = pescado = fish [fish]
Jaan [hawn] = mosca = fly [flay]
Juut [hoot] = gusano = worm [wurm]
Keej [kyy] = caballo = horse [hors]
Kok [k- k] = tortuga = turtle [tur tul]
Kuuk [kook] = ardilla = squirrel [skwur ul]
Mama [ma ma-] = gallo = rooster [roo stur]
Mix [meesh] = gato = cat [kat]
Paar [par] = zorro = fox [fawks]
Sootz [sdz-] = murcielago = bat [bat]
Tap [top] = cangrejo = crab [krab]
Tix [tsh] = elephante = elephant [el ef unt]
Tuq [t- ook] = gallina = chicken [chik un]
Tzi [dz- -] = perro = dog [dawg]
Tzikin [dz- eek n] = pajaro = bird [burd]
Umul [oo mool] = conejo = rabbit [rab it]
Us [oos] = mosquito = mosquito [mosk t ]
Wajkax [waw kosh] = vaca = cow [kaw]
Xijk [shik] = guila = eagle [ gul]

Colors (Colores)

Kaq [kawk] = rojo = red [red]

Qan [k- an] = amarillo = yellow [yel ]
Qaq [k- awk] = negro = black [blak]
Rax [rawsh] = verde = green [green]
Saq [sock] = blanco = white [wiit]
Xaar [shar] = azul = blue [bluu]

Numbers (Numeros)

Ajilibal [aw hl b- all] = numeracin = numbers [num burs]

Jun [hoon] = uno = one [wun]
Kai [kaw- h] = dos = two [tuu]

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Oxi [ she-] = tres = three [thr]

Kaji [kaw he-] = cuatro = four [for]
Jooo [h- h] = cinco = five [fv]
Waaqii [wah key-] = seis = six [siks]
Wuuquu [woo koo-] = siete = seven [sev un]
Waqxaquii [wock shock -] = ocho = eight [t]
Belejee [b- ell eh hy-] = nueve = nine [niin]
Lajuuj [law who] = diez = ten [ten]
Junlajuuj [hoon law who] = once = eleven [el ev un]
Kablajuuj [kawb- law who] = doce = twelve [twelv]
Oxlajuuj [sh law who] = trece = thirteen [thur tn]
Kajlajuuj [kaw law who] = catorce = fourteen [for tn]
Jolajuuj [h- law who] = quince = fifteen [fif tn]
Waqlajuuj [wawk law who] = dieciseis = sixteen [siks tn]
Wuqlajuuj [wook law who] = diecisiete = seventeen [sev en tn]
Wajxaqlajuuj [waw shock law who] = dieciocho = eighteen [ tn]
Belejlajuuj [b- ail ay law who] = diecinueve = nineteen [nin tn]
Winaq/kal [key knock/k-awl] = veinte = twenty [twen t]

Ordinal Numbers (Numeros Ordinales)

Najbeey [nawb- y] = primero = first [furst]

Ruukaab [rook awb] = segundo = second [second]
Roox [rsh] = tercero = third [thurd]
Ruukaaj [rook aw] = cuarto = fourth [forth]
Roo [row-] = quinto = fifth [fifth]
Ruwaqaaq [roo wawk awk] = sexto = sixth [sixth]
Ruwuuq [roo wook] = sptimo = seventh [seventh]
Ruwajxaaq [roo waw shock] = octavo = eighth [ th]
Rubeleej [roob- ail ay] = noveno = ninth [nnth]
Lajuuj [law who] = dcimo = tenth [tenth]

Verbs (Verbos)

Ajobeeneem [aw hoe- b- en em] = querer = to want [tuu want]

Akaxaaneem [ock- osh en em] = escuchar = to listen [tuu lis un]
Beenaam [b- y nam] = ir = to go [tuu g]
Biinaq [b- y knock] = decir = to say [tuu s]
Bijneem [b- y nem] = caminar = to walk [tuu wawk]
Bixaaneem [b- x aw nem] = cantar = to sing [tuu sing]
Chayooneem [ch- eye own em] = pegar = to adhere [tuu ad hey ur]
Choyooneem [choy own em] = cortar = to cut [tuu kut]
Chupuuneem [choop oon em] = apagar = to turn off [tuu turn awf]
Jaqooneem [hawk own em] = abrir = to open [tuu p en]
Kabaaneem [kawp- awn em] = callerse = to shut up [tuu shut up]
Kamik [kaw meek] = morir = to die [tuu dii]
Kamooj [k-aw mh] = traer = to bring [tuu bring]

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Kanooneem [kawn own em] = buscar = to look for [tuu luk for]
Kastaaneem [k- ost awn em] = pasear = to walk, to wander [tuu wawk / tuu won dur]
Kisooj [k- ey soh] = acabar = [tuu fin ish]
Kotzoleem [coats- oh lem] = acostar = to lie down, to go to sleep [tuu lii down / tuu g tuu
Kuchuuneem [kooch oon em] = cubrir = to cover [tuu kuv ur]
Kutuuneem [k- oot oon em] = pedir = to ask for [tuu ask for]
Loqooneem [low k- own em] = comprar = to buy [tuu bii]
Mesooj [mays oh] = barrer = to sweep [tuu swp]
Michooneem [mch- own em] = arrancar = to extract [tuu eks trakt]
Ookeem [oak em] = entrar = to enter [tuu en tur]
Oqeej [oak- eh] = llorar = to cry [tuu cray]
Qajooj [ka hoe] = prestar = to lend [tuu lend]
Qejtexik [k- ay taysh ik] = abrazar = to hug [tuu hug]
Samaajiineem [saw maw hn em] = trabajar = to work [tuu wurk]
Sikiineem [sk- n em] = leer = to read [tuu rd]
Suuuneem [soo- ooh nem] = limpiar = to clean [tuu kln]
Taqooj [tock hoe] = enviar = to send [tuu send]
Tijooneem [t- hoe em] = ensenar = to teach [tuu tch]
Tikomiineem [tkoh- mean em] = sembrar = to sow [s]
Tzibaaneem [dz -b- aw nem] = escuchar = to listen [tuu lis en]
Tzijooneem [dz- hone em] = hablar = to speak [tuu spk]
Tzubuleem [dz- oob- ool em] = sentar = to sit [tuu sit]
Waiimeem [waw- m em] = comer = to eat [tuu t]
Waraameem [wah rawm em] = dormir = to sleep [tuu slp]
Xajooj [shaw hoe] = bailar = to dance [tuu dans]
Yaooneem [yaw- own em] = dar = to give [tuu giv]

Verb Conjugations (Conjugaciones de verbos)




Ninbe = voy = I go

Xinbe = fui = I went

Xkinbe na = ir = I will go

Natbe = vas = you go

Xatbe = fuiste = you went

Xkatbe na = irs = you will go

Nbe = va = he goes

Xbe = fue = he went

Xtibe na = ir = he will go

Noqbe = vamos = we go

Xoqbe = fuimos = we went

Xkojbe na = iremos = we will go

Nixbe = van = you go

Xixbe = fueron = you went

Xkixbe na = irn = you will go

Neebe = van = they go

Xeebe = fueron = they went

Xkebe na = irn = they will go




Ninwai = como = I am eating

Xinwai = com = I ate

Xkinwa na = comer = I will eat

Natwai = comes = you are eating

Xatwai = comiste = you ate

Xkatwa na = comers = you will eat

John J. McGraw

Nwai = come = he is eating

Juan Gonzlez Rocch

Xwai = comi = he ate

Xtiwa na = comer = he will eat

Noqwai = comimos = we are eating Xoqwai = comimos = we ate

Xkojwa na = comeremos = we will eat

Nixwai = comen = you are eating

Xixwai = comieron = you ate

Xkixwa na = comirn = you will eat

Newai = comen = they are eating

Xwai = comieron = they ate

Xkewa na = comirn = they will eat




Nbiij = digo = I say

Xinbiij = dije = I said

Xtinbiij na = dir = I will say

Nabiij = dices = you say

Xabiij = dijiste = you said

Xtabiij na = dirs = you will say

Nbiij = dice = he says

Xbiij = dijo = he said

Xtibiij na = dir = he will say

Nabiij = decimos = we say

Xqabiij = dijimos = we said

Xtiqabiij na = diremos = we will say

Nebiij = dicen = you say

Xebiij = dijeron = you said

Xtebiij na = dirn = you will say

Nkibiij = dicen = they say

Xkibiij = dijeron = they said

Xtikibiij na = dirn = they will say




Ninwari = duermo = I am sleeping

Xinwari = dorm = I slept

Xkinwar na = dormir = I will sleep

Natwari = duermes = you are asleep Xatwari = dormiste = you slept

Xkatwar na = dormirs = you will sleep

Nwari = duerme = he is asleep

Xtiwar na = dormir = he will sleep

Xwari = durmi = he slept

Noqwari = dormimos = we are asleep Xoqwari = dormimos = we slept Xkojwar na = dormiremos = we will sleep
Nixwari = duermen = you are asleep

Xixwari = durmieron = you slept Xkixwar na = dormirn = you will sleep

Newari = duermen = they are asleep

Xewari = durmieron = they slept Xkewar na = dormirn = they will sleep



Ninxajowi = bailo = I dance

Xinxajowi = baile = I danced

Xkinxajo na = bailar = I will dance

Natxajowi = bailas = you dance

Xatxajowi = bailaste = you danced

Xkatxajo na = bailars = you will dance

Nxajowi = baile = he dance

Xajowi = bailo = he danced

Xtixajo na = bailar = he will dance

Nojxajowi = bailamos = we dance

Xojxajowi = bailamos = we danced

Xkojxajo na = bailaremos = we will dance

Nixxajowi = bailan = you dance

Xixxajowi = bailaron = you danced Xkixxajo na = bailarn = you will dance

Nexajowi = bailan = they dance

Xexajowi = bailaron = they danced




Xkexajo na = bailarn = they will dance


John J. McGraw

Juan Gonzlez Rocch

Ninqajooni = presto = I lend

Xinqajooni = prest = I lent

Xkinqajon na = prestar = I will lend

Natqajooni = prestas = you lend

Xatqajooni = prestaste = you lent

Xkatqajon na = prestars = you will lend

Nqajooni = presta = he lends

Xqajooni = prest = he lent

Xtiqajon na = prestar = he will lend

Nojqajooni = prestamos = we lend Xojqajooni = prestamos = we lent

Xkojqajon na = prestaremos = we will lend

Nixqajooni = prestan = you lend

Xixqajooni = prestaron = you lent

Xkixqajon na = prestarn = you will lend

Neqajooni = prestan = they lend

Xeqajooni = prestaron = they lent

Xkeqajon na = prestarn = they will lend




Ninkam to = traigo = I bring

Xinkam to = traj = I brought

Xtinkam to na = traer = I will bring

Natkam to = traes = you bring

Xakam to = trajiste = you brought

Xtakam to na = traers = you will bring

Nkam to = trae = he brings

Xkam to = traj = he brought

Xtikam to na = traer = he will bring

Nqakam to = traemos = we bring Xqakam to = trajimos = we brought

Xtiqakam to na = traeremos = we will bring

Nekam to = traen = you bring

Xekam to = trajeron = you brought

Xtekam to na = traern = you will bring

Nekekam to = traen = they bring

Xkekam to = trajeron = they brought Xtikekam to na = traern = they will bring




Ninloqooni = compro = I am buying

Xinloqooni = compr = I bought

Xkinloqon na = comprar = I will buy

Natloqooni = compras = you are buying

Xatloqooni = compraste = you bought

Xkatloqon na = comprars = you will buy

Nloqooni = compra = he is buying

Xloqooni = compr = he bought

Xtiloqon na = comprar = he will buy

Nojloqooni = compramos = we are buying Xojloqooni = compramos = we bought

Xkojloqon na = compraremos = we will buy

Nixloqooni = compran = you are buying

Xixloqooni = compraron = you bought

Xkixloqon na = comprarn = you will buy

Neloqooni = compran = they are buying

Xeloqooni = compraron = they bought

Xkeloqon na = comprarn = they will buy




Ninatiini = me bao = I bathe

Xinatiini = me ba = I bathed

Xkinatin na = me baar = I will bathe

Natatiini = te baas = you bathe

Xatatiini = te baaste = you bathed

Xkatatin na = te baars = you will bathe

Natiini = se baa = he bathes

Xatiini = se ba = he bathed

Xti[atin na = se baar = he will bathe

Nojatiini = nos baamos = we bathe

Xojatiini = nos baamos = we bathed Xkojatin na = nos baaremos = we will bathe

Nixatiini = se baan = you bathe

Xixatiini = se baaron = you bathed

Xkixatin na = se baarn = you will bathe

Neatiini = se baan = they bathe

Xeatiini = se baaron = they bathed

Xkeatin na = se baarn = they will bathe


John J. McGraw

Juan Gonzlez Rocch




Ninooqi = lloro = I cry

Xinooqi = llor = I cried

Xkinoq na = llorar = I will cry

Natooqi = lloras = you cry

Xatooqi = lloraste = you cried

Xkatoq na = llorars = you will cry

Nooqi = llora = he cries

Xooqi = llor = he cried

Xtioq na = llorar = he will cry

Nojooqi = lloramos = we cry

Xoqooqi = lloramos = we cried

Xkojoq na = lloraremos = we will cry

Nixooqi = lloran = you cry

Xixooqi = lloraron = you cried

Xkixoq na = llorarn = you will cry

Neooqi = lloran = they cry

Xeooqi = lloraron = they cried

Xkeoq na = llorarn = they will cry




Ninsamaji = trabajo = I am working

Xinsamaji = trabaj = I worked

Xkinsamaj na = trabajar = I will work

Natsamaji = trabajas = you are working

Xatsamaji = trabajaste = you worked Xkatsamaj na = trabajars = you will work

Nsamaji = trabaja = he is working

Xsamaji = trabaj = he worked

Xkesamaj na = trabajar = he will work

Nojsamaji = trabajamos = we are working Xojsamaji = trabajamos = we worked Xkojsamaj na = trabajaremos = we will work
Nixsamaji = trabajan = you are working

Xixsamaji = trabajaron = you worked Xkixsamaj na = trabajarn = you will work

Nesamaji = trabajan = they are working

Xesamaji = trabajaron = they worked Xkesamaj na = trabajarn = they will work




Ninbiini = camino = I am walking

Xinbiini = camin = I walked

Xkinbiin na = caminar = I will walk

Natbiini = caminas = you are walking

Xatbiini = caminaste = you walked

Xkatbiin na = caminars = you will walk

Nbiini = camina = he is walking

Xbiini = camin = he walked

Xtibiin na = caminar = he will walk

Nojbiini = caminamos = we are walking

Xojbiini = caminamos = we walked

Xkojbiin na = caminaremos = we will walk

Nixbiini = caminan = you are walking

Xixbiini = caminaron = you walked

Xkixbiin na = caminarn = you will walk

Nebiini = caminan = they are walking

Xebiini = caminaron = they walked

Xkebiin na = caminarn = they will walk




Ninmeloji = regreso = I return

Xinmeloji = regres = I returned

Xkinmeloj na = regresar = I will return

Natmeloji = regresas = you return

Xatmeloji = regresaste = you returned

Xkatmeloj na = regresars = you will return

Nmeloji = regresa = he returns

Xmeloji = regres = he returned

Xtimeloj na = regresar = he will return

Nojmeloji = regresamos = we return

Xojmeloji = regresamos = we returned

Xkojmeloj na = regresaremos = we will return

Nixmeloji = regresan = you return

Xixmeloji = regresaron = you returned

Xkixmeloj na = regresarn = you will return

Nemeloji = regresan = they return

Xemeloji = regresaron = they returned

Xkemeloj na = regresarn = they will return


John J. McGraw


Juan Gonzlez Rocch



Ninmesooni = barro = I sweep

Xinmesooni = barr = I swept

Xkinmeson na = barrer = I will sweep

Natmesooni = barres = you sweep

Xatmesooni = barriste = you swept

Xkatmeson na = barrers = you will sweep

Nmesooni = barre = he sweeps

Xmesooni = barri = he swept

Xtimeson na = barrer = he will sweep

Noqmesooni = barremos = we sweep

Xoqmesooni = barremos = we swept

Xkomeson na = barreremos = we will sweep

Nixmesooni = barren = you sweep

Xixmesooni= barrieron = you swept

Xkixmeson na = barrern = they will sweep

Nemesooni = barren = they sweep

Xemesooni = barrieron = you swept

Xkemeson na = barrern = they will sweep

Adjectives (Adjetivos)

Aal [awl] pesado = heavy [hev ]

Achiy [awch- -] duro = hard [hard]
Ajninaq [ah nn ock] = rpido = fast [fast]
Bolobik [b- le b- k] = cylindrico = cylindrical [sil end rik ul]
Chaap [ch- op] / Tziit [dz- eat] = poco = a little, a bit [ lit ul, bit]
Chabaq [ch- awb- awk] = lodo = mud [mud]
Chabaq [ch- awb- awk] = mojado = wet [wet]
Chajchoj [ch- awch- h] = limpio = clean, neat [kln, nt]
Chakachik [chawk- aw chk] = delgado = skinny [skin ]
Cham [ch- ahm] = cido = sour [sow ur]
Chaq [chalk-] = gordo = fat [fat]
Chaqiij [chalk h] = seco = dry [dray]
Choom [chhm] = gordo = fat [fat]
Choqaaq [chhq- awk-] = fuerte = strong [strong]
Chuchuj [ch- ooch- ew] = suave = soft [soft]
Chuw [choof] = apestoso = smelly [smel ]
Eqaal [eh kawl] = despacio = slow [slh]
Itzeel [eats el] = feo, malo = ugly, bad [ug l, bad]
Jabel [hawb- el] = bonito = pretty [pret ]
Jiik [hk] = recto = straight [straat]
Kaaka [k- awk- ah] = nuevo = new [nuu]
Kay [k- eye] = amargo = bitter [bit ur]
Ki [k-] = dulce, sabroso = sweet, tasty [sweet, tst ]
Koli [kh- lee] = pequeo = small [smal]
Kolokik [k- ole oak- k] = esferico = spherical [sfer ik ul]
Kow [kaf] = duro = hard [hard]
Kut [koot] = corto = short [short]
Lokolik [lo coal k] = torcido = twisted [twist ed]
Maxko [mosh ko] = mucho = much [much]
Muuj [mooh] = sombreado = shady [sh d]
Naoj [naw h] = inteligente = intelligent [en tel itch ent]
Nim [nm] = grande = large, big [larj, big]

John J. McGraw

Juan Gonzlez Rocch

Nim [nm] = alto = tall [tawl]

Nim raqan [nm rawk awn] = tall (persona) = tall (person) [tawl]
Nimalaj [nm aw lawh] = muy grande = very large, very big [ver larj, ver big]
Nimakol [nm awk h- l] = mediano = medium [md um]
Nojnaq [know knock] = lleno = full [full]
Papik [paw- pk] = vertical = vertical [vur tik ul]
Ponopik [pown h pk] = inflado = inflated [in flt ed]
Qas [kaws] = muy = very [ver ]
Qeqik [q- eq- k] = inclinado = slanted [slant ed]
Robarik [robe- are k] = ovalado = oval [h vul]
Saq [sawk] = limpio = clean, neat [kln, nt]
Setesik [set es k] = redondo = round [rownd]
Sik- [sk-] = ruidoso = noisy [noy s]
Sipojik [sip h hk] = hinchado = swollen [swh len]
Talani [tall awn ] = vacio = empty [emp t]
Tikitik [tk tk] = escarpado (bajando) = steep (going down) [stp]
Tikoli [tik h l] = muy pequeno = very small [ver smawl]
Tinoy [tin h- y] = pequeno = small [smawl]
Tziil [dz- l] = sucio = dirty [durt ]
Tzalatzik [dz- all aw dzk] = inclinado = slanted [slant ed]
Tzaratzik [dz- are rods- k] = aplastado = flattened [flat tend]
Utz [ootz] = bueno, bien, amable = good, well, friendly [gud, wel, frind l]
Wuqubik [wooq- oob- k] = dbil = weak [wk]
Yuquyik [yoo koo yk] = alargado = elongated [ long t ed]
Yux [yoosh] = dbil = weak [wk]

Prepositions/Conjunctions/Adverbs (Preposicines/Conjuncines/Adverbios)

Aaqa [alk- ah-] = noche = night [night]

Achibil [awtch b- l] = accompanado, con = accompanied with, with [ak omp an d with]
Ajninaq [ah nn awk] = rpido = fast [fast]
Aqabiil [alk- awb- l] = maana = morning [morn ng]
Chajniim [chah nm] = rpido = fast [fast]
Chaqajalaal [chawk aw hall all] = de repente = suddenly [sud en l]
Chi [ch] = de, alrededor = of, around [uv, ar ownd]
Chi kaaj [ch kaw] = arriba, cielo = upwards, sky [up wurds, skay]
Chi la [ch law-] = all/por all (lejos) = there, that way (far) [ther, that wi]
Chi le [ch lay-] = all/por all = there, that way [ther, that wi]
Chuwaaq [chew ock] = maana = tomorrow [toom ar h]
Ejqaal [eh kawl] = despacio = slowly [sl l]
Ikem [ kem] = abajo = under [und ur]
Iiwiir [ were] = ayer = yesterday [yes tur dy]
Ka [k-aw] = hasta, desde, pues = until, since, well [unt il, sins, wel]
Kaamiik [kaw mk] = hoy = today [too di]
Kee la [key law-] = all/por all (lejos) = there, that way (far) [ther, that wi]
Kee wa ri [key wah r] = all/por all = there, that way [ther, that wi]
Kin [k- n] = y = and [and]

John J. McGraw

Juan Gonzlez Rocch

Kiy [k- ] = mucho = much [mach]

Mariil [mar l] = apenas = barely [bar l]
Naqaaj [gnaw kaw] = cerca = near [ney ur]
Naat [not] = lejos = far [far]
Nikajqiij [nk- alk- h] = medio da = noon [noon]
Owi [h w] = o = or [or]
Pa [paw] = dentro = inside [en siid]
Ri [r-] = cercano = near, nearby [ner, ner bay]
Taqajqiij [tock alk- h] = tarde = afternoon [af tur noon]
Taqaan [tock awn] = tal vez = perhaps [pur haps]
Ti [t] = ito (diminutivo) = y (diminutive) []
Tziit [tz- eat] = poco = a bit [a bit]
Wiij [wh- = atrs = behind [b haynd]
Xaxa [shaw shaw] = (desvalor) = pshaw, whatever [pshaw, wat ev ur]
Xee [shay-] = abajo = below [b l]


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