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Samantha Damm
Professor Raymond
UWRT 1103
23 July 2015

Shortly after interviewing Tevan about Jen about breast cancer I realized that people
dont know much about this serious disease. Now that I know how much of a need there is to
inform people about breast cancer, I am much more passionate about executing this presentation
and raising awareness. When I asked them if they knew anything about breast cancer they both
said that they really didnt know much at all. There are tons of Americans that are affected by
breast cancer every year so I was not surprised when they told me that they both knew someone
affected by breast cancer. Tevans cousins mom had breast cancer as well as Jens aunt on her
mothers side. People dont normally realize how much of an impact cancer and chemotherapy
has on women and men affected with breast cancer. Because of this, I asked them if they ever
saw their loved ones in bad health because of their cancer. Sadly both of them confessed that
they unfortunately had. It breaks my heart hearing stories of family members who had to see
their loved ones going through so much pain. I recently saw my grandma fighting her battle with
cancer while she was on her death bed. Sadly she lost. Watching her go through all of that pain
broke my heart. When I asked Tevan if he had any questions about cancer he told me that he
always wondered how men found out that they had breast cancer. After doing some research I
found out that men can experience nipple discharge as lumps in their chest. A thorough clinical
breast exam can be done to locate any lumps or suspicious areas. In order to detect any
abnormalities they need to focus on texture, size, and relationship to the skin and muscle tissue.
The doctor may also examine the rest of your body to look for any evidence of possible spread,
such as enlarged lymph nodes (What is breast cancer). In conclusion, I learned a lot about how

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society views breast cancer. I now feel that I am more knowledgeable about breast cancer and
will do well on my presentation because of it.

Work Cited

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"What Is Breast Cancer? | Susan G. Komen." What Is Breast Cancer? | Susan G.
Komen. N.p., n.d.
Web. 22 July 2015.

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