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Home » Tick See! Pais for Heavy Engineering» See! normation » EN10208 Certfeation for Stet Plates EN10204 CERTIFICATION FOR STEEL PLATES a B onuncen bite ‘tends When purchased sie! plates eome with a set of inspection documents. These are commonly knowm as mill certificates or mil test certificates ) MTC. In order for purchasers to be sure ofthe quality ofthe steel that they bought, for engineering and quality assurance purposes as well as ‘commercial ones there are detailed requirements about what the certicates are lke and what en ale coh stk petra akan WHY CHOOSE OAKLEY STEEL? 1. Awesome Service 2. Thickest Plates 3. Best Avalibilty 4. Best Qualiy Stee! 5. Super Delivery ‘ , WALDRAM ll ANCOFER AnooferWaldram is one of Europe;s leading stee! stockholders. With 40,000 ‘can be included on them, European standard EN10204 defines what the various types of certificate are and what they mean, BS EN 10204 isthe standard for inspection documents for steel (and other) products. The Certficates produced according to EN10204 enable suppliers to demonstrate that legal and regulatory requirements relating to chemical and mechanical properties of the steel have been met Certification of steel plates rolled in Europe is generally to EN 10204. The actual certificate will depend on the plate offered but will either be 3.1 or 3.2, A 8,1 or 3,2 MTC means thatthe actual plate or heat sold wil have been tested and a Mil Test Certificate (MTC) vill accompany the plate. SUMMARY OF EN10204 INSPECTION DOCUMENTS Certificate ‘Type ENI0204 21 EN10204 22 BN10204 31 Document Type Declaration of Compliance with the Order Test Report Inspection Cenificate 31 Document Content Statement of ccomplia the order Statement of compliance with the order, with indication of results of non specifies inspection Statement of ‘compliance wit the order, with Document Validated By “The Mill ‘The Mill's authorised inspection representative who is independent of the ‘manufacturing department eps ae cok stk pra ak caaton metric tonnes of heavy carbon steel plates in stock Ancofer is able to supply large quantities of heavy plate to Projects that need fast deivery. ‘Ancofer is fully owned by Dilinger Hutte. Oakley Steel is Ancofer's agent in Asia ye GD DILLINGER HUTTE Dillinger Hurte is the world’s leading heavy plate mill. A German steel mill Dillinger specialises in producing heavy carbon steel plate for construction, offshore and process equipment sano cca be S Pes indication of resulls of specific inspection EN10204. Inspection Statement of The mill's authorised inspection 32 Certificate compliance with representative who is independent of the 32 the order, with manufacturing department and either the indication of ___ purchasers authorised inspection results of specific representative or the inspector designated by inspection ollicial regulations EN10204 2.1 CERTIFICATION EN10204 2.1 certification is the west level of certification to EN10204. n this the manufacturer, ‘or mil, simply deciares that he has produced the stee! plates to the purchasers specification or ‘order requirements. No evidence inthe form of test results Is included in the ceticate. Likewise it 's acceptable for the person in charge of manufacture to issue the certificate. EN10204 2.2 CERTIFICATION EN10204 2.2 Certification is again issued by the steel mill. In this case the mil states that the steel ‘meets the requirements of the customer's specification or order and test results are included in the certificate to demonstrate that this is the case. There is no separation between the QA, department who issue the certificate and the manufacturing department so with a 2.2 certificate it |s possible that cases of conflict of interest could arise Itis also worth noting that the test results may not actually reflect the products thal are supplied What this means is that manufacturer could have a sampling process for their QA system that tested 1% of plates. They then deliver test certificates for this 1% of plates with the order — but the plates actually supplied are never tested. You consequently rely on the strength of the mill's OA ‘system to be producing a homogenous product wih litle variably eps ae cok stk pra ak caaton EN10204 3.1 CERTIFICATION EN10204 3.1 certification requires the mill to do several important things. Fist i has to produce test results for the plates being bought. So the test results on the certificate are for the actual plates purchased and describe accurately (to the limits of the sampling techniques used to do the test) the actual plates purchased ‘Secondly it requires the test department to be formally independent ofthe manufacturing department. This means that the manufacturing department doesn't do the tests and has no power fo aller, amend or influence the test results, As a result, when combined with a quality system such as £19001 2010, the EN10204 3.1 certificate has significantly more authority than a 2.1 oF 2.2 certificate, This is because the steel plates are tested and certifed by a person independent ofthe one who made them EN10204 3.2 CERTIFICATION Tris i the most rigorous certification level available for steel plates. Like EN 10204 3.1 the test results ofthe actual plates being purchased are included on the Ml tes certificate. The mil’ test department, again independent of the manufacturing department, has to vale the test results However the purchaser, or the government's representative have also to validate the test results 8 wel ‘What this means is that there is a person wha is completely independent of the mill nspecting the {est resulls and ensuring that that reflect the underiying physical and chemical characteristics of the steel plates, Being totaly independent he is able to resist and pressure to colude in altering the results and misrepresent the product being sokd In practice the major classification societies normally acts asthe independent third party validation authorities. This may be because they have been appointed by the mil, or because a purchaser requires plates to be approved by a particular classification society; such as Lloyds, TUV or DNV. EN 10206 3.1 CERTIFICATION eps ae cok stk pra ak caaton CONTAGT US AT: +60 12.335 7743 +60 19.335 7743, sano cca be S Pes 3.1 isa certificate issued by the mill wich declares thatthe plates are in compliance withthe ‘specification and includes the test results. Test results are validated by the mil’s in-house test department which has to be independent of the manufacturing department, EN 10204 3.2 CERTIFICATION EN 10204 3.2 Certification is more rigorous and the certiicate is prepared jointly by the mills. inspection department and an independent 3rd party inspectors such as TUV or Lloyds Register. ‘The certificate states that the plates are compliant with the relevant speciicaion and the mill test certificate is included WHAT DOES THE INDEPENDENT 320 PARTY DO VERIFY AEN 10204 3.2 CERTIFICATE ‘The surveyor, as they are known, wil vst the steel mil and then identiy the material that he (or ‘she) has to verify. This includes visual inspection ofthe steel plates, checking the dimensions of ‘some on a sampling basis. and confirming that the steel plate can be traced all the way back to the ladle chemical analysis. This is usually done by using the mills EN 10204 3. certificate that hhas already been produced ‘The key fact here Isto establish that the plate has come marking on it that corresponds tothe tha test certificate which in turn has a documentation tral back to the analysis taking where the steel ‘was being made. The marking on the plate needs to be permanent —ie stamped, etched or stenciled onto the plate, Paint, chalk and grease marks are nol acceptable as they could easily bbe wiped off and replaced. ‘The 3.1 certicate is also checked to determine that the characteristics recorded on it comply with all the requirements of the standard and a'so for ts chemical compostion, heat treatment and any NDE testing. The surveyor then identifies the test sample from the plate or heat being tested and then visits the test centre whilst the tests being done. ‘As part of this they wl consider not only the test results but also the test process and the eps ae cok stk pra ak caaton 0 calioration ofthe test machinery to ensure thatthe est resuils are reliable. ‘Once this is done and everything is in compliance the surveyor then retums tothe stee! mill and signs and stamps the en 10204 3.2 test certificate and ensures that the product being verified is stamped, EN10204 HISTORY EN 10204 originally started off as DIN 60049 which was a German DIN standard specifying the test certificate requirements for metallic products. When CEN started the process of harmonising European standards inthe late eighties it was decided that the German standard fited the new requirements best (in part because of the heavier influence of manufacturing in Germany and the rapid rise of the concept of Total Quality Management which led to IS08001). As a result the new European standard in 1991 drew significantly on the German certificate names and definitions, With broader use and acceptance of test certificates there was pressure to clarity some of the issues and in 2004 the standard was reissued with the Ist of certificates available reduced and simp. PREVION IS VERSIONS OF EN10204 Inthe £1v10204:1994 (now withdrawn) + 23 no longer exists + BIB is now replaced by 3.1 + 31A is replaced by 32 + 3.1C is replaced by 3.2 COST IMPLICATIONS of 10204 TIFICATION ‘As the level of certification the cost ofthe plates also increases. There are two reasons for ths. Firstly there is an economic benefit to certifying better steel plates toa higher level. Secondly there are significant costs associated wih establishment of test facies, operational independence and the fees that third party inspectors charge for validation. Normally this costs. eps ae cok stk pra ak caaton eo 4are spread over mitions of tonnes of steel and thus only have a small impact on a per plate bas's. However where plates are ungraded ata later date from a EN10204 3.1 to 3.2 MTC then the ‘costs are applied over a small number of plates. PRESSURE VESSEL STEEL AND EN10204 Stool plates used in pressure vesse's need to comply with the Pressure Equipment Directive ‘97/23/EC. Specialy according to Annex | section 4.3 they need to have a certifeate of specific product contro. in annex ZA of EN10204 ths is spectfically addressed and £N10204 certificates meet that requirement, BUYING STEEL FROM STEEL STOCKHOLDERS AND EN10204 In many cases you may not buy steel drecly from the mill. In these cases you won't always receive an orginal certificate, Ths is acceptable 80 long as you receive a copy and itis lear that the copy can be traced back to the orginal certficate and thatthe original document can be produced on request ‘What this means in practice is thatthe original purchaser of the steel plates produces a “Certified ‘True Copy’ ofthe certificate and keeps the origina in their records department. The person who has bought the steel then does the same thing and this repeats until the steel is kept by the ‘eventual end users. Thus there should always be a clear aucit tal to estabish the origin and provenance af the stee! plate REMARKING OF PLATES TO EN10204 Plates always have a set of mil markings on them to enable them to be tracked and matched with the appropriate certificate. This is normally done through the aid of heat and plate numbers. However the plate markings only appear on one part ofthe plate. When a plate Is cut or proiled this wil eave one part ofthe pate without any mill markings and thus potentially untraceable. if this isthe case itis not possible to claim that the plate meets a 3.1 or 32 MTC ete. To resolve this, issue most stockholders have the autor io remark olates (based on their qualty system and specific authorisation of a 3rd party inspector) to EN10204 3.2 eps ae cok stk pra ak caaton 00 UPGRADING EN 10204 3.1 CERTIFICATES TO EN 10204 3.2 ‘A classification society can be appointed to upgrade 3.1 plates ata stockist to EN 10204-3.2. He does this by reviewing the 3.1 certificate and then visually inspecting the plate to ensure that it meets the dimensions of the certificate. Hell also ensure that the heat or other markings on the plate enable the plate to be traced back to the chemical analysis in the ladle ‘Once this is done the surveyor will also check the cerficate to confirm compliance of + chemical analysis + mechanical properties = tensile = impact = hardness * bend tess * through thickness + Heat treatment * Plate Condition Corrosion NDT testing such as UT ‘The plate also needs to be retested so a test specimen willbe cut and sent toa test facilty where the testing wil be witnesses by the surveyor. If all is acceptable a certificate wil be issued by the lassifiation society that st states that the material has been inspected tothe intent of EN 10204 4.2 supported by the original 3.1 mill certificate and the lab test report. The phrasing here is important as what the classification society is nota true 3.2 mill certificate but one that flls the intent of the standard, In most cases ths is suficient ut there wall be the rare case where this is not acceptable and mil tested 3.2 plate will have to be purchased instead ‘The surveyor wil issue a certificate of conformance that details the scope of inspection with EN. 10204 3.2 or the intent of EN 10204 3.2 as appropriate APPLICATION OF EN10204 STEEL PLATES eps ae cok stk pra ak caaton sevens cca be S Pes General the level of £N10206 certification for steel pate increases with the consequences of them fang under load. So for example many bol plates are certied to EN10204 3.2 because consequences of failure ofa vessel containing an explosive or toxic substance at high pressure could be catastrophic. The EN10204 certfleate however doesnt assure tha the plate won’ fal though. What it does it provides confidence to everyone inthe supply chain thatthe pate meets the required standards and that this has been independently verified by atleast two parties inthe ‘case ofa 3.2 certificate the mils test department andthe Sr party valiation authority For many applications iis the role ofthe engineering authoriy to make the decision as to what level of certification is requited ifnot already specified in a purchase order or by national or ‘international regulations or laws. PURCHASE OF EN10204 ‘You can buy a copy of the latest version of EN10204 from the BSI Shop Al steel plates offered by Dilinger Hutte and AncoferValccam Steslolates come with EN10204 certification EN10204 3.1 AND 9.2 STEEL PLATES EX-STOCK We stock almost 40,000 tonnes of steel plates certified to EN10204 3.1 and 3.2. We dont stock anything to 2.1 or 2,2, Our range of stock cover bolle olates, stusctural steel plates, plates with bigh tensile strength, steel plates for offshore application and high srenath steel pates for hiobuiling, We also have some wear resistant steel pales for mining and construction use, ‘SHARE THIS: BrGoose | im Lnkedh | | f Facebook = | Twter | sEEmall | More eps ae cok stk pra ak caaton oo {an Introduction o Steel Making for Stee! ‘The Real Cost of Chinese Steel 10 Tips for Getting Better Stee! Quotations Durians or Lemons? Getting a Good Price cca be S Pes a ‘When Stee! Plate is Like a Baby's Nappy! ‘Steel Shipping Rates from Antwerp to Southeast Asia Tests for Stee! Plates The Truth About Buying Smal Pieces of Steel WIE Putting @ Carin a Dish End Help you to ‘Win Mare Orders? eps ae cok stk pra ak caaton

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