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MAT 590:

Differentiating for the

Learning Community
Class 6: 7/29

Todays Objective #2 - 4, 6


Reading Check-In
Interview Topics/Chalk Talk
Questions for Educators
Guest Speaker: Alicia Brown

Writing for presence

The first five minutes of todays class you will be writing for yourself.

My suggestion is that you reflect on your interviews. Perhaps share what surprised
you or what you learned.

If something seems like a more pressing matter, write about that.

The goal is to bring you into class by processing what you need to before we start.

Chalk talk
Together well brainstorm topics or categories of conversation
that came up in the interview.
Then we will place those on sheets of paper around the room.
You will meander from place to place adding to the sheet things
you learned from your interview.
Feel free to add on to other peoples comments or star things
you heard, too.

Teaching note
Chalk talks can be used for a variety of
Activate prior knowledge - science
Student voice - rules, classroom climate

Reading debrief
-Turn to a partner and share out your homework.
-Any thoughts, questions, or concerns about the

Questions for Panel

Next Monday, 3 teachers will be joining our class for a
Q & A or panel discussion.
What would you like to know?
Scott Reis - Math
Keri Troelher - English
Vanessa Crock - Science
Work with your partner to come up with 2 questions for
these educators

Issues in education
We are learning about a lot of issues that teachers face in todays classroom. It can be
overwhelming. Moule addresses this in terms of cultural differences. I want to extend
the answer to other differences.
pg 224 What can you do when standing in a front of a room of children who are
culturally different? Just do the same thing you do with any group-begin to teach.
pg 225 ... above all, students are human beings, and this is the ultimate basis for

Contemporary Issues
These are some of the situations that schools
are currently talking about in terms of equity.
School-to-prison pipeline
Immigration and the DREAM act
Gender roles in schools
Mental Health

Group exploration
You will pick a topic that you want to learn more about with
a small group.
Together youll look at media or research other aspects,
and think critically about how this impacts our schools and
your work as an educator.

S-t-P pipeline
Find infographic on

Papers: Immigration

Movie teaser

Meet the students

LGBT in schools
CNN story on a school
for LGBT students

Short film about how

to create dialogue in

New approaches to
dialogue around
drug/alcohol use

New types of
addiction: technology

Mental Health:
Treating anxiety at


Awareness Program

Gender role conditioning



Group exploration
Sign up for a topic no more than 5 students in each group.
Together youll look at media or research other aspects, and think
critically about how this impacts our schools and your work as an
educator. The powerpoint is on, so
you can look at the rest of the intro information for your topic.
We will share discoveries with the whole class on Friday.

Alicia Brown on SpEd

Read Jensen Ch 4 & 5
Reflection: Answer in 6 sentences or less
Jensen offers ideas for schools and the classroom.
Which idea do you hope to try in your classroom? What
stood out to you about this idea?

Where Ive Been

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