Scavenger Hunt Drug

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Name: ____________________________

Weber Health

Health Scavenger Hunt

1. Click on Prescription Drug Use
What are the Three Commonly Abused Prescription Drugs?
Explain and give an example of each.

2. What is Drug Addiction?

3. How can Drugs effect your Brain? What areas of the brain are most

Give an example of what happens to the brain using 3 different drugs.




4. How do each of these drugs effect a persons skin?



5. How many nonsmokers who have been exposed to someone else's

cigarette smoke die from coronary heart disease each year?

How can inhalants affect the heart?

6. Take the Quiz. Write down the question and answer to the question you
DID NOT know and found most interesting.

7. What problems can teen substance abuse cause?

8. Choose two documentaries to watch. From each documentary write

down a quote that stood out to you. Next, write a paragraph reflecting on
both of the documentaries tying in the information you have learned
from this Scavenger Hunt. Write reflection on separate page.

Documentary #1 _____________________(Write drug name)

Documentary #2 _____________________(Write drug name)

When finished, heres some more to explore!

Culminating Reflection:

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