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Baltimore City Health Department

1001 E. Fayette Street Baltimore, Maryland 21202

Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, Mayor
Leana Wen, M.D., Commissioner of Health
BCHD is continuing to work to meet the demand for health services stemming from the recent
events in Baltimore. Although we are constantly adapting our services to the evolving demand
across the city, below is a brief overview of the current status of Health Services available.
Health Department Operations Center (HDOC):
Our internal HDOC continues to operate between the hours of 9am - 5:00pm daily;
fielding all 311 health related calls and coordinating the services need.
Prescription Medication:
Individuals in affected areas having difficulty obtaining prescription medication should
call 311 where Health Department staff are assisting with:
o Locating the nearest open pharmacy and having prescriptions transferred;
o Obtaining prescriptions through mail delivery, or
o Arranging for delivery of prescriptions to BCHDs Druid Health Clinic.
o 68 Call received through 311 to date.
See attached Baltimore Pharmacies Operations List to locate the nearest open pharmacy
The Health Commissioner and other staff went door to door in senior centers to check on
residents and to spread the word about how to obtain medication and other services.
BCHD staff continues to reach out to churches and faith leaders in the city for help in
communicating with residents on how to obtain medication and other services.
Citywide Trauma Counseling/Mental Health Response:
Ensuring 24/7 availability of mental health crisis services;
Providing group counseling and support for community members through schools,
religious institutions, and community organizations; and
Coordinating availability of mental health resources and matching them with ongoing
need to promote citywide healing.
Baltimore Child and Adult Crisis Response (B-CARS) is available for children and youth
in needed of coping with the trauma and emotional response to the events. Children and
youth may call their hotline to speak with someone at 410-752-2272
To Access Services:
For crisis services call Baltimore Crisis Response, Inc. at 410-433-5175.
Individuals and families who need assistance scheduling an appointment for mental
health services call Behavioral Health System Baltimore at 410-637-1900, option #1.
Children and youth may call B-CARS at 410-752-2272.
For group services call 311 and ask to be referred to the Health Departments mental
health providers, or send an email to

BCHD Operations:
Field Health Services: Fully operational Since Thursday (4/30) all regularly scheduled
daily transports completed.
Health Clinics:
o Druid Clinic:
Fully Operational as of Thursday (4/30)
o Eastern Clinic
Fully Operational as of Wednesday (4/29)
Women, Infant and Children (WIC) Services: Fully Operational since Wednesday(4/30)
Senior Centers/Assisted Living Facilities (ALFs):
o Coordinating shuttle transportation from 10 senior buildings to grocery stores,
pharmacies and banks. See attached Shuttle Service Schedule.
o Assisted in delivering food from MD food bank to six senior housing locations
o The Dept. of Aging procured a $10,000 grant to obtain and deliver supplies to the
Sandtown-Winchester senior center including adult diapers, Ensure and other
basic necessities. Currently volunteers are working to distribute these items
among senior residences within the community.
o All Senior Centers fully operational;
o Meals on Wheels remains in full operation
Health Care Access:
All Hospital ERs fully operational 24/7
FQHCs with changes in operation:
o Chase Brexton Health Services: (410) 837-2050; no evening hours (closing at
5pm instead of 8pm)
o Total Health Care: (410) 383-8300; up and running as normal except for the site
at Mondawmin Mall.
Additional Resources:
BCHD Website:
Please visit our web page for the latest updates:
Get the latest information on pharmacies here:
Find the latest information on healthcare access here:
Find information on mental health/trauma related services here:
Social Media: Follow our updates on Twitter ( and Facebook
( using the hashtag #HealBaltimore.

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