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Write Your Own Adventure Story

Your child gets an adventure in creative writing with this activity. Hell pick
his own path, paving the way for authorship!

What You Need:

Paper, pen, pencils, computer
Choose Your Own Adventure book(s), or books in a similar format

What You Do:

1. First, get your teen acquainted with the style: the Choose Your Own
Adventure books trailblaz ed this format in the 70s and 80s. To get
inspired, search for them on the Internet or at a library for him to
read as a model. Most teens know and enjoy these kinds of stories
already, and will be excited to try writing one on their own.
2. Review that CYOA stories are interactive, with multiple possible paths and endings. The story is
written from a second person point of view (You); the reader makes choices at the end of each
section. The readers choices set up the main characters next actions and eventual outcome.
3. Have your child make a list of three possible endings for You, the main character. Having only
three endings helps shorten the story for first-time write-your-own-adventure writers. For
example, the final endings could be (1) You rescue the dog, (2) You get captured by an enemy,
or (3) You find a treasure but not the dog.
4 . Writing a story with multiple endings means writing different paths for each possible outcome.
Have your child write a flowe chart for to show how each separate story progresses. Within the
chart, he should outline some ideas for the story that includes points where a character makes a
choice. The situations, as in any creative writing activity, should include conflict and action. Your
child should continue making boxes for each choice until the final three endings. The chart makes
a good outline for writing.
5. Some "paths" may be longer than others -- that's OK! The only tricky part is making sure none
of the paths "double back" on points detailed in other paths. Your child can insert more boxes
between the second and third rows of the chart to make the story longer and more interesting
as the reader gets closer to the end.
6. Have your child write the adventure with detailed descriptions (sights, sounds, smells, feelings,
and thoughts).
7. Let him test his story by having someone read it and experience different paths.
8. Hes on his way to an authoring adventure, with the power to create a world and control a

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