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Strengths Insight Report


Natalie Moore
Your Top 5 Themes

Shared Theme Description
People who are especially talented in the Includer theme are accepting of others. They show
awareness of those who feel left out, and make an effort to include them.

Your Personalized Strengths Insights

What makes you stand out?
Chances are good that you solicit the thoughts, feelings, and advice of many people. You do not want
anyone to feel left out of a conversation, activity, meeting, plan, or decision. Because of your
strengths, you find a way to involve everyone so each person has a good experience. You strive to
create a sense of belonging and acceptance. When someone feels left out, you often are the person
who finds a way to engage that individual in the groups activities and conversations. By nature, you
spontaneously look for ways to involve everyone in group-related activities. You really sense what not
belonging feels like to the person who is intentionally left out, overlooked, or ignored. Instinctively, you
intentionally involve all kinds of individuals in groups or activities. You refuse to inflict emotional pain
by making people feel unwelcome. Your sensitivity causes many to describe you as a nice, kind, and
caring human being. Its very likely that you derive much joy from teaming with people to accomplish
things. You view work, study, and play as opportunities to socialize and be productive. This explains
why you need to interact with others on a regular basis. People probably energize you.

695812941 (Natalie Moore)

2000, 2006-2012 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved.

Shared Theme Description
People who are especially talented in the Consistency theme are keenly aware of the need to treat
people the same. They try to treat everyone in the world with consistency by setting up clear rules and
adhering to them.

Your Personalized Strengths Insights

What makes you stand out?
By nature, you may sense that life is better for everyone when you deal with people evenhandedly.
Perhaps you respond impartially to the requests individuals make. Sometimes you remind them that
the rules, standard operating procedures, or guidelines apply to all without exception. Its very likely
that you periodically go out of your way to generate laughter and merriment by amusing specific
people with stories, jokes, or comical actions. When individuals spirits are lifted, perhaps they have
an easier time getting along or cooperating with one another. Having a little bit of fun may not strike
you as silly at all. Although you are practical and realistic, you sometimes understand that human
beings need to experience moments of exuberance that is, unrestrained happiness and delight.
Instinctively, you might have adopted a practical outlook on life during childhood. Perhaps you figured
out how to avoid rocking the boat that is, how not to cause trouble or disrupt an otherwise stable
situation. Maybe this was true in your relationships with not only children but also adults. Today, you
may have a knack for treating everyone the same. You sometimes want everyone around you to
behave in a predictable, calm, and cordial manner. Driven by your talents, you attempt to deal
evenhandedly with all individuals. Possibly you aim to be consistent over time in how you apply
certain rules, regulations, or policies. You might be careful not to play favorites. Perhaps you guard
against giving one person advantages or opportunities that are denied to everyone else. Because of
your strengths, you might search for facts when coping with uncertain situations. By taking a problem
apart piece by piece, you occasionally discover its glitches that is, its minor problems that cause
temporary setbacks. Once in a while, your objective investigation benefits individuals, particularly
those who become emotional when confronted with difficulties. Perhaps your insights into what is
factual enable them to view things a bit more matter-of-factly. Maybe this is one way you help some
people agree on how to deal with unpleasant circumstances or overcome obstacles.

Shared Theme Description
People who are especially talented in the Adaptability theme prefer to go with the flow. They tend to
be now people who take things as they come and discover the future one day at a time.

Your Personalized Strengths Insights

What makes you stand out?
By nature, you may appreciate people who are not worrywarts. You might work better with individuals
695812941 (Natalie Moore)
2000, 2006-2012 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved.

who avoid fretting over unimportant details. These people might approach everyday situations or
crises with an inner calmness that frees you to modify plans, rules, processes, or assignments.
Instinctively, you occasionally can let today take care of itself. Why? Maybe you understand that
tomorrow will bring its own demands, worries, concerns, and opportunities. Its very likely that you
sometimes keep your distance from individuals who fail to slow down long enough to take in the
worlds loveliness or recognize the goodness of others. Aware of lifes fleeting nature, you try to
discover something admirable in common objects, ordinary people, or everyday experiences. You
may choose to live in the present. You may exhibit the flexibility required to deal with certain types of
change. Because of your strengths, you are impelled to coordinate the many details of your life. You
consciously avoid chaotic situations. Often you mentally rehearse how you will maneuver around
expected and unexpected situations. First, you outline steps for reaching goals. Second, you make
whatever adjustments are needed as conditions change. You rarely lose sight of what you want to
accomplish in the coming months, years, or decades. Chances are good that you realize that each
day offers its own surprises. You trust you can handle whatever occurs. Even when you do not know
exactly what to do, you probably know someone who does. You have an uncanny ability to easily and
cooperatively proceed in the direction in which other people and processes are moving.

Shared Theme Description
People who are especially talented in the Communication theme generally find it easy to put their
thoughts into words. They are good conversationalists and presenters.

Your Personalized Strengths Insights

What makes you stand out?
Chances are good that you occasionally marvel at your ability to vividly express your thoughts and
feelings. Because of your strengths, you are loquacious that is, fond of talking. You gain peoples
attention by sharing news and passing along information. You are apt to tell elaborate stories about
your personal adventures or professional experiences. Your stories can illustrate abstract ideas,
theories, or concepts. They can serve as examples of what to do and what not to do. Regardless of
their intended purpose, your tales generally amuse and entertain listeners. Its very likely that you may
be quite comfortable telling stories or describing your experiences. People might look forward to
hearing what you have to say. Driven by your talents, you very much enjoy the animated give-andtake of a lively discussion. Instinctively, you really like to be part of a team. Groups are apt to provide
you with ample opportunities to voice your ideas or express your feelings.

Shared Theme Description
People who are especially talented in the Harmony theme look for consensus. They dont enjoy
conflict; rather, they seek areas of agreement.

695812941 (Natalie Moore)

2000, 2006-2012 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved.

Your Personalized Strengths Insights

What makes you stand out?
Driven by your talents, you intentionally choose to partner with specialists when you need guidance to
find the correct solution. When you must make an honest and just decision, you turn to them for
assistance. You are likely to refrain from giving the impression you know everything. Cooperating with
knowledgeable and/or skilled individuals helps you immensely. In the process, you probably make
them feel highly valued. You usually create a hospitable environment for all your teammates. By
nature, you periodically reject impractical rules, processes, schedules, itineraries, or agendas. To
some degree, you see yourself as a realist. Thus, you might opt to do what works and avoid razzledazzle action plans that is, showy, complex, or confusing maneuvers. Perhaps your straightforward
and easy-to-follow steps, requirements, or due dates provide individuals who perform certain types of
tasks with an equal opportunity to succeed. Because of your strengths, you sometimes welcome
opportunities to acquire additional knowledge or new skills. From a practical perspective, ongoing
education might allow you to take advantage of experiences or engage in activities for the first time.
You may want others to be informed about these training sessions. Perhaps it strikes you as unjust or
elitist that is, snobbish not to make this news available to everyone. Chances are good that you
derive some pleasure from being physically and/or mentally engaged in certain kinds of work.
Perhaps you willingly accept each days assignments. Maybe you are delighted when you can finish
them before quitting time. You might have noticed that disagreements or conflicts are kept to a
minimum when people do what they have been asked to do. Its very likely that you might educate
yourself about the basic facts surrounding certain types of issues or situations. To reduce the
possibility of conflict, you may consider everyones point of view. Perhaps you help some individuals
see where they are in agreement with others. Now and then, you can move specific individuals toward
consensus that is, a judgment arrived at by most of those concerned.

695812941 (Natalie Moore)

2000, 2006-2012 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved.

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