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Name: _________________________ Class: _________ Date: _________

Healthy Food Feedback for East View Secondary School

You recently noticed that the food options at the canteen has gone through change,
following the schools decision to inculcate healthy living and healthy food choices in
the students and staff of East View Secondary School. You have tried the food and
participated in the new rewards system, and would like to provide feedback on the
recent change. Address your letter to the Principal of East View Secondary School.
You may include the following points, adding others to your own:

What change have you noticed in the canteen food?

What do you like/not like about the change?
Why do you like/not like about the change?
How can the School improve their Healthy Food Programme?
How can the School encourage more students to patronize the stalls that sell
Healthier Food?

Add other details that may make your experience be better understood.
Pre-writing Reminder
Before writing the letter, note the following
1) Who are you writing to?
2) What is the purpose of your letter? What message do you want to convey to
your reader?
3) Study the question carefully. You are asked to write a feedback on the
Healthy Food programme at your school.

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