Daily Dismissal Procedure1

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Daily Dismissal Procedure

Mrs. Douglas' Pre-K4

State Procedure:
Now I will teach you the proper way to dismiss from class each afternoon.
Learning this procedure allows us to end the day in an orderly way. The teacher will be
able to focus on getting children to the bus, daycare line or to parents without chaos
distracting her from this important task. It also keeps potential arguments and horse play
to a minimum.
Give Instruction and Model Procedure:
1. When Mrs. Douglas gives the signal each afternoon, clean up your
area and put all of your supplies away.
2. Gather your take-home folder, lunch box, jacket and backpack.
3. When Mrs. Douglas dismisses your table, push in your chair and
quietly line up at the door with your backpack etc.
4. Walk quietly to your designated area for afterschool dismissal.
Check for Understanding:
1. What do you do when you hear the signal?
2. What do you gather to take home with you?
3. What do you do once your table has been dismissed?
4. How do you get to your designated afterschool area?
Practice the Procedure:
Have the class go through each step of the procedure as though it were the end of the
day. Walk through the procedure 2 or 3 times offering correction and repeating the
instructions until it is clear that the class can do the procedure on their own.
Reteach, Practice and Reinforce:
Each day when it is time to dismiss, remind the students of the proper procedure and
make sure that they are following the procedure correctly. Reteach as necessary.

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