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Forensic Medicine 2013 [Pakistan’ legal system, Laws relating to medical men and Forensic Psychiatry -—-—-- 5 meqs] a) Medical etiquettes (b}) Medical ethics Legal cine Medical jurisprudence al code of condu B Condition/s, cansent is nat required? (2) Arrested person brought for examination b) Only physical examin nand palpation ¢) rectal examination d) Laboratory tests ¢) Sample collection 3, Apperson who is entitled to take Qisas from the offender is: @) ‘Wali b Mohsin ¢ Government employee d) Lawyer of the victim a Lawyer of the offender Textbook of Forensic Medicine by Parikh and N.R Awan Page 1 SHARED BY: UMAIR AHMAD MBBSSTUDYSTUFF.WORDPRESS.COM sof a patient to a fellow physician for expert ‘opinion 4. Disclosing the personal secret! would the called @ Absolute privileged communication D) Professional misconduct €) Bomicitiary consultation d) Qualified communication ©) Medical negligence S. A.fully conscious person reported to emergency. He sustained injury on his forehead during a street fight. There was a bogay swelling on the right parietal area. X-ray showed fracture of the parietal bones without displacement of the ends. Nature of injury is: a) Shaljah Khafifa b) Shajjah Munagiliah €) Shajjah Damighah @) Shajjah Hashimah e) Shajjah Ammah Niele areae) Thanatology ------- 3 meqs] &. Earliest sign of maceration in a dead born child is: Gi) Skin slippage b) Abdominal distension c) Blebs d) Loss of fat e) Sunken eyes inside sockets 7. Ideal place to note down temperature of body to ascertain time since death is: a) Mouth b) Axilla e) Behind the external ear lobe 8. Rigor mortis is rapid and for short duration in which of the following poisoning? @) Strychnine poisoning b) Alcohol ¢) Cocaine poisoning d) Tobacco e) Lead poisoning IRDPRESS.COM [Traumatology 9 megs) ® Antero-pomtertor commrension trecture of hyotd bone Is teen Int a) Hanging b) Drowning (® Trotting d) Strangulation €) Sexual axphyxia 10. Comfirmatory sige of being burned alive is: 8) Smelt of kerosene oll (Bi) Carbon particles in terminal bronchioles €) Clothes are burt a) Bitten tongue ©) Burns on more than 9% of body surface area 11. In Police torture Falanga is defined as: a) Pulling of hair (BD severe beating on soles ©) Torture of bath ears @) Plastic bag is applied on face @) Electric torture 12. Commonest cause of death in sea water drowning is one of the tevaa hypoxia: Hypoxic hypoxa b) Stagnant hypoxia ¢) Histotoxic hypoxia 13. Whatis the Surest sign of ante Mortem hanging is: @) Dribbling of saliva 4) Petechial hemorthages in conjunctiva ©) Passing of urine and feces 9) Turgescence of testicles ©) Congestion of face 14. Paltauf's hemorrhages are usually appreciated in deaths due to: a) Hanging 4) Strangulation ¢) Suffocation (@orowning €) Asphyxia 15. Multiple confluent spark burns over large areas of skin are called: a) Marbling @ Zenker’s degeneration ¢) Crocodile skin. d) Endogenous burns e) Contact burns 16. In judicial hanging the cause of death is: a) Asphyxia 6) Spinal cord laceration ¢) Venous congestion d) Anoxic anoxia wy in case of road traffic accidents 47, Hingefracture” ix a common finding © ; r inwotang a) Cardriver 6) Car passenger occupying front seat <) Motorcyclists @ Pedestrian ¢) Truck driver [Personal Identity and Serology —-——- 5] 18. Hutchison's tooth ix a) Same as wisdom tooth b) Develops after permanent dentition 4) Develops before usual teeth eruption @s temporary incisor at birth ®) [sone of the molars 419, For assessing age more than 60 years, X-ray of which part of the body helps? a) Pelvis b) Shoulders © stutt d) Neck €) Mandible 20. 2 technique in which skull radiographs are taken in exactly the same o available lifetime Photograph of the missing person Is called: a) Comparative data technique (BD superimposition technique _ 6} Digital photography A “Reconstructive tecnigue PRESS.COM ®) Lithograpiy 21, The method to record @ ‘Anthropometry ©) DNA finger printing ©) Forensic Anatysis MeasUrements of different body parts and areas Is ralled: 4) Post Mortern Examination ©) Medico-legal examination 22. Gustatson’s Method is applied for determination of: a) Sex b) face ¢) Hairof human origin (@) Are ¢) Bones of human origin [Autopsy, Exhumation —— 4mcqs] 23. Following are post mortem artifacts except: @) Airembotism 5) Groove in neck misinterpreted as ligature mark ina fat person ¢ ‘Changes due to decomposition may look like asphyxial death d) Embalming fluid ) Postmortem staining 24, Police brought a dead body which has been decomposed, ‘What autopsy sa you like to get: 4) Bile -” ) Braintissue €) Glttes blood from veins (@) vitreous humor e) Lung tissue 25. Autopsy findings of drowning in sea water Is presence of 4) Low chloride in left heart 5) High chloride in feft heart €) High Calcium in peripheral circulation 9) Low potassium in both heart chambers ©) High potassium in ett heart 26. On autopsy, presence of finger tip brulses and finger nail marks on the neck are Suggestive of: 4) Smothering @) Manual strangulation ¢) Traumatic asphyxia d) Suicidal hanging )_ bynching [Forensic Sexology ——.amcqs] 27. After examining a male who is potent, the opinion is Benerally phrased as: D) the person is potent b) The person is not impotent ) The person can actively perform sexual act d) There is nothing to suggest that the said person Is impotent e) The person has normal libido 28. in case of rape, hymen usually shows rupture at: a) 20 clock position b) 3’O clock position @) &'0 clock position d) 90 clack position e) 12'0 clock position pregnancy? €) Softening of cervix d) Abdominal Protrusion €) Morning Sickness 30. Cutting of sexual Organs by a sharp edged weapon, the nature of hurt is: a) Jurh Ghair Gaifa b) Shajjah Ammah @) Itlaf4-udw d) Itlaf-i-salahiyat--udw e) 3371 [Moxicalogy ——~ 15 meqs} 31. A 15 yr old attempts suicide by drinking a strong concentrated corrosive acid. Her (management should not include one of the following measures: 2) IV fluids given to correct electrolyte imbalance @® Emetics given immediately ) Alevine stomach tube passed within half an hour d) Injection of morphine given for pain ) Concomitant prophylactic antibiotics given 32. An, unconscious patient turns up in the Emergency Department. Which of parenteral administration is advisable ‘in such cases? 3) Nalorphine 10) nae) ¢) Diazepam 33, Ipecac induces emesis primarily by: a) Central neurogenic mechanism b) Directly stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system @ Directly stimulating the gastrointestinal mucosa _ d} Increasing motility of GIT e) Bitter taste 34. Which of the glycol is not toxic: a) Ethylene Glycol b) Diethylene Glycol @ Polyethylene Glycol d) Propylene Glycol e) Ethylene monoalkylethyi 35. Permanent blindness can result from toxicity with: a) Ethanol () Methane! ¢) Strychnine ‘ as d) Morphine ) Isopropyl alcohol 36, Which Opioid is most commonly used during the strong opioid analgesics? @) Nalbuphine 6 Methadone ¢) Tramadol ¢) Buprenorphine e) Pentazocine 37. i i Following is a key factor in the treatment of aspirin poisoning: a) Gastric lavage ; (8) Forced alkaline diuresis ¢) Antidotes d) Conservative management €) Morphine for pain 38. Poison causing constriction of pupil is: a) Atropine b) Aconite @) Opium d) Alcohol e) Barbiturate 39. Thorn apple is another name of: @) Dhatura stramonium b) Hyocyamus nigra c) Kaner d) Madar e) Castor oll beans 40. The drug which is sald to reduce appetite and fatigue; is commonly used » its addicts use it as a sniff and feel as if insects are creeping on their skin, a), Cannabis Indica FF.WORDPRESS.COM eat ert PUPAE, blisters contalninit vorid serum anid O eerreat 41. A patient comes to you with - : son most Nkaly Is applied t¢ The lesion resembles a bruise, Which pe the shin? a) Julce of Calotropis @) Juice of Semecarpus Anacardium €) Croton oll d) Sui ail ) Castor oll 42, A patient presents to you with history of snake bite, Upon exarnination the wound shows swelling, blisters and bleeding from mucous membranes and body orifices with patient complaining of severe paln locally, Which of the following types of snakes moet likely is responsible? a) Cobra b) Banded krait Ow d) Sea snake e) African mamba 43. An industrial worker goes to a dermatologist troubled by patchy pigmentation on the skin of his hands with hyperkeratosis also seen on some areas. Exposure of what substance could cause this? a) Nitric Acid @) ane c) Lead d) Oxalic acid e) Metallic Copper 44, Autopsy in a case of Boisoning, of a $0 yr old is being done. Upon opening, the stomach mucos appears hard and leathery. Suspected agent would be: Game B) Salloyic acid

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