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Torrent oun Scholar ASI ZONAL CME Venue:- R.G. Kar Medical College & Hospital, Kolkata 1, KshudiramBose Sarani, Kolkata - 700004 Date:- 1°& 2” August 2015 torrent Torrent oun Scholar Dear Colleagues, Learning science is a continuous process. In the present era of exponential growth in knowledge, itis extremely important to keep up to the current developments in the field of surgery. Taking part in CME! prepare well for the examination as well. nical tes is the only way to achieve this. CMEs whei hing is involved will aid many to ‘The novel venture of ASI to organize zonal CMEs is meant for a structured teaching and intense earning by the faculty and students from the same zone. The proposed deliberations are attempted to Jay foundations on many basic issues which are not dealt with in most CMEs. There will be a parallel hunt for the best talent amidst the Surgical Postgraduates in India by the ASI-TYSA initiative. Itis an event supported by M/s Torrent Pharmaceuticals and add much to the competitive nature of the young scholars, This is a huge opportunity for every practicing surgeon to refresh on what had been leamed and to gain contemporary concepts on clinical issues faced by them everyday. We look forward o see youat R.G. Kar Medical College & Hospital, Kolkata. Prof. Sukumar Maiti Prof.GargiBandyopadhyay Prof. Tamonas Chaudhuri Organizing Chairman Organizing Secretary Co-ordinator DAY -1 1/08/2015 08:00 08:45 09:00 11:00 12:00 13:30 14:00 15:00 16:00 17330 19:30 0845 09:00 11:00 12:00 1330 14:00 15:00 16:00 1730 1930 20:00 Torrent oun Scholar EE Programme Registration Inauguration PG Masterclass -1 Case-1 : Groin Hernia Case-2 _: Metastatic neck node Case-3: RIF Mass Case-4 Parotid Module - 1 : Breeding the Surgeon:-a “special” specialist Lecture - 1 : Did I make the right choice to be a Surgeon? Lecture - 2 : Documentation in Surgery Lecture - 3 : Consent in Surgical Practice- What, When & How Lecture - 4 : Falling Barriers of Ethies in Surgical Practice PG Masterclass - 2 Case-5 : MNG Case-6 Obstructive Jaundice Case-7 + Varicose Vein Lunch PG Masterclass -3 Case-8 Carcinoma Breast Case-9 Pelvic mass Module - 2: “Making Surgery Safe......” Lecture - 5 : Asepsis is the foundation — Antibiotics are NOT a substitute Lecture - 6 : Hand Hygeine:- Primim Non Nocere Lecture - 7 : Safe Surgery Saves Life Lecture - 8 : The art of Clinical Case Presentation in Examination PG Masterclass - 4 Case -10 : Carcinoma Oral cavity Case - 11: PseudocystPancreas Case-12_: LiverMass Virtual ward rounds-1 TYSA AWARDS DAY -2 02/08 / 2015 08:30 09:30 10:30 1230 13330 14:00 1430 15:30 0930 10:30 12:30 1330 14:00 1430 15:30 16:00 Torrent oun Scholar Programme Virtual ward rounds -2 Module -3. : “Science of tissue management” Lecture -9 : Sutures & Needles in Surgery Lecture - 10 : Energy devices in Surgery Lecture -I1_ : Handling surgical specimens Lecture - 12 : Golden principles of Bowel Anastomosis ‘Ato Z of Imaging - What a surgeon need to know Module -4 : Antibiotics & IV fluids in Surgical Practice Lecture - 13 : Prophylactic Antibiotics & Anticoagulation Lecture - 14 : Post operative Analgesia Lecture - 15 : Judicious use of fuids & electrolytes in Surgical Practice Lecture - 16 : Blood Components in Surgical Practice Lunch Video - 1: Foley's Catheterization Video -2 _ : Chest Tube Insertion ‘Video -3 : Venous access-peripheral & Central Module -5 :“Basies in Laparoscopy” Lecture - 17 : Know your laparoscopic tools Lecture -18 = Lecture - 19 : Diagnostic Lap:- An underutilised tool, ‘eating a Safe Pneumoperitoneum Lecture - 20 : Complications in laparosscopy Open Discussion Torrent oun Scholar Registration form ‘Name: Age Sex MIF VegiN.Veg Address Mobile: E-mail Categories Upto 1S*July2015 Spot ASI Member: 1500 2000 Non ASI 2000 2500 PG Student 1000 1500 DD/Cheque drawn in favour of"ASI ZONAL CME KOLKATA 2015" payable at Kolkata or RTGS to Name: ASI ZONALCME KOLKATA 2015 Name of the Bank: Indian Overseas Bank Branch: Dharamatala Street (0586), 141/1-A. Lenin Sarani,Kolkata 700013 SBA/CNo: 0860100002294 IFSC Code: 1OBA0000586 Address for communication Prof. Gargi Bandyopadhyay (Organising Secretary) The Association of Surgeons of India, West Bengal State Chapter, IMA House, Ist Floor, 53 Creek Row, Kolkata — 700 014 Phone No. 033 2237 3587, Email ID: Date: Sign Torrent oun fae EE Organising Committee National Office bearers Dr Satish K Shukla Dr Santhosh John Abraham ‘Dr Suresh Vasistha Immediate Past President President President Elect Dr Shiva K Misra Dr Madhusekhar Hon. Secretary Hon. Treasurer GC Members DrRameshAggrawala DrManjuBannerjee DrDiptendraSarkar DrTamonas Chaudhuri DrAlokAbhijeet DrSitaramPrasad Singh DrBhardwajH.N _DrSatish Midha Chief CME Co-ordinator Dr Arvind Kumar ‘New Delhi Local Organising Committee Prof, Sukumar Maiti Prof. Gargi Bandyopadhyay Prof. Tamonas Chaudhuri Organizing Chairman Organizing Secretary Co-ordinator Joint Organizing Chairpersons DrLald Dr Jha N.K Joint Organizing Secretary Dr Sharma R.S

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