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To describe, predict, and explain behavior and mental processes,

psychologists use three basic methods:
1) Description
2) Correlation
3) Experimentation
It includes following techniques:
1. case studies
2. surveys
3. naturalistic observations
Through case studies, surveys, and naturalistic observations,
psychologists observe and describe behavior and mental processes.
The strength of relationship between one factor and another is
expressed in their correlation.
Knowing how closely two things are correlated tells us how much
one predicts the other. But correlation is only a measure of
relationship; it does not reveal cause and effect.

To discover cause-and-effect relationships, psychologists conduct

experiments. By constructing a controlled environment, experimenters
can manipulate one or two factors and discover how these independent
variables affect a particular behavior, the dependent variable.
In many experiments, control is achieved by randomly assigning people
either to be experimental subjects, who are exposed to the treatment,
or control subjects, who are not exposed.

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