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A story

El nivel de este writing es B1.

Curiously, it happens (happened) to me just ten days ago, in the middle of the
night. I was sleeping when suddenly the phone rang. Iwoke up and I had to pay
attention to what that sound was.
Despite the fact that I was still asleep, I picked the phone up. To my surprise, it was
an unknown person who started to speak to me as if I knew him, but I didnt, at
least in at the beginning.
Then, I tried to stop him, but he cant (couldnt) help talking as much as he could,
so I had to hang up.
Five minutes later, the phone rang again and then I realized that the person I had
spoken to before had been my close friend Santi and I couldnt believe that I didnt
be (wasnt) able to recognize him.
Finally, he explained to me that he had had problems with his car going to the
airport to pick his sister up. He pretended I gave (wanted me to give) him the phone
number of a breakdown truck.
In spite of the inconvenience, it was a funny story, which even nowadays we often
remember and burst into laughter.
Cosas positivas:

Variedad de tiempos verbales: I was sleeping when the phone rang, I had to
pay, had spoken, had been, had had

Indirect question: I had to pay attention to what that sound was

Phrasal verbs: pick his sister up

Verb + preposition: explained to me, speak to me

As if + past simple: as if I knew = como yo si lo conociera

Vocabulary: to my surprise, pick up, burst into laughter, unkown, hang up,
couldnt help + ing
Connectors: despite the fact that, in spite of, finally

Cosas negativas:

Problema en algunos tiempos verbales, presente simple en lugar de

pasado. Esto es un error importante a este nivel, por lo que conviene evitar.

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