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Day 2, Class 3 (B203)

Offered to Community members that work with students in
Your Name: Allison Lewis

Workshop Title: Beginner

Day: 2
Chromebook, Google Apps for Class: 3
Education (B203)
Subject(s) of the days
Prerequisite Knowledge:
The learner should know how to operate a
Chromebook & accessories
Chromebook, and should have a gmail
account for logging in.
Content (Describe in a paragraph):
Learners will log into their Google account using a Chromebook. They will
open up their drive, and further access Google Docs. Learners will experience
creating, sharing, collaborating, downloading, and more with Google Docs.
Learners will share the doc with another learner in the classroom and
experience the collaboration feature of Google Docs. Learners will use the
chat feature with the shared person as they are both working on one Google
Doc. Learners will go through the same process with the other applications
correlated with Google Drive such as sheets (comparable to excel), and
slides (comparable to PowerPoint). As well, learners will access and create a
Google Form (survey creator). Allotted in the time frame of this class will be a
work session for teachers/learners to create resources to use in their
List the objectives for this lesson:
The learner will be able access Google Apps for Education. Community
members will be guided through using all of the most commonly used apps.
Community members will access drive and learn how to create a Google Doc,
Slide, Sheet, and Form while using Chromebooks at 1:1 ratio of technology to
How will you teach the lesson? Details help.
This lesson will be taught with a 1:1 ratio of learner to technology. Each
learner will have their own device to use, in order to perform the tasks
taught by the instructor. The instructor will model first, then perform the task
at the same time as the learner. Learners will be guided to perform the tasks
in groups with other learners, then independently. By modeling, then
providing structure through the learning learners are more likely to be able to
perform the task independently.
Additional materials you will use and how you will use them:
Additional materials include a Promethean Board. The Promethean Board will
be used to present tutorials that have been created by the presenters.
Evaluation Strategies:
In order to best evaluate the class, I will give a pre- and post-survey. This

survey will show me what the learner has learned, and if the class was
effective or not.

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