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Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!

~ 2 Corinthians 9:15

August 2015

Duanes first day in the air.


I am extremely excited to share some good news with you

July marked the beginning of our flight time here at Moody.
We have been praying for clear answers and open doors
and this week God threw the doors wide open.
We received a letter, and a substantial financial gift, to help
with my missionary aviation training. This gift was from an
anonymous donor who had been through the same situation when they were
going to Moody. They have served in the mission field and are now able to
help others who are training to do the same. Along with other financial aid
provided through Moody which is specifically set up for missionaries in training, we are happy to announce that we can continue at Moody for another
year. Praise God for what He has done, and what He is going to do!
Our family and our journey is a testament to Gods faithfulness, goodness,
and provision . We are truly blessed to be where we are, and it is only through
Gods grace and mercy that we have gotten this far. I am at Moody is not just
because it is fun to fly, but because we fully believe that God specifically
called me to travel this path and He has affirmed and reaffirmed this over and
over in the last 2 years. Yes, it is fun to fly, but our main focus still remains
fixed on the furthering of Gods Kingdom and the spreading of the Gospel of
Christ to those who may not hear it otherwise. We are here to serve God in
whatever capacity He sees fit.
We are so very grateful for those of you who have come along side to pray
with us and pray for us and help to fund the ministry training financially. We
have been so encouraged by you.


------------------------------13515 E Boone Ave. Spokane Valley 99215

Praise the LORD for:

1. Giving us clear
2. Financial provision
for school for not
just this semester
but the WHOLE
3. Danielles health
has improved
4. Aidens new
walking device
Continue Praying for:
1. Aidens body to
continue to heal
2. Housing
3. Safety for Duane as
he is flying.

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