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Advanced Medical Systems Team (AMST)

Take Charge of Your Own Health

Office of Public Relations


Terms of Use:
Us members of the Advanced Medical Systems Team have developed MeDiSys, a medical
diagnostics system, to revolutionize the modern healthcare atmosphere.
In using our services, you are agreeing to allow the AMST to collect and analyze medical
diagnostics data and biometrics from
MeDiSys Full Body Scanners
MeDiSys Health Bands
Medical history
Patient records
AMST will only use this data for its consumers benefit. Your data and personal information will
be accessible solely by medical staff that are involved in your diagnosis and treatment (See
Privacy Policy for more information).
Privacy Policy:
The Advanced Medical Systems Team will only use the data that we collect and analyze for the
benefit of you, the patient and valued customer. We will comply with any and all regulations
outlined in the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). HIPAA states that

A covered entity may disclose PHI (Protected Health Information) to facilitate treatment,
payment, or health care operations without a patient's express written authorization. Any other
disclosures of PHI (Protected Health Information) require the covered entity to obtain written

authorization from the individual for the disclosure.

However, when a covered entity discloses
any PHI, it must make a reasonable effort to disclose only the minimum necessary information
required to achieve its purpose.
The information in our databases will only be accessible by medical personnel with valid
medical licenses. We will never allow your personal and medical information to be accessed by
a third party not directly involved in your diagnosis and treatment.
You have agreed to allow our company access to the information outlined in the terms of use.
We respect your trust in us and we will keep your private information secure under any
Mauro Rodriguez, Project Manager

Customer Signature

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