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Corn-on-the-Cob for freezing

Husk the corn and place in a dark colored pan. Do NOT add water. Cover and
bake for 1 hour.
2. Fresh corn with husks
1 tablespoon water
Pull back the husks, but do not remove. Clean corn and remove silks. Fold up
the husks to cover the corn. Place in a black roaster and add water. Cover
and bake 45 minutes. Drain the husk and submerge corn in ice water. Drain,
cut the kernels from the cob, package and freeze.
3. Baked Potatoes
Clean potatoes and rub with shortening or butter. Place in a dark dish. Cover
and bake 3 hours or until done.
4. Solar Broccoli
Cut fresh broccoli into spears and place into dark pot with lid. Add butter and
seasoning to broccoli. Do not add water. Cooking time varies depending on
desired texture (approximately 2 hours for tender broccoli).

5. Peach Pudding Cake

1/4 cup melted butter
1 package yellow cake mix
1 3 1/4-oz. instant vanilla pudding mix
1 egg
1 cup milk
1 16-oz. can peaches, undrained (or 2 cups)
1 teaspoon grated lemon peel
Melt butter in 13 x 9 inch pan. In large bowl, stir cake mix and pudding mix
together. Add egg and milk. Beat until smooth. Add peaches with juice and
lemon peel. Pour into baking pan. Cover. Bake two hours or until done.

Pizza Bread
Chocolate cake/muffins

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