Care Ethics Bibliography

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Alexander, Larry and Michael Moore. "Deontological Ethics. The Stanford Encyclopedia of
Philosophy. (Spring 2015 Edition), July 10, 2015.
Chamberlain, Pam, and Jean Hardisty. "Race, Poverty, and Reproductive Rights." Public Eye
Magazine Spring 2000: 14-16. Political Research Associates. Web. 26 Oct. 2014.
Harris, Barbara, Destiny Harris, and Lynn Paltrow. What If There Was No Destiny? Prod. Pat
Walters. RadioLab. 15 Nov. 2014.
Hursthouse, Rosalind. "Virtue Ethics." The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. (Fall 2013
Edition). 15 July, 2015
Lucke, Jayne C., and Wayne D. Hall. "Under What Conditions Is It Ethical to Offer Incentives to
Encourage Drug-using Women to Use Long-acting Forms of Contraception?" Addiction
107.6 (2012): 25 Oct. 2014.
Noddings, Nel. Caring, a Feminine Approach to Ethics & Moral Education. Berkeley: U of
California, 1984.
Noddings, Nel. Starting at Home: Caring and Social Policy. Berkeley: U of California, 2002.
Paltrow, Lynn. "Why Caring Communities Must Oppose C.R.A.C.K./Project Prevention: How
C.R.A.C.K. Promotes Dangerous Propaganda and Undermines the Health and Well

Cunningham 2
Being of Children and Families." Journal of Law in Society 5.11 (2003): 13 Nov. 2014.
"Project Prevention." Project Prevention. Barbara Harris, 2011. Web. 2 Nov. 2014.
Sander-Staudt, Maureen. "Care Ethics." Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Web. 8 Nov. 2014.
Sinnott-Armstrong, Walter. "Consequentialism." The Stanford Encyclopedia of
Philosophy (Spring 2014 Edition). 15 July, 2015
Tong, Rosemarie and Nancy Williams. "Feminist Ethics. The Stanford Encyclopedia of
Philosophy (Fall 2014 Edition). 15 July, 2015.
Waller, Bruce N. "Care Ethics." Consider Ethics: Theory, Readings, and Contemporary Issues.
3rd ed. Boston; Munich: Prentice Hall, 2011.

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