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July 2015
President's Note - Bridget Beal

Event Spotlight: More FUNTASTIC Park Washes

I'm so thankful that this month wewere able to make so many large
donations to so many great local organizations as well as the MOMS Club
International MothertoMother fund. We donated $200 to the Wesley
United Methodist Church as a thank you for our member meeting space
and $100 each to the top 5 voted charities; Courageous Kids, CASA, Bags
of Love, Womans Space and Kids First.

The two "Carwash" events in June with the City of Eugene Parks were a
and an
opportunity. The events were held at Bond Lane Park and at Crescent
Park. The children were given buckets and brushes, and with the help of
their moms, did all the scrubbing. They hadlots of funcleaning the park
playground equipment and getting a little wet. As a treat for their
efforts, the children were given cookies and lemonade. Special thanks to
Katie and Heidi, volunteers with the City Parks, for helping organizing
these events.
Submitted by Ana Kemple

Our board changes over this month, we are saying goodbye to myself as
President, Mary Suilzle as Secretary, Kami Hendrix as Helping Hands
Coordinator and Shanna Chess as Playgroup Coordinator.
Please help me welcome our new board members;
Tia Merwin as President,
Ana Kemple as Administrative VP,
Heather O'Niell as Membership VP,
Emily Looney as Marketing VP and Moms Night Out Coordinator,
Sarah Hotaling as Secretary,
Amber Zekic as Treasurer,
Angelique Hanscom as Playgroup Coordinator.

It has been such aprivilege volunteering on the board this past year. I
want to thank the board for the amazing job they did this year. Your
dedication, creativity, hosting events and all the fun and laughter has
made this year great. Thank you also to every single member, this club is
nothing with out you (SO cheesy, but 100% true!).

Bond Lane:



MOMS Club of Springfield, OR


Know someone who's interested in MOMS Club of Springfield, OR? Please

feel free to share this link with them (there is a link on the website to
contact the club directly):

Craft of the Month: American Flag Artwork

Crescent Park:


Happy Independence Day! What are your 4th of July traditions? Do

you go to the pool? Bring a dish for a cookout? Pack a picnic?
Watch fireworks? Independence Day is a great day for traditions,
celebrating our country's independence. We are so blessed to live in
the USA! Summer Fun's Blog
You could do it on shirts or paper!



Click on one of the images above for a link to the blog with directions.


Next Member Meeting

Our next member meeting will resume after summer on the second
Thursday of Septemberat our usual time & location.


Club Highlights from June

Police car tour at the June member meeting:

Recipe:Watermelon-Strawberry Agua Fresca


Wildlife Safari in Winston, Oregon:


"We've just blended up chunks of watermelon, frozen strawberries, and

juice from half a lemon, but this recipe sounds awesome. It's (mostly)
good for you, too!"

Submitted by MarySuelzle
(Click the image above for the recipe)


Big Sister Program

We will be bringing back theBig Sister program this year and are looking
for current members who are willing to participate. The Big Sister will be
paired with a new member and help them connect with other moms,
events and activities within MOMS Club of Eugene, OR. Currently the
weekly playgroups do a great job of getting new members
connected,but we thought we'd bring the program back and see if there
is interest this year.If you are a newer member and would like to pair up
with someoneorcurrent member willing to be aBig Sister, pleaselet Tia
Merwin knowand she will pair you up. You cancontact her in person or
( you!

Moment On Mom Spotlight: Angelique Hanscom

Angelique was born and raised in South Africa until she was 16. She says
it is a beautiful and amazing country and she loves going back to visit
family. Her family moved to San Diego from South Africa, where she
finished high school. After a year and a half in San Diego, her parents
decided it was not the right place for the family. It was a big adjustment
from South Africa and her parents didn't like the way of life. They wanted
her and her sister to remain more down to earth, so they moved to
Of all the places she has traveled to, Venice, Italy is her favorite
destination. She thinks it's the most beautiful city in the world. Her
grandparents live in Venice, so she has been able to visit several times.
Before becoming a Mom, Angelique was a licensed investment banker.
She went back to work after her first son, Tucker was born, but couldn't
deal with being away from him so much. After five months, they decided
it was better for her to be at home. She currently works as a
photographer (Angelique Hanscom Photography) and loves it. Her
photography business takes a backseat to her family, but she's still very
active with the business and works it around her family schedule.
She loves so much about being a Mom. She can't get enough of her boys,
Tucker, almost four and Tatum, age one. The hugs and kisses and
hearing the spontaneous "I love you Mommy" from her kids are her
favorite part of being a Mom. As she says, "Those boys seriously, they
are my heart."
A leisurely shopping trip is a big treat for Angelique. She enjoys
shopping, but it's hard with kids in tow! Her favorite hobbies have
turned into jobs, her photography and a new venture she will be
launching in a few weeks. When her kids sleep she is always working on
one of her businesses.

"The Notebook" is her favorite book and favorite movie is "How to Lose a
Guy in 10 Days."
She loves family picnics at the park and playing Tball, soccer, and
cricket. Her husband works a lot, so they enjoy spending as much time
as possible together. She loves having BBQs and family get togethers.


Angelique has been in MOMS Club for three years and loves the weekly
Angelique says she "feels like the luckiest girl in the world to be married
to the most amazing man and have two gorgeous boys. We are loving



Want to see your event highlighted next month? Send your photos with a
brief description to Emily ( she'll post
them in the following months newsletter.


Member Birthdays and Anniversaries in July:

Did you Know ???

About our Helping Hands Program?
Member Renewal Anniversaries:
Megan Hutter 7/17/12
Shireen Wright 7/11
Member Birthdays:
Shannon Edwards 7/23
Lynn Gutoski 7/19
Kami Hendrix 7/11
Erika King 7/4
Anna Penny 7/9
Kid Birthdays:
Raelee Chess 7/2/13
Oliver Colletti 7/9/12
Sonya Beal 7/13
Olivia Henderson 7/19/11
Olive Hotaling 7/24/13
Marcus Piibor 7/23/14
Abbie White7/26/2011

Part of the support we have in MOMS Club of Eugene is helping each

other during times of upheaval and stress. This is not just limited to
having a baby, things like moving or illness in the family also warranta
need for this program. Our Helping Hands program provides moms with
assistance, usually givingseveral meals in a time of need. However, this
program can provide more than just meals. We can arrange assistance
with childcare, running errands, even a phone tree! We want all of our
members tobenefit from this program in a time of need and we are more
than willing to customize an assistanceschedule that works well for each
situation. Please let us know if a circumstance should arise in your
life and you feel this program would help you! Our Helping Hands
Coordinator is Kami Hendrix and she canbe reached at (541) 5135132

New Baby Corner

No new babies in June!

Contact Bridget
( let her know if you'd like to
renew your membership.
Celebrating a birthday for you or your child but you didnt get your name
in this months column? Send roster corrections/updates to Heather.

We'd like to welcome all new babies in the newsletter, so let any board
member know the details and we'll include it here! And please let us
know if we missed you, because we'd be happy to add your new little one
in next months newsletter.

Playgroup Corner

Are we missing something?

Is there something you'd like to see us include in future newsletters?
Have an idea for an article, a recipe to share, photos from a MOMS Club
event you'd like included? We're always open to hearing from you! Feel
free to email Emily or Bridget directly with ideas.

Playgroup fun at Amazon Park

Playgroups are a great way to connect with Moms of kids with similar
Babies 2009 & older
We don't currently have a regular meeting time for this group. Contact
Shanna Chess ( if you're interested in
getting one started.
Babies 2010 Playgroup meets on Thursdays, from 1012 and 24pm.
( location information.
Babies 2011 Playgroup also meets on Wednesdays, starting at 10:00.
( to get in the loop.
Babies 2012 Playgroup meets every Friday from 10:00Noon. Members
( for more information.
Babies 2013 Playgroup meets on Fridays from 9:3011:30. Members
( more information.
Babies 2014 Playgroup meets on Mondays from 9:0011:00. Members
( more information.
Watch for allages play dates via Evites or check the Member

Executive Board Members:

Bridget, Mary, Emily, Ana, Amber, and Heather

MOMS Club Regional Coordinators

Have questions or concerns about how our chapter functions? Contact
one of these ladies:


Area Coordinator
Lisa Lewis (
(253) 6313290
State Coordinator
Chris Baldwin
( 6260131
Asst Regional Coordinator
Jenn Betz
( 6260131


Shanna, Emily, Tia and Kami


MOMS Club of Eugene, OR Board, 2014 - 2015

Bridget Beal
Administrative VP
Ana Kemple (
Membership VP
Heather O'Neill (
Marketing VP
Emily Looney (
Mary Suelzle (
Amber Zekic (
Big Sister andSpringfield MOMS Club Liaison
Tia Merwin (
Helping Hands Coordinator
Kami Hendrix
MOMS Night Out Coordinator
Emily Looney (
Playgroup Coordinator
Shanna Chess (

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