Vision Statement

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Vision Statement

Robin Reisdorf"
My personal vision statement as a leader in the Early Childhood field:"
In order to enhance goodwill at Kids Safari Learning Center and become the most desired
person to work with, I will lead by example, nurture the family-school relationship, and show
respect toward all members of our learning community.!
My values that help support my vision:"
1. Greet each person by name and with a warm smile."
2. Be responsive to each individuals needs."
3. Offer optimism, compassion, and support to each person."

My vision statement is a combination of what I already am and what I hope to become.

Its purpose is focused on building my relationships and becoming the most desired person to
work with. My vision includes a picture of the future by enhancing the goodwill within Kids
Safari, but also by becoming the most desired person to work with. My values support my vision
by making personal connections, being responsive, and staying optimistic."

I currently lead by example because I value this quality in other people. I respect those

who live by their word, do as they say, and act as a positive role model for others. I am
intentional in my actions and consistently reflect if what I am doing is what I would expect of
someone else. This characteristic was validated by my administrator and co-teachers when they
completed The Leadership Roundness Test and gave me a 10 in leads by example."

Parents are a childs biggest influence, but a full-time early childhood teacher and a child

who attends childcare full-time, spend more time together than they do with their own families. It
is important for me to build a strong relationship not only with my students, but with their
families. I develop trust through my professionalism, finding out what is important for them in
this environment, and leading a team approach (between my co-teachers and the families) on

developing appropriate goals for each child. I maintain constant communication with my opendoor (and e-mail and telephone) policy and through the use of Teaching Strategies Gold. When
a child has a difficult drop-off, or is especially excited because they are celebrating a birthday in
the family, I take the extra time to send the family an additional message and picture to help
them stay connected to us throughout the day."

Last year, I invited a representative from each family into class (on separate days) so

they could be a part of our lives and see what happens on a daily basis. I had 33/36 families
participate and they all had wonderful things to say. One parent sent me an e-mail that said, It
was so important to my child that I come to school for a day, but I didnt realize how much I was
going to get out of this experience. Thank you for sharing this opportunity with me. I hope you
continue to include this as a part of your program. I am hooked, and I am doing it again this
year while sharing this experience with other teachers and encouraging them to offer it to their
families as well."

Showing respect toward my students and their families is something that comes natural

to me. I extended this concept to include all members of our learning community in my vision
statement to encompass my co-teachers, administration, and other professionals in the early
childhood field. This is an example of who I want to become. Through self-awareness and
reflection, I will intentionally transfer my skills that I apply to my students and their families to the
people I work with. I will approach my co-workers with the attitude that they are doing the best
they can and that we are all contributing to the team in our own ways. I will recognize their work
and notice things they are doing well. Part of showing them respect is communicating the good
things I am noticing with them and listening to their perspectives without fixing it into my

As Blanchard mentions in Leading at a Higher Level, Life is a series of value conflicts.

My values are what will help guide me to follow my vision. Building strong relationships is

invaluable when working so closely with others. I currently greet all my students and their
parents by first name as they enter the classroom and offer them a warm smile. I also greet my
co-teachers as I see them throughout the building, but what I realized is that I am not using their
names when I greet them. I offer a smile or say, hi, but its usually short and sweet. By
extending this value to include my co-teachers, I am intentionally providing myself an
opportunity to build stronger relationships with them."

Being responsive to each individuals needs is another value that will help keep me

focused on maintaining positive relationships. It is easy for me to dismiss an adults feelings

when they are being irrational, but what I know and rarely practice with adults, is that even
though their feelings are irrational to me, they are real to them. I am reminded of this with my
students every time someone budges in line or is playing with a toy someone else wants, and I
am skilled at helping them work through these problems. Again, I will be using what I already
practice with children and applying it to my relationships with adults."

Offering optimism, compassion, and support is easy when you are emotionally involved

with someone. I tend to lead a private life at work and dont get too emotional with the adults I
work with. It is easy to be optimistic (and a bit of a cheerleader) for a student who is learning a
new skill. It is easy to have compassion for children or a worried parent. Being optimistic for the
pessimists I work with and show compassion for their daily drama is going to take work, but
luckily, I enjoy a good challenge!"

I am an extremely loyal person, so being supportive (to everyone) comes naturally for

me. Showing support is a value and skill I am already applying in my daily practice, but I wanted
it to be stated as one of my values since it is one of the most important qualities to me. I need
support from others, and I want them to know they have my support as well. I have a lot of big
ideas and it is important for my co-teachers to support this aspect of my personality. In return, I
am always supportive of their big and new ideas."


I am happy to have learned in Leading at a Higher Level that, Creating a visionis a

journey, not a one-time activity. I look forward to reciting my vision to myself every day until I
have learned it by heart. I am excited to begin these new challenges for myself, which I believe
will enhance my relationships with people at work as well as my own happiness. I registered for
this class knowing that I have leadership qualities, but do not apply them appropriately. Already I
have learned that we cannot lead others if we do not know where we are going ourselves. I
think this was a big weakness of mine. I never took the time to think of what makes me happy,
what I want from other people, and what I value from leaders. Now that I have it in writing, I can
begin my intentional leadership with a purpose!

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