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Web page design


1. Divide content into coherent units.
This is because, first, very few read long passages of text onscreen.
Second, users generally expect to find a specific chunk of relevant information, not a
really long page of general content. The maximum size of a good chunk is one-two pages
long, but dont overly subdivide your information as this will only frustrate your readers.
And third, concise information is just the right size for the computer screen. Really long web
pages only disorient the user.
2. Determine the hierarchy of importance among the units.
Hierarchical organization is very much needed in websites because they depend on it.
Websites move from the home page (the site overview) to the specific submenus and
content pages, after all.
Information chunks should be ranked in importance to serve as the guide for building the
hierarchy from the most important (general) to the most specific (detailed).
3. Find out how the units are related based on the hierarchy.
You can determine the sites logical organization if the users can make successful predictions
about they could find information. Since most users build mental models in the face of new
or complex information systems, they assess the relationships between information and
guess where to find what they are looking for.
4. Construct a site based on the created information structure
5. Evaluate how successful, functional and visually appealing the site is.
The user must feel at ease and be able to naturally navigate the menus and pages of your
A balance between the home page and individual content pages equals efficient website

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