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What is the Tao?

Written by Kristina A Naldjian

Thursday, 19 August 2010 06:57 - Last Updated Thursday, 16 September 2010 11:56

For centuries men have deliberated on the meaning of the Tao. Tao (, pinyin: do), the word
itself is simply translated as the 'way', road, 'path', method, model, 'route', the course of
nature or the force. The Tao is said to embody all things and is the source of life for all things.
It is the origin of the universe, it is wu-ji, it is not a deity or a god, it is the limitless.

The Tao cannot be described in words, it is nameless and invisible as exemplified in the
opening chapter of the Tao Te Ching:

The Tao that can be named is not the eternal Tao.

The name that can be named is not the eternal name

The Tao, is ungraspable by normal modes of perception.

Look, it cannot be seen it is beyond form.

Listen, it cannot be heard it is beyond sound.

Grasp, it cannot be held it is intangible.

The human language can only give hints that may help the mind to form an idea of what the Tao
may be. Only an enlightened being can experience the true Tao; Master Tseng experientially
says you understand the Tao only when you become a true Dragon, the mystery of the Tao is
only then revealed in its totality.


What is the Tao?

Written by Kristina A Naldjian
Thursday, 19 August 2010 06:57 - Last Updated Thursday, 16 September 2010 11:56

We cannot describe it, but we can live it: For a practitioner, the Tao is a system of guidance.
Through the 81 chapters of the Tao te Ching, the book of virtue, we are given guidelines on
living true to our original nature; being kind, simple, merciful and forgiving. The Tao te Ching
emphasis the importance of detachment, stillness and physical qi cultivation practices. It is a
blueprint for transforming one into sage hood, with the ultimate goal of immortality.

Water is the symbolic flow of the Tao; exhibiting the interconnected and interdependent yin and
yang concept, it embodies both softness and hardness. The Tao is mindful spontaneity and
detachment, it is in its true essence go, go go!.


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