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hc ape Corporation: Cyl Dvn, A TOPOLOGY OF EVERYDAY CONSTELLATIONS GEORGES TEYSSOT setwoske~iat delimit our uroundings It would be posible © turn inside-out he stipe uraes that fame our “poe bring” Like a Klein otle-or an ordinary rock~the iterie tril conclnably be able to turn elf logialy, and tpolog= Thy, imo an exterior, Architecture eds ansfrmed int 3 ‘Tevlcthat partiipates i te tgif an “estany” Givens ‘ove situation, anareitectirldesigano longer simply alto meting t lookt (ath ata objector building), but rather ‘ecomes sa ppartut that allows the viewershat the user tolchold something ther than the things WINDOWS AND SCREENS hoorerlenea solitary ifeand yr now ond hen want tach al somacher, hoovr, according changesin the tine of ay fhewnather the steaf isbn, and thet sudden wishes over any ello which hemight ing—he will no beable‘ manage rng whose window aokng no he set. erat Kata, The Steet Wd (c 1308 Insnad of nga pinter, | would hac ie, on isan, be thought fara feneie:” ‘Once the current oss of traditional publi spaces i aeknow- ge, the border between the pube and the prvste resin salle to be redrawn. The question tolay it whether one car Imagine «puble space founded in puraltythat is public fee coeeived no as aunque pac, but within = lip fy eriupe what needs to be explored are the siting tris eoween the inimacy and pablity opened up by new mei, (fering these ofa gil Rinesr and leading toa worldwide ence. These novel eonfines are ating orginal zones where fone can dwell, singularly a well a olecivel. A present > (es tat are urgent to ace inaude the topic ofthe “pie” ‘onotrns about the ie and fal of privacy, andthe concept the in-between” Moreover, one might ak how he notions a vrevdow dows frame ani seteen baveunfldednsime.andbow. Viner now gules they contribute othe emergence fie terra o dtl opogrphie seopi Regimes Haman beiag could he carsterie a animalawith windows ara oebencoen world and subject these i always some ng tt medate not orauch «edi pe t,t some thing tat connects allots things ands nie book ono Cid, 004), the payehoaalet Gérard Wacan aint window” isnot only trary topeormctphor, bat shoe an stual mechani, referting to the real window 28 6 ‘Matwindo but with wt frames and lass panes, fen #0 Tray onthe out by shuters and onthe nse y eras” However, fone were orp ofthe fame and malios holding thegles pane, one wold be let with uta apertare Da, foot th walthat ktvone lok hrong,Sichan opening won Partin van apparatus ofvisin-asan ye Andifthe window aa ue "aye then the eye ean be window. Inhuman hit ‘ar tnny things have been ou window: spectacles punting, aoe vn vieosinteuments that helps conpest othe word Invi we are conta immersed Tike any ater instrament Cnclading language, the window snanappartur ht spares ad unites. The English words tine derives fom wind and ye: thi etymology Beis define cern aperture sa acomplexostrament that both its light TT ventilation tan sterior and enables the ey roa Since Leon Battista Albers sfamous treats on pasting “Ie metaphr for psiating har been an “open window pertain vara) th whch thesubjet hse) tbe pated ‘Tus comparitonesablihed the Western way of seeing the | wold a apitue; tale traneforme the actos window. which Nehe tne of Alberti was iter squared nor prt ged or anepaene Bepinning with the Resaisane, the window ret vrea the one hand sult ta means fr lighting vente ‘Jom insulation, ad thei; onthe other hand te thought of rooney to look through, The window sn srehitectual™ feature that crvesbohar uel hygeniedeviee eonedtedto the bodys needs, and ava opial” appari, kin of magal= fying ss orp of spectacle. In theater este it eit arene were equipped withaa "ein eye” and itappeats ce Tlan in some of the engrave plats of Athanasios Krcers Treatine om ptin Art mapa luis et umbr (Aref Ligh 0 Shadows, 1646). A pola Jost, Kircher founded and i ested the Mascum Kicherianum in the Cllegio Romsaao in ome, wher be exhibited a election of antiques along wit levees of hs own ereston la bis description ofthe muscu (Homans eae Soon Jeu taceum clberimam, Amst thn), he wae one ofthe eavest explanations of how to pul ved we a magi lantern Axa musician, Kircher was also Interested in the propagation of sound. In bis Phonuria noe (ew Soundesat, 673) he showed intrest ia wind harp sd (he chambers, explained how to tet the power of horns, tt {Ge many deals on bow to build arow olemaing deve, Bthading megaphones withthe practical purpose of amplihing the vice through ullding, but so useful for spying In his Masui uniemals Roms 1650), the fst univers history ad Compendium of word use, oueHkatration depicts istening (Teves plugged int pana viees in the paar taken in by thehonpup tough the mouth fatatuein room om the piano rae above, lowing for bet espionage and the appearance pe mirenious event! Inspired by Vitruvius’ notes on devices found ie Homan theaters Kiccher designed resonance chambers fovnnance the volesof tector! In avlumepabilsbed by an- ser Jeni, Mario Bevin’ eneyeopedie Ari wives Pi inapnie nathenaoe (Callen of Material Gsonies, ceramic room aden camera bse: ight ie rot ‘tough small apertare in. covered window to projet mages aa vara of the oppering wll, which becomes 2 scree” ‘Tec window bas been essentially blinded, which allows oan terol” pectaceto appt!” “hikers plating ae-window eee the onions or the susie spectator. One can stare through a window at he view seein psteray without being een. The Hie ofthe madera Specuter pr that fam nloker armed with his “see” (tov one can efer toa tht has been writen on the concept Chianti gare. The word seen hough the window 38 Soin ahs no coon with he pace where the ober vente instead ofa eontnaatn here x only distance, which it “Rlertined by the fame, The onlookers gue is ayzumetsial owmuctesees without being+een-Thislackofmmety which ppeats daring the Renlance withthe v-clled “invention” Poerpetve, wil become a more and more powerful phe ooarree Dolétered by new devices such at Jeremy Benthanis Panna pi) Ye, the Albertan window ie not merely a8 evens oward an entero also defines many opposite t= UFfjute the exer andthe interior: the minted athe embrateds the vile an the invisible; the manifest and fhe hidden. Aa Wacjman pnts out, the idea of pointing ow tree ma from « rannical vine gate, “Us becom Tppte Viewer ofthe Won f word hat is become gs Wud the hndden comes the possibly forthe sximae, aterm ‘ved from the Latin tina, the eupetative of nena, which eeres what x hidden from the One's ase Intimate ¢ trons oon than priate, Privacy wis nd til i) malay edad sicunscribed yaw, isfounded on prohibition sod ‘Gets oak to pep and please, bedrest Tndiscetion determines a highly mutable terstory, one ht is iat o map. rey grein potential inuret, but when it penetrates do estietrioritbecomesntratve aviation evenarape For {Chat to let the gaeenters howe i curespondent tan tevof violence sare ili opening upthehouse asi twee body levng cotrptin eros he resold and threaten the tout inside to whichonly divine power has access. Te dangers “tindneredon are ilustested nan engraving hy Cornelius Galle, published in Jan Divi’ Heridiou Christina 600, inwhich Fuse appears the bape of uman head" The bara ae ‘might iftate tis “hoe” trough the mouth (Ih doe). the Toss aventlation porthole, or the eareand eyes (windows) ‘sla customary ia baroque emblems, ontop ofthe engraved n= es lemma, or maxi, i ascribe, warning the ener: Ad pec Inca Dispendu” (Looking doe arm othe careless person" With the body of he house threatened by Indiseeet Sinful ues, priests and morass ofl confessions ae called to protect the domes pace wth alts oping orifices tng the fominine sex, Beneath the ame sage by alle, an ep qa inserted in Latin, OM Dut, ad archaic French, ne ‘Fone avising the reader thatthe inert prying gue ea ea to cteaa death" Religious authors repeated condemnation tthe Mes wll lp daa new geography ofthe hidden, which fires 2 renewed importante t the age of naked bodies and Tends toa new ert, of wich voyeurism willbe consistent nd ace par. Aa Wagan waits, Wome speaks of voyeurism ‘tis became de ody tel conceived aa house. To Tok ‘bate trough the window aso entering forbidden bod ths performing high profabited at that yall means every chor wa tterpting to prevent."* While the ge penetrates Inside, new panei bors: 10 look The prohibition always contain its opposite-its violation, Public ana Next tothe progression of privacy, i sems necessary tf rote the origin and rationale wndelyng the delimitation Teoween public and private apheres. Wout referring tothe lengthy bistry ofits Glintation im philosophlea and legal ‘cure, one can pethape rly onthe economist and bistoran ‘Albettirechman's book Siig Inclement: Pvt Iter fut Pable Aci (98), in wich be explains thatthe tm rte was bora a2 negative concept derived Som the Latin ‘pve tha st deprive someone of something to disposes omeone of what he has. Thus pivate wat Cegative notion of {btrstion, in elation tthe postive one of public afar. the ‘ommonweath, From an httreal point of vew, privatisation tar beens ew-than-evident process. cording Hirschman. the innovative apinion that emerged beowen the sixteenth and ‘etch euriswas thatthe pursuit pit interests ‘most likely to ens &monious socal order. The English plilosopker Bernard Mandevil argued his point in bi Flef ‘he Bec, Pras, Publik Bong (), weting “Fras aaary an Pride must ve / While we the Benefits receiv * ren during the eighteenth century, a term ik happiness tl Implied pblie dimenson, In tat period, the translation of the collective imperatives of society into the practice of archi tecture wae made throgh the theory of urban beacon ce Improvement mbelisemont)-Ia reali. this notion wat mask that dssembled the changes tang pace inthe cy. “Pui thitecoretat is, buildings commissioned by the momachy~ seus prt of what historians have termed the “system of any amary mae ow an area in whih the expenditure of te king orprinee wat o be displayed, thereby demarcatinga social area fn the ey The oxtenttion of wealth, which defined the very ‘pace of ite otion, constituted what could be lle network ‘momiment, nthe eighteenth entry, ey was thought oe the mos efectve means of extsblihingorderin sci ‘Within site ofthe period, one might abserve the comgu iy of wo beterogeneoss and opposing spaces: ondely Iu and the world of indsint chao. Until the 60s, architecture linked i fleld of pplication to what was known as he “mary of decorum. Chios by contest, carateriaed the space of privte The private was segarded asa negative spate in reli tion to hay, which was the spe of publi area was publicly diplayed a specace, Lana and ehaoe established fo oppoing ayes in the cig. This wae preiely tated in ‘he aba theory ofthe dy which et out formulate a pol ‘al progr fo the “improvement” of the iy. The monument presented a spectacle, regulated by i owt loge, which cul, Inoreover, be dicate by aceite, ax derrbed in que Prange Blondels Gaur Zurcher (o7r-i7): "To the eyes of stranger and xen alk, each ofthese hulinge cut offer. thraughthei diver, the image ofthe various orders policed sate” The private wasnt administered by these he Fiesof nur. Rather, theories abot the private were based ona ‘ystem described sn testes pliabed by dhe police, incoding the Trude poti (705-1798 by Nols de La Mar. Eifoes iowa a priate buildings formed th indistinct background st ova? The erm parler was weed in eghtethocenary France to define private apace. “Private buildings” were thought to be uncontrollable ad this had tobe governed not by ach teotral, arate, or aesthetic rules, hut hy police regulations ‘The cacoura between the ow regimes war clear: publi buld- ings need few eglatons, beraeiberl as already rule them: private houses, which do not elongto the realmof arhitecare, Feuie intensive urveianee bythe polite. "Tue term pole derve from pos, the Greek word for ey However between the poi idealized i ll discussions of ac tecture and ey planning, and the suspiious and cations “Po tee who orjniad neta ndsratny through he imposition tfeinute regulstons, sme singular relations were created. ly Flunning lke sain, wo invented to bring order tothe dis- njereds The dinincton between the concepts of monumental Ghiporiulr constituted sot of archaeology of the division of thepots ino pblicand peat spaces, a division tat woul be foreflly established during the nineteenth century Framlog the Gaze We the window away performs through double ature the chloral aspetof the window s based on ned flight and ih tough doce nat alte optical we. Ht stems, however. that exept for military defense prposes, the “optical” use of svndws was not pat of architectural theory and practice, Wie Thum manana thatthe arcitestural window ilind” ath the gue a not the principal objet af arcitetre but of paint= tig, CGse" therefore implies voyearism and allots agsies) ‘Wiibut disputing och an asertin, st would be interesting Tenify whether the architectural knowlege that pie ta pal Ter age, fom the ely lian Renaissance othe baroque fevod watever ale to evade questions regarding such things eethe horton division of lar withthe plano nie, the bar tonic repetition of sedis and arches, the chee of ordre for columns or ples, and wo on. Because arcitctre be Tonge toa regime of nay hat expore itself ordetompose Atnonder on society (oth visal-testetic and raional-teci- {Rb ling are defined through thei exterior surfaces. One pene ofthe aga, ereventhe “ae” ofa building defined by André Fabien airs ora comaierable part of what presents taf 0 anyone thot looking att Sine zcitectarerefersto the image of Raman body twon be more preci to allude to visa: how thar it woul bea vsage devoid of gaze. One carrey. fee iy that rchteere “ges ack” "Guthou yes that Took, fade perced by tows of windows are ikea visage without a gze—that is de aecitetura i “Tow is blind Of eoure, one could abvays look hough he — stindow, Nevertheless, one should distinguish between 2 Tyucal window and an achiterral one, tempt pare te tho ditinetseopie regimes, and understand thee dase — Tee During the classical and modern periods, the arehtecu vMhaon often eesebled the Blind face of ower: remained ‘Mltne moreso wih te introduction ofthe gated eatin val i athe twentieth century Within areitete then 180 3P6 vr dceaboded “wubject Asow casi example of an opal Win ven Ae Hh Bo Pde ne 8 QT ibe id tured frotward through which oe inch whclehis-bound photogrpher Games Stew) hit Tepid by plaster cst an tos unable o respond = eye pafrind’ desire (Grace Kelly), uses «potent tlepote ave observe the lives of hie neighbors. eve the ubje : ‘duced to ls own eye enhanced bya prosthesis, his erg) = ‘expat in scopic plsions. net nS ee a ———— Behind the Vicorian conception of priate and publi ay topography upon which the uric existence of abalone wend Teabalds shened by avait of custodian andj vane vere the complex iter, lees that et he outa ome lenide,tn Banc, fr instance, tbe fst legal disposi that ned the soul ofthe domi was passed in. 279." Dring the ist bl of the nineteenth cet the expression allot pate if asumed it egal oa iain. The French term itzeur no longer eefered tthe interior of te thas aro col, tt what its midst, guaranteed the venation for bappiness and comfort. Nevertheless, before {onthe new medi of eommunietion—bookaepapers and vanrwinermaved into domestic paces and the tendrils of Mloneary knowledge penetrated those sedate rooms, even Be Fonte stad af technologie suc asthe telephone and eee ti Aste home became the lace of concn passions t Sherge athe fortress of English “privacy” Cr of German Ge uth), while conversely also booming lcrocosm cis “ome by mabile borders. In domestic spaces the public sed the arate cogagd in confrontations tate fate that ed te ade Gide’ famous examation in 8g “Fas ste seat Shin homes, closed door, jelous possessions of bap “Nneae* The dvidingline heteen plead private spheres Toemed an ative batleground, on that was constandlehiing pet eadjating a society's notin changed ant evolved. For eps the telephone vas peroved as an unbearable ning enti eome, while atthe sae ine ushered im personalized ra indadulined information the tees became tentacle, Today thveshola rarely eo x arir to publi pce i they eve did or are they conelvable a+ an obstaceto perme Aili, or cles tothe border eandtion, one hasta reread Grong ‘Sima sg ey “Bridge ad Door in which he asers that Fouman mtn nse by oth separation and nition.” Paradoxically human being tan inhabitant of confines, « creature ving enduringly om the fone yet, al he same ime Fetas no secur init y which enlose himself Ii the hu man prerogativetodeide, inthe fre ofmatur. whether tobond Grtocatoneself fl, arid one way of acting il always presappote the other Tis binomial entity of separtin/union is hes com pared othe ve bunks of river: separate ony tobe united by { ridg, Overeoning thie separation abridge alto symbolies the extension of man willpower in space. By spanning viaan overpans, oneness nd reconnect, what was separated A aman being abit threshold, The door fers the means to etl wthi, bot it sale what permitsone(0 step ou to cost the borde, to unset, The sedentary action of loging should mere tought without the prospect af snomadidsidgment. ‘Simmel had previously mapped repro states of unity and clusion ia hit 90 esay "The Pitre Pram: An Aestetc Study a seminal investigation ou the nature of eaming an a swore Here the rae, by the very materiality ofits border. ‘houghtaba deve hat heath work farts exlude anthing exterior while offering a conentation te iateio, The frame frantes the posit ofan autonomous existence for an rework by insribing it in a pice that wil eit the eontne- us "exosmosis" ad endostnosi” that occur ina living eel Fe Simmel, nothing ehoud battle with the secondary postion of ‘he fame ineltontothe panting: instead, everything (nate, Calor, form, and chap) should main the frame aporegon (eubordiate work or acestry. a probable echo of Immanuel ants considerations on the atatsof the artwork Gon, main ‘work Any tempt to weaken the esence ofthe fuming—by pening up the ening Border, by transforming the frame Sm buinivstta-ebt, hus wa fmt a pec of furniture, e¢ by using the shape of architectural ‘curate ido, 18D Pte ace clement (euch ae pilates or pediment) to bald the Famemis ondemned, inasmuch asi would ste ts “parergonaliy* 4 subversion or inversion of hie hierarchy coud esve from a as choice orsuatagem oF eren be the result of epee This happens beeause he frame, lke the door stated in snunstale postion, aeting aan internediay between the a work and it wuroundings-with which iti unites fom which itis separated. For Simmel, the srwork' fame isa metaphor forthe border between soa groups, thus showing tht he toe funtion of framing i "losing the object “ff again the ar Touring world and holding it together Simmel alo anal- ites the simultaneous wholeness ofa workofar Gneusve ate harmony witht surroundings) tothe difialiesenoonteed by collective soil entities whose members have the conta ‘ory aspirations ofboth elonging a group and laying claim to ‘he stats of antonomou india, Simmel ocae fer 4 comple theory ofthe passage andthe Borde tht wl ance ‘spp, suchas Georg ses, Eest Blot, an Seed Ke ‘aur, at well as Walter Beni’ work on dilctia magen ForbethSimmeland Benjamin, the border revel tuefthaagh an"in-betwee” condition. Any threshold or marginal ane Aces arelprocal tite—itooks vo mayest once Avthe end ofthe nineteenth century, with the electrificton of doses and the prokferation of telephone lines energy all ‘evaded the iterior. Teansparengy wit vot eo mich mater of ‘makinguse of metal andgltsinconstacionasitmasaquestion ofhow enezpes wold ke gure and epreented, Around 900, eer was known a te imponderabe medium tought ei sll space and o serves he vehicle for the easmiaon of ight ‘waves: inthe popular imagination, ether was synonymous wilh spac. The interior was now a ptineabl space where bodies ced within fore fies. Henceforth, achiteeure’s scope wold Za‘ Disagreeable Views Ware ferrets Pat. bane NC Glacier Window Decoration provide oth earn nd peti, becoming What i vty temed aera. In el the sures membrane oe the onan find horas a hlnceDeween rey and permeniiy that insures the conan fF ro se oh ay oma. kn 926 following ths og. Seed ‘ng pied Space as Mendrone,in whic he coneived of the beday sea uleelilar bolo space whose surfaces were se etanyhing tht woul nie the Row of metabolic et {50 arn sehierre intel the tea Y rjying nil forces auied an ethereal charter, Not yehune, “Ethernet wate mane ieatololara newer Tras) by Bob Metal at Xerox PARC Palo Ao Resear Cente) ese vention tht il gvene the os of oman aaa a ecm bodied exitenee, propagating ou hous tages devs at he planetary ee Daring the ame oat ils Deewe apron «ogee fn eeon and ferentiation fom Gabert Simondon’s seminal vost pilnopy of iene and technology which helped Moan define the notion of ody-without-organs.” On the i saan mndon's work Deleure founds theory of ini that ae ann he dui betwen trie and eterini et aoe emt malta tat the skin's wsTae is the most Pr aa eonaition, ad hat the ving ies at the ani of el foun este ehraceitc polaris are sated at he level etn ombrane, Noting that Sinondon writes an admirable Shaper on-Topolgy al Ostgeneis” Delete nit 08 ‘imraee of Simondon'sthesis: The ving being gos fom senor tobe exterior. withthe whole content fits strir senate oplogeally with dhe conten f interior spe rcataan orn a description ofthe processes of indduation sep auccete in exploring preividual satan the -pstory engarees nisl inane). Ansa ace re Smondon (and Dees), ents sable beng, bet the ent of proestes, operation, and forms confluent of di TRronal pengn hetwecn alec, percepts, ad emotions (all reihwaf sensor experience vereaintellectin per tis the very avon of it that must be questioned Accord- sng to Pra Vio in his ook The Last Dnenstan (198), i= sare no longer dined byte fades of ili, or by the rstuee of pot ofan, But hy te interface between man snd same, The pesous conception of private and ple oF the “Taeretaton beween howe ae et is replaced by 2 ew ceereni oplogy in whieh tepid of te numerical mage re vse older divisions, och aa the division of rbanplot ith weorereaponure hat cancels the sarpdstnetion between Prox iy and Stace The sty ofthe man/achine interac at lado genezaton of chipee Dothese appliances do more harm than goo Are tc cay plancng technologes—frm the Pod t wireless Inet st vise eneroppngs ofa ota pearl in he way the eee Spmed? Sate and corporate strate of coool fe vet uneynpatet bu the aro: col flr the ss ft pet nce doors preptin. On the pte si on aren avaecf videos produce cell phose cameos. Ont sede ne, duet vase tecnoloy oF mlilePOeS eerie being aveewelied Wy anus stacks, Gre! = on bern achieved by portable aio contraptions nash hymnal sono tat are ey oe to wat 12 aE ong ale and preps, Headphones ave rested ec a aeaery universe which sound tery moves hog weedy, Neveteles, the enactment ofa. anor pain: saat offers he ingredients fr confit, « batground on tah cond, ie, and nee wil tgp Peas us tthe rena scoped eguete roaring is we, te tecblogy crest phones exasperaticgy obliges everyone oT 8 rate chateria pbc aces, A Miche Ball te," Meb arcs ea ase pit confounding th epeetion op end pe apheres and our aig snd en contain) wassup to them. Accordingly. the only defense agsast verpeinnot sence but more ole Furthermore, beaut dig aarreund technologies are becoming more and more reali vara opaes are increasingly vied into utp seeing snd wating modules * Tike ven of aio devices, one must acknowledge thet AP plevifo theft ell costae fon of he tent ik reun,Not ony isthe devia of the Pod refined ad sil cea plmindedbut the see iterate sore H+ 7eR amare. A successor to Sony Wala, thle ssh deve of feet sone crested by he personal pal fits dee eaten, verhnolgyaeuire magia toh, placig 8 aa gil word in ones hand Wale carrying thei own pet vr kkebos weer arevrrounded by entelopigacoutics ad ‘ere hail trogh he space ofthe cy. wrapped in thir atta bubbles. While one i continual asad yo, ‘he poraiemplemesteretes2 ble one of msn a Peary.” Nomadic device are te suppor of ue way fi sry oe endowed wih acnating fe of heir own, probably mee etme te contour four epic spheres unnlng ‘ernie bebody isthe manna fr echnoogea carration, From Kircher resonating devies to Hermann 8, eentand pipes of sound # Thomas A- Edison’ phono dap tis pooble thee be achaology fhe iv a ching day satchitecturaacoustiesand aio devices A scan HeLa was right 0 ell media the exensions of hue nervous sen alba be was not aware ofthe vipa research hat was ovestigated in Cart Lig pegaph God prasare), ienneIles Mary* sph rp pus), Hermann von Heol physiology of eee earn Angelo Monae egograph nucle’ work). or haces fees graphical representation of the phenomenon of pyeho” ertadoction For instance, Fee, colleague ofthe neurolo fut Fam-Marin Cars, conducted exerinente om Bumsn i ne inwhich he measured physnagcl espotc various reece of emulation andthe attempted to quan the relative come or weaknes of dyaamogeic or sibitory elec Most vrrrtat re his optical experiments, in patel thor l¥~ tng cor. Fallowing the graphical metbod of Mary's pA A Sannin Peres ymamogeapsareeriene ofhow visa Seyeremations bee the abtrac aguante eons ne bady ar composite st of physical astems:"Whea 37s fred ight strike our eye, our entire body ses re. asa erate eustionsprove™ Overcoming any patra funtion on weak te pa ofa larger instunental reloation of Thon fom a disembodied nd punctual system of mage 19 2 ‘replay of ores and motor rections. Scing shied to vereneey nenopsical terrain The tina i compounded wih emramote ymem tiggeed externally Senstion and moe: saan tenome angle even. teresting, redrich Niece vaevn eared reader of Fev’ work In The Wie Power bean Triage tates nate wart: "One mut think of thi ery ta compulsion and geo get of the eaberanee SF innercanon through musa activity and movements ofall caenn then nvounttycordiaton etween hiamavement ‘Ride pmceeeswiin Guges thought desre)o Kind Taatewatiom af the whole near este impelled by 05 Stal romthin. Brey inner movement feclng. a, ‘fle is companied by atulr changes and consequeiy by ‘hanger nolo, temperature and secretion: ‘oa the tecnologia and sensory transformations of ele tronic medi, probably thoee concerning sound are the mot cea o balance the hypertrophy ofthe ee one has to reall ‘he dsembodiment of ear and vee. Sound recording reyes ‘Tution 2 fourth dimension tat the visual ete do no te ‘Trnore sound events regute kind of inscription that ac The wera flow ® Whether one is concerned with the via ‘pe ease th digi tis possible to draw a chart of our ve cnvrorment This woud ically relocate the window ‘ornoe fom a plist question 0 the ream of he = “Trop. However. our digi words eulors and the to ‘jeaytive domains ae ured, Fim, telephony. pong Fh tlernon andthe inefae with compar eee oe all ae etd pychotechnical practices. Nomadic devices offrng portable sudo capabilities ep remap theif he ble and the private Monaseet saree consivance of rie ae sedutvely liv ody. seething the contours our egotsc phere, As uch these Persie poral erica deeply tno our wy off The ucopher Ja: Tosa Déstteexvisons three mail tgs vee process of such fechoologial mutations phaset which tre ubeled weer headings dafine bythe work of thes major vrcnith-cetury thinker: Benji, Fooeal, and Detox.” Thethece paradigms conse, reepetvey, in the prstheti de ete contol regione andthe nomadiflow.Noneof them hat Teheonoloidl existence or explanation), nor do they show ay ‘iptenn,dachrone logic; simply. they cnet in ob poste opian sce. ‘ror mith Benjamin one comes to gripe with theory ofthe apart and euipmen photo and ines. which exposes peerine cameraman pts biel inthe postion of x sgeo0, lech ne both operators implement practices that are OX epmuly dave the nature of prosthticequpment. For Ben~ Jean, wr with Dia ero’ Man wit «Move Comere (929), Tae agian maintains the natural distance between hinsell tthe geron treated. The nurgon dons xsl the revere ie peay diminishes the distance from te patient y penta. tng patients ody.» Magan eo surgeon as pn 6 soe pematgraphe. The pier maintains in bisworks natal “Tntance from resi. whereas the cinemaograpber penetrates ply tot isu. Feces fey in film ‘teonpaaliythemaresgicntfor pple fide. sine rods te ppmen fraps ely they rented io demand fom areotk afer ond doees precelyon the bass othe most inesioe See nupenaran ofr with quip" Today he appara rey the artist Hines Inte—bis lating Bye (2000) oft ce sttionof sucha protheticextensonof he ye Trane second place, Focal’ theary of the device (ipo up aed Jromy Bean's Pasopticon a is ame, 20d Sve ated te rls of sion andthe eines vial fares parol, ulmately confronting one with a archaeology of ropa window which permit the aiclaton of to Bet ogeenun neve at of owl ee) in the soi aa eod that of power Gouri)” More recent in Whats An pprana? Giorgi Amen demontated tht the const of reser apparatus) belongs ote field of economy i the Ar sfetlan sae one that was appropriated by early Catholics sae colette, For Agamben aparas (cdg c- ‘Honor eraner prison orevencell ones leds toaproceit vivnesonble uations “Apparat... frtofallamachine ‘Tar peeducs ajetfstions and onl ax much aoa m- thine of rverance™® "Thnk ln comers of desiring machines and of nomadic ds ution are define by Deleue (vith Rel Guata she fs ren caper weve of AThousond Rota. Nomadic bets rrotfce te room wross “on-triste,”enooth spaces, whee spre arial iit o buries ave been potied on the nd. The Uberation of fags and low movement et ri one to eat theo audeeape and open up a new tery “Theveinoldebjcethitiecllpee Moreover the nomadie rea Toten 4 high-apeed condition, evenif en remains moton- rr Terhape he best example of roche nota condition wat topo te 1g aston Deg fr Tito Kamad Women a ttoxoae fn 985) With Ro, Tran literally ends 103 pen f microchips Inthe"med fret" Por Dee, “No easveuec ayes the mid. (hey have neler Past 206 Ferre tey hae only comings.» Nomads have no history hey ony ave ergy Any emp 08 EERE Sa arp ats, ales planeta arene and, nsorming topographic 24 dhe te of netwosk tren topoogil: ee re ohana 1) Fix Guna eee omting fur oslo! “tion Ps te Toa nether a EB PS Fe engin ani) after a) TA, ‘mmarated te inerecton ab the asal* Jt te posse, ad they are opal of aod ss beeen tel and machiie Pelt sormpex rest cna ogre aes Tes ne oe coin (ad rei Tees sree a cron (12 Topi spe teme, Con a comegend oregano PS fence my, sncrprel complet, Ae machine actin and hon Sarin, PSE i uni of Simondon a Dele, Cuter a anne eprationof"eterogenei) SDA Son ne nth oman of longa) oO i hi book Gasmons (952, Cats rar the concept of machnicheterogenesi: "Beneath the diversi tf benga no univocal onfalegel plat is given, rather thee {a plane of machine ntrfcee. Being eptlizs through 8 fnftity of enundaive assemblages asoiting actaite, di Cotsive component (ateral and indicative utes, machine Pyle) with non-dvcrsve, vital eomponents incorpo Universe and else Tersitris) "Focus refer to fe tions that are “fanetve™Gotherneclogim, whlch indiestes components of futons). Gusta eontinie: In oder to eas op itr bridge ete Bee tual und vital futons (oncteur) se ae i thine io pestle he exten ofa deterinisichaoe tnimeted yf ois, sou is chaos that Complescompsiions hich arecopaof ring sloued dum in energetic sptia-teporl coordinates oe ‘gor opens conte hems... By mang ox trbages of enunciation open. haotcly dewrmind, the concatenation ofthe four onli funcions (oneteare) of Unvene, machove yim. ur and “etry, presenta progmatiproesuliy = Dislasingll universalist vison (eyberuetis, for inane), attr hypothesisof production bine. lnguage a hk, Sind a on presents an interesting tempo preserve in every dial the insect td the uncertainty that hares eration la ths concept of ration, the mathe is onl red nal ts lil levels, be they selene, theoretical. se ‘hese or informational. Thi eo longer univers or systemic tacos, but a multiple of partial sbjecvies reveled foauiteofbetergenesis.The we of schoperatrsimpliesan ‘tla! and politcal position, beoase these operators reform fate a possible pace nthe domain of lets, preps cepts Heterogenesi provides an explanation forthe complex

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