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Conflict and


Organisational conflict

Organizational conflictis a state of

discord caused by the actual or perceived
opposition ofneeds,valuesandinterests
between people working together.

Types of conflict
Intrapersonal conflict.
Interpersonal Conflict.
Intragroup conflict.
Intergroup conflict.
Inter organisational conflict.

Organisational Culture
Basically, organizational culture is the personality
of the organization. Culture is comprised of the
assumptions, values, norms and tangible signs
(artifacts) of organizations members and their
For example, the culture of a large, profit
corporation is quite different than that of a
hospital which is quite different than that of a
You can tell the culture of an organization by
looking at the arrangement of furniture, what they
brag about, what members wear, etc.

Key Characteristics of Corporate Culture

Innovation and Risk Taking: The degree to
which employees are encouraged to be
innovative and take risks.
Outcome Orientation: The degree to which
management focuses on results or outcomes.
Team Orientation: The degree to which work
activities are organized around teams rather
than individuals.
Aggressiveness: The degree to which people
are aggressive and competitive rather easy

Some Types of Organizational Culture

Authoritarian Culture
There is centralization of power with the leader and obedience to orders
and discipline are stressed. Any disobedience is punished severely to set
an example to others.
Participative Culture
Participative culture tends to emerge where most organizational
members see themselves as equals and take part in decision-making.
Mechanistic Culture
The mechanistic culture exhibits the values of bureaucracy.
Organizational jobs are created around narrow specializations and
people think of their careers mainly within these specializations. This
sort of culture resists change and innovation.
Organic Culture
In this case, authority hierarchy, departmental boundaries, rules and
regulations, etc. are all frowned up. The main emphasis is on task
accomplishment, team work and free flow of communication.

Toxic Culture

As with all kinds of humanconflict, we know

workplace conflict is fully engaged when
clashes between people stimulate complex
feelings associated with fear, anger and
sadness. Toxic cultures evolve in
organizations where such negativefeelings

Problems concerned with

organisational culture and conflict

Organisational cultures where conflict is

ignored or poorly managedexperience
higher levels of absenteeism, accidents,
lowered productivity, turnover, grievances,
anxiety, depression and dissatisfaction.

Vital Culture

When acknowledged and managed adeptly,

workplace conflict can be used to promote
collaboration, adaptability and growth. As
individuals and groups successfully resolve
their conflicts they become more self and
socially aware and work together more
harmoniously and more productively. Vital
cultures rest on these characteristics.

Creating a vital culture

Commit to Centering Passion Around
Achieving a Noble Purpose
Commit to Generating Positive Energy
Centered Around Well-Being and
Commit to Building the Collective
Social and Emotional Intelligence
Within the Workplace

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