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Sachin Bhalerao
Research & consultancy cell
ToThe Honourable Chairman
JDIT yavatmal
Subject: Extremely important
for JDIT


Proposal- JDIT Advanced diploma

qualification. (Autonomous).
Expected outcomes- Higher employability of JDIT graduates International
acceptability in LNG, LPG, Refineries, Process plants, petrochemical plants, Steel,
and power generation industries across the world Increased flow of engineering
graduates from across India will affect engineering degree admissions.

Honourable Sir
I would like to present an extremely important and valuable proposal that is
expected to enhance and diffuse our reputation in state of the art competency
based training and assessment system.
I am extremely happy to propose the idea of starting an advanced diploma of
duration ranging from 3 months to 6 months after graduating the engineering
degree and a post diploma qualification for the polytechnic passout technicians.
These comparatively short courses will boost the progress of JDIT .
I feel lucky to bring to your notice that recently I got opportunity of discussing
the above idea with an expert of the field who recently returned (for good) from
abroad and has excellent long experience. Since this expert fortunately belong to
our city Yavatmal, I think his services in this regard will ensure the success of this
We can extend our reputation as an Institute having higher employability in
national as well as international industrial sectors.
My best suggestion would be to invite proposal from the above said expert and
get the proposal evaluated from reputed Process plant such as Reliance (for
example), once we receive positive comments from such private reputed
industries we can proceed with applying the idea of this promising, value adding,
autonomous, qualification.
I hope this idea will certainly affect our progress positively.

Dr S. V. Bhaleroa
R&D cell

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