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Project: uniCenta oPOS v3.

Topic: Locales
Author: Jack Gerrard
Date: 5th April 2014
Acknowledgement: The content of the language/Locale files are compiled from the
efforts of
Openbravo, Openbravo POS Community Members and uniCenta, and we appreciate and
acknowledge everyone who has contributed to making this distribution possible.
All files, including these Locale files, are made available under the GPL v3 Lic
ense and within those terms must be passed on to any person who requests them
Please refer to Locales Guide for installation details.
uniCenta oPOS supports 15 languages.
English UK is the default language set.
Not all locales are completely translated
The locale files shipped with this version of uniCenta oPOS are the latest at th
e date of this release.
Latest locales can be found here:
Application Locales (Default): is the Java generic message file is relevant to the data interface - no longer used (ex-Openbravo POS) is the MAIN application label and Messages file
Each report has a .properties file associated with it.
You will find the files in the uniCenta oPOS installation folder in the
1. Copy the locale you need from the language sub-folder \locales\languagename
into the \unicentaopos\locales parent folder
2. Copy the content of reports folder from the language sub-folder
\locales\languagename\reports folder into the \unicentaopos\reports folder
3. Set the uniCenta oPOS Configuration>Locale to your required language

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