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Think About It!

What do you know about camels?
How big do you think is a camel?

Lets Read and Learn!

There are two species of camels:
the dromedary or Arabian
camel and the bactrian
camel. Camels can grow to be
213.36 centimeters tall at the
hump. The hump can be 76.2
centimeters tall and they can
live from 40 50 years old.
Camels are herbivores because
they live in the desert.

Vocabulary Words

dromedary camels with single hump

The dromedary camel can drink plenty
of water in just few minutes.
bactrian camels with two humps /noun/
Bactrian camels live in Central and
East Asia's rocky deserts.
hump hunch , a rounded mass /noun/
There are humps on the road..
herbivores an animal that eats plants only
Rabbits and hamsters are herbivores.
desert wilderness /noun/
Its hot in the desert.


What are the two species of camels?

2) Where do camels live?


Why is a camel herbivores?


Have you seen a camel before? If yes,


2) What do you think about camels?


Do you think camels are nice? Why or

why not?

4) What do you think camels eat?

5) Are camels scary animals? Why or why

If you saw a camel in front of your

house, what would you do?

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