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(GENERALINFORMATION ‘Kayces Rotary Switches re manufactured in accordance wih te last engnessing ppactces. These are quarantzed for optimum perfomance and moat fe arduous Insti appieatns Desioned for ON LOAD Swechiag,Kaycwe Rotary Switchesare hand operated, assembled on packet pincile giving coice of mlgositon and ‘mulipiecrcuts, ‘Kayoes Rotary Swtches we used for Makng- Breaking and isolation of powercrcuts and switching of auslary circus Keyeee Rotary Switches conform to Defence and \vatous reevantspecficaions. The present range covers standard Rotary Switcies ‘upto 600 amps. /440 vols. AC or AC/DC Swthing, ‘Switctes ‘or custom bul switching to cent ccmplx creuits are supplied against specie requrements. i designs, dimes ' wocrange ‘GUARANTEE Kayeoe Rotary Sitch ae guarantoed against manufacturing elects and/or talty ‘Workmanship. Ths. quranes fs resticied only to the repat or replacement of Grey ftshpat with acylcindcatng late Y>- Yelow sh pate with acryicnaicating pate. 1) Liming Mechanism Switehing meverentcanbe lite ta two or more pesitens andblockee between any agjacentpasiton, {8) Cote Ret. -tor¢ postin ited TA - Indicates swtchlimied 3 operating positions TB - Indicates swichimed to 2 operating positions. TC - Indicates swtchiimiedto between norral positions. (0) Code Ret. Fors pesitin switen TA - Indicates swtchimied 3 operating postions. TC - Indicates swichbetwees normaipostions. TD - Indicates swich4 operating postion. TE - Indicates switch’ operating postions. ‘Example: SRP 1817A/MB/TEQ/LG1/GC Explanation: $-ndieatos AConly RP-back panel fashmounting 1 Rating, Dames. 8-No.ofpees 17 No.of aes ‘A-Two way withoutott MB-Maka beforebreakcortact TBS-Blockedindrd&tnpasiton {LG} -Levertyprioc, lockable poston 1 ‘G0- Grey spate wih acrylic inca plate ard rome plated ockable hale, ‘MECHANISM CODE TC agi ‘4 Posmon swirci pat CODE TD Mom +m srosmonswnen |“ 93" ‘CODE TE ws oe Fotary Switches o 10,16 and 25 amperes, 4 positon, tte on mex page, ae wit sfantardswchng sequences vp to 4 poles. Mul - pole switches are offered on request, TRE Open exeution withoat any enclosure, ‘DESIGN: ‘Ar break wiping contacts (OosbleBreak) sve plated. setlatgin, RATING: 10-16-25 amperes for working vltapeo 250 or 440for AC or AC/DC swtchng. SPECIFICATIONS: Rotary Switctes conform to IS: 13947 (Part ang Partl)/1£99 and alsoto BSS and Defence Speciation, (MECHANISM: Show Break -priceipaly for A switching ony. Quick Make Break-pincbally for DC ‘withing Asofor AC when exsy andquick actions necessary. ‘wouTinG: Far Switches lush at he backot anal meunting pec SRPor SRPM fo: ACandAP ‘OF RPM for AC/DC. For swans hush athe rot of panel mounting specty SBC or SSBCN forAC and e BEM for AC/OC ‘OPERATING HANDLE: ob wing ype of backcolaur/redcokut (OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES: ‘Aselection of accessoriss and attachrrents from 2 wite varity i avalabe, vz. andes, Detachable Handles Inscatng Plates, Genre Key Locks, Gabice Door Interlock, Lockable -Nor-Lockatle, PadLocaingete, Detaisavalable on request. Inis recommended tat Swiches with roe but up shoul have lever hand & Lockable Swiches wih ge buitupshouidhaveLG Lock MECHANISM LOCKABLE TYPE ACCESSORIES IWoIcaT PLATE a f r wv LEVER TYPE HANDLE [=| a lee ame 7X73, PALL HANDLE ROTARY SWITCHES 10-16-25 Amperes 4-Position 90° PANEL MOUNTING lee DC WITH LARGE CENTRE KEY LOCK DOOR INTERLOCK LOCABLE TYPE sy Leven Hannu (wovcarine PLATE SWALL SHROUDING PADLOCKING ROTARY SWITCHES 10-16-25 Amperes 4-Position 90° STANDARD SWITCHING COMBINATIONS Suitable for Mounting Flush atthe Back of Panel Single Phase - 250 Vots (1 & 2 Poles) ‘Three Phase - 440 Volts (3 Poles & above) (Working Voltage 250 to earth) 7a Ce = == | SaPTi2 SRP? «628 | SPDT SRNZIS | 2296 mom] 2 | = = | SePi23SRPNI2D | zB SkPzzs SRD | (abe 2 3 | Sapte 28 | SaPImat “4 SRPMEa7 8 eS! 4 | seus 34 | Samia 2 SRPMS 8 Two way 1 > “= SAPHIGA—SRPWTISA 22/45 |SRPZIZA—SRPNRTIA | 2298 No OFF 2 sz SAPI25A—SRPWIZ5A USE| SRZaASRPNCAIA | 342 | SRPISTA 48 sapnraza ee SRPMZI7A 68 A ee eee | Senzien ot TWOWAY oF | ot = <= | spas srewrios | 205 | snezise —snpwerse | sasa wror py) 2 ~— = | sapi2se —srwizso 4/52 SRezaypSRPNOIEE | Sad ee ee & smeucsie8 116 8 J) 4 | sete 58 SRPMI49B a = : qwnes way (ORY = = | sapiigc — smPwiise 2/98 | shpz1sC—SRPNOTSC | a4 WHHOF 51) 2 ~~ | SaPI268 © SRWiz6C ve «SRPZANG_—SAPWONSC | SAA I 3 | srPnae¢ 58 SRpIn3BC | SRPMataC 116 lc | 4 | sree 78 sapamaizc 10 | sf FOURWAY 4 1 _ =~ SAPT130_—-SRPMII3D_—— 7295 SRPDNSD = SRPMOISD «(34/52 NOOF goa) 2 = = | SAPI260 — SRPWI26D | aqyen | SRp2z90 seeMaas0 | SHOE { 3 saPi390 38 SaPIgBD 4 ‘SRME3190 M6 o 4 | siete 79 | SAPHtsi20 108 - OFF-OV + |= =) ene rent 1628 | P23 RPMONS 2298 2 Reizs Read 22/86 P25 PMZes we 3 ReMiaa 4) Resa 4 Romias 52 | RPuaaraM wowaY 1 RENISA.RPMTSA wm pis PNAS 22138 No oFF 2 ROIZ5A._APNIIZEA We | RP225 RPNz2s ws 3 ROMISBALML 76 RPuRseu % A 4 REMATONLM. 92 Rewaerowtw 2_| Two WAY 1 e108 APATSB 226 | npe1saAPNR1SB wise (WITH OFF 2 a fp CRPI25B RPMI25B 3452 RP2O1DG/LM RPMZ2I08LM G02 3 | REVEL | 52 Rowigeen 76 RPuerOwLN 14 5 4 | Revaopum | 64 | peatogiM se = Z vReeWAY (OF) - = | reac RpMni3c 2719 | Rpaisc PAIS 452 WITH OFF 3: 2 om cy | R128. RPMtasC 46/68 RP290 PNAC 64/2 : 3 | ReraiocuM | 64 RpMStaciM so” RPMestaci 14 c 8 | rmtaracim | 82 | pewnatscam 16 _ FOUR WAY 1 = RPTNGO PATIO 22/93 | -RP2ISD §=—-RPM2150 wise NOOFF 2 = RPIZTOAM. RPNIZTOM | 4563 | Aooi00 APMZZI0D «| «WSR 3 | Retsr00uM Fewisioo.M se RPwst4n/LN ve D 4 | Revag0uM | a2 | ReMa1a01M ite = 7 NOTE: Sify code LW denotes Large Mechanism (40-69 AMP) » For ater dimensions refer separate dimension sheet «Indicate pats square size 15275 or Sd ses nd 10 ave wih acento ag thn - Lave an + Sige andDowble Pls Switches arate 250. trequiea for 440V nc ‘468 nent fer ewitheeoqureé wih Gny and Back Knob. Aral af€ YR alow and ed nob ‘either codes are not specified, then we shall took orcer with GB. SPRING RETURN SWITCHES 404/230 AC or 30A230V DC RPMEST/TBSPAM MOTE: Switches wih ther sequence on request. ‘NO.OF RATING ‘SWITCH TYPE = DM ae ous: REFER ORG. NO, 2 | TSWROVACorsA230V0C | RPIQIRTARPRILM = 41 | SWLCABt 2 -2ON230V AC or 15A/230V DC RPMI23R/TA/PRM 35 ‘SW-C-2405 4 | 2OW2G0V AC TSA30V00 | RPMGABRTAYPAM = 56 | SvL-G-2405 | 4 | danza acer saazaov0c | RPMeABWTAMPRM 87 | SWC-2AI5 1 | TSN230VAGorsW230V0C | SRPIISBTAVPRMLM 41 | SW-C-1631 2 | TSNBIOVACorsw250V0C | SRPIZSBTAYPRMILM 57 i | 2ON230V AC or 1SAZ30VDC | RPMSMSBTANPAM 35 2 | Bowzmvac er t5w290V00 | REMEOSBTAYIPAM 56 3 | 2owRmV Acer 1SArza0V0C | ROMERTETAYPAM = 78 4 | 20N290V AC or 188/230V DC | _RPMS49B/TA3/PRM 7 + | 2owasovacer 15a230v 00 | RPMSI2TBSPRM 25 3 MOTOR CONTROL SWITCHES ON LOAD SWITCHES ‘as per 1S 13947(Part! & Part Ill) 1993, AC -23A & 238 ‘Nominal Current ‘Switch type for TP. (Meckaniem | Rating in Ams. “Panel Mounting 16 ‘SHiae ‘Seo ‘e aontaa one 25 SOG Soom ao BHM Soom 63-2140) Seem Soom 63-1040) ower ove 10" (2x60) Scio ove i09 scioat ove am Scat one a0 Scoot ove 0 Scioar ove 50 Scs037 ove en scs0ar one a0 *esed a1, Foal, Mura, 500 + aid 6 in coe fr wes quid wit Sr) FRand lack ooh. Aaa ade Yor Yow ard Ret oc Aire exo arent speci. ten we sal 00k or wn ‘SQM Siow leak Guck Make Nechanism QM Quick Make and Break Nectanism RECOMMENDED H.P RATING OF DC ROTARY SWITCHES as per IS 13947(Part | & Part Ill) 1993, DC - 22 & 228 0 PIs ons 16 RPMT34 one 5 ReNz37 one 40 ReMca4 one 63 RPMES7 one 100 cross one 200 2034 ou 300 x03 one 400 cos? aus 50 037 one 600 sos? one OMB Quick Make and Break Mechanism aaeeeseces 25 5 4 8 6 2 10 20 20 40 5 7m 60 10 90 190 10 an 150 300 160 300 on L-2, 2-82, 19-02 ‘Sta 48:6, (Of peston SRPUTSIOAK oa Led late, ce Ucz81 — ‘ie Lraatzaais.ae A-B:C; 2 speed ‘RP1990C : 38 som on Cont SRPUISIPC 15 4 i 2lowspied —L1-A3.L2-83, 13-08 (Ohalinde St) ‘sRPUSSIPO 75 7 a on of — “Fgh Speed 1-82, 2-2, 13-02 3-83.09 “ye bined trent nui win Gey Fan Bic ao. toma a YR oro ar ed Kok ‘eer codes are not specie, hen we Sa book oer wh GB. ROTARY SWITCHES 10-16-25 Amperes 6 & 8 Position Rotary Switches of 10,16 and 26 amperes, Gand & Postion iste ore with standard swiching Sequences upto 3 mutipcles. Open execution without any endosure. ‘Ai break wiping contacts (Double Break), siver plated, self aligning, RATING: 10-16-25 amperes for workng volage of 250 or 440 for AG switching only. ‘SWITCHING ANGLE: 6 Poston - 60° 8 Postion -45° ‘SPECIFICATIONS: Rotary Switches corform to iS: 13947 (Part Land Part it) /1993 and algo BSS and Defence Specifcatons. MECHANISM: Slow teak - Principal for AC switching only. MOUNTING: 6 Position - Univesal 8 Fosion - Back o Pana OPERATING HANDLE: Knob (wina type) of Black colour Red colour OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES: ‘A Selection of accossovies and attachments fram a wie vary is available, viz Handle, Detachable Handles Indicating Pate - Details avalabio on request. (woicaTinG PLATES ‘The size ol Indicaling Paes for 8 positon & 8 postion in 95mm x 95mm : g bas snouaaa2 + Aid GB in coc fo switches equie vith Grey FP and Black Koh Aenatvely ad YR for Yew FP and Fe Kod. ele codes are not specie, te we sal wok order wit 6B, INSTRUMENT SELECTOR SWITCHES 10 Amperes otary Selector Switnes are sutate tor nsrumes ike Ammeters, Vets, Power Factor Meters etc. The design enables to indicate by means of e single ‘ete the cures rte vatages. Ammeter Selector Switches are provided with ‘make - before - break contacts io ve security against risk of open ercut ofthe current transformer secondaries. Listed telow are standard switctes. TPE Openexezuton without any enclosure. DESIGN: ‘Arbraak wiping contact (Double Break) siverpated, set alga. RATING: ‘amperes fr working voltage of 250 040 for AG ruts ony, MECHANISM: ‘Slow. Break principally for AC switching ony. ‘wounria: ForSwitchesfus athe back of ane! mauningspesity SRP forswiches atthe frontof panelbase mounting specify SBC ‘OPERATING HANDLES: ‘nob (wing ype) of Black/Red colour AMIMETER SELECTOR ‘SPECIFICATIONS: Fotary Sweches conferm 18: 13947 -1908 and also Defence Specifoations. ‘OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES: ‘ndeatig Paes for hese swiches wit standard markings as shown below, a ‘SWITCHING omy Curent each pase oF ‘wth OFF 4 postions 99" ho al Indicating plat size 78 x78 mm SRP 1SSMABO “@ CCurentn each phase andleaskage or out of talaace curent with OFF 6 postions 60 Indicating pat size 95x 95 mm SRPI143ME42S Curent each phase and netral and loackage curtent with OFF6 postions 60, Incicating plate size 95 x 95 rom sa, sAPI21OMAS Votage between phase and neutral wih (OFF 4 postion 90° | Ingicaing plat ske 75 x75 mm * SAPIBSS Votage between pase and net with (OFF 4 postion 90" Indicating pat size 75 x75 mm ls © 9} z SAPTISBETB ‘Votiage between prases and between phase and neutral without OFF 6 rosifons 60 Indcatng pate size 95x 95 mm ray zo | as SRPISTSV Wr oe switch to inde, wih one ‘Ammeter one Vetieter Simultsneous a ‘eating of phase current & Votage ho fl between phases wih an OFF posfon ’ Incicating pat size 75 x75 mm saPratoMB2s line witow CTs ho al Indicating pate size 78 x 75 mm 4 Pos, Ameete sleior switch Direct in * ° SAPIONAZZFN2 Aid 6B in coc tor switches equi vith Srey FP and Black Krob, Atonatvely ade VR for Yow FP and Res Kod. ‘either codes arenot specie, ten we sal took ver wih CB, ROTARY SWITCHES 40-63 Amperes 4-Position 90° Rauary Switcies of 40 ~ 63 amperes, 4 Poston, Histed on rext page, are wit sandard swicing sequences upto 4 oles. Multi - pole switches ae offrec on request. TRE Openxeeutan wthost any enclesure DESIGN: ‘Ar break wiping contzcts (Double Break sive plated, se align, RATING: 49-63 anpees for workng voltage of 250 0440 or AC of AC/DC switching, ‘SPECIFICATIONS: Rotary Sites conform to: 19847 (Part ang Part) /1989 and alsot0 BSS nd Defence Spectcatons. MECHANISM: Siow Beak principal for AC switching ony, Ouick Make Break-pincaly for 1G ‘svtoing. Also fer AC wen easyancquick actions necessary. MOUNTING: ForSwitehngflsh atthebackof panel mounting, spcitySRPM or AC orRPM fer AGIDC. Far swtcbes atte tr of panel basemaunting spect SBCM Tor AC ‘orBCM for AC/DC. ‘OPERATING HANDLE: nb wing pe) of Bick Red clou. ‘OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES: ‘selection of accessories and attachrrents from 2 wite varity is vale, viz. Hands, Detachable Handles, Indicating Puts, Cenre Key Locks, Cubicle Door Interocks, Lockable -Nor-Leckable, PadLockng etc. Detaisavalable on Request £ BASE MOUNTING CENTRE KEY LOCK ACCESSORIES DOOR INTERLOCK NOW LOCABLE TYPE INDICATING PLATES @ om = rm | Lever TYPE HANDLE 7 Pao woking Leven Manone {LARGE SHROLOING é REMOVABLE KNOB ‘STANDARD SWITCHING COMBINATIONS. ‘Suitable for Mownting Flush atthe Back of Panel SINGLE PHASE.250 VOLTS (1 & 2 Poles) THREE PHASE-440 VOLTS (3 Poles & ove) (Working Voltage 250 to earth) Swircit SwrTcHING 40 AMP AC S3AMP.AC > IG spi — ———— — { iz “Wee, ~ OMY “We DML. orr-on a 1 sapusta 6 snows 36 2 /SRPN323 36 /SRPN625. 56 3 ‘SRPNS34 48 /SRPN637 76 4 _SRPM345_ 56. _ SRPN649_ 97 TWO WAY. 1 ‘SRPN313A 35. SRPN613A, 35, NOOFF 2 ‘SRPN325A_ 56 ‘SPRME25A 56 A 3 ‘SRPM337A 16 ‘SPRME37A 76 (S 4 Srenion a” SPRNGLOA a TWO WAY 1 ‘SRPN3138 35 ‘SRPN615B 56 WITH OFF z ‘SRPM329B 56 ‘SPRM629B 7 3 5 SRengsr8 78 Srrvesi93 4 S038 @ SenNest7B i Tee wa i saPusiae 8 sawoT86 3 wi ore 2 rmzs0 oe Srevseac Ea ° i snpuaane o prestsc a t smPusai2c 12 Sentieui70 a roun war 7 1 saPusta0 % saps se hoor vee 2 SRD Fe srt or D a ‘SRPN339D 7 ‘SPRN6313D_ 137 a 4 ‘SRPM3412D_ 127 ‘SPRN6417D Ww p AC/DC 63 AMP.AG/DG » ‘SWITCHING 40 AMP AC/DC i =) ( a = PE _ IM. “TRE DML orr-ow m7 1 2 ewes a 2 res so i % rw? % i % meso o Two wav 1 2% remersa 3 Noor 2 se PMSA 5 A 3 a rear 6 4 7 RPME49A, a7 TWO WAY. 1 35 RPME15B 56 WITH OFF 2 56 ‘RPME29B 7 B 3 76 RPME313B 137 4 a = THREE WAY 1 36 RPME15C. 56 WITH OFF 2 66 RPME290 7 c 3 7 /RPMESTIC 137 a a | ™S a 1 cc 56 2 66 7 i 3 ewest20 3 4 127 - - NOTE ; For other dimensions efr separate cimension sheet. rele codes ane specif, ten we sal book order wi GB. cicating plates square size $5 x 5 mm for standard svitches & aso for swiches with Locks & nterocks ‘At GI incode for shes required wh Grey FP and Sack Krob. lemately add YR fr Yew FP ané Ret rob. ROTARY SWITCHES 100-600 Amperes Rotary Sitches of 100 -600 amperes, «Postion, Rte ove, are wi siandard Sitting sequences upo4 poles Mult -poleswichus are ofered onrequest TYPE: (Open execution without ary enclosure DESIGN: Aicbreak wiping contzcs(DoableBreak) sve plated self aging. RATING: 100, 00,30, 400,500 and 600 amperes forworkingvokage of 2500440 for AC oF AC/DC swtching, ‘SPECIFICATIONS: Rotary Switches conform to SS : 19947 (Pat | and Part) /1893 for short cicuit cnditonsand alsa to8SS and Delence Specitcatns, MECHANISH (hickMabe Breaklor AC-as wellas DCswiching, MounTiN: Universal mounting or Base and panel Specify $CforAC and Cf, OPERATING HANDLE: Lover ypemetale handle painted black for svtehesup 2dices. Above 3 sizes al switches ae proved wth Capsian ype handle, 100 Amp Light duty switches are sipped with back/redkaob OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES: A selection of accessories and attachments fam « wide vary is avaible, vz Hance, Icicating Plates, Centre KeyLocks, Cudcle Ooo Inerocks, Lockable -Non- Locka tc. Detalsavalableon aquest. ‘DOOR INTERLOCK NON-LOCABLE TYPE. ‘DOOR INTERLOCK NON-LOCABLE TYPE 100 AMP. LIGHT DUTY ACCESSORIES INDICATING PLATE LEVER HANDLE INDICATING PLATE 178 X 178 mm FOR (CKL) CAPSTAN HANDLE: ROTARY SWITCHES 100 Amperes Light Duty 4-Position 90° ‘STANDARD SWITCHING COMBINATIONS Sulape for Mounting Flush a te Back ot Panel SINGLE PHASE-250 VOLTS (1 & 2 Pos) ‘THREE PHASE-140 VOLTS (3 Poles & above) (Working Votage 250 to earth) { ‘SWITCHING NO. OF 100, AMP AC omy 1 80 1018 8 oF. 2 80.1026, 8 3 0 103811 117 4 SO 104Ht4 “ar 1 se te1H7a % one 2 SC102Hi1A WwW wor 5 SCIOGHISA » 1 ‘SC 101H7B i wat 2 SC1O2H118 Ww i 3 SC1OGHTSB 197 ‘THREE WAY 1 ‘SC 101H7C 76 2 sScvoarinic ur oe 3 Paring i 1 scroinTo 7% Gas 2 sctoaiiio cd . 3 sc103Ht50 187 NOTE ; For other dimensions efr separate mension sheet. ‘Indicating plates square size 95 x95 mm for standard Switches & also for swches with Locks & Iterlocks, * Ad GB code for shes required wah Grey FP and Bick Knob. Almaiely add R fr Ylow FP ané Res Kind. refer codes are no specie, bn we sia book order wit SB, ROTARY SWITCHES STANDARD SWITCHING CoMBINATIONS 100-200-300 AMPS. 4-POSION 90° Suitable for Universal Mounting (Base end Panel) SINGLE / THREE PHASE - 440 VOLTS (Working Voltage 250 to earth) , 100 AMP. AC ‘SWITCHING a f TPE oFr.on soiore scan. sosorz 6 ca oa C1023, sc1023 sc3023 6 SC1034 802034, 863034 n sci085 502045 s03045 1% ‘TWO WAY T SC1013A SC20134 ‘SC3013A 68 NO OFF é od SC10254 SC20254 SO3025 13 A Sc10378 sc2037a 080374 188 1 __S¢1049A ‘SC20494 ____Se3049A 23 $C10138 $C20133 8030138 68 bi a5 SC10258 8020253 8030258 113 sci0s78 scars 3030578 158 oe Scr04s6 sca 5050498 208 score scaise sos0t3e 8 Pa scr02sc scanesc 5030250 13 scr0370 sca07e 5030370 155 t SC10400 ‘$¢20490 ‘sc304oc 203 FOUR WAY 7 soraiso scanis0 sos01s0 © NOOFF eae sc10260 sca0es 030250 413 ° sc10370 5020970 5090970 156 a. sc10490 sc2490 ‘030490 203 joan keine ay ‘DIM.Y TYPE 1 me) 1 C1012 C2012 3012 46 2 1023 1023 3023 8 3 1034 02034 3034 a i C1045 20s 3045 13 TWO WAY 1 C1013A C20138 G013A 8 NO OFF 2 c1024a c20248 30244 113 A 3 ‘CIO37A c20g7A C3037A 158 4 Gioasa 20498 Goan 203 TWO WAY 1 610138 20138 630138 68 (WITH OFF 2 610258 20248 630248 3 B 3 610378 203578 630378 188 4 C1048 C2098 0198 23 THREE WAY t 10136 c20130 C3013 68 With OFF 2 i025 cao caoxac 13 c 3 ciosre czoare cooare 188 4 cio e206 caowec 23 FOUR WAY 1 C1013 20130 630130 68 NoOFF eos | 2 10250 e204 caso 13 D 3 cioa70 c20a70 30370 488 4. 4 10430 c2049D ¢30490 203 NOTE: For ther dimensions rele separate dimension sheet { Indicating plates square size178 x 178 mm of Metal fr standaré switches & aso for switches wih Locks & Interlock, 400-500-600 AMPERS 4-Position 90 'STANDARO SWITCHING COMBINATIONS Suitable for Universal Mounting (Base and Panel) SINGLE / THREE PHASE - 440 VOLTS ROTARY SWITCHES (Working Voltage 250 to earth) ‘oman | [owas ac a OFF-ON co Sc40t3 05013 sc60%3 8 ei aa 804025 05025 06025 113 c40g7 scs037 C6057 198 L = scao49 03049 66049 203 ‘TWO WAY 7 SC4OI5A 050154 SC6OISA 118 NO OFF 204 Sca0zaa 05029A Sc6020A 203 A : SC40313A 0303134 ‘SCOOSTSA 292 Two WAY (3 sc4ot58 050158 Sc6015B 113 Wirt OFF rot 040298 ‘3650298 S¢60298 203 B '$¢403138, 30503138 $c603198 292 L ne 30404138 0504198 Sco0s138 282 THREE WAY @ So4oisc 030156 Sc6015C 13 WITH OFF dot sc4029c scs029¢ sc60296 203 e ; Sc40s190 ses0st30 80605190 ne "FOUR WAT mT sc40is0 030150 sc00i90 118 NO OFF ot sc4oesD 050290 c60290 209 D 2 sc40st30 scs0atgo $c603130 202 OFF-oW w 1 canta 58 cates 6025 113 3 ca0a7 6037 198 | 4 C4039 6048 i) ‘Two WAY ct ca0isa 60158 113 NO OFF a 0a 2 CaceaA 60298 203 a 3 CaCSIA 6603134 232 1 4 . oe ie TWO WAY 7 1 (40188 60158 113 Wirt OFF 5 so 2 40298 60298 203 8 3 ca0s1B 603138 292 = 4 404158 608138 mie THREE WAY oF ! ca015¢ 60150 13 wm OFF 201 2 caveee 60290 203 c ; a aostse 603130 232 FOUR WAY cm] 40150 60150 13 NO OFF 402 2 ca0e90 60290 203 D y 3 cacata0 6603120 202 4 = = = = NOTE: For ther dimensions reter separate dimension sheet. | Indicating plates square size178 x 178 mm of Meta for stardard switches & aso for switches with Locks & ntrocks, ROTARY SWITCHES 10-16-25 AMP. 4-POSION 90° f al ‘AL omesions Seo, “Toe al meuntog 100 | areas hie Te al m2 Sn ae | Pant me) a” | eae wo a | eae mw | 2 5 | Sralrane wn tage A Mectanm a | & smote wn ip Ocean | ac oc PANEL MOUNTING As Th Fy a foe L.Lee LS bre No sw-€. 03 omc Wo. SW 1808 BASE MOUNTING ac oc ae Buen Te Sohe0) (| Saxe iia 7 , K AME): «ve BI i wace a 0 t uy Lie ig tela ra cromine po pa DRG, NO. SW, 1642 ‘SMALL UNIVERSAL MOUNTING AC " t (as) i . oOo: Ce gees ' — ng ‘DRG No. SWC, 1646 0RG.NO.SW-¢. 1647 ‘SMALL FRAME WITH LARGE MACHANISM (LMX) ALL DIMENSONS IN UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED pone ene) DRG. NO, SWC, 1638, ORG.NO. SWC. 1759, CUBICLE DOOR INTERLOCK (LOCKABLE) ALL DIMENSSONS IN men UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED Sco, ‘pe ot mounting AG 0G 7 | Panel Smal Fame win roe Nesansm ie 2 Panel a S| pane ue 4 | anesmat Fame win Le wo ‘SMALL SWITCH WITH LARGE DC MECHANISM WITH CENTRE KEY LOCK ASSEMBLY WITH LEVER TYPE HANDLE (LG) ‘LM’ TYPE © Lox delle) «TT 9RG.NO SWC. 1758 ‘01 ORO.NO. S¥1-6. 127 LARGE MECHANISM (LM) FOR DC SWITCH UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED a BRG.NO SW -c 1690 sera, Seta ‘Woe of noun | ae! mW 8 2 | Pansat Fame wi Lrg Mean wo | fe e 3_| Panetta Such a | » a SMALL AC SWITCH WITH BALL TYPE HANDLE ‘iow “mma mim 7 wo cate 4 i i I | | wes RG.NO.SW-¢. 1620 SMALL SWITCH WITH LARGE DC MECHANISM WITH LEVER TYPE HANDLE (‘RM’ TYPE) Exar ‘ion oon ‘sonniwrce, SB a LARGE SWITCH WITH LEVER TYPE HANDLE (‘RM TYPE) dase os = musta tae ones 6 | Toeat ene 80/00 | susan esa —— ee 7 2 | be tarece | ae 3 3 | oe teks | 8 x i |e tao at 3 = | teeth me |e - i | Biaene |e i DRG.NO.SW-6.2415 DRG. NO. SW-c.2416 . LARGE UNIVERSAL MOUNTING UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED 6-POSITIONS 10-16-25 AMP. 8-POSITIONS se ae i pat ‘Lt + LI (BA OF PEL) sm ‘ore! neeing AC/0C | «rye sh thw Boch Ps 1) bow m= iB 2 2 | Peet & 2 3 | Seba | te |= & | @ a § | Svbornae ew Ay & | ee i 40-63 AMP 4 POSITION 90° CENTRE KEY LOCK ‘OLDBRG. NO. SWC 2404 CUBICLE DOOR INTERLOCK (NON - LOCKABLE) ALLDINENSIONS IN om UNIESS OTHERWISE STATED CUBICLE DOOR INTERLOCK (LOCKABLE) DRG. NO. gw ©. 2902 RE. No. SA. 2390 OLD DRG. NO. SW-C. Zant ‘OLD DRG. NO. SH=C. 2612 RG.NO.SW-c. 2118

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