Ode To A Nightingale

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Keats is praising the nightingale and describing how he is transported in
his imagination from listening to the nightingale.


The power of the imagination to transport us to other places

The power of our senses to create worlds
Questioning how we know/perceive reality
Questioning the ideas of mortality/immortality
Exploring ways of fuelling our imagination

Key words: Drowsy numbness, hemlock, opiate, light-winged Dryad,

vintage, Hippocrene, weariness, groans, dies, away, Poesy, embalmed
darkness, easeful Death, immortal Bird, forlorn, adieu, fancy.

Images and Symbols:

The song of the nightingale symbolises immortality
Beaded bubbles winking at the brim
Purple-stained mouth
Queen-Moon starry Fays shows hes in an elevated position
Embalmed darkness in a state of suspended animation, he is at
one with the nightingale.
Fancy deceiving elf mischievous qualities of the imagination

Alliteration numberless, Singest of summer in full-throated ease
(uses this technique so the audience can use senses to experience
the poem, he is appealing to our sense of hearing and recreating the
sound of the birds song.),
Forlorn! The very word is like a bell to toil me back from thee to my
sole self The repetition of the l sound slows the rhythm of the
line and mimics the sound of the bell. This line is important as it
signals him leaving the trance like state and re-joining the world.
Beaded bubbles winking at the brim alliteration - intensifying
the image, a playful image.
Youth grows pale, spectre- thin and dies image of decay and
death on earth

Queen Moonclustered by her starry Fays image describing

the sky and showing the start of his journey into the trees with the
bird. Takes our focus away from the earth and up to the heavens
with the bird.

High (on a buzz)
On cloud nine

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