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Student Name: _____Jalen Robinson 7/29/15___________________

Unit 1: Technological Inventions and Innovations

Lesson 1: Inventions and Innovations: An Evolutionary

File 1.1.1: Enduring Ideas of Technology

Complete each question using your background knowledge. There is no right or

wrong response. You will be asked to share your responses with the class.

1. Can people survive without technology?

________ Technology is neither good nor bad. We cant live without technology, but
we must pay attention to the way which we use it.

2. As technology advances, do people live longer or shorter lives?

__________ Yes, just like smaller dogs live longer, but if you eat McDonalds and
KFC all the time, you may live a little shorter.
3. As technology advances, does technology become more or less complex?

2012 International Technology and Engineering Educators Association

Foundations of
Technology, Third Edition/
Technology, Engineering, and Design

_____ Generally it becomes more complex. Take for example; the electrical systems
in a car.
4. As technology advances, do people become more or less specialized in the things
they do for a living?
_ Top Coder developers are becoming increasingly specialized. ... And it manages to
do this while maintaining a satisfied, well-paid community of coders, distributes
computer-based work to people living in poverty around the world.

5. As technology advances, do the tools and processes we use to make, build, and do things become more
efficient (become faster and require less material, energy and fewer people)? Enabling us to do many things
with fewer people.______________________________________________________________

6. As technology advances, do the things we make, become: more reliable?

Safer? More durable? Perform better? Recent technology are longer and
stronger thanks to new ideas and technologies. The advances are founded on
better steel and concrete, smarter rules and meant to make new structures
more efficient, more reliable, safer and longer lasting.

7. As technology advances, does it require more or fewer science and math

applications? __ With the application of science and technology, work will become
more interesting. (72 percent agreed and 23 percent disagreed)
2012 International Technology and Engineering Educators Association
Foundations of
Technology, Third Edition/
Technology, Engineering, and Design

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