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Lesson 1: Inventions and Innovations: An Evolutionary

File 1.1.2: Research and Development Funding Change
Analyze the following graph from the National Science Foundation depicting funding
for Research and Development for the United States from 1960 to 1998.

Think, Pair, Share

1. Think: Individually, take five minutes to interpret the graph. Consider the
following question: What conclusions can you draw upon based on the data
I conclude that the United States is lower than the United States constant
dollar, the Non Federal current dollars is greater than the Non Federal
constant dollars but the constant dollars start off at a greater amount, and
2012 International Technology and Engineering Educators Association
Foundations of
Technology, Third Edition/
Technology, Engineering, and Design

the Federal government current dollars start off in 1960 being lower than the
Federal government constant dollars, but then the constant dollars goes
down in about 1975 and the current dollars go up and for the most part stay
up, but the constant dollars in about 1987 and go back down again. I think
that the current dollars will obviously be more than the constant dollars but I
was surprised that the constant dollars kept on going up and down, but the
current dollars went in almost a straight line up. I think that the economy
played a big part in the data, because if your country is going through a
stock market crash or is in a lot of debt then obviously you wont have much
money left to spend or be able to spend. And the US overall revolves around
its economy and stock market.
2. Pair: With a student close to you, share your reflections with one another.
Consider the following questions: What surprised you? What factors do you
think contributed to the data? What didnt surprise you? What conclusions did
you both agree upon? My partner said that compared from the years the
value of dollars is going up, and the US has always had a higher currency
rate than the federal government.
3. Share: Be prepared to share your discussion with the class.

2012 International Technology and Engineering Educators Association

Foundations of
Technology, Third Edition/
Technology, Engineering, and Design

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