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Health Care System

Complex and constantly changing

A variety of services are available from
different disciplines
Gaining access is difficult for those with
limited health care insurance
Shorten length of stay (LOS) cause health
care cost to increase

Health Care Services

Primary Care
Preventive Care
Secondary Acute Care
Tertiary Care
Restorative Care
Continuing Care

Issues in Health care Delivery

Nursing Shortage
Evidence-based Practice
Quality and Safety in Health Care
Patient Satisfaction
Nursing Informatics and Technology
Globalization of Health Care

The Future of Health Care

Changes in how services is provided

Reduce unnecessary cost
Improve access to care
Provide high quality care

Community Based Nursing

Focus is on health promotion, disease
prevention and restorative care
Holistic practice of professional nursing
Focus is on improving the health of the
general public

Community Health Nursing

Public Health Nursing
Focus on the health needs of a population or
collection of individuals with similar needs

Community Health Nursing

Focus on the health care needs of individuals,
families and groups in a community

Community Based Nursing

Vulnerable population
Immigrant Population
Poverty and Homelessness
Patients who are abused
Patients who abuse substances
Patients with mental illness
Older adults

Competency in Community
Based Nursing
Nurses in community-based practice need a
variety of skills and talents to successfully
assist patients to meet their health care
The nurse assumes many different roles and
these skills help the patients remain in their
home near family and support system

Competency in Community Based


Case Manager
Change Agent
Patient Advocate


Community Assessment
Systematic collection on the population,
monitoring the health status of the
population, and making information about
the health of the community
The community has three component
Social System

Changing Patients Health

Become familiar with available resources in
the community
Identify the unique needs of individual
Promote and protect the patients health
within the community
Establish a strong, caring relationship with
patients and their family

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