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Installation Notes

IP Database Format
The IP database has changed between versions 3.5 and 3.4 and while version 3.5 will
read a 3.4 database version 3.4 will not read a 3.5 database. Any 3.4 database will be
converted to a 3.5 compatible format the first time the program saves data into a well
data file.
It is not necessary to un-install an older version of IP before loading version 3.5,
IP version 3.5 default installation paths are:

For Windows XP: C:\Program Files\IntPetro35

For Windows Vista: C:\Program Files (x86)\IntPetro35

It is recommended that you install Version 3.5 to this new folder if you would like to keep
your existing version 3.4 intact.
There are different versions of Windows Vista (Vista Business / Vista Ultimate, for
example). If you have issues with installing IP with these Operating Systems then try
switching off the UAC and installing IP. Seek a competent local Windows Vista IT expert
to help with this. Alternatively, use this website .
When installing version 3.5 please log on as the System Administrator. The install
program needs to register some DLLs and install the Microsoft .Net Framework
which may be prohibited by the operating system for certain user logons. The Install
process should warn you if you do not have Administrator Rights on your computer.
Microsoft .NET Framework V2.0
IP v3.5 requires the Microsoft .Net Framework V2.0, if it is not already installed on
your PC it will be installed for you.
Microsoft DirectX V9c
DirectX 9c with Managed Components is now required for the IP Map View display
and 3D Image Viewer modules. The install will prompt you to install DirectX
components if DirectX is not detected on your computer. If you choose to install DirectX
9c it will be installed on your PC during the Installation process. If you choose not to
install DirectX at this time you can manually run the DXSETUP.exe from the
C:\Program Files\IntPetro\DirectX9 folder and also run MDXredist.msi from the same

Security System
Licence upgrade

IP version 3.5 cannot be activated without a license upgrade.

If you have not already requested the license upgrade, please contact your SIS Account
Manager or local SIS Helpdesk and request that your IP license max version be
upgraded to version 3.5. Please include your name, email, and IP license keycode. The
IP license keycode is a 5 to 7 digit number and can be found by opening up your previous
version of IP and choosing Tools > Program Protection > View Protection Options where
Customer ID is the IP license keycode.
If you have made this upgrade request, have received email confirmation that your IP
license upgrade has been completed, and have a standalone IP license setup, then enter
the IP application, go to Tools > Program Protection > Update Protection Options to
update your license file.
If you have made this IP license upgrade request, have received confirmation that your IP
license upgrade has been completed, and you have a server type IP license setup, then
please consult the document Server Installation Notes IP security.doc which will be in
C:\Program Files\IntPetro35\Server Installation Files folder (XP) once IP has been
installed or contact your local SIS Helpdesk.
If you have any questions regarding this IP license upgrade, please contact the IP User
Manual or your local SIS Helpdesk. SIS Helpdesk locations can be found by logging into
the SIS Support Portal at, then choosing Contact your Local
Support Center on left menu. Registering on SIS Support Portal is a one-time event.
Licence Installation
Once your Interactive Petrophysics (IP) license has been created or updated, there are
some steps your IT Administrator needs to implement in order for your current IP license
to reflect the changes. To proceed, please identify your Interactive Petrophysics license
setup scenario from the list below.
Internet access is necessary for all license procedures below. If you do not have internet
access please contact SIS Customer Support Center for assistance on manual activation
of your IP license. Their contact information can be found at

Interactive Petrophysics (IP) License Setup and Scenarios Instruction List

A. If you currently have no activated license with IP and are installing & activating for the
first time for a standalone license setup, then this list A can be followed.
B. If you currently have no activated license with IP and are installing & activating for the
first time for a server license setup, then this list B can be followed.
C. If you currently have an activated standalone license with IP v3.4, will continue to stay
with this version of IP, and this license represents a renewal of expiration date or simply
adding more modules, then this list C can be followed. If you also intend to upgrade from
v3.4 to v3.5, please see List E.
D. If you currently have an activated server license setup with IP v3.4, will continue to
stay with this version of IP, and this license represents a renewal of expiration date or
simply adding more modules, then this list D can be followed. If you also intend to
upgrade from v3.4 to v3.5, please see List F.
E. If you currently have an activated standalone license with IP v3.4 and are ready to
upgrade to v3.5, you received a renewal of expiration date, or both then this list E can
be followed.
F. If you currently have an activated server license with IP v3.4 and are ready to upgrade
to v3.5, you received a renewal of expiration date, or both then this list F can be

If you currently have no activated license with IP and are installing & activating for the first
time for a standalone license setup, then this list A can be followed.
1. Install IP. Choose Install Security > Automatic Install via Internet.
2. Enter Keycode # and click OK. IP should now be activated and user will be prompted
to set an IP database (default is ok) and set default units.
3. The activated license file IPSec.dat file will be generated and should not be deleted or
moved from original location. User can proceed as normal.
If you currently have no activated license with IP and are installing & activating for the first
time for a server license setup, then this list B can be followed.
1. See Server Installation Notes IP security.doc in C:\Program Files\IntPetro35\Server
Installation Files folder (XP) for steps on how to proceed for this scenario.
If you are working on a standalone license setup with IP v3.4, will continue to stay with
this version of IP, and this license represents an expiration date renewal, please follow the
instructions below:
1. Open IP v3.4. Go to Tools > Program Protection IP > Update Protection Options.
Choose Update automatically from Internet Website.
2. User should be able to view your license information under Tools > Program Protection
IP > View Protection Options. User can proceed as normal.
If you are working on a server license setup with IP v3.4, will continue to stay with this
version of IP, and this license represents an expiration date renewal, please follow the
instructions below:
1. Have all users exit out of IP & check in "offsite" licenses so that no IP licenses are in
use until this installation process is complete.
2. Stop IP license service by going to Start > Programs > Admin Tools > Services >
IPLicService. Open service and choose stop.
3. Have IT personnel open IP v3.4 on PC server, go to Tools > Program Protection IP >
Update Protection Options > Update automatically via Internet website. Enter Customer
ID keycode #.
6. IT personnel can now view updated license information under Tools > Program
Protection IP > View Protection Options.
7. Once IT personnel has confirmed IP v3.4 license is activated, close out of IP v3.4 on
9. Open IP license service IPLicService. Startup type should stay at "automatic". Have
IT personnel start the IPLicService on server so that service status is "started".
10. Have users re-open IP application and proceed as normal. The IP application should
already be pointing to the updated IPsec.dat file on the IP server PC.

Note: IP v3.4 and v3.5 databases are not backwards compatible. Databases from v3.4
can be opened in v3.5, but databases from v3.5 cannot be opened in v3.4.
It is best practice to keep v3.4 and v3.5 databases separate until you are ready to
upgrade a v3.4 database to v3.5.
If you are working on a standalone license setup, you already have IP v3.4 installed, &
when you are ready to activate v3.5, please follow the instructions below:
1. Open IP v3.4. Go to Tools > Program Protection IP > Uninstall or Transfer Protection >
Uninstall to Internet Website. Enter Customer ID #.
2. Install IP v3.5. Please note there will be a separate installation directory that is default
C:\Program Files\IntPetro34.
3. Open IP v3.5. At the 'Security system not set up' window click on 'Install Security'.
Toggle on 'Automatic Installation via Internet'. (If you do you have internet access on
your machine, please choose 'Manual Installation', send IPsec.dat file located in your
installation directory to SIS support for activation before you proceed.)
4. Once IP v3.5 is activated, user will be asked to set default units & create a default
project. Also, user should be able to view your license information under Tools > Program
Protection IP > View Protection Options. Your IPsec.dat file should now be located in
your IP v3.5 installation directory or in C:\Documents and Settings\PC username\Local
Settings\Application Data\IntPetro35. User can proceed as normal.
Note: IP v3.4 and v3.5 databases are not backwards compatible. Databases from v3.4
can be opened in v3.5, but databases from v3.5 cannot be opened in v3.4.
It is best practice to keep v3.4 and v3.5 databases separate until you are ready to
upgrade a v3.4 database to v3.5.
If you are working on a server license setup, you already have IP v3.4 installed, & when
you are ready to activate v3.5, please follow the instructions below:
1. Have all users exit out of IP & check in "offsite" licenses so that no IP licenses are in
use until this installation process is complete.
2. Have IT personnel stop the IPLicService on server.
3. Have IT personnel open IP v3.4, go to Tools > Program Protection IP > Uninstall or
Transfer Protection > Uninstall to Internet Website. Enter Customer ID #.
4. Have IT personnel install IP v3.5 on server. Please note there will be a separate
installation directory that is default C:\Program Files\IntPetro35.
5. Have IT personnel open IP v3.5. At the 'Security system not set up' window click on
'Install Security'. Toggle on 'Automatic Installation via Internet'. (If you do you have
internet access on your server, please choose 'Manual Installation', send IPsec.dat file
located in your installation directory to SIS support for activation before you proceed.)
6. Once IP v3.5 is activated, IT personnel will be asked to set default units & create a
default project. Also, user should be able to view your license information under Tools >
Program Protection IP > View Protection Options. Your IPsec.dat file should now be
located in your IP v3.4 installation directory or in C:\Documents and Settings\PC
username\Local Settings\Application Data\IntPetro35.
7. Once IT personnel have confirmed IP v3.5 license is activated, close out of IP v3.5 on

8. Have IT personnel edit the IPLicenceSvr.ini file located in C:\Windows directory to

reflect the directory path of installation directory of IP v3.5 (default is C:\Program
9. In IPLicService, startup type should stay at "automatic". Have IT personnel start the
IPLicService on server so that service status is "started".
10. Have users install IP v3.5. At the 'Security system not set up' window click on 'Install
Security'. Choose 'Connect to a Working Network Protection System'. Choose either
Host Name or IP Address & enter in server information. IP v3.5 should now be activated
on user's machine & user will be asked to set default units & create a default project.
User can proceed as normal.
This updated license is still compatible with previous version of IP. However, you will
need a license for each session of IP that is open. If user chooses to access IP v3.4 and
server information did not change, the license path under Tools > Program Protection IP >
Connect to a Working Network Protection System will not change and it will be reading
the updated license file.
Remember, databases are not backwards compatible. Databases from v3.4 can be
opened in v3.5, but databases from v3.5 cannot be opened in v3.4.
It is best practice to keep v3.4 and v3.5 databases separate until you are ready to
upgrade a v3.4 database to v3.5.
Please refer to the Server Installation Notes IP Security.doc in the Server Installation Files
folder in the install IntPetro35 folder for more information regarding licence set-up.
Copy Control Licences
IP version 3.5 will not work with the Copy Control (CC) security system (Customer
IDs start with letters BU). If you are currently using this system you will need to contact
your local Schlumberger account representative to obtain a new license for the IP
Proprietary (IP) system.

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