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Georgia Institute of Technology ME 3180: Machine Design Fall 2014, Section A Homework Assignment #5 Assigned: October 1, 2014 Due: In class on October 8, 2014 Problem 1 Problem 6-61 in Shigley’s 9" or 10" edition. Problem 2 Problem 7-1 in Shigley’s 9" or 10" edition. Problem 3 Problem 7-2 in Shigley’s 9 or 10” edition. Problem 4 Determine the size of the contact patch, the maximum contact stresses, and the maximum shear stress for a 40 mm diameter stee! cylinder, 25 om long, rolled against a parallel 50 mm diameter steel cylinder with a 10 kN force pressing the cylinders together (the force is applied radially). Plot the stresses as a function of distance from the interface. ~~ =Gl ieee 2350 MPa fo Sic *) cycles Se = £260 MPR for Slot) cycles Ce = F225 MPa for 7 wyeles to Failure Sut = 530 MPa Ses 210 MPa £= 04 B®) Br Miner's Method) a: Conxssoyt = 1083.5 MPa oO he -4 leg (os = OMS N= S000 eco Ni (BRYON 13.51 ageles Nz= 50,000 weles - Nae Ges) oul _ (65:1 (103) aycles epee Nos (Sis) A = 5502.4 ee ” viz: 3 ae ma a Aes ite he (107) ences b) Using Manson's Rule, ak o> £350 MPa fe (103) odes, a= 1083.5 MPa see pat a) loz —ONSS aboonu e Neu 2 13-5 (103) eles This leawes {SOO cycles te failure at a= £260 MR fe (104) cycles, ect, log “tes (422 £03 eaesso i c (sony ote ~ 1295 atic OV dhe rs, aeles This leaves 66,400 -50,000 = 16,460 cgcles to failure at oz +205 MPa, we log (HE = wis b3(SB) oo 2109 los Goaes) q"= ee 2I34 MPa (le, 400y &2164 tl = [225 \ oat BYASD eyeles Neail ( 2134 ) 4s | 1 i Mas FO Nw Su= FOOD MPR Myst ST Nem Sy= Slo MP. Tae 4S Nem Se= 210 MPa Tm? 35 Ni Ke= 2.2 Kese LB Yaz 2.0 Q) DE- Gerber y A=[4(@araosfs 3 (Cars| > s3n4 um Be [i assy + 3( aayass¥ |= muss Nm p. /B(z.0(335.4) yeu 5)(218) Gar) 4 d= ( (218,(10°) i+[t4( (33.4) (700) C0 | A= 0.02585 m = 25:85 b) DE- Asme elliphc 3 { 10(2.0 (22)(70)\* BV 45) \> Pf MOY egy «3 (SB) 21o(ic) 210 (16%) (22Y(55) Ctia\(as\% 2 +4( Solio) + 3 green] Ga 00252 mele a ie Q DE- Sod erbers ge a i ae Gooey ne ( ten usy(* i! a ltlorey sean T a= 62217 = DP Foie AY DE- Goodwwen Be (EEO (a [#(eartorte 3 o-ayesyy]* ’ sareslt(eresy+3(enosy }H) A= 0.00923 m= 27, 2tuw, Ge Ng=2O, DE Gerber Sean, DES SE 25:97 mm DE-Sederbers 2270 mn DE- Goodman a2 mw This 13 cousistent with. fre expedted values as Sederber, (most conservative ) see rea diameter, modiGed Goodman ecenurends aCsthy bmn diameter, and Gerber ancl ASME-eUlictic recmmmend the sérallest diamefers, 3) Problem F-2 Shigtes's Th dither > Spe 7340. Steed Sue = 12S Epsi SyF IO kpsi 1,2 370 Moz 2 200 iwi Ma ® GOS init Ming = 7 O00 iw Maz O in lb& Torin Tmax? 400 iv —o T= © ill B Tin= Poo in Me gz 25 TnGnite lifetime Use appronmade, relative sizes Ie d= 075D NP at Mo rh ( a Unlerms to Starclard mobic olling~ beariag eve sides Uses DE= Goocbnam (eqns. #- 7 and i216 Bebe (alee wa} Seah] “kent let ait (nf (eee ers MaRS) > a> Using foe given ratios of S ad isl ae 008 and furs Tntecpolition of the values gi i - “98 git jn AUT 14 ancl AA gives Ker L9? and Kes = bdS A-1SIS- Metric aller bearing dimensions avatlabte af vadlade bal sides “of 15, lj t,18, 2S, 90, 3% anal COrmm Csmaller and larger sizes are clso availabe), Asjume a shalt diameter ond use feat Po calewhte the safety factor. Calculate VE using ef G-35* and 6-356 at Calealate i re Caludate Ke = g (ter (benelins) Keen galteret Caen) Caleulete Se Se the Shalt Agsume room temparchere oparchinn > a=! dz bSue= Eras Epsi) = B25 kp yc gol) = OG (omchined) - oar4dey kez | (bending, ven Mises) kaz | (See above) > box 0.ir7 (assumed 10% rebiabilit) kee | (assumed far mise, effets) 5,2 (oat )(onrdey (CYST 1) (gasses) Calealate n using DE - Gooden avd check To see + th greater tan 15 tan also check the coleulation a Ge nz Bs and adjust de as needed ' Sy Colealate Oa anol compute Ay oa. De- Gerber, DE-ASME Elliptic, and DE-Soder bers auld also be useal. Fedoadglnes Geo terry and 30mm batts are shown om thre following Peses- frsuery will vary baseal ufo The assumptions nasle espe wa Me clewlation of Se- Some teration omy be. poguited. [fomework 5 Probioms | ferme “Mn inch t! “Olinchi— im ao0lnch oe | 7 po is . a ai vo T | zy [asome am feet 1.03 inches ae] E [snes | ae 0682 inches ae - [ae 08 ergo |oe sesuned 90% clabity | a) a : assumed for mie effects hi 115; C [ z - Se Waligs Soccer| ie 7 rterpoation ATE TA ie 1.45 intespoation,A115-15 | OE-Goodman — i —aAaaybending 00263 an. 6.358 i “de 0853Iin. as |-—“shavatasin 0.0241 eon. 6356 4 stains Tego I [| “gst = ~a80 fran a t 092 z Sa aeseesch a —| E are we rmacetf ti 3758273 ps feeeeee asl eceseec [etaes cr E [econ Parr [eeceel|eeceneas leis — Ik ——| ~ neal — eae fea — | 9753 -| | caer inches i 0.980 nches @ 241m a 0.856 inches cornea [a | oasainches a 25.08 mm T a = — | a Te ie eae = | sa 7 a = t | t6oleps [ ee ERR a esata inch toch. chi eh be ‘machined neh [bedi von Mies eective tess i[geeabove,room temp) 187 interpolation, A15-14 {LS Interpoton,A 1-15 Descedman 70/2) bending| 00253 cn. 6355 if i oxcoin 3*(1/2} torsion] 0.0211egn. 6356 eee (0883 Inches | = @ 22mm [| 1 lansing | a z torsion 092] PocrerMer z 179 a vals move SU 197620 =] al = - i ae —oa30 inches | t 1 - 4) 057inches za ~ t 4 a ee a = FE mo = a | t 4 { a DE Soderberg I { ae i { 1 a 0.365 indies i a fe ’ 0.96 inches Eel Saale T je satin interpolation, AS 34 fess fe 145 itrplabon, 15-15 DeGoodean pees seats { ‘71/2 Benig| 0253 er. 6358 cette 2(/2)tanion 00211 ean. 6356 a eng] 093) a r [atoson | asa — ‘max ofS 11222008 ad — - Se = ix 2503 es 8 “3738 | 1 ee 038 ices mom 967 inves 0a36) inches inches oe | 2asain T 7 aoa ba is 168 inches C z (6 | 00S inches 6 25.48 =a camel =e an a TTT TTT TIE TTT TTT ste ert steticeai on soll each 2a rat al Proletem 4 Homm Bb steel cylinder Spmm J Steel cybinder Az 25m F= Jokw : plecla 1 why )* 2 ag ie (x g Ce F=I0 bs d= 2504 VYzUw%= 0.292 (carbon steel, A-5) E,= ©, = 207.0GPa (caren steel, AS) die doe dz 2 SDiam 7 (ee 2 (oCo*)) \ (5 208 oan) ( ams) Sac (25(00*)) ) (coast) * a %, Le 70.22 (10 f= 15m ee rae ee ea) serene cm TIS ot (4072(5*)=)( 25-5") m) Pray = BOO. MPa Marimum values ace foun et 220, Ope ~2V Pray = -2L4T Mie Gy =~ Prax = 7360.1 Mi. SL = —Pmay = —360-! Me See Sollowi. ol ; rr loving pages Sor graphs 2) /8(2))1/ (A/a) )#(4/8(2))) 99 pmax= (2*F) /(pi*D"1) 2_over_b=0:0.01:3.5; 9 signa_x=-2.*v(1) *pmax.* (sqrt (1+(2_over_b.*2))-abs(z_over_b)) 10 sigma_yo~pmax.*((142.* (z_over_b.*2)) ./aqet (1+2_over_b.*2)=2.*abs(2_over.b)); 11 signa 2—-pnax.* (1./sqrt (J+z_over_b.2))7 12 signa_3esigna 2; 13 signa_i-nax(signa_x,sigma_y); 14 tau_max=(signa_1-aigna_3)/2; 158 figure (2) 16 plot (z_over_b, signa_z, 'b-',z_over_b, signa x," tau_max,"¥—", “Linewidth", 3) 27 grid on 18 xlabel('z/b (non-dimensional) '); 19 ylabel (*Strese (Pa) ') 20 Legend("\signa_z', "\signa x, '\signe_y',‘\tau_ma x", ‘location’, ‘best ") 21 figure (2) 22 Plot (2_over_b, abs (signa_z./pnax) , "b~',_over_by abs (siga_x./pnax), "k-.*,z_over_b,abew (signa_y./pmax), "g:',z_over_byabs (tau_max./pmax), 'x--", ‘linewidth, 9) 23 legend (\signa_2/p max, "\sigma_x/pm_a_x',"\sigma_y/p_ma_x',‘\tau stbest') 24 xlabel ('2/b (non-dimensional) *); 25 ylabel ('Stress/p_ma_x (nondimenaional) *) 25 grid on 27 (aa, aaal~nax (tau_max) 28 cau max (aaa) 29 z_over_b(asa)*d 30 +')z_over_b,sigma_y,'g:",2 over_b,w a x/p_ma_x', "location ~

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