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The Preamble

The Bill of Rights

Amendments 11-27

Beginning with We the People

The Framers of the Constitution knew

that there would have to be changes
made to the document in due time.

Additional changes to the

Constitution and to citizens rights.

The Preamble is a one-paragraph

introduction to the Constitution and
states the goals of the document.

The Articles
These seven sections are the
original legislation that defined
the new government as it was
drafted by the founding fathers in
1787 at the Constitutional
Article I The Legislative Branch
Article II The Executive Branch
Article III The Judicial Branch
Article IV The States
Article V Making Amendments

The changes that the unforeseen

future of the United States would bring
meant inevitable changes to the
Constitution in order to provide for the
long-term well-being of the nation as a
whole. These first ten amendments
to the US Constitution are also
known as the Bill of Rights.

XI Lawsuits against a state

XII Election of president & vice president
XIII Abolition of slavery
XIV Due process, equal protection,
privileges of citizens
XV Rights not denied because of race
XVI Income tax
XVII Election of senators

I Freedom of religion, speech, press,

assembly, petition
II Right to bear arms
III Quartering of troops
IV Search and seizure
V Due process, double jeopardy, selfincrimination
VI Jury trial, right to counsel
VII Common law suits
VIII Excess bail or fines, cruel and
unusual punishment

Article VI Supreme Law of the Land

IX Rights not named

Article VII Ratification

X Powers reserved to states

XVIII Prohibition
XIX Women's right to vote
XX Presidential term and succession
XXI Repeal of prohibition
XXII President limited to 2 terms
XXIII Right to vote for president and
VP for persons in D.C.
XXIV No poll tax
XXV Presidential succession
XXVI Right to vote at age 18
XXVII Compensation for members of

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