Strategic Event Plan v2

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13, 2013

Strategic Event

Table of Contents


























The event
This strategic event plan will serve as a guideline for the planning, execution and
evaluation of Kinder Morgans 2013 Annual General Meeting. This event belongs to the
category of Meetings, Conferences, Incentives and Exhibitions (MICE). Our goal is to
design an effective and professional meeting, taking into account the type of company,
type of event, the performance of Kinder Morgan over the past fiscal year, and the
marketing opportunities this meeting could bring. The engagement of the stakeholders
into participation is essential for the success of the event.
Whats the purpose of the event?

To analyse the financial status of the company.

To elect the board of directors.

To reflect on the past years goals and objectives, and determine if the company
met them.

To keep stakeholders informed with regards to the performance of the company in

the past year.

To set new strategic and operational goals and objectives.

Why do we need to make this event?

Its mandatory to have this meeting every year.

How many guests are we going to have?

We will have approximately 240 guests.

How are we going to select the guests?

We will send a digital package (email) to every shareholder with the invitation to
attend the event, the proxy to vote online (link), a letter to the shareholders from the
CEO, and the financial documents that show the companys performance in the last fiscal
year. All the shareholders that want to assist will be advised to notify us three months in

advance to plan accordingly. The estimated number of attendees is 240 but we are
planning to have materials and food ready for 249 guests.

The company
Kinder Morgan is the largest midstream and the third largest energy company in
North America with a combined enterprise value of approximately $100 billion. It owns
an interest in or operates approximately 75,000 miles of pipelines and 180 terminals. Its
pipelines transport natural gas, gasoline, crude oil, CO2 and other products, and its
terminals store petroleum products and chemicals and handle such products as ethanol,
coal, petroleum coke and steel. Kinder Morgan, Inc.(Kinder Morgan, 2013).

Situational analysis
Annual general meetings take place every year, which makes it easier for the
company to inform and update the stakeholders, who have been expecting this meeting
and preparing for it. We are anticipating a majority of the invitees to attend since Kinder
Morgans annual meetings are known for being a well-executed event, and a pleasing
experience for the stakeholders.
Since this will be the first time the event is been hosted in Calgary (Kinder
Morgan, 2000 and 2012), many of the shareholders will be expecting the event to be held
in the traditional location used by Kinder Morgan (in Houston). Therefore, it is likely that
many of the guests who regularly attend these shareholder meetings, will not be present
this year.
There is an opportunity to holistically analyse the companys performance in the
last year and plan for improvement. The meeting will give the company and its
shareholders an idea of how the company did financially in the previous year: what
worked, what didnt, and what needs to be improved. AGMs offer branding opportunities
to the company. Shareholders expect Kinder Morgan to go above and beyond when

engaging in corporate social responsibility. This meeting offers the opportunity for us to
communicate the company message in a relevant, credible way; highlighting their
outstanding investment in community projects.
If the company had a tough financial year, it could lose many of its shareholders,
which could affect the attendance rate of the event.


Secondary research to collect data about event attendance, guest list, previous
venues used etc.

Secondary research to collect data about number of shareholders and their

locations, amount of shares they own and stock market value.

Secondary research to find out what it is usually discussed in Kinder Morgan

general meetings. (Agenda)

Our research shows that Kinder Morgan had a 37 percent attendance of shareholders
to the 2012 annual general meeting. We want to increase that number, taking into account
that many shareholders dont live in Canada or the United States.
Previous annual meetings have been held at the Doubletree Hotel in Houston, Texas.
(Kinder Morgan, 2000 and 2012). There has not been an actual guest list for previous
annual meetings; all shareholders have been invited and the event has been in a firstcome first-serve basis.

Target audience


Kinder Morgan management

Financial auditors

Financial Analysts


The Financial Post

Canadian Business

The National Post

The Calgary Herald.

Key internal stakeholders

Kinder Morgan's Management:
Chief Executive Officer: Richard D. Kinder
President: C. Park Shaper
Chief Operations Officer: Steven J. Kean
Chief Financial Officer: Kimberly Allen Dang
VP Corporate Communications: Larry S. Pierce
VP Internal Audit: Patrick Bourgoyne

Goals and Objectives


Promote open and honest flow of information between the company and its


To increase the shareholders awareness about the annual general meeting by 35

percent three months before the meeting is to take place.

To generate increasingly positive acceptance among the shareholders about the

meeting by 25 percent two months before the meeting.

To increase the number of shareholders attending the 2013 Kinder Morgans

AGM by ten percent compared to last year.

May 14, 2013 at 11 a.m.
This date has been chosen because the end of the financial year for this company
coincides with the calendar year. (Kinder Morgan, 2013, Investor FAQs). Auditors and
financial analysts will have sufficient time to collect and analyse the data, draw results,
and prepare for the meeting.
This is usually the time of the year when Kinder Morgan holds its shareholder
meetings. (Kinder Morgan, 2013, Calendar). All the stakeholders will be expecting the
event to take place around this date.

Venue (One day)










Fresh fruit baskets








10 hours/10 dollars per



Technological equipment
Staff hours
On-site staff
Kinder Morgan staff


249 binders, 15 pages in each






Table cloths



Coffee mugs




Other resources

$3.00 each


$5.00 each


Key chains

$5.00 each






Bonnie Townsend, Director of Sales, email communication, March 9, 2013.

We will have nine employees from Kinder Morgan who volunteered to help with the
set up and organization of this event. Our staff will be working closely and collaborating
with the site staff to make sure everything goes as planned.

One employee will set up the presentation that the CEO, CFO, and VP Internal
Auditor will be using during their respective speeches.

Three employees will be overviewing the design of the venue and supervising the
work of the venue staff. They will make sure everything is placed where it should
be, and that that every table has all the documents, notebooks, water, etc.

One employee will be receiving all the guests at the door.

Two employees will be directing the guests inside and guiding them to their seats.
They will also give the shareholders their thank you gift at the end of the meeting.

Two employees will be in charge of the food, working closely with the venue
staff and the cook. They will make sure there is enough food for all the guests and
that everyone eats without having to wait, once the meeting is over.

On-site employees
The facility has a total of 11 staff to help us out carry the event (included in the venue

Two employees will be taking care of the registration, and assignment of

name cards.

Two employees will be taking care of the technological aspect of the meeting:
making sure the microphones, speakers, projector and computer are working
properly and ready to be used.

Five employees will take care of the set-up and tear-down.

Two employee will supervising the maintenance of the venue: making sure
everything is organized, dirty plates are put away, washrooms are clean, etc.

Collateral resources



Table cloths

Pens with the company logo

Coffee mugs with company logo

Give-away gifts for shareholders: All the guests that attend will receive a small
gift (a key chain with the company logo).

Collateral resources provided by the venue



Tables and chairs


Venue selection
For this event, the venue selected is the Metropolitan Conference Centre.
Characteristics of the venue (The Metropolitan Conference Centre, n.d, room

Capacity of 600 people

Available year-round

Eight rooms for meetings

Newest technology available, Wi-Fi and onsite tech support.

Catering team

24 hour security

The venue has two washrooms (one for ladies, one for men) with six stalls each.
(Howard Silver, General Manager, email communication, March 10, 2013).
Parking and transit
The Metropolitan Conference Centre has parking available for up to 1,000 people.
The venue is in the downtown core and is easily accessible by public transit. Calgary
International Airport is 20 minutes away by car and the train station is only four blocks
away from the venue. The location of this venue is at 333 - 4th Street downtown, which is
ten minutes away from Kinder Morgan headquarters. (The Metropolitan Conference
Centre, n.d, map).

Floor plan
We will be using the Metropolitan Ballroom to hold the meeting. The room is big
enough to host 240 people and it can be accessed directly from the lobby. (The
Metropolitan Conference Centre, n.d, floor plan and room capabilities). The kitchen is far
enough so that the preparation process will not disrupt the meeting.
Water, cookies, and a coffee will be placed in the tables closer to the door for the
guests to get before the meeting starts. The rest of the food (fresh fruit bowls) will be
placed on the adjacent tables for guests to eat after the meeting has concluded.
There will be a stage with a podium for the four guest speakers at the front of the
room. There will two rows of tables for four arranged in a semi-circle, facing the podium.
The following rows will be tables of six, arranged in the same manner.
The set-up will begin at 6 a.m. to have everything in place for the meeting. The
teardown will start when the meeting has concluded and the guests have left.



The room will have a simple but professional design that will be consistent with the
companys corporate identity.

The theme colours will be red and white.

All the tables will have red tablecloths.

There will be a red banner in the lobby at the entrance of the room, where the
meeting is to be held. The banner will read Welcome to the 2013 Annual
General Meeting with the name of the company below that.

There will be two screens on both sides of the speakers panel.

There will be two large screens in the middle of the room for the guests at the


A small notebook and red pens with the company logo will be placed at all the
tables, along with all the documents the guests will be reviewing during the

The documents provided will be presented in a white cover binder with the logo
of the company.

The speakers will have a bottle of water and a coffee mug with the company logo
on their podium. The rest of the attendees will have plastic cups.

Technological Requirements


Four Microphones

Four screens




The venue selected has all the technological equipment required, as well as on-site
technical support. (ibid).

Key speakers
The key speakers will be the companys CEO, Richard D. Kinder; the CFO,
Kimberly Allen Dang; the VP of Internal Audit, Patrick Bourgoyne; and the president, C.
Park Shaper, who will be the MC.
The president, will open the meeting, give an overview of the proceedings, read
the event agenda, and introduce the corporate representatives and the guest speakers.
Shaper will salute the guests, thank them for coming and inform them about the food
available and the proceedings of the morning. After all the corporate representatives have
been introduced, the company CEO will talk about current events and discuss the overall
status and progress of the company. After that, Dang, the company CFO, will announce
the new board members to be elected and walk the guests through the voting process.
They will then decide who the new board members are to be. After that the VP of Internal


Audit will explain the documentation and lead the reading of the financial information.
Bourgoyne will also introduce the financial auditors and open the floor for questions.

Event Agenda
1. Registration, and placement.
2. Brief welcome speech, general information about proceedings and the venue.
3. Introduction of key company representatives.
4. Current events discussion
5. Vote for new members of board of directors.
6. Analysis of financial documents of previous fiscal year.
7. Question period (for auditors, CFO or other representatives).
8. Suggestion and discussion of strategic as well as operational goals and objectives
for upcoming year.
9. Conclusion
10. Time to network.

Measurement and evaluation

To evaluate our success we will perform secondary research to find out the awareness
rate of last years annual meeting. We will also be performing primary research in the
form of one-on-one interviews by calling guests and asking them what they thought of
the event, and if it was informative. This research will help us determine if we met our
goals: to improve the companys relationship with the shareholders and communicate
their corporate responsibility.
The complete post-research will include the following:

Follow-up questionnaires

Satisfaction surveys

Follow-up calls

Data collection and comparison of numbers collected from previous meetings.


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